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DPM Prawit orders Defence Ministry to keep closer tabs on foreigners up to no good in Thailand


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"...closer tabs on foreigners up to no good..."

and we are all considered "up to no good"

I'd better find and toss that free deck of cards I got on some EVA flight. I don't think a tax was paid on it. Could make me one of those harmless "no good" types they like to go after

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6 hours ago, jayboy said:

resented by educated middle class Thais

Compare this group of "educated middle class" Thais to the ones of Malaysia, Singapore or Hong Kong  and you understand why xenophobia and paranoia is rampant here. The Thais are very easy to "brainwash" as they are feed with all this BS 24/7. 

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4 hours ago, Emster23 said:

"...closer tabs on foreigners up to no good..."

and we are all considered "up to no good"

I'd better find and toss that free deck of cards I got on some EVA flight. I don't think a tax was paid on it. Could make me one of those harmless "no good" types they like to go after


You don't play Bridge or Darts do you>? They'll both get you into trouble wiv da supasmaht polis.


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6 hours ago, jayboy said:

I'm sure what I say won't be well received but absurd though the current campaign is, there is a major issue with foreigners in Thailand.It's almost never discussed on Thai Visa not least because the forum is geared to cater for many of the large population of "resident" foreigners.


Having said that, here's the problem.


Thailand is unusual for tolerating a huge population of foreigners on a permanent or semi permanent basis who have no very obvious reason for being here.This would not be allowed by other countries in the region or indeed anywhere else.There is no Thailand nationally agreed policy though over time visa regulations have been amended to permit retirees and others to stay.This is very different from saying retirees are encouraged.Thailand despite the endless litany of complaints has a very liberal visa regime.Generally the floating foreigner population is not the high quality variety that many countries do encourage.Many are former tourists who have settled down with their Thai "families".None of this would matter very much if the numbers were small but they aren't and sleazy resorts like Pattaya are increasingly resented by educated middle class Thais.IT's not of course just a matter of low rent farang but a whole welter of other foreigners.Meanwhile Thailand is changing socially and economically and social media is very widely used.Thus it would be naive to believe that the liberal regime will continue into the future without much scrutiny and questioning.The multiculturism of the the West isn't really there in Thailand.Thais are generally a tolerant and welcoming people but it seems to me unrealistic to believe there are no limits to their willingness to accept such large numbers of foreigners and of such very dubious quality.



Not entirely disagreeing with you, but there are a couple of points which flow from your post.


1, Why is it that 'low-rent' (i.e. low net worth) foreigners outnumber the retirees or business  creators? I don't pretend to know the answer but I'd wager it has something to do with incompetent government policy and paranoia.


2. Why is Thailand not a multicultural country? (as you correctly note). The national Thai cringe in reality acknowledges the substandard education and earning potential of most Thais. In fact they think they're not as good as foreigners, not as high-class (white skin), not as wealthy, and of course, the relatively small penis size which weighs heavily on the sense of maleness of many Thai youths. All of this creates a national cringe and the Thai national cringe is the worst I've ever seen, second only to the USA which isn't really multicultural either imho.


3. I don't agree that Thais are tolerant and welcoming, one only has to look at Thai TV to see what the nature of Thais is. Only today I saw a helmetted foreigner trying to move his motorcycle when a motorcycle taxi rider came and kicked him in the face. No obvious reason, just a lout who needs a bullet in the head or a king-size kicking from 10 or 12 youths of his own age. The news channels and papers are full of bad Thai behaviour, they are most certainly not welcoming or tolerant, on the contrary, I think their culture is primitive, much more aligned to the jungle than the conurbation, and their educational level is dire. The 2 things are linked...

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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If you go to the Thai news article and translate it then you get a better understanding.

The government want the foreign database improved. To better prevent terrorism, etc.

The government want the labour department to team up with the police in the current crackdown on illegal migrant workers.

The government want all foreigners, tourists, business, etc to be throughly checked as they enter Thailand.

Blah, blah, blah

So it's the usual speech, no need to panic and sell everything. No xenophobic stuff is happening.

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2 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

If you go to the Thai news article and translate it then you get a better understanding.

The government want the foreign database improved. To better prevent terrorism, etc.

The government want the labour department to team up with the police in the current crackdown on illegal migrant workers.

The government want all foreigners, tourists, business, etc to be throughly checked as they enter Thailand.

Blah, blah, blah

So it's the usual speech, no need to panic and sell everything. No xenophobic stuff is happening.


On the contrary, exactly the usual xenophobia is happening.



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2 hours ago, natway09 said:

Are you lot's comments not getting a bit carried away ?

Having lived here well & peacefully for 28 years I have never been subject to any "interrogation "

ever by police, army or whatever.


That makes you pretty atypical. I recall being grilled for 2 hours because they thought someone at the local immigration office was corrupt. In the end I told them to charge me or **** off. They ****** off and that was the last I heard of it, but the questioning did try awfully hard to uncover some imagined inconsistency or wrongdoing on my part. My wife has a rellie at the local copshop (which is partly how I know most of the beggars are corrupt), but on this occasion, had they spoken with the locals first, it would have saved them a trip and being told their fortune. But they did try awfully hard to make this foreigner look bad.


On the other hand, it did only happen once, though there have been other times where the anti-foreigner bias has been obvious and police actions unlawful as a consequence..

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When a government is in trouble and ordinary Thais are seeing how badly this mob are performing usually the government looks for a distraction. The distraction this time is the farang. Hitler did it with the jews and this mob are doing the same.

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Are you lot's comments not getting a bit carried away ?
Having lived here well & peacefully for 28 years I have never been subject to any "interrogation "
ever by police, army or whatever.

Depends what you mean by interrogation. Your legs and arms tied to a bolted down chair whilst a man shines a light into your face.
Or sat behind a desk having a chat.

I too have never been quized by any of the authorities only the usual form filling and waiting at immigration. In general 'they' usually leave you alone. Not the same as my trip through France in my younger days. I got stopped on a train and asked for my passport by the police. I was hitchhiking with a friend down a highway and we got taken to the police station and questioned. We were travelling back in a lorry and that was pulled over and again the police checked our I.D. So that's three times checked in less than a month in France.

Sent from my SM-A700FD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Not entirely disagreeing with you, but there are a couple of points which flow from your post.


1, Why is it that 'low-rent' (i.e. low net worth) foreigners outnumber the retirees or business  creators? I don't pretend to know the answer but I'd wager it has something to do with incompetent government policy and paranoia.


2. Why is Thailand not a multicultural country? (as you correctly note). The national Thai cringe in reality acknowledges the substandard education and earning potential of most Thais. In fact they think they're not as good as foreigners, not as high-class (white skin), not as wealthy, and of course, the relatively small penis size which weighs heavily on the sense of maleness of many Thai youths. All of this creates a national cringe and the Thai national cringe is the worst I've ever seen, second only to the USA which isn't really multicultural either imho.


3. I don't agree that Thais are tolerant and welcoming, one only has to look at Thai TV to see what the nature of Thais is. Only today I saw a helmetted foreigner trying to move his motorcycle when a motorcycle taxi rider came and kicked him in the face. No obvious reason, just a lout who needs a bullet in the head or a king-size kicking from 10 or 12 youths of his own age. The news channels and papers are full of bad Thai behaviour, they are most certainly not welcoming or tolerant, on the contrary, I think their culture is primitive, much more aligned to the jungle than the conurbation, and their educational level is dire. The 2 things are linked...

1.I don't think low rent has much connection with net worth.There are many foreign residents who are quite hard pushed financially but remain interesting, intellectually curious and well mannered. "Low rent" is hard to describe with precision but a stroll around Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya provides many vivid examples.You will know it when you see it.


2.I don't think this makes any sense.Sorry.


3.I don't agree.Thais are normally courteous and welcoming to foreigners.Those who hang out with the dregs of Thai society will get a different impression.It's true also I'm afraid that some Thai businessmen could do with a spell in charm school.

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When the tiny man was installed, he was specifically directed to protect the elite, those who are in power, well connected, or super wealthy. That is what the entire junta was about. And that is exactly what they have done. Of course, they have made an effort to at least appear to be doing something for the people, while enriching themselves to no end. There is no fight against corruption. There is very little work being done to benefit the people.


So, if anyone was truly serious about lowering the crime rate in Thailand, who would they go after first?


1. Those in power, at the highest levels. They are the most corrupt. 

2. The top brass of the national police.

3. The provincial governors and mayors, and the senators.

4. The local Thai mafias.

5. The wealthiest families, some of whom commit crime with impunity (think the headman of Sairee Beach on Dark Tao, and his serial murdering son. Think the Red Bull heir, who mowed down the cop, and is living very, very comfortably overseas.


Are any of these groups being pursued? Of course not. Who is being pursued? Both legal, and Illegal immigrant workers, who make an enormous contribution to Thai society and the economy, and totally innocent foreigners, who also make an enormous economic contribution, and arguably a valuable cultural contribution to this country. 


Why? Because to pursue the others would be both a failure to protect the elite, on the part of the fabulously incompetent leadership, and a betrayal of their agenda. It would also be an admission that a large part of the crime committed in this country is home grown, and perpetrated by Thais both at the local level, and at the highest levels of the police, and the government. 



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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

Compare this group of "educated middle class" Thais to the ones of Malaysia, Singapore or Hong Kong  and you understand why xenophobia and paranoia is rampant here. The Thais are very easy to "brainwash" as they are feed with all this BS 24/7. 

But the educated middle class of those places don't have to put up with hundreds of thousands of foreign ill mannered yobs and sex tourists ruining their countries' reputation.

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23 minutes ago, jayboy said:

1.I don't think low rent has much connection with net worth.There are many foreign residents who are quite hard pushed financially but remain interesting, intellectually curious and well mannered. "Low rent" is hard to describe with precision but a stroll around Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya provides many vivid examples.You will know it when you see it.


2.I don't think this makes any sense.Sorry.


3.I don't agree.Thais are normally courteous and welcoming to foreigners.Those who hang out with the dregs of Thai society will get a different impression.It's true also I'm afraid that some Thai businessmen could do with a spell in charm school.

"1.I don't think low rent has much connection with net worth.There are many foreign residents who are quite hard pushed financially but remain interesting, intellectually curious and well mannered. "Low rent" is hard to describe with precision but a stroll around Lower Sukhumvit or Pattaya provides many vivid examples.You will know it when you see it."


I was using the term in the way I thought the OP intended. If I was wrong then I apologise, but I think my interpretaation was correct. I don't think he meant literally 'low rent', hence the parenthesis.


"2.I don't think this makes any sense.Sorry."


Then I probably didn't put it clearly enough. No, I'm not going to explain, it isn't that important.


3.I don't agree.Thais are normally courteous and welcoming to foreigners.Those who hang out with the dregs of Thai society will get a different impression.It's true also I'm afraid that some Thai businessmen could do with a spell in charm school.


Disagreeing is allowed, your experience is not the same as mine, or perhaps I see through the disguise more easily than most; that's possible. I don't 'hang out' with dregs of any nationality, I probably don't come across as friendly, that may be the problem. I'm old enough to recognise that a friend in need is a PITA. There are no Thais whom I would consider to be my friends, none at all. Ask me why... no, don't you already know why, I've already explained why. Often.



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8 hours ago, madmitch said:

 Those in the country legally are already pretty much followed with 90 day reports or reports to Immigration by hotels etc. I suppose hotel and guesthouse owners can expect another crackdown on TM30 reporting and maybe the 90 day report will become a 30 day report!!!!


The problem is the illegals. They've made a start by targeting those persons of a certain demographic but there's a long way to go.


But xenophobia does appear to be becoming worse here.

The majority of the ruling class originate from a country that is very xenofobic, very much used to the idea of "squeeze" in business, all have the Middle Kingdom Syndrome, hate "barbarians" and are inward looking.

What do you expect?


PS this typification came out of the mouth of a Singapore Chinese......

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32 minutes ago, jayboy said:

But the educated middle class of those places don't have to put up with hundreds of thousands of foreign ill mannered yobs and sex tourists ruining their countries' reputation.

Agreed, that is certainly true - for evidence look at any of the televised coverages of the Songkran or Full Moon shindigs, the Thais do, it reinforces their sense of superiority.


The OP was also right though, Thais are very very easy to brainwash, as are most of the relatively unintelligent populations of the world. The ease with which you can brainwash or propagandise a population is directly related to their suggestibility and I can tall you that Thais are very, very suggestible.

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5 minutes ago, hansnl said:

The majority of the ruling class originate from a country that is very xenofobic, very much used to the idea of "squeeze" in business, all have the Middle Kingdom Syndrome, hate "barbarians" and are inward looking.

What do you expect?


PS this typification came out of the mouth of a Singapore Chinese......


And he was right on the button.

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8 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

This ridiculous announcement is almost humorous considering it's from the ultra-corrupt pig-faced deputy himself.  Remember, this is happening under his 'watch'. (Sorry, had to say it!)

It's ok,  it's only General Rolex talking. :giggle:

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9 hours ago, madmitch said:

The problem is the illegals. They've made a start by targeting those persons of a certain demographic but there's a long way to go.


But xenophobia does appear to be becoming worse here.

Reminiscent of the tories "cracking down" on immigrants by putting a cap on the number of foreign students coming into the UK. Just a smoke screen to say they are addressing a problem when really they are just attacking decent people who benefit the country.

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24 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Agreed, that is certainly true - for evidence look at any of the televised coverages of the Songkran or Full Moon shindigs, the Thais do, it reinforces their sense of superiority.


The OP was also right though, Thais are very very easy to brainwash, as are most of the relatively unintelligent populations of the world. The ease with which you can brainwash or propagandise a population is directly related to their suggestibility and I can tall you that Thais are very, very suggestible.

Full Moon shindigs are different.Young people having fun and getting wasted don't make the stomach retch and anyway they're out of sight.If you're pretty and charming enough you can get away with most things.It's the overweight middle aged foreigner with base appetites that's the turn off.

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