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Would You Like To See Thailand Fail ?


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Why you silly people! I am a teacher here and no one fails-- everyone gets 50%, thus the country can't fail.

Doesn't matter what your talking about no one fails and since they are the ones keeping score it doesn't really matter!

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What a stupid question, though reading the threads in the finance section it appears there are many here who would rather see Thailand crash and burn so they can get an extra B10 for the dollar than see Thailand and her people prosper.

Personaly i think these people are lowlifes to live amongst the people and claim they like them and the country but secretly (or openly on the www) wanting the country to colapse.


An extra B10 to the dollar would be nice, am i a bad person? :o

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With a nice and thoughtful thread like this from a farang in Thailand, you have to wonder how some Thais could ever dare not trust them (or as these same farangs would say are xenophobic.) :o

Actually I think that if anything it should be reassuring to see all the responses that do NOT wish failure or ill will towards this great country.

If anything those that do show bitterness towards Thailand are in the minority and whilst all I wish is success for the Thai people I understand and share some of the frustrations that many experience.

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I believe I understand where the OP is coming from. The moves the current Thai government are taking, while they are supposed to be inherently positive for the country, will ultimately hurt Thailand in the long run. The OP doesn't want the entire country and it's people to fall on hard times but he does want the people responsible for changing tide to suffer. Unfortunately they will always be insulated from too many problems and the innocent of the country will pay for it. Same story the world over.

No, I do not want to see Thailand fail.

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:o It would be nice to see Thailand change its attitude towards Double standards and to see those that have profited from it and done Thailand a great injustice catch some kind of cold (som nam naa) ..As some one said earlier on in this Thread Thailand is about 100 years away from adjusting its attitude and rather than seeing it Fail (or anyone for that matter) It would be nice to just see it grow up a bit Quicker .. For every 3 things that happen here there could be 2 things that could be handled better or done differently but the Third thing could be a lesson to actually take back to the Homeland .. We are all of us Quick to try and remove the splinter from Thailands eye when some of us (myself included at certain times) should be more concerned with the Plank Blocking our own vision ..Theres Plenty of things that could be Handled better right now in the UK but i feel about as Powerless and Apathetic towards it as the Average Thai Joe Shmoe and his predicament ..The Bottom line is Sh..ts happening right across the Board now in all places across the Globe and i don,t see why the average Bod in the street should carry the can when the Muppets in control earning the Big Bucks are getting a Free ride :D

:D Just a Observation and my 10 Bahts worth (at any exchange rate)

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Having witnessed first hand the last failure in Thailand, the ecconmic crash of the mid 90s I would not want that to happen again, not to Thailand, not anywhere else. Good people's lives wrecked by the selfish money grubbing government and businessmen (but let's blame Sorros and forget who the real criminals where).

However that said.

I don't know what can be done to prevent these things happening again in Thailand. All the same mistakes are being made by all the same idiots. I feel deeply concerned for ordinary Thais who will suffer through the mismanagement of their country and I am concerned too over the inevitable backlash against foreigners.

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Xenophobic or not, as self-reliant as the Thai government is trying to make itself and the country, when the country gets in trouble again like it did back in 1997, who are they going to turn to? The evil farang government agencies like the IMF to bail them out again. I resent the attitude of we want nothing to do with you unless we need something from you.

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No way, though I would like to see the Baht drop down to about 40-45+ to the US $ and exports raise up.

the baht may have been rising in the last months, but note that the export had also risen last year

sign of strong economy?

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How many would like to see the floor drop out ?

I was always taught to "Clap The Winner" when deserved.

But I would not mind sitting back and watching all the wai giving ass kissers having to bob down and kiss it goodbye.

Thailand...the best place on earth!

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