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proof of payment from 11 months ago

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Hi, paid money online for a course July last year. The woman i paid now says I need to show proof I paid the money to her account. I do not have the receipt from online banking and only has a six month history. Went to the bank today to see if they could show the the payment was made, and they are acting like it is impossible to show the transaction. Does this seem correct???? they must keep records of transactions for over 11 months, of who paid who and how much. Anybody have any experience with this situations.


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Thanks for the replays, will try the branch i am registered in on Monday. The one today was only a small branch, and didn't seem to know what was going on. Gave them my bank book and passport but they said they it couldn't be done.

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20 minutes ago, sirocco said:


You do not have your little bank books since you opened your account?
I needed proof of a transfer between my country and Thailand, I showed on the booklet and we took out the details

As sirocco says, update your bankbook.

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25 minutes ago, krung said:

Thanks for the replays, will try the branch i am registered in on Monday. The one today was only a small branch, and didn't seem to know what was going on. Gave them my bank book and passport but they said they it couldn't be done.


Not all that surprised, Of recent times I've noticed n several bans local teller staff have no real knowledge of the concept of banking let alone their own procedures and policies.


Plus sometimes it's just laziness.


Call the HO call center and get a specific clear answer. 




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The bank has to retain the records for 10 years for all sorts of legal reasons. However, to save space on their computers they may archive the transactions. Each bank has different practices. 

First, update your passbook. If it shows the transaction, great, if not you will only see consolidated debit/credit totals so you’ll need to contact the bank’s head office (try their call centre first) to get a detailed printout. They will charge for that. 

That will of course only show that you transferred  THBxxxx on a particular day but probably not the details of where / whom you transferred to. You’d then need to ask the bank for details of that specific transfer transaction. Another fee and probably a week or three to wait - depends how they archive the data. Tell them you need it for a court case. May get slightly faster service

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32 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

As sirocco says, update your bankbook.

If you don't update your pass book regularly, when you do it's likely to show one line combined transactions which is of no help.

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It is certain that the employees are incompetent.
On the proof of transfer, I have all the details:
the day, the month, the hour, the amount requested in euros and baht, commission fees, the rate, my bank number on both sides, my address.
And that's done in 3 minutes.
See the parent bank or insisting on employees.
No, we give you a complete summary of your operations, but only one line.

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1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

As sirocco says, update your bankbook.

Updating doesn't always show all previous withdrawals. After a certain number it aggregates them. Had this problem (I rarely update) when renewing retirement extension. Quick trip downstairs to BBL at Imm, asked for a printout of previous year. Ten mintues, cost Bt 100. Simple. 

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Your bank will have details going back many years...it's just it may take them a day or two and cost you a few hundred baht fee for the info.   It common on Thai ibanking for transaction history to only go back 6 months; going back further than that requires a visit to your branch for them to research it for you.



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Krung, If you want bank statements over 6 months then you must go to the branch where your account is as it is most banks policies to only supply 6 months statements at any branch except the branch where your account is held. We have just gone through this in buying a house, the wife went to the local branch and could only get 6 months statements and had to travel to Bkk to get the 12 months statements.

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If you can identify the specific transfer that you want, simply go into your local branch, and tell them you want a "Debit Advice" for the specific transfer in question. You'll need to identify the transfer by date, amount and any other unique, distinguishing feature. As it is over 3 months old, they may need to write up the request and send it to the head office, and it will probably take about a week to get a response. Banks usually have a fee of around 100 baht for this.  Each bank seems to have a different procedure. You may wish to call the bank's head office and ask them specifically what to do so you can explain it to the person at the branch.


This should be a standard service that any bank can give you.


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Hello krung,

Without wishing to argue, you say that your bank should keep records of transactions for more than 11 months. That is true.
And you, what did you do with your account books prior to the 6-month history.
I have kept mine for 10 years, as well as the records of my country of origin.
I also keep the payments (receipts) that I make either from bank to beneficiary, or cash to beneficiary.
Certainly, there are some who are more comfortable with paperwork than others.
But it serves us as experience and makes us more alert - 555 - until the next blunder.
Go, your steps, you will get there.

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Thanks for all the help and advice. After my fourth visit to the bank the ball seems to be finally moving and should hopefully get a document by Friday. Headed to the main branch (where my account is held) after staff looking doubtful/confused seem to have been passed to a very competent member of staff who knows the process. Fee of 100 baht as previously mentioned by people.

Cheers again 

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