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Gang rape/murder of "Nong Gift": She knew one of her attackers


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Gang rape/murder of "Nong Gift": She knew one of her attackers




Information from a popular fan page on Facebook shows that the young woman gang raped and murdered in Chantaburi at the weekend knew one of the men who abducted her.


Umaporn or "Gift", aged just 21, was found dead in Makham district of the eastern Thai province. The case is gripping the Thai public.


Four men had taken her from an entertainment venue after she passed out from excessive alcohol, it was earlier reported. She was loaded up into the back of a pick-up and taken to a place owned by one of the assailants and there raped and murdered. 


Now information from the Social Hunter V.3 page shows that Gift knew a man called "Ball" who is one of the suspects that claims he only did the driving and did not take part in the rape/murder. 


Drugs and a possible family feud are also rumored to be complications in the case, reported Thai Rath on Thursday.


All four suspects earlier reportedly admitted their involvement to police and were taken on a reenactment during which relatives and friends of the victim tried to attack them.



Source: https://www.thairath.co.th/content/1296212

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-5-31
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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:



Lock them up.


Throw away the key.


Absolute scum.

There are two forms of justice in Thailand. One for the winners with money and one for the losers without money. These boys are losers. Case closed!

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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

 "relatives and friends of the victim tried to attack them" maybe  the BIB should go for a long lunch one day next week and inadvertently leave the station door open and the cell keys hanging on the hook, after giving a wink and a nod to the family.

And that would make us as imoral as them in my opinion . Solve nothing and cause more misery in this world. All actions have a cause. Mostly to do with the nurture of a young mind.

Edited by EdyP
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Watching the video seeing that girl being taken to suffer a horrible death, was scary.


It`s looks like the girl was drugged, maybe something put in her drink. She was totally unconscious, it appears more than just being drunk.


We all know what we would like to see happen to those men, no need to explain more.

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8 hours ago, djayz said:

Too young to die. 



As well as I understand your point with the comment, there is still one question that comes to mind.
When a person get raped and/or murdered, what is according to you the preferred perfect age for that?

This is once again an act of a group of people that are misplaced in society. For doing a thing like this, there are no normal boundries in ther brains and way of thinking.
It´s is what normally is the defination of seriously ill people that need treatment, locked up in a facility we often call mental hospital.

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11 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

after she passed out from excessive alcohol,


A " normal thinking " person would have called an ambulance . But " normal thinking " seems to be a thing of the past .


Not to let 4 possibly drunken guys just take her body away !


Stupid and irresponsible behaviour by the people working in that " entertainment venue " .

Edited by nobodysfriend
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45 minutes ago, MartinL said:

In a Channel 3 report this morning, the gang and this young girl were shown passing within arm's length of a 'policeman', who gave them a casual glance while sauntering along with his hands in his pockets and without a worry in the world.


I hope the 'policeman' can live with himself for the rest of his life, knowing that by the simple act of asking the gang what they were doing and acting like a REAL cop, he could have saved the girl's life. 


Acting like a REAL cop, TIT - are you serious? 

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10 hours ago, EdyP said:

And that would make us as imoral as them in my opinion . Solve nothing and cause more misery in this world. All actions have a cause. Mostly to do with the nurture of a young mind.

You may well be correct in your belief, so what do you suggest would be a fair, reasonable, and a just outcome - a little slap on  the wrist and be put in the corner for 30 minutes to reflect on what they have done - to be followed up with a 2 page essay on what naughty boys they have been and how they intend to improve themselves in the future.


As to your "All actions have a cause" so what do you consider is the cause of her rape and murder?  and let's not forget, all stupid actions have consequences. 


But as this is Thailand, the outcome will probably be bugger all as usual. 

Edited by Artisi
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1 hour ago, nobodysfriend said:


A " normal thinking " person would have called an ambulance . But " normal thinking " seems to be a thing of the past .


Not to let 4 possibly drunken guys just take her body away !


Stupid and irresponsible behaviour by the people working in that " entertainment venue " .

Have to admit that if I was in that bar at the time, I would have probably assumed that the girl was simply drunk and the 4 guys were family or friends taking her home. I think most people would think that.


But I`ve study the video and it does appear to me, that the girl was more than just drunk, she was literally unconscious as if she`d been drugged. It doesn`t make sense that the girl would have sat there alone and drunk herself into a state of passing out.  Also who was she with? And what was she doing in the bar? There is more to this story then we are being told.

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20 minutes ago, MartinL said:

Did I mention REAL cops in Thailand?

No you didn't - you said cop, "why didn't he act like a REAL cop...." 

think my reply is still a valid comment. 

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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

To those guys that girl meant nothing, they were like a cat that tortures a mouse before killing it, tragically the girl was the mouse in their sick game.

So people with a mindset that fits your description above, does not have a mental illnes? According to me they do not have the ability to define what is right or wrong. Also according to me, a person that can deliver this kind of evil, like we definately agree upon, must have something seriously wrong upstairs. Lucky you ain´t a doctor, I hope???

Edited by Get Real
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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

I just found her profile on facebook, very sad.


Sorry but I don`t agree. There is a difference between mental illness and just plain evil, and those men are evil in the highest degree. They are bad guys, full stop.


Not everyone thinks the same and shares the same moral standards. To those guys that girl meant nothing, they were like a cat that tortures a mouse before killing it, tragically the girl was the mouse in their sick game.


Regarding her age, it does make it more tragic when the person is young, because at 21 years old, she hasn`t lived life yet, her future taken away.


Those men deserve nothing less than the death penalty for this diabolical crime, because they knew exactly what they were doing and what were their intentions.



Bash and shoot these animals..Uf was my family no court

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13 hours ago, Cadbury said:

There are two forms of justice in Thailand. One for the winners with money and one for the losers without money. These boys are losers. Case closed!

Correction... she was the ultimate loser !

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