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Thaksin wants to return home, says Chavalit


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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The new owners of the Nation edited the interview where Chavalit warned the military of the consequences of prolonging their dominance and he will never support Prayut. The military is not united. 

"Chavalit warned the military" (junta)? Is there a video to substantiate your post? 

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2 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I see nothing to stop him coming home anytime he wants. He has accommodation waiting for him, and three meals a day for two years, and I am pretty sure he will get a free pick up from the airport too! :smile:

Two meals a, day, I though it was.  Maybe depends on the prison.  Either way no problem.  Tell him to bring "Boss"  and his sister with him.  They are probably homesick too.   And that monk from America.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

He said a vicious cycle of election, military coup and a new constitution had taken place again and again since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932. “Thailand is the only country to have 20 constitutions. Most other countries have only one or two each,” he said.

...and this is all Thaksins' fault?


2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

The new owners of the Nation edited the interview where Chavalit warned the military of the consequences of prolonging their dominance and he will never support Prayut. The military is not united. 

Go figure.

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In 2009,  a gentleman standing outside of a Bangkok restaurant struck up a conversation with me in English as we were waiting outside the restaurant.  I asked him about Taksin.

With emotion in his voice and emphasis in his words he said:

"I love him. I LOVE him. I Love him."

Then he went on to tell me why.

I have never before or since seen anyone talk about a politician in such terms.

Sure this was one man's opinion; but the strength of his fondness for Taksin was impressive.

Besides, I saw Taksin wei to a farang on national TV that had weied to him as he passed by on the street. Can you name another Thai politician who would do the sane?

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21 minutes ago, Krungbin said:

Thaksin "wants" to make the same come back Mahatir did. He has always been dreaming to become the Mahatir of Thailand...

I always thought he believed he was the Lee Kwan Yiew (spelling??) of Thailand.  He could have been and absolutely should have been but he got too greedy as soon as he was in the box seat.  (If not probably before but we never noticed.)  

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I think this is the first of many ‘soft’ pleas that will be made to allow Taksin to return leading up to the election as some offset to not interfere with Prayut’s plans or the election.   I have no doubt Taksin will return, and, will never do jail time.

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Not a good idea him coming home. There would be lots of crowd trouble and bloodshed. Is it all really worth it in the end? Generally speaking, Thai people are peaceful people and I think they would  be slightly interested in dying for this guy Stay where you are mate and spend the millions you stole from Thailand

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3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

how many carts before how many horses does that 'logic' amount to ? he has to do good deeds from abroad before he is welcomed into the country ? setting aside for a moment the legalities and the many enemies he has made, only way seems to be he would throw money , lot of it , at the people; that is called a bribe, itself illegal;

on the whole, impractical;

only way would be a royal pardon


Indeed. It says a lot for the mentality and culture that the only suggestion is massive bribery. No thought of actually serving the prison sentence, facing up to doing a runner, and facing up to all the other outstanding serious charges, like the Krungthai Bank Fraud etc.


So today's lesson people. If you're gonna thieve, make sure and steal enough to pay massive bribes to the people and win over public support. Then you can avoid the legal consequences.



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As long as the illegitimate government, which seized power in the most recent of a long line of coups, remains in power, it will remain judge, jury and executioner for this land - hardly a situation in which Thaksin or his sister are likely to return. However, circumstances change, a new monarch ascends the throne, opinions shift, positions modify, time passes... 

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51 minutes ago, Krungbin said:

Thaksin "wants" to make the same come back Mahatir did. He has always been dreaming to become the Mahatir of Thailand...

What? Wait another 24 years to make his return to power?


I reckon he'll be back within 10 years... and no jail time.

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1 minute ago, NanLaew said:

What? Wait another 24 years to make his return to power?


I reckon he'll be back within 10 years... and no jail time.


Unless something dramatic changes, he'll wait until the statute of limitations has expired on the outstanding serious cases awaiting him before he dares return. Others involved in the Krungthai bank fraud got 18 year sentences. He's scared of that now he failed to wangle an amnesty.


When they're all expired, he might risk it. Probably cite old age and ill health to avoid the 2 year sentence and apologies and wai for jumping bail. And hope all good to go at it again!

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4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

So today's lesson people. If you're gonna thieve, make sure and steal enough to pay massive bribes to the people and win over public support. Then you can avoid the legal consequences.

Let me add to your lesson. If you want to rob and steal, pay massive bribes and intimidate to try win support, be a general and better still be a general from the Burapha fraternity. That you can avoid all legal consequences and you can even shred the law and re-write your own. 

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