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Britain tells Trump: spell out how you will deal with Iran now


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3 hours ago, Peasandmash said:

whatever happened to the brave English people?

"We will not let a country that chats, 'death to America' have the deadliest weapons on earth." God Bless America, God Bless President Donald Trump.

England, You do not tell anyone to relate about any plans they have. The US is no longer one of your slave colonies. You may "ASK" about things though.

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10 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

England, You do not tell anyone to relate about any plans they have. The US is no longer one of your slave colonies. You may "ASK" about things though.

Wow. Don’t tell me ... a fake Irishman? 

Beleive it or not ... the Brits got your back . Maybe visit the UK and have a few beers in local pubs in England ... not London.  Responses like that from you is not a good look mate.

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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1 hour ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Wow. Don’t tell me ... a fake Irishman? 

Beleive it or not ... the Brits got your back . Maybe visit the UK and have a few beers in local pubs in England ... not London.  Responses like that from you is not a good look mate.

I have no idea as to the point you were trying to make. "Fake Irishmen"?

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why? Do you think anyone in Scotland, Wales or Nthn Ireland cares about the upcoming event.

I’m quite sure many do.


I’m absolutely sure very many more object to the U.K. being referee to as England and the British government being referred to as the English government.

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27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have no idea as to the point you were trying to make. "Fake Irishmen"?

Tbf it was prob a di#k comment . It’s just that most Americans making historical d##k  comments about the English have usually got some historical granny from Eire and the potatoe famine era in their closet.


And tbh my gran as in my dads mum is Irish . And she’s still breathing and loves it in Devon . 

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6 hours ago, Jeremia Juxtaposed said:

He said he would do this 2 years ago as a candidate so has had plenty of time to formulate an alternative plan....but he hasn't has he. He is a spoilt, spiteful, silly little boy ""getting his own back" on Obama in the biggest playground there is.


The decision may or may not have been correct but it is the reason why he did it that is so abhorrent. 

Hear hear!

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5 hours ago, Lungstib said:

Isn't it a frightening prospect when world politics, fears of nuclear armament and a possible war is in the hands of such irresponsible people as Trump and Johnson. 

Yes, but "trump" is so unspeakably bad that he makes Johnson look good. 

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4 hours ago, car720 said:

Not too sure about that one.  Some cunning chaps amongst the Brits.  Let's wait and see.  The Europeans are not known for patience but instead for hot blooded poorly made decisions.


I had no idea that Trump was European.


Do you think we should demand to see his birth certificate.

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lame duck merkel, mummy snatcher macron want to tell the mightiest man on earth how to deal with the islam terrormullahs ??? those 2 political dwarfs will be told by mr. president trump heel, kneel or feel. whereas mrs theresa may takes a much more practical to the matter, which mr. trump is to be tolerating.




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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

A plan? That would require vision, intelligence, diplomacy, foreign policy wisdom, and a sane, coherent mind. All things Tiny Don lacks in spades. This tiny man does not represent the American people, nor it's interests. He represents a group of lobbyists, and has re-populated the swamp with people who compliment him, therefore earning his graces. He has made the world less stable, with one signing of the pen. He does not have a plan. His only concern is maintaining the support of his base. He is insane, unstable, incoherent, fairly dumb, tone deaf, insincere beyond imagination, uninformed, lacks vision, ethics, morality, ability, negotiating skills, good hair, potency, and dignity. 


The only really good news here, is that he will be gone within 12 months. Mark my words. He will NOT finish out this term, and he will leave office with far, far less cash than when he came into office. His name is radioactive. Nobody wants to have anything to do with his businesses. That is a good thing. He has earned all of this enmity, and hostility. He has worked hard for it, spouting his brand of hatred, racism, and anti immigrant nonsense. He is a circus clown huckster. 

So 60 odd million Americans voted for him. And tbh his rhetoric was alot worse before the vote than it is now . I mean I get u it’s easy to criticise him and he’s not shall we say Shakespearean but he’s says what he thinks.  I know shock horror ect  a politician who says it how it it for them. But apart from your personal insults on trump .... everything else you posted could well be aimed at Obama... just saying . 

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6 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

Wow. Don’t tell me ... a fake Irishman? 

Beleive it or not ... the Brits got your back . Maybe visit the UK and have a few beers in local pubs in England ... not London.  Responses like that from you is not a good look mate.

I would have been happy to have had a beer or good whisky there but as you said(not in London) as I don't drink where the town leader is Muslim .Do not forget that The UK since WW11 have not been acting as leaders but followers .Oh where oh where are people like Winston that have that drive to help the country to excel? Wait a minute there was one a while ago ,I think that her name was Margaret. .Goes to show you that it is not only men that have that quality.At least she saved the pound for you .No offence Sir ,just a bit of banter.( not kidding about the good whiskey though.)

Edited by AsiaHand
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19 minutes ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

So 60 odd million Americans voted for him. And tbh his rhetoric was alot worse before the vote than it is now . I mean I get u it’s easy to criticise him and he’s not shall we say Shakespearean but he’s says what he thinks.  I know shock horror ect  a politician who says it how it it for them. But apart from your personal insults on trump .... everything else you posted could well be aimed at Obama... just saying . 

The world loves mavericks and America certainly needed some new blood.  Problem is the maverick was a self obsessed moron and in peoples desperation for something anti-establishment they elected the moron.  

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2 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

They should walk away from this Pycho. From today America is the most unreliable country in the world. Who would trust America from now on? NOBODY!

That was my first thought regarding the North Korea talks - At least they got their 3 spies back before  everybody realises that a Trump signature means diddly squat...

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As said on a previous thread, the sanctions are nothing to harm Iran....they are just to harm the western and European corporate giants who have established business relations with iran, invested big money and are prospering......remember the same trick years ago on WMD, Irak, the oil....does it ring a bell ?!!:shock1:

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18 minutes ago, AsiaHand said:

I would have been happy to have had a beer or good whisky there but as you said(not in London) as I don't drink where the town leader is Muslim .Do not forget that The UK since WW11 have not been acting as leaders but followers .Oh where oh where are people like Winston that have that drive to help the country to excel? Wait a minute there was one a while ago ,I think that her name was Margaret. .Goes to show you that it is not only men that have that quality.At least she saved the pound for you .No offence Sir ,just a bit of banter.( not kidding about the good whiskey though.)

I have to agree on nearly ... well all of your points . Mrs T was a great leader on the world stage ... old Ronnie was sh#t scared of her. And I have to agree on that t#at Major of London. But please have some faith in the UK populace. The BBC and the rest of the main stream do not speak for us most of the time.  I myself live in Thailand 6 months in and off to uk for 6 months. So I’m not some ex pat who has no idea of the feeling back home , like some on here...........

Edited by goldenbrwn1
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4 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Donald Trump entirely correct on this. Obama's very poor deal would simply pass the issue down to the next generation 15 years hence. Typical Obama deal. Duck and weave and leave a big mess for somebody else to clear up.

So what is Donald's plan? Should be explained in depth within the next few days then..

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