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Israeli forces kill dozens in Gaza as U.S. Embassy opens in Jerusalem


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26 minutes ago, dexterm said:

So what evidence do you have that children, press and paraplegics were shooting, planting IEDs? Any compassion for those?


You seem to be distorting the facts to fit your perfect Zionist narrative...that's Netanyahu's line too of course..that they were all members of Hamas and therefore sentenced to death. I am saying that being a member of a political party and even it's military wing does not warrant summary execution. Do you equally believe that Israelis travelling on a gap year from military service are fair game too?


>>The same goes for your treatment of Hamas. It is a terrorist organization, whether you like to accept it or not.
... You're quite right I do not accept it. Your label not mine. You're entitled to think whatever you like of course, however irrelevant.


Zionist apologists such as yourself wish to distort the thread putting the entire blame for over 100 deaths and 8,000 injured on Hamas and nary an ounce of responsibility on the ones who actually pulled the triggers. It's a deflection from the purpose of the protest itself as this demonstrator explains.


Why I marched on May 14 in Gaza near the Israeli fence
No, it was not because 'Hamas made me'.

"I have been going to the Great March of Return in Gaza two to three times a week, ever since it started on March 30. It makes me feel closer to my village of Zarnouqa, which once stood near what used to be the Palestinian city of al-Ramla. Israeli militias ethnically cleansed the area in 1948, expelling tens of thousands of Palestinians, including my parents."



Stop trolling (fat chance...). Never claimed anything about "children, press and paraplegics" doing the things you mentioned. As said earlier, I doubt moralizing and faux emotional exhibitionism are a requirement.


I don't hold any "perfect Zionist narrative", and my comments regarding Netanyahu are mostly critical (you are aware of that). As for "distorting the facts" - I did not claim they were all member of Hamas, you made that up. Being a an active member of a terrorist (or military) organization participating in hostile actions may imply being a legitimate target. Your argument relies on the assertion that they weren't doing anything of the sort. As for the "gap year" thing, as far as I recall, there isn't quite such thing in the context offered. But if there was, doubtful the person could be termed "active".


The Hamas's "terrorist" label is not "mine". The Hamas (or its military wing) is designated as a terrorist organization by Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the EU, the UK, and the US. If you consider that "irrelevant", guess we have a different understanding of the word.


"distort the thread"(?) - I did not put the entire blame on the Hamas, most of my comments were to the effect Hamas bears some of the responsibility. These were often in response to posts rejecting any such accountability or placing the whole of the blame on Israel. So once more - something you made up. It was demonstrated that Hamas can control the protests, when it suits.


And chances are a guy living in the Gaza Strip, and being published in Al Jazeera is hardly going to be critical of Hamas. I'm sure many participants are not Hamas members, and I know for a fact some weren't there for the agro. None of these serves as a wholesale refutation of Hamas involvement and its nature.

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Well, expect the expected....


UN Human Rights Body Calls for International Inquiry in Gaza – U.S. and Australia Object



U.N. sets up human rights probe into Gaza killings, to Israel's fury



29 for, 2 against, 14 abstentions.

Quite a few human rights focused nations among supporters - Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, China, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

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7 minutes ago, carmine said:


Having lived in Israel i can tell you that many Israelis are deeply unhappy and concerned with what is going on.  

I guess the same go for Americans, and many other nations. Deeply unhappy and concerned about whats going on! The world is a <deleted> up place, and the same thing happens as it did in the old days, nothing new. How do you think the problem should be solved? I think the problem is The State Israel, and now there is a country for jews called Israel, and then they just have to axept the right of Israel to exist! Nothing going to be better before weapons is layed down, and there is a genuin axept everyone else lost! The same should happens in Syria. Assad is the supreme leader, accept that and stop supporting everyone else who do not have a chance to make Syria a better country! 


Do I think it is fear, and right what Israel doing? No, it is war crime what they do, but it doesnt help small fraction all the time trying to terrorise like a mosquito! I kill mosquitos, and I hate moscquitos. They do not kill me, but I still hate them, and kill them. 

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2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I guess the same go for Americans, and many other nations. Deeply unhappy and concerned about whats going on! The world is a <deleted> up place, and the same thing happens as it did in the old days, nothing new. How do you think the problem should be solved? I think the problem is The State Israel, and now there is a country for jews called Israel, and then they just have to axept the right of Israel to exist! Nothing going to be better before weapons is layed down, and there is a genuin axept everyone else lost! The same should happens in Syria. Assad is the supreme leader, accept that and stop supporting everyone else who do not have a chance to make Syria a better country! 


Do I think it is fear, and right what Israel doing? No, it is war crime what they do, but it doesnt help small fraction all the time trying to terrorise like a mosquito! I kill mosquitos, and I hate moscquitos. They do not kill me, but I still hate them, and kill them. 

If you are suggesting that Israel has become a war criminal then you would sadly be correct, and anyone denying this to be the case totally deluded.  And playing the Holocaust card, 73 years since WW11 ended does not exempt them from the Geneva Convention.

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52 minutes ago, carmine said:

If you are suggesting that Israel has become a war criminal then you would sadly be correct, and anyone denying this to be the case totally deluded.  And playing the Holocaust card, 73 years since WW11 ended does not exempt them from the Geneva Convention.

Another ting is and my point if it didnt come trough as a point, is dehumanizing the enemy to be exactly like a mosquito! That makes the whole thing easier for them to axept status que and still progress with their plan to take over all land they want and need to still grow. 

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2 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Until Palestine gets rid of Hamas entirely, the fighting will never end... Period.

Would you ever give up your rights to exist in your home country? Would your family axept it, would your friends axept it? 

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9 hours ago, Morch said:

Well, expect the expected....


UN Human Rights Body Calls for International Inquiry in Gaza – U.S. and Australia Object



U.N. sets up human rights probe into Gaza killings, to Israel's fury



29 for, 2 against, 14 abstentions.

Quite a few human rights focused nations among supporters - Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, China, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.

>>Well, expect the expected....

Yes, I expect Israel will not co-operate, and will get friends in high places overseas to veto any such investigation's establishment.

You've got to ask: does Israel have something to hide?


Israel continues to whine the whole world is against us, but given a chance to tell their side of the story..you know these facts that Zionist propagandists spray across forums like this to justify the killing of 106 Palestinians, including 15 children 2 paraplegics and 2 journalists, since March 30. With more than 12,000 injured, at least 3,500 by live ammunition. But they refuse to take part.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Israel has never co-operated and accepted any external independent investigations. It knows it can act with impunity protected by its special friends.

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2 hours ago, JingerBen said:

Exceptionally good post.

Thanks for having the courage to stand up and speak out.

Lol.... really.... let’s look at this a bit more closely, once I find the origional post ????

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9 minutes ago, farcanell said:

It may well sound like Klingon, for all the research your doing

If you are not capable of understanding the background to the OP conflict, you do know it's not obligatory to respond. Your inane inflammatory troll does nothing to contribute to the discussion.

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16 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Well Hummin what I said has nothing of giving up anything but the terrorists Hammas..

the word you may be trying to say is accept.

It is as easy as that, they have to give up fighting for what they believe is their right to own country, been overtaken by a superior state, and have to accept that! If you can not understand simple logic, then you and me should just say, that is exactly the reason for the conflict. No one is willing to understand people are being used for the purpose of a superior state to grow, and that means other people have to move out of the way! Thats what we are talking about. 


You have to move from your land, because someone is willing to take it! If you not willing to accept that, you will be put in detention camp. You and our family! If you defend your land, your house and your family house will be destroyed. Your son will be shot because he trow rocks at soldiers. So many disturbed facts that people just not are willing to see, because to see you have to open your eyes. Well, best thing is just a normal genocide to finit it all once and for all. It will actually save alot of people for more pain and missery. 

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:


Does it change anything at all on the ground for the people in Gaza, who of course deserve so much better?

I think not at all! 

It doesnt work before total surrender of all terrorist acts against Israel. Israel is there to stay, and is not giving up their new borders and will continue to create new safety zones, and grab more land. No doubt about it, it is expected it is going to be like that. 


So, what is next step? Is peace an option at all? Will it work? What need to be done before it will be peace? 

Edited by Hummin
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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

>>Well, expect the expected....

Yes, I expect Israel will not co-operate, and will get friends in high places overseas to veto any such investigation's establishment.

You've got to ask: does Israel have something to hide?


Israel continues to whine the whole world is against us, but given a chance to tell their side of the story..you know these facts that Zionist propagandists spray across forums like this to justify the killing of 106 Palestinians, including 15 children 2 paraplegics and 2 journalists, since March 30. With more than 12,000 injured, at least 3,500 by live ammunition. But they refuse to take part.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Israel has never co-operated and accepted any external independent investigations. It knows it can act with impunity protected by its special friends.


What Veto? This is about the UNHRC.


I doubt the investigation in question can be called "independent" - judging from the composition of the forum, and the mandate specified. Seems like the conclusion was reached anyway. The investigation will not deal with the Hamas actions and responsibility. It focuses solely on Israel. Hence the nonsense about "tell their side of the story" - as if this was some balanced inquiry, is just another intentionally misleading statement.


Correct me if I'm wrong - countries do not routinely submit to such investigations (if and when related bodies bother or manage to decide on such). That you expect Israel to act or be treated differently is just another indication of your standing bias.


Funny you should talk about "propagandists", given the thousands of one-sided, repetitive, vehement rants posted focusing on a single issue.  

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3 hours ago, carmine said:

Nothing balanced at all in that, its blatantly one sided.


Israel has created a ghetto in Gaza, illegally blockading,   shooting kids with snipers bullets.  It has helped create what has become a humanitarian crisis.  They are also responsible for breaches of the Geneva Convention, for example the use of white phosphorous.  Now, i don't care one iota if thats balanced or not, its true and thats what matters.  


Having lived in Israel i can tell you that many Israelis are deeply unhappy and concerned with what is going on.  


The blockade is directly related to the Hamas agenda, policies and actions. It is not as if the Gaza Strip was always under a blockade. That you repeatedly ignore that, doesn't change facts. It also doesn't change the fact that the blockade is maintained by Egypt as well.


There is no denial that Israel bears some of the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip - but so are Egypt, the PA and the Hamas. There were several posts and links covering this, and yet you (and others) persist in framing it as if a single party is the cause.


The same goes for the white phosphorus thing - what posters imagine international law is, and what it actually says are different things. Addressed on a previous post, with explanatory link. As expected, ignored in favor of making the same incorrect point again.


I'm positive many Israelis aren't happy and concerned about the situation and the IDF actions. I'm also positive that most are not in favor of Palestinians breaching the fence, nor support the violence on the Palestinian side.

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2 hours ago, Hummin said:

Another ting is and my point if it didnt come trough as a point, is dehumanizing the enemy to be exactly like a mosquito! That makes the whole thing easier for them to axept status que and still progress with their plan to take over all land they want and need to still grow. 


Hmm.. you are the one who equated Palestinians with mosquitoes, but do go on about "dehumanizing". The same would apply for repeated descriptors employed by you and other regarding the other side.


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Gazan people.

Sure, blame the Jews. You're always gonna do that anyway. Can't help themselves.

But time to wake up and LOOK WITHIN.

I said Jews and not Israel because every time I see an interview with an angry Gazan and they say the word for Jews and not Israel and bizarrely that's translated into English to Israel. Sorry, we're not that stupid. 




With scores dead and the border still intact, many extend criticism beyond Israel to Hamas, the militant group that governs Gaza.



GAZA — After weeks of protest at the Israeli border fence peaked this week, Gazans returned to their daily lives of struggle, many wondering what, if anything, had been accomplished.



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41 minutes ago, Hummin said:

It doesnt work before total surrender of all terrorist acts against Israel. Israel is there to stay, and is not giving up their new borders and will continue to create new safety zones, and grab more land. No doubt about it, it is expected it is going to be like that. 


So, what is next step? Is peace an option at all? Will it work? What need to be done before it will be peace? 


Do tell about the Hamas interest in peace.



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12 minutes ago, Morch said:


The blockade is directly related to the Hamas agenda, policies and actions. It is not as if the Gaza Strip was always under a blockade. That you repeatedly ignore that, doesn't change facts. It also doesn't change the fact that the blockade is maintained by Egypt as well.


There is no denial that Israel bears some of the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip - but so are Egypt, the PA and the Hamas. There were several posts and links covering this, and yet you (and others) persist in framing it as if a single party is the cause.


The same goes for the white phosphorus thing - what posters imagine international law is, and what it actually says are different things. Addressed on a previous post, with explanatory link. As expected, ignored in favor of making the same incorrect point again.


I'm positive many Israelis aren't happy and concerned about the situation and the IDF actions. I'm also positive that most are not in favor of Palestinians breaching the fence, nor support the violence on the Palestinian side.

Not for a moment am i suggesting it is all down to Israel.  Hamas is just as much responsible.  i take that as a given.


What i will not accept is the view of many that somehow Israel is the one hard done by and whiter than white.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


The blockade is directly related to the Hamas agenda, policies and actions. It is not as if the Gaza Strip was always under a blockade. That you repeatedly ignore that, doesn't change facts. It also doesn't change the fact that the blockade is maintained by Egypt as well.


There is no denial that Israel bears some of the responsibility for the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip - but so are Egypt, the PA and the Hamas. There were several posts and links covering this, and yet you (and others) persist in framing it as if a single party is the cause.


The same goes for the white phosphorus thing - what posters imagine international law is, and what it actually says are different things. Addressed on a previous post, with explanatory link. As expected, ignored in favor of making the same incorrect point again.


I'm positive many Israelis aren't happy and concerned about the situation and the IDF actions. I'm also positive that most are not in favor of Palestinians breaching the fence, nor support the violence on the Palestinian side.

I always take note of your points Morch though don't always agree. To me the IDF is the glue that holds Israel together. most of the time they show remarkable restraint . Sometimes certain members do not.

However Hamas was empowered by Israels continuing crackdown allowing them to radicalise more Palestinians.

This feeds the radical Hamas agenda. Arafat had a different vision for Palestinian Independence but was killed to silence him.

The blockade now keeps Hamas in power and the growing Isil threat in the Sinai may well spread to the Gaza giving Israel a bigger threat than Hamas

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


Hmm.. you are the one who equated Palestinians with mosquitoes, but do go on about "dehumanizing". The same would apply for repeated descriptors employed by you and other regarding the other side.


For real? Other side? 


If I was born in Israel, who do you think I would side with? If I was born in Lebanon? Who do you think I would side with? Im born i a free country with all the necessery tools to educate myselves, and make up an opinion based on the information I have, and are willing to read. Even my eyes is coloured by friends who served there in the 80íes, and who was pro Israel when they arrived, and left as pro palestinian.  Even today, they have problems with accepting Israel and whats going on there. They where part of the Unifil battalion there, and as I say, they where pro Israel when they arrived. I will never side with Hamas, but I can understand why it is like it is!


Anyway, what can be done to the situation today? That is the question. There is no willingnes to stop violence and attacks at Israel, or is it? There is an impossible situation for both parts, and it is completely locked. They can not give more freedom, since they will for sure atttack, and they can not kill them all. As I say, it is like mosquito, if you do not kill them all, they will always find you and bugg you. 

Edited by Hummin
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15 hours ago, dexterm said:

>>And, of course, there was no denial of the tragedy 

So you do not deny that the Palestinians of Huj and hundreds of other villages were expelled from their homes and removed to Gaza, and their villages flattened or built over? Thank you. That is the whole point of the March of Return...70 % of Gazans used to live in Israel or their parents or grandparents did.

>>The Palestinians do not, indeed have a "right" to cross the fence into Israel. Their supposed Right of Return does not entail that they can do so however and whenever they wish. Such things are usually resolved by diplomacy and negotiations, not rushing of fences.
..we're talking here of 70 years!! of talks, diplomacy, UN resolutions that Israel has stonewalled. The march born of frustration was a reminder to the world that the injustice has not yet been resolved. How long must Palestinians wait for justice  and the implementation of international law that states refugees have the right to return to their homes. Everyone including you (you call it national suicide) knows the reason why Israel wont allow that: Israel can only maintain a Jewish state by keeping the indigenous majority Palestinian population out of the land they or their parents were born in


>>The "simply want to return home" slogan is intentionally misleading. The homes alluded to no longer exist. There are other people living there now, and they've been there for decades.
...and who is responsible for that.. Israeli ethnic cleansers and erasers of Palestinian history. The systematic destruction of all traces of Palestinians ever having lived there commenced almost as soon as the mainly European Jewish colonizers established their state on someone else's land. All the towns and kibbutzes close to Gaza were within living memory Palestinian.


If you nitpick over Fisk's geography, try Israel's oldest newspaper Haartez then, which may give you a clue as to reason the protesters want to return home.


History Erased
During the 1950s, the nascent state and IDF set about destroying historical sites left behind by other cultures, particularly Muslims. This policy was so indiscriminate that even synagogues were destroyed.


In July 1950, Majdal - today Ashkelon - was still a mixed town. About 3,000 Palestinians lived there in a closed, fenced-off ghetto, next to the recently arrived Jewish residents. Before the 1948 war, Majdal had been a commercial and administrative center with a population of 12,000.

Ah... here it is..... ( for those that know a bit about history, skip the blah blah, as everything between here and the last three paragraph is justification for my point)


majdal, today called ashkelon... let’s look at that for a second

ashkelon, or Ascalon, established more than 3000 years ago, was a center of the cannonites world, but the cannonites were conquered by the Jews, under Joshua and king David, making it a part of isreal, but again conquered and reconquered until it was destroyed by the Muslims in 1270 CE


redeveloped under the ottermans perhaps, it had a population of about 10,000, when it was reaquired by isreal, and renamed Ashkelon


so.... an Israelite town, but never mind, although you do seem to be obsessing over the last seventy years and banging on about Jewish invaders from Europe... so let’s look at that now...


or rather, let’s look at the elephant in the room, that anti semetics are ignoring, whilst painting Muslims as whiter than white


Yemen.....an Arab country, with Jewish migration and occupation dating back to 900 BCE. IN 1882, Jews started leaving Yemen... 1922, old laws were enforced, enforcing Islamist conversions on some Jews... in 1947, anti Semitic riots killed scores of Jews, destroyed four synagogues and hundreds of Jewish homes, paraysing the community, who fled their homes of 3000 years, heading for the new state of isreal... in 1949 thru 1950, operation magic carpet airlifted almost the entire Yemen Jewish population outta there, but in 1962, Jewish immigration was banned... current population of Jews... 200 odd... where are the tears?


Syria... the ancient city of Aleppo “ he milked” (translation) named so, according to historical sources, because Abraham milked a goat, whilst traveling thru... it doesn’t get much more Jewish than that, but that was 3000 years ago


in 1375, Ben Judah brought the Aleppo codex to Aleppo for 600 years of safekeeping, but in 1947, that, along with other religious manuscripts, artifacts, homes, businesses and religious sites were destroyed by Muslims. The exodus started circa 1850, by 1943, about 30,000 remained... these suffered many and various persecutions, expulsion from government employment, freezing of assets etc, causing more to flee, prior to finally being granted exit visas in 1992... current population... about 22 ( 2012 number)... where are their homes now


Libya.... Jews date back 2500 years.... at one point during the 1900s, 25% of Tripoli’s pop was Jewish, with 44 synagoges during that time, during the second WW , at least 2000 were deported to European concentration camps. Between 1945 and 1950, hundreds and hundreds of Jewish homes and businesses were destroyed, in more anti Semitic violence, forcing 30,000 plus Jews to flee for isreal.

in 1961, new citizenship laws made Jews non citizens, facing more anti Semitic violence, until the Italians airlifted 6000 to Rome... today zero Jews remain.... and their homes and businesses... gone, but what of your tears for them


Iraq... well hell, what can you say about that.... the Jews were exiled there, 2700 years ago...and in 1948, the population was about 130,000 Jews... why nitpick, 10 remain, if your lucky... hiding in a very deep hole.

guaranteed those Jews had a cave they called a home, and a mans home is his castles, right?... and the tears?


Egypt... an upswing in Jewish population began about 600 years before the birth of the Christ god, with 80,000 Jews in Egypt in 1948. In 1970, they were declared enemies of the state, most fled, some remained to be captured, tortured and killed ... current population... less than ten, best guesses.... again, homes, businesses, happiness etc etc all gone bye bye.... do we care about those 80,000 Jews.


Algeria..... Jews lived there for two and a half millennia, but in 1962 Algeria gained independence and granted citizenship to Muslims only, forcing about 170,000 Jews to flee... current population... approx zero...

Jewish homes, businesses etc. etc... all gone bye byes... and yet, we’re is your indignation


Morocco.... not so bad... 225000 Jews in 1930.... 3500 now... but still, 221500 Jews and their homes... all gone after 2600 years of homes and hearths.. care factor?


Tunisia... not so bad, apart from deportations to concentration camps and general worsening anti Semitism... 1500 Jews still remain, after 2600 years of calling it home... go Tunisia!


Lebanon.... established by tribes of David... it’s impossible to get more Jewish than that!......a few still remain, apparently, post 1948


but my favorite... the terrorist state of Iran... 25000 Jews are actually protected, within that terrorist state... go Iran, best Arab state out there.


the point... this is mostly immigration from Arab countries, in the last seventy years, whereby anti semitism violence or anti Semitic laws have forced hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews to forever give up there homes, in Muslim lands, to which they can never return, but all the anti Semitic posters here want to acknowledge is the expulsion of a few thousand Muslims, under arguably less harsh terms.


So... be fair... be equally indignant... and to be equally indignant, simple math suggests you should be about 100 times more outraged at the treatment of the Jewish people, by Muslims....  but I doubt your future posts, or those of others in denial, will fairly acknowledge this overwhelming disparity


So if this holds true, at least stop injecting history into the argument, and focus instead on 2018, as historical references will not win your argument, as I have demonstrated.




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4 minutes ago, carmine said:

Not for a moment am i suggesting it is all down to Israel.  Hamas is just as much responsible.  i take that as a given.


What i will not accept is the view of many that somehow Israel is the one hard done by and whiter than white.


And yet, your posts repeatedly assert incorrect, one-sided versions regarding the causes for the blockade, humanitarian crisis and death toll. Same goes for using other tropes (like the white phosphorus bit). I never claimed anything implying Israel is whiter than white. As for hard done by - Israel's misdeeds ought to be addressed, the issue taken is that relative to other instances worldwide, it gets disproportional attention.

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