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3BB is Pathetic


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I wonder if anyone has a better 3BB story than me.


So I live in a small town north of Chiang Mai. I originally purchased Wi Fi from TOT. After 4 months of consistently wrong monthly billing amounts (some payments posted to the previous renter) I said fluck it I'm done with those idiots only to sign a contract with 3BB to find out they are even dumber than the idiots at TOT.


First, I was forced to prepay 6 months in advance. OK, fine, so I paid them the 6 months in advance. I had asked them if since I travel a lot could I disconnect the wifi when I left town and receive credit. Answer: yes you can do it 3 times for one month ea time during the year.


So, I left Thailand during the smoky season and went to VN. On the way home from the airport because I felt I would not make it home before 3BB closed where I lived I stopped in Chiang Mai at Kad Suan Keaw where they have a 3BB office and explained to them what I did and asked if they could turn on my wifi.  They looked up my acct and informed me it was currently working and never disconnected.  Ok, fine. 


So today I go to 3BB where I live (north of Chiang Mai) and ask them <deleted> happened.  The same girl who took my original order and was the same girl who I went to cancel the service for one month had no idea what happened.  
She contacted someone at some main office and the guy gets on the phone with me and I have to explain what happened etc and simply ask how do I get my credit and <deleted> happened?  (I had asked for a receipt that I asked them to cancel the service for one month and they refused to give me anything).  So the guy says he will turn on  my wifi. I said it is fine. It IS working. Why was it not shut off?  Was my acct credited for the one month?  So he asks me where did I sign up?


I told him here where I am at now in .... The idiot girl starts shaking her head and says she has no record of me signing up with them.  In the mean time my wifi is working fine.


So in conclusion the guy from the head office says he will call me Monday.  In the mean time I have all my copies of the sign up agreement plus my receipt for payment from the location the girl said I was never in.  



Edited by Rimmer
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4 minutes ago, Wandr said:

I have never tried to do what the OP tried - I did not think it worth doing.

But I should say that I have found 3BB to provide good service with responsive staff. I took the trouble to be friendly and polite with the staff in my local store and they returned it.

Breakdowns have been rare in 4 years but when there has been an issue 3BB has tried to fix it.

They even took my router back and returned the cost after a few weeks.



4 minutes ago, Wandr said:

I have never tried to do what the OP tried - I did not think it worth doing.

But I should say that I have found 3BB to provide good service with responsive staff. I took the trouble to be friendly and polite with the staff in my local store and they returned it.

Breakdowns have been rare in 4 years but when there has been an issue 3BB has tried to fix it.

They even took my router back and returned the cost after a few weeks.


The internet so far works great. That ain't the issue.  And you are correct. It wasn't worth posting since the posters apparently don't read the post before responding. lol

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1 hour ago, rumak said:

mr dufus:  you are 100 % correct.   The readers of your post are all having the same problem as 3bbb

did .   we just ain't smart enough to know what you are talking about.   But probably some of us are smart enough to see you get worked up pretty easily.   Idiots ?   hmmmmmm    I am sure you will now tell us how

you were calm and treated the staff with the utmost respect

He seems to be missing the point that it's a communication problem.


Don't expect Thai people to understand every word we said. From my experience, they don't. I'll be lucky if they even understand 10%.


When Thai people don't understand, they just keep quiet. They won't say 'I don't understand, can you speak in simple English or speak slowly ...blah..blah...'.


I once saw an American scolding the staff at Bangkok Bank (Kad Suan Kaew) because the staff didn't understand what he was saying. The staff just kept quiet.


Edited by EricTh
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9 hours ago, dufusdonald said:

 It wasn't worth posting since the posters apparently don't read the post before responding. lol

I will take this under advisement when you next post requesting help on this Forum.

Dufus indeed

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8 hours ago, EricTh said:

He seems to be missing the point that it's a communication problem.


Don't expect Thai people to understand every word we said. From my experience, they don't. I'll be lucky if they even understand 10%.


When Thai people don't understand, they just keep quiet. They won't say 'I don't understand, can you speak in simple English or speak slowly ...blah..blah...'.


I once saw an American scolding the staff at Bangkok Bank (Kad Suan Kaew) because the staff didn't understand what he was saying. The staff just kept quiet.


Khun Eric mai kowjai.  Rumak kowjai took sing tee kow post.  Pom kit wah khun pen khon tee pom tong poot cha cha .  khun kit wah khun ru mot !   i could write that all in thai for you....but would that help you understand ?

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3 minutes ago, rumak said:

I once saw an American scolding the staff at Bangkok Bank (Kad Suan Kaew) because the staff didn't understand what he was saying. The staff just kept quiet

THAT was my point....same as someone else just said.    The attitude is what I was referring to, which has a LOT to do with what results one gets.  

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23 minutes ago, colinneil said:

OP we used to have AIS, ok but not good, we changed to 3BB, could not be happier.

In 2 years 1 problem, got my wife call them 1 hour later 2 engineers at the gate to fix the problem, now that is good service.

Reading your post i feel you need to change your attitude towards Thais, when you need to phone, get a Thai to do it....easy.

22 minutes ago, rumak said:

Khun Eric mai kowjai.  Rumak kowjai took sing tee kow post.  Pom kit wah khun pen khon tee pom tong poot cha cha .  khun kit wah khun ru mot !   i could write that all in thai for you....but would that help you understand ?

16 minutes ago, rumak said:

THAT was my point....same as someone else just said.    The attitude is what I was referring to, which has a LOT to do with what results one gets.  

22 minutes ago, rumak said:

Khun Eric mai kowjai.  Rumak kowjai took sing tee kow post.  Pom kit wah khun pen khon tee pom tong poot cha cha .  khun kit wah khun ru mot !   i could write that all in thai for you....but would that help you understand ?

9 hours ago, rumak said:

mr dufus:  you are 100 % correct.   The readers of your post are all having the same problem as 3bbb

did .   we just ain't smart enough to know what you are talking about.   But probably some of us are smart enough to see you get worked up pretty easily.   Idiots ?   hmmmmmm    I am sure you will now tell us how

you were calm and treated the staff with the utmost respect

Hmm. What part of the post do you not understand?  I purchased a contract from 3BB. I prepaid for 6 months. I was told that I could shut off my wifi three times in a year for one month each time and be credited.  I went to the 3BB company where I purchased the contract and told them I was going on vacation for one month and per the agreement to shut it off. When I came back a month later I went to a 3BB office (not the one I purchased the contract in) and asked them to turn the wifi on as I needed it that night and was afraid I could not get to the 3BB office in the town I signed up in.


I was told my wifi was never turned off and was currently working.  I went to the 3BB store where I signed the contract and was told they know nothing of my contract.  They contacted (I assume) the main office and the gentleman I spoke with there told me he had no idea what happened but that my wifi was on and that he would get back to me.


So, apparently they knew my wifi was on but they couldn't figure out in the computer where I purchased the agreement at? Come on? 


I had to prepay 6 months and I have the contract and receipt for the agreement in front of me but they said they know nothing of it.  Get it yet or over your head? So I have no idea why it was not turned off and don't care but I want my credit.  I asked for a receipt that I had requested they turn off the wifi for one month but they refused to give me one.  Guess why I asked for it? 

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Well, all I can say is there was no communication problem when I ordered the service; there was no communication problem when they told me I had to pre pay for 6 months; there was no communication problem when they asked for my address; there was no communication problem when I asked if when traveling could they turn off the wifi; so why posters do they A) not know why the wifi is still working or not turned off as requested for the month I was out of town,  B) can't tell me how or if I got my credit, C) do not know where I signed up for the service? 


They clearly understood I wanted my wifi turned off because even though I went to their office on Mar 21 they told me they could not turn it off until the billing cycle started again on the 25th so all you apologists out there need to address the issue. Blaming me for them screwing up doesn't cut it.  My attitude is fine. I was even joking with those folks when I left.


Again, so far I have had Zero problem with the service.  

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Well, it appears that I am the only person who has ever had a serious problem with 3BB so I am quite happy to hear that. Perhaps just an isolated incident up North. But of course for anyone here long enough (15 yrs or so) you should remember 3BB sucked pipe back then.  I had them way back when and the service was terrible. So I am pleased to see the wifi at least seems to have improved immensely. 


I have learned a good  lesson here. That is to say if my attitude (after the fact) changed then the problem would not have happened in the first place.  lol  Please sms me where I can buy those mushrooms you folks are smoking. Thanks to all who the time to respond. I have been enlightened.

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I'very only had 2 problems with 3BB over the last 4 years.


One was a connection error in that a line into the house was broken, the repairman came to the house with just a clipboard.  After a few minutes he left never to be seen again. Took another week till the fixed the line!


The second problem was with the fibre modem. The electronics specialist said we needed the new model fibre modem as ours was too old. He said to to 3BB office and get.  


At the office they said you must ring 123 to get new modem. I explained that they said to get from the office. Catch 22.  We still have the old fibre modem but have discontinued 3BB.


It was a great service when it worked as advertised, just some of the repair people let the side down.  Well in my area it seemed to be the case.


I found 3BB to be far better than AIS or TOT.

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11 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:

so why posters do they A) not know why the wifi is still working or not turned off as requested for the month I was out of town,  B) can't tell me how or if I got my credit, C) do not know where I signed up for the service? 

 Oh of course they know/can do all three of those things, it is all in their records.  


Silly to blame and insult people for a situation you of your own choice got yourself into.









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13 minutes ago, dufusdonald said:



Seriously, you need to get back on your meds dude.  They have not been able to answer ANY of my three questions, nor has anyone else here.  Why is it going to take until Monday (maybe) for the supervisor to get back to me?  Why can't they get the info off a computer?  To suggest I got myself in this situation is beyond absurd. Explain that if you are able.  

Once again i will say to you change your attitude, just look at what you just posted about Dante.

You are creating problems because of your awful attitude towards others.

Sit back calm down ( jai yen yen ) and then start again, you might be surprised with the results.

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1 hour ago, colinneil said:

 Change your attitude, it will work wonders.

many posters have suggested this already ...lol.    But Mr. dufus stands tight and just tells us we don't understand.   Gee,  you think this guy is going to change ??   Nahhhhhh

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