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Thailand aims to increase milk consumption to 25 liters per head per year


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16 hours ago, electric said:

There's a whole bunch of milky white celebrities looking for a new product to endorse, now that the fake cosmetics thingy is down the shitter.


Reckon the celebs would be pretty safe endorsing milk.


I love my homemade milk shakes. 1 litre milk, couple of big scoops of icecream and a decent gurgle of strawberry topping. It's a meal    55555



They already have their celebrity: none other than the PM himself, who was talking about this on his Friday night entertainment special (according to my daughter anyway). 

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GROSS! Milk is for infants ONLY...and mother's breast milk at that. Milk and other dairy products are unnecessary and unhealthy. Dairy is the cause of many childhood health problems and for adults as well. Also, most people are lactose intolerant after infancy, which can lead to all sorts of intestinal distress. 


Some astonishing facts Big Dairy does not want anyone to know...



Edited by Skeptic7
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17 hours ago, Thian said:

Well a glass is 200 cl, so 2 glasses a day makes 146 litre a year.


Maybe they also need some broccoli-juice with that so they can learn math at the same level as Westerners as well.

Actually, according to most common measures, a "glass" is eight ounces, or 240 ccs. That would mean an increase to 1,750+ liters/year.
Unless Thai "glasses" are different. ?

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8 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

GROSS! Milk is for infants ONLY...and mother's breast milk at that. Milk and other dairy products are unnecessary and unhealthy. Dairy is the cause of many childhood health problems and for adults as well. Also, most people are lactose intolerant after infancy, which can lead to all sorts of intestinal distress. 


Some astonishing facts Big Dairy does not want anyone to know...




I agree completely with your first sentence......the rest is BS.

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Sure milk is nature's perfect food...if you're a calf. But they are smart enough to avoid it when reached a certain age.
Recently, though, milk has come under heavy fire from the scientists of the world who not only question its nutritional value, but go as far as labelling it a poison responsible for all kinds of disease and dysfunction. Drink milk, they say, and thanks to the lactose, pus, blood, hormones, and other “unhealthy” substances it contains, you’ll be more likely to gain weight, weaken your bones, and even get cancer.

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25 minutes ago, Vacuum said:


I agree completely with your first sentence......the rest is BS.

Glad you agree and zero B.S. here...save for yours, I'm afraid. A LONG list from credible medical and science sources are easily accessible to back the claims, but to be honest with oneself...one has to do some honest research. Just claiming B.S. does not in any way refute the evidence. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not their own facts. Facts remain facts regardless of personal opinion. :coffee1:

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18 hours ago, Get Real said:

He didn´t have his calculator with him when he made that statement. However, it´s good to know they have something to go for. 


Right now they are not even in the list for 2016: https://www.statista.com/statistics/535806/consumption-of-fluid-milk-per-capita-worldwide-country/



Thank for the link to a PAID SITE.

These are free.





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10 minutes ago, aussie11950 said:

Ok, ops! Can see that now. When I looked before posting it, I got up the list of statistics. Otherwise I wouldn´t have posted it. It must have been something wrong with it at that time.

Actually, i tried again now and I can still get it up if I go trough Google. Try this link: https://www.google.co.th/search?q=milk+consumption+by+country+2017&rlz=1C1CHBF_enTH780TH780&oq=milk&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i60l3j0.17986j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 and choose number 2 the statista link. If I use that I can expand the list. Very strange when it´s the same page you enter. Tell me if it works for you that way.

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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

GROSS! Milk is for infants ONLY...and mother's breast milk at that. Milk and other dairy products are unnecessary and unhealthy. Dairy is the cause of many childhood health problems and for adults as well. Also, most people are lactose intolerant after infancy, which can lead to all sorts of intestinal distress. 


Some astonishing facts Big Dairy does not want anyone to know...



Comparison of human and cows milk.



PCRM is an anti dairy, vegetarian website.
Very biased.












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2 hours ago, Lupatria said:

Sure milk is nature's perfect food...if you're a calf. But they are smart enough to avoid it when reached a certain age.
Recently, though, milk has come under heavy fire from the scientists of the world who not only question its nutritional value, but go as far as labelling it a poison responsible for all kinds of disease and dysfunction. Drink milk, they say, and thanks to the lactose, pus, blood, hormones, and other “unhealthy” substances it contains, you’ll be more likely to gain weight, weaken your bones, and even get cancer.

Kindly supply sources for your information.

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23 hours ago, Thian said:

Well a glass is 200 cl, so 2 glasses a day makes 146 litre a year.


Maybe they also need some broccoli-juice with that so they can learn math at the same level as Westerners as well.

No problem with maths, they are urging all people to drink 2 glasses per day but they realise that they will be lucky to increase consumption to an average of 25Litres/head.

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Up to 90 percent of South Asians may be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance, which is due to the inability to digest milk sugars, is a common disorder caused by a deficiency of the lactase enzyme in the digestive system. Lactose intolerance is three times more common in South Asians than in other populations.




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3 minutes ago, rwill said:

Up to 90 percent of South Asians may be lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance, which is due to the inability to digest milk sugars, is a common disorder caused by a deficiency of the lactase enzyme in the digestive system. Lactose intolerance is three times more common in South Asians than in other populations.




Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this also affect the way they absorb alcohol too?


I seem to remember nearly thirty years ago reading about this and why South Asians get drunk very quickly, being unable to hold their alcohol compared to Europeans.


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8 hours ago, Bill Miller said:

There is no "European level". There is a range from $0.64/litre in Poland to $2.05/liter in Norway. Thailand currently is ranked at $1.65/liter.
I suspect a more accurate article would be that the intent is to increase milk consumption in all forms, not necessarily expect lactose intolerant Thai adults to "drink two glasses" daily. 
Chockchai Farms provides one of the most consistent quality products, IMO. Meiji is also quite good. Some of the others I have suspected of adulteration with reconstituted powdered milk. Purely subjective based on my perception of the flavour.
A "new comer" of excellent quality is marketed as mMilk. Square plastic bottles that fit a liter comfortably into the oddly sized (IMO) lower door rack in my refrigerator. Like Chokchai they are a northern operation, with five locations.
I have been a sometime dairyman, and like milk. I think an increase in domestic butter and cheese production, real cheese, not that plastic crap, would be good. Decrease the amount of pricey imported goods.


Scandinavian countries are expensive . I should have said western euro countries . (probably cheaper in eastern europe).

1L full milk : 0,67 E = about 25 B

1L halffull : 0,62 E = about 23,5 B

1L in Big C/Lotus at least double or more.(and tastes bad)

1L full Yoghurt ( the thick stuff , not the drinkable ) : 0,9 E = 34 B.

Again Thailand at least double or more.

How are average Thai's going to pay for it ? It's too expensive for me , just not worth it.

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12 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Cancers, high cholesterol, fat are all side effects of milk.

A terrible drink actually.

Take a multi vitamin and calcium tablets if you want the good stuff.

While agreed that milk is awful, there are plenty of plant sources loaded with calcium. A few examples...basil, kale, spinach and other greens, almonds and peanuts, broccoli, chickpeas and other beans. Even raisins, cinnamon and oranges have it. :thumbsup:

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...But Asians are often lactose-intolerant?  I mean, why don't we increase peanut butter consumption among those allergic to peanuts, too?  I've seen how it ends for my Asian cheese-and-ice-cream-loving friend when he's overindulged... this is going to mean a whole country of people running for the bathrooms.



On 5/31/2018 at 5:41 PM, cyberfarang said:

Here is a fact; that people of South East Asia are extremely lactose intolerance. Their metabolisms are different from Europeans. Too many dairy products could kill them. This is why we don`t see many Thai people drinking milk and eating yogurts and cheese.

I don't know about killing them, but maybe killing the septic systems...

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45 minutes ago, Katia said:

...But Asians are often lactose-intolerant?  I mean, why don't we increase peanut butter consumption among those allergic to peanuts, too?  I've seen how it ends for my Asian cheese-and-ice-cream-loving friend when he's overindulged... this is going to mean a whole country of people running for the bathrooms.



I don't know about killing them, but maybe killing the septic systems...

Intolerant or not: Japanese, Koreans and even Chinese consume much higher volumes milk than Thai. Children do not grow well on multivitamins and calsium tablets. Protein quality of milk is not easily substituted.

 Thailand imports a large part of its consumption. It goes into schoolmilk (mainly local produced) and into lots of products. Personally I am not a fan of icecream made of palmoil. Or cream in the coffee that is part palmoil. Starbucks uses also fresh pasteurized milk (long life and recombined is not the same)

Let local farmers produce more milk rather than more rice or sugar to sit somewhere...

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On 5/31/2018 at 4:26 PM, Jeremy50 said:

You are confused, over types of cow. The skinny ones are the indigenous breeds, reared mostly for meat. Dairy cows are imported stock of mostly Frisian and some other breeds. Dairy herds can be seen in some parts of Thailand, generally in the North, and look the same as dairy cows the world over. However, most Thais don't drink milk, this article probably refers to the many sweetened milk products that are found in 7/11 and supermarkets, and are sold to children in schools. Regular Thai milk is of a good standard, especially  Meiji. 

Horrible, stringy, tough meat. Might as well be African bushmeat. My wife calls them soi cows/soi beef

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On 5/31/2018 at 5:10 PM, ratcatcher said:

Chokchai milk comes from Chockchai dairy farm, Nakhon Ratchasima. They have a large herd of Holsteins. Where does Meiji milk come from?   Japan or reconstituted milk powder from China?.

Perhaps there's a cowboy/girl out there that can tell me.

If you drive 40 km south of Chokchai you will come to Mortlec in Saraburi they is the home of the Thai Denmark milk group ,all the milk thay sell is fresh no milk powder they prosses, about 100 ton a day, go another 50 km to central Lopburi ,they over 100 ton of milk a day is produced  going to factory in Bangkok and Ayutthaya.                                   Thai dairy  system is very diffrent to ours ,milk is the most perashable of all frsh foods ,no small dairy farmer has cooling equipment on they farms just to expencive ,so all dairy farms are about 20-25 km from a milk center ,milk is picked up from farms  twice a day  am and pm , taken to the   milk center to be cooled and stored the milk center is contracted to send milk to the big companes ie Meij,Duch Mill, ect the Maiji factory is nearSaraburi,so milk will come from Lopbrui, Sarabrui areas ,

Thai Denmark have other centers in the North Sukonthai and way down south.Nong Po near in  Ratchaburi provence has they own lable one of our late king's projects .and they is another large milk center in Ratchaburi province.CM has a milk center about 15 years ago it closed, only reopened again a few years ago.

As for feed they are feed companies that produce dairy feed, a mullite million baht business, and for fodder rice straw and  grass is used .

All breeding in done in Thailand  I would say 80-90 % done by AI , artificial insemination, some semen is imported mainly from the USA, but all the bulls for breeding are bred here in Thailand ,the DPO at Mortlec are one of the big breeders of bulls along with CP ,Chockai breed they own bulls and sell semen. 

You do not see many cows out grazing like in Europe Thailand has adopted the USA system cow are kept in yards and feed is brought to them.

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1 minute ago, kickstart said:

If you drive 40 km south of Chokchai you will come to Mortlec in Saraburi they is the home of the Thai Denmark milk group ,all the milk thay sell is fresh no milk powder they prosses, about 100 ton a day, go another 50 km to central Lopburi ,they over 100 ton of milk a day is produced  going to factory in Bangkok and Ayutthaya.                                   Thai dairy  system is very diffrent to ours ,milk is the most perashable of all frsh foods ,no small dairy farmer has cooling equipment on they farms just to expencive ,so all dairy farms are about 20-25 km from a milk center ,milk is picked up from farms  twice a day  am and pm , taken to the   milk center to be cooled and stored the milk center is contracted to send milk to the big companes ie Meij,Duch Mill, ect the Maiji factory is nearSaraburi,so milk will come from Lopbrui, Sarabrui areas ,

Thai Denmark have other centers in the North Sukonthai and way down south.Nong Po near in  Ratchaburi provence has they own lable one of our late king's projects .and they is another large milk center in Ratchaburi province.CM has a milk center about 15 years ago it closed, only reopened again a few years ago.

As for feed they are feed companies that produce dairy feed, a mullite million baht business, and for fodder rice straw and  grass is used .

All breeding in done in Thailand  I would say 80-90 % done by AI , artificial insemination, some semen is imported mainly from the USA, but all the bulls for breeding are bred here in Thailand ,the DPO at Mortlec are one of the big breeders of bulls along with CP ,Chockai breed they own bulls and sell semen. 

You do not see many cows out grazing like in Europe Thailand has adopted the USA system cow are kept in yards and feed is brought to them.

Thank you for taking the time for that very informative post. I was always under the impression that Meiji milk, I believe a subdivision of the CP group, was made from reconstituted milk powder. 

Your detailed explanation has put that to rest.:wai:

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2 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Thank you for taking the time for that very informative post. I was always under the impression that Meiji milk, I believe a subdivision of the CP group, was made from reconstituted milk powder. 

Your detailed explanation has put that to rest.:wai:

Actually ,as you know Thai company law says  a foreign company can only be 49 %owned, 51% being Thai, Maiji is tied up with CP, known as CP Maiji that is why you see Maiji milk in 7-11 all the time ,7-11 being owned by CP.

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9 hours ago, AntDee said:

You are confused, over types of cow. The skinny ones are the indigenous breeds, reared mostly for meat. Dairy cows are imported stock of mostly Frisian and some other breeds. Dairy herds can be seen in some parts of Thailand, generally in the North, and look the same as dairy cows the world over. However, most Thais don't drink milk, this article probably refers to the many sweetened milk products that are found in 7/11 and supermarkets, and are sold to children in schools. Regular Thai milk is of a good standard, especially  Meiji. 

Dairy cows in Thai are all home bred see post #51.

25 years ago some crossbreeds where imported from New Zealand, Sahiwal x  Friesian, the idea was finding cattle less heat tolerant, and more resistant to tick fever. then locally produced Friesian semen was put on these cows, giving a 75% Friesian cow, that could tolerate Thai conditions.

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On 5/31/2018 at 3:59 PM, Thian said:

Well a glass is 200 cl, so 2 glasses a day makes 146 litre a year.


Maybe they also need some broccoli-juice with that so they can learn math at the same level as Westerners as well.

I grew up on a dairy farm and I still don't like milk.

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Most of the milk drunk in Thailand by Thais is by way of milk byproducts such as yogurt, etc. And yes @Thian  Meiji  is real milk. I remember reading a few years ago that the Japanese don't let the Thais touch the milk.

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And here was I thinking that Thais - like all other East & SE Asians - are about 80%+ lactose intolerant ...


Certainly my family here have a major yuck factor whenever (about once a fortnight) they see me have a glass of milk or pour some on my muesli (Yuck!), or (about once a month) spread thick butter on my toast (Double Yuck!).

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