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Is it an end of an era for the Western Expat?

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3 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Pattaya is a dump anyway. Dirty city and beaches. Changing the people won't help much.

Dirty beaches drunk expats used to be spain as well, but somehow they cleaned up the junkyard and produced well and still is even after the economic crack. Thailand will be a good place to retire in the future, but the sex trade and drunks is moving on to Cambodia

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They still arrive, but surely Immigration could supply the numbers, I guess most will be on retirement extensions. I do agree Expats will be squeezed out of their current areas by mass tourism catering to the changing market.  But, like me, do they have any alternative other than to move out of town or even go rural? Burned my UK bridges somewhat and it is not as if life there is getting any more attractive.

The ones here will adapt and fade away, but I do wonder if new arrivals will be more or less.



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9 hours ago, sanemax said:

Some people seem like they are prostitute-a-holics and their whole life revolves around prostitutes, just like alcoholics lives revolve around alcohol .

   Some of us are happy and content in relationships and have no need, desire or want to use prostitutes and we dont feel a need to tell everyone about our relationship .

  Its like some people have just discovered Females and cant stop talking about them .

   I do feel that thats a detrimental effect of regular prostitute usage : Instant contentment at the expense of long term fulfillment 

I don't think all talk about Thai wives and gfs are about prostitutes. Do you?  You seem to be hung-up on "prostitiue-a-holics,"  I believe some of the posters on here do not use prostitutes, some do, and some no longer can. However, I did not see any reference to prostitutes in your original post--the post to which I responded. You seem to have changed your topic. Please note:

20 hours ago, sanemax said:

Couldnt we have a discussion WITHOUT Thai girls being the main topic ?

Every thread seems to turn into a discussion about Thai girls and people boasting about their Thai Wife

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12 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Not that I would ever doubt Thai statistics, but.....


Number of arrivals form Singapore, 1,028,77.


Now the total population of Singapore is (2017) 3.87M, which is residents and permanent residents. 


Are we trying to suggest that 28% of the total population comes to Thailand on vacation? Even if you were to assume that a % of those arrivals were business trips, seems a bit off kilter to me.


So if one number is glaringly wacko, kind of calls into the question all the rest.


Not that I would ever suggest for one moment that the numbers might have been conjured up on the back of a cocktail napkin!!

I too would never presume to doubt Thai statistics. However, I must point-out one glaring stat; more Americans than Brits visiting Thailand. 


Singapore's population is more like 5,781,219 http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/singapore-population/ 


And, like another poster's friends, many may visit more than once a year.

Edited by smotherb
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20 hours ago, Hummin said:

The interesting question is, who do thai girls like most? 


Western from Northe Europe 

Western from South Europe

Western from USA

Russia and former USSR


The countries that is likely to grow in volume is





I know for sure, thai really disslike India, Pakistanis and Chineese, and do not want to have anything with them to do. Or is my information wrong? 

Aren't all, or most of, the economies in SE Asia controlled by ethnic Chinese? Many Chinese change their names to one that fits the country they reside in so as not to stand out. Or is what I was told wrong?

There are important ethnic Chinese families in Thailand like the Shinawatras. As I remember, when elected, Thaksin was the richest Thai. 

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6 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

You think men drinking beer and having sex with women is perverted?

Would it be perverted if the 'woman' was a ladyboy and the beer non-alcoholic? Could be! I'm not sure on that one.


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6 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

You think men drinking beer and having sex with women is perverted?

Simply having a beer and having sex with a partner is quite normal , although drinking beer every day and night and paying for sex regularly is quite degenerate 

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21 hours ago, billd766 said:

car tax plus mandatory insurance was about 3,500 baht a year.


My pickup tax, insurance and safety check is around 1,000bht/year.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

They still arrive, but surely Immigration could supply the numbers, I guess most will be on retirement extensions. I do agree Expats will be squeezed out of their current areas by mass tourism catering to the changing market.  But, like me, do they have any alternative other than to move out of town or even go rural? Burned my UK bridges somewhat and it is not as if life there is getting any more attractive.

The ones here will adapt and fade away, but I do wonder if new arrivals will be more or less.



Don't despair, plenty of other cheap and cheerful warm Asian countries to try.

Vietnam is my top favourite at the moment, with the Philippines a close second.

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16 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

It is not over for anyone. 

  Old guys will still come.  Some will have little to live on and will live in fan rooms and eat thai food. Some will buy luxury homes and condo's  and dine on imported foods. Some will sit on a bar stool all day others will live in a village and raise fish,pigs,or grow things. Nothing will change we will just not be an oddity like before. 

  Young people will come because they heard of it or read about it and it looks like a great place to visit,and party.snorkel or dive or what ever is to offer that seems appealing.

The kind of tourist has changed more than the country.. It used to be for guys who liked to be off the beaten path. Now it is the place to be seen and place yourself on you tube.or fill your facebook. It is now for the masses where before it was for the few who seeked getting away from the crowds. Now it is following the crowd.

You have hit the head on the nail !!   before you start correcting me.....i travel to the drum of a different beat !

Came here thirty years ago and still trying to get away from all those strange acting white skinned folk.

OK.....the dartboard is now  OPEN

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21 hours ago, billd766 said:


Having been an expat based in Thailand since the back end of the 1990s I can truly say that sticky rice is great with ripe mangoes and that I have never ever eaten som tam.


As for decent western food the answer is simple. I make my own the way I like it and that isn't necessarily the way that "western" foods produced in Thailand are made or taste.


I think that the last time I sat on a bar stool in Pattaya or anywhere else for that matter must be about 8 years ago.


Having said that the cost of living in Thailand IS cheaper than for example, the UK.


I live in my wife's house which is paid for as is the 15 rai it stands on. We pay NO council tax, piped water costs me 2 baht per 1,000 litres, trash collection costs me 30 baht a month, electricity is not too expensive, diesel fuel is 27 baht a litre, car tax plus mandatory insurance was about 3,500 baht a year.


There is nothing much in the UK for me to go back to apart from my son, DIL and 2 grand children, an ex wife and friends some of whom I haven't seen in 50 years.


I would have to take my wife and son to a cold, damp miserable country where simply renting a small place somewhere would cost me 25,xxx baht a month or more, the running costs would be high, I would have to buy another car etc etc.

Spot on b766 , I can't even afford to visit England let alone live there again !  My eldest daughter and her mob are coming here in August , suits me .

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11 minutes ago, smotherb said:

You changed the topic. And again, you do not seem unbiased. I know many expats married to Thai women who were not part of the sex trade; perhaps your canted view is based on your situation.

Yes and there are many expats who claim not to have married a lady who was previously engaged in any P4P activity who are just out and out liars.  That include many on this and other forums.

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38 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It was stated that most ex-pats come to live in Thailand for the females .

What kind of females to they come to Thailand for ?

For prostitutes .

How many forum posting ex-pats came to Thailand , avoided prostitutes , met a non prostitute naturally , got married and lived happily every after ?

  Hardly any, if any at all .

How many guys spent a few years whoring , realised that they were spending too much money and decided to rent long term (to save money, monthly/yearly rental is a lot cheaper than daily rental)

   Ex-pats who come to Thailand for woman, come for the prostitutes .

How many ex-pats can say that they've never engaged with prostitution , and met their GF/Wife naturally ?

   Many prostitute using ex-pats have lost their ability to converse with normal woman , the best that they can do is to try to chat the 7/11 girls up , when they go and buy their cigarettes and Chang every day

Yes 99% of this forum members are probably having relationships with bar girls and or are married with hookers. The truth is harsh but there are always the 1% guys.

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2 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

Yes and there are many expats who claim not to have married a lady who was previously engaged in any P4P activity who are just out and out liars.  That include many on this and other forums.

AND there are many that are not liars.   About the same on any subject I would guess !    You might consider that many who came here have had P4P  experiences....but after a year or 20 decided to choose one outside of that line of work.   How many of those relationships work is anyones guess,  but some do

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8 minutes ago, smotherb said:

You changed the topic. And again, you do not seem unbiased. I know many expats married to Thai women who were not part of the sex trade; perhaps your canted view is based on your situation.

There seems to be two groups of people on TV .

A group of people regularly talk about their life of prostitution and when it comes to discussing it , the other group of people appear giving the impression that no one ever indulges in prostitution .

   I did live among prostitutes for years , despise every single one of them .

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3 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Yes 99% of this forum members are probably having relationships with bar girls and or are married with hookers. The truth is harsh but there are always the 1% guys.

99%  hahaha   maybe you should get out to some other areas once in a while.  

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44 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Many prostitute using ex-pats have lost their ability to converse with normal woman 

I've never had the ability to converse with normal Thai women.

I spoke English, they spoke Thai.

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Phillipines is a fraction of the cost here but whats really turning people away is the rudeness and blatant nastiness of the Thais, something that has always been there but the past few years more prominent. Every corner here is a scam or double price for Foreigners. Good luck with their Northern Friends as they will soon find a better place to go than here.

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

It was stated that most ex-pats come to live in Thailand for the females .

What kind of females to they come to Thailand for ?

For prostitutes .

How many forum posting ex-pats came to Thailand , avoided prostitutes , met a non prostitute naturally , got married and lived happily every after ?

  Hardly any, if any at all .

How many guys spent a few years whoring , realised that they were spending too much money and decided to rent long term (to save money, monthly/yearly rental is a lot cheaper than daily rental)

   Ex-pats who come to Thailand for woman, come for the prostitutes .

How many ex-pats can say that they've never engaged with prostitution , and met their GF/Wife naturally ?

   Many prostitute using ex-pats have lost their ability to converse with normal woman , the best that they can do is to try to chat the 7/11 girls up , when they go and buy their cigarettes and Chang every day

In Pattaya maybe 80% ex hookers. In other places maybe 20 or 30%.



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4 minutes ago, baansgr said:

but whats really turning people away is the rudeness and blatant nastiness of the Thais, something that has always been there but the past few years more prominent. Every corner here is a scam or double price for Foreigners.

Obviously you are quoting this from some deep survey done of ex-pats leaving Thailand......& you will now supply us all the link.......or its been dreamed up after half a dozen Chiang;s  in the looser bar Soi 99 .....Gosh I wonder what one I should go with......I know I'll just ask some blatantly nasty and rude Thai's.....shouldn't be hard to find one ---as you point out they have always been like that......:omfg:

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16 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Phillipines is a fraction of the cost here but whats really turning people away is the rudeness and blatant nastiness of the Thais, something that has always been there but the past few years more prominent. Every corner here is a scam or double price for Foreigners. Good luck with their Northern Friends as they will soon find a better place to go than here.

The reality is that the Philippines costs are on par with Thailands , somethings are cheaper, some are more expensive , costs in Thailand generally may slightly be higher than the Phillipines,  but pretty much the same .

   Thais generally treat people how others treat them, if you are rude and abusive towards them they can be unpleasant back .

   The double pricing is quite uncommon ,  just the National parks and a few other things, nothing to get annoyed about .

  Scams are well known , and if you get caught by one , its your own fault for being so gullible

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1 hour ago, smotherb said:

You changed the topic. And again, you do not seem unbiased. I know many expats married to Thai women who were not part of the sex trade; perhaps your canted view is based on your situation.

+ 1

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