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U.S. bishop wows royal wedding with impassioned sermon on love


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25 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Captivating? Cringeworthy! Appears an unintelligent babbling coot, and not funny. There are more moving African American pastors on television everyday in the US.


Imagine Harry sitting through this pablum after 5 years at Eton and RMAS.


Fire? I have heard a better theory civilisation started with Beer.


At about 06:30 Her Majesty does not look pleased. Perhaps a cultural nadir of once great Empire.



I totally agree with you.

I'm an atheist but I enjoy passionate African American church culture -- especially from leftist preachers and of course the amazing gospel music. This guy was delivering weak tea. Considering that, yes, he should have respected his time slot. If people think that was captivating, I think it shows a lack of exposure to the real deal stuff. 


That said, even though personally I think this Curry dude was a boring dud with no ironically not enough spice, I do get the representation part of it. Meghan wanted her culture to be included in the ceremony and I can see that's a good thing.

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12 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

I just saw an excerpt  his  "speech". It might have played well for an uneducated crowd typical of many US congregations, but it was not appropriate for the people sitting in that church.  The majority of those people, when they are within their circle of friends, still refer to people of colour by certain adjectives that some may find offensive. It lacked decorum.


Frankly, I could care less about Harry or his  shallow wife and her collection of crazy relatives. My takeaway was that this was a farce of a wedding and that it provided the introduction for what I anticipate will be a few years of scandals and embarrassments. A civil ceremony would have sufficed.

Oh the use of the word “uneducated” in the realm of criticism. Turns the users emotion of uneasiness into arrogance so the user can feel superior once again. 

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11 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

I’ll check out the Royal Wedding sermon later on YouTube.

Surprised an Imam was not invited to speak.

As for "wows", I don't know about that, but certainly he probably stunned a few.


There was a religious person with a funny hat that looked a bit Imamish, that spoke, but I don't know which branch of religion he represented.


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Love? yes....good idea. 

The really embarrassing thing about the Bishop's speech was that most of the royals on display there and paying lip-service to fidelity and "till death us do part" etc were in fact a bunch of divorcees.


Yours sincerely, till breath do us depart.....

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6 hours ago, lanista said:

Bishop Curry is a.......... primate??  LOL

Surely they could of dug up a better word than that.

I'm surrpised they didnt erect four minaretes outside the chapel to give it a more multi cultural appeal to the great unwashed masses.


Why should they "come up with another word" when that is the correct word that is used to describe someone in that position?    

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13 hours ago, Dave67 said:

It was an embarrassing, cringefest as well as funny to see the Royals smirking and laughing.

I was cringing and laughing all at the same time. I'm one for bucking the system, but that guy took the royal icing our of the cake. 

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I love it - If Christians believe in Love then lets here it. So much of church services are dreary C of E elderly men stuff but this was not out of place and showed passion & commitment. Many Brits love it and with the beautiful gospel singing it brought extra to this lovely day. We are now post modern with a non-white princess and more diversity and more reality within the Royal family. Both the couple are caring people , both from broken families and both know the world is not a picnic. Their privileged position will be used to promote charity, help disadvantaged youth and do good. Britain at its most divided state ever in recent history needed this lovely  pickup.

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15 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

Is Meghan a R Catholic? Still, all the same bullshit they worship.


I had read she was but I was corrected by Estrada (post #43).


4 hours ago, Estrada said:

Ill informed hate monger: She saw the light and changed her religion to Protestant

A bit relieved to hear it, as I didn't fancy returning to pre-King Henry days.


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Well now, I thought he was rather good - he certainly seemed to rather believe what he was saying and took no prisoners in saying it. So many sermons at such occasions are of the "as Jesus said, and it has to be said with some degree of justification" variety; it was refreshing to hear someone preach with such obvious conviction. 

I would suggest that assessing royal and other approval from a selection of split second camera "pans" is a fairly inexact science. I'm sure that he would have discussed his text with the clerical higherarchy and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex anyway. As for protocol: we're told that apparently a rather jolly black American bishop chappie got it terribly wrong - what an eclectic selection of expertise is available on TVF!

Edited by JAG
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24 minutes ago, lionsincity said:

vile & vulgar.......totally out of place.......like a bull in a china shop.

Vile and vulgar, totally out of place!  That's not how we pray or conduct religious services in the UK and following a different format or style in un-British and not really religious as we know it hence you mustn't do it because it means you're not following protocol or being religious.......gonads! 

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1 hour ago, wgdanson said:

Is Meghan a R Catholic? Still, all the same bullshit they worship.


Both parents protestant.

She went to a Catholic high school but still identifies as protestant.

No requirement to be a Catholic to attend such schools. 

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15 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

My takeaway was that this was a farce of a wedding and that it provided the introduction for what I anticipate will be a few years of scandals and embarrassments.

Considering that children of divorced parents are more likely themselves to be divorced, this is virtually a sure thing with these two. Not only were Harry's parents divorced while the children were young, so was Markles'. And around Harry there is divorced Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, and divorced Princess Margaret. Then, there is Markle's divorced parents and her own divorce. Aside from the queen, about the only person who seems to have a stable family in that bunch is they guy who flunked out of the commandos and wanted to work in theater, Edward. 

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"CBS anchor Gayle King, who led the network’s coverage from Windsor, observed that this sermon was meant less for the people in that room than for everyone else watching the wedding from afar. That 13-minute sermon, not to mention everything we witnessed before and afterward, stood as evidence of how consciously the House of Windsor, and specifically Harry and Meghan, intended to use the spectacle of the wedding to send a message to the world."



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11 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Plenty on here Bashing the Bishop

Rightly, so. Being brought up in a Baptist church, I have heard a few sermons of the type he was attempting to present.  He did not succeed. His sermon was much too long for the occasion, and disjointed at best.  It was painful to watch the spectacle.

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7 hours ago, zydeco said:

Considering that children of divorced parents are more likely themselves to be divorced, this is virtually a sure thing with these two. Not only were Harry's parents divorced while the children were young, so was Markles'. And around Harry there is divorced Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, and divorced Princess Margaret. Then, there is Markle's divorced parents and her own divorce. Aside from the queen, about the only person who seems to have a stable family in that bunch is they guy who flunked out of the commandos and wanted to work in theater, Edward. 

Yes, but Edward is gay and his wife is his beard. 

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