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Trump says summit removed North Korean nuclear threat; Democrats doubtful


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And then, Pompeo comes along and gets huffy and angry with reporters who start asking him about what if any details were discussed or agreed upon regarding inspections and verification, according to the following report in The Guardian.





Mike Pompeo loses temper when asked about North Korean disarmament


When pressed on whether Trump and Kim had discussed verification, which would involve the deployment of weapons inspectors to North Korea, the secretary of state lost his temper. “I find that question insulting and ridiculous and, frankly, ludicrous,” the former Republican congressman said. “I just have to be honest with you. It’s a game and one ought not play games with serious matters like this.”


When asked again how disarmament would be verified, Pompeo replied: “There’s a long way to go, there’s much to think about, but don’t say silly things. “No, don’t, don’t,” he continued in face of the questioning. “It’s not productive. It’s not productive to do that, to say silly things. It’s just – it’s unhelpful.


OK, well, that concise answer certainly clears things up for me. I knew Mike would clear away the obscurity..  . :1zgarz5:


BTW, in case you doubt The Guardian, the same exchange has been likewise reported elsewhere. And the entire exchange apparently was recorded in a State Department transcript of the interview.


To me, those are pretty valid and important questions, not ones deserving of Pompeo's scorn and ridicule. The CBS report below has the full transcript of the exchange.



Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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11 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I think you've been given the reason over and over again. What he signed on to commits him to nothing since it's not clear what it means. If he's so sincere, why not simply state the North Korea is going to give up its nuclear weapons?. Sincere people are clear and open in their statements. They don't state their intentions via statements that can be read to mean almost anything. What was to stop this sincere individual from stating that he was going to absolutely give up nuclear weapons?

And as pointed out above, your evidence that Kim is sincere because he destroyed his nuclear test site isn't really supported by the facts, is it?

Not only that but experts who could determine if the subsequent detonations were actually adequate to destroy what remained were barred from the scene. Is that the act of a "sincere" person.

He DID state that he wants to denuke his Country , what is so difficult to understand about "denuking the Korean peninsular" ?

   The Korean peninsular IS North and South Korea .

Kim will get rid of his nukes and the agreement means that SK cannot have nukes on their soil either ( as they previously did)

   That is fair enough , NO NUKES ON THE KOREAN PENINSULAR , NK & SK

The destruction of that nuclear faculty was to show his dedication  to the cause , it wasnt meant to be a comprehensive destruction of all aspects of his nuke arsenal , that is scheduled to happen in the future .

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It's not only democrats that are doubtful.

Most of the world is justifiably doubtful.

I'm now feeling after the "trump" DELUSIONAL announcement that NK is no longer a nuclear threat (when he didn't even get a LIST of all NK nuclear assets and didn't even demand a timetable to get that list and getting that list would be only a START) that this whole thing was a pure political PR exercise to try to save the atrocious "trump" presidency.

Singapore -- you've been conned! 

Singapore spent a lot of money to host this empty results CIRCUS and they did get some return in promoting their good image internationally, but I think they now have a case to demand some amount of COMPENSATION from the USA for being shamelessly used as they were.

They didn't volunteer to host, they were asked. 

Their good will has been cynically exploited by the greatest charlatan in the history of the world, the current U.S. president. 


Nothing ever gets settled in Asia. The Singaporeans know this very well.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

He did not state that. Once again here is what the memorandum signed by Trump and Kim stated:


  1. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula

You notice the use of the the word "towards". As in just because you move towards something doesn't mean you'll ever arrive.


OK, the intention is to remove all nukes from NK , and they will work towards achieving that .

   The work will involve meetings about how to proceed and conditions .

Kim is using the Nukes as a bargaining chip , something along the lines of * I will get rid of my nukes , SK cannot get any , NK's safety is guaranteed , sanctions are lifted , weapons inspectors are allowed in etc* 

   IF Kim categorically stated , I will get rid of all my nukes by next week , he would lose all his bargaining ability .


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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

OK, the intention is to remove all nukes from NK , and they will work towards achieving that .

   The work will involve meetings about how to proceed and conditions .

Kim is using the Nukes as a bargaining chip , something along the lines of * I will get rid of my nukes , SK cannot get any , NK's safety is guaranteed , sanctions are lifted , weapons inspectors are allowed in etc* 

   IF Kim categorically stated , I will get rid of all my nukes by next week , he would lose all his bargaining ability .


And again you ignore the fact the test site was already destroyed. You even omit it from your quote. 

Ignoring facts that don't suit.

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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

I have given my reasons as to why I think that Kim is sincere (in one of the threads on the topic) , why do you think that Kim isnt sincere ?



All you provide are variations of because-he-said-so and I-want-to-believe, while continuously ignoring references as to Kim's and NK's recorded style of doing things. You keep falsely asserting that you've reasonably addressed the issue, while ignoring comments made by others. Not much by way of "discussion" there.

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Just now, Morch said:


All you provide are variations of because-he-said-so and I-want-to-believe, while continuously ignoring references as to Kim's and NK's recorded style of doing things. You keep falsely asserting that you've reasonably addressed the issue, while ignoring comments made by others. Not much by way of "discussion" there.

There are numerous threads and I have stated my opinion numerous times .

You are also misrepresenting me .

Do you really want me to write it all again ?:

Quick points , cannot be bothered to write it all again in sentences :

Signed agreements , not just words .

Kim isnt the same as his Father

Kim hasnt shown any signs of backing out of an agreement

I have not ignored anyones comments , I answered them all (forgive me if I missed any out)


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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

There are numerous threads and I have stated my opinion numerous times .

You are also misrepresenting me .

Do you really want me to write it all again ?:

Quick points , cannot be bothered to write it all again in sentences :

Signed agreements , not just words .

Kim isnt the same as his Father

Kim hasnt shown any signs of backing out of an agreement

I have not ignored anyones comments , I answered them all (forgive me if I missed any out)


A sgned memorandum committing them to nothing concrete.

Yes, it's true, that Kim isn't his father. He's not his mother either. Nor is he Santa Claus. But like Daddy he is murderous.

He has violated at least ballistic missile agreement one agreement according to the UN. 

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

A sgned memorandum committing them to nothing concrete.

Yes, it's true, that Kim isn't his father. He's not his mother either. Nor is he Santa Claus. But like Daddy he is murderous.

He has violated at least ballistic missile agreement one agreement according to the UN. 


One thing we do know is that when we failed to engage  him he was unfettered to develop his nuclear bombs and his IC ballistic missles. That's the thing about being president of the US. We have built up such an abundance of goodwill, one can be president and merely coast for 8 years and be thought of as a great president, despite having done nothing to make one deserving of that honor.

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NK for decades has been publicly on record as favoring the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. And during that entire time, they've been pursuing and advancing their own nuclear missile program to the point of creating a world crisis. Is it any different now? No reasonable, objective viewer can say at this point.


As I've mentioned repeatedly here before, according to NK analysts/experts, what the NK's have long MEANT when they've used that language in the past is for the U.S. to remove it's nuclear protection umbrella from at least South Korea and perhaps Japan. So when they simply repeat that same language here in the understanding with Trump, that's not very convincing that they've had any kind of charge of course in reality as to their own nuclear weapons program.


And in the recent explosion in NK, they didn't destroy their nuclear weapons program. They did some demolition at ONE site among multiple nuclear sites they have. And with no international inspectors or nuclear experts allowed access to the site either before or after the supposed demolition. So none of that is particularly encouraging about how they're likely to handle their business moving forward.


Any other reading of the situation on the ground, at this point, is just wishful thinking hoping to give the great dictator some kind of imagined victory that would hope to pull his administration out of the swamp that it has been consistently sinking into for the past 1-1/2 years.



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2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

NK for decades has been publicly on record as favoring the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. And during that entire time, they've been pursuing and advancing their own nuclear missile program to the point of creating a world crisis. Is it any different now? No reasonable, objective viewer can say at this point.


Yes, previously the USA has nuclear weapons stationed in South Korea and NK wanted to aquire nuclear weapons themselves as a deterrent .

  NK are still technically at war with SK , and theres always been the threat of a USA/SK invasion .

    There was also the traditional hostilities between the East and West .

These days, USA have removed their nukes from SK , NK & SK relations have improved with the future possibility of normal relations  , and the East /West hostiles have subsided .

   North Korea now have a "friendly " pact with the USA , and now there is no need to NK to have nukes

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5 hours ago, sanemax said:

There are numerous threads and I have stated my opinion numerous times .

You are also misrepresenting me .

Do you really want me to write it all again ?:

Quick points , cannot be bothered to write it all again in sentences :

Signed agreements , not just words .

Kim isnt the same as his Father

Kim hasnt shown any signs of backing out of an agreement

I have not ignored anyones comments , I answered them all (forgive me if I missed any out)



Not misrepresenting you in the least. You give opinions, based on little more than what you believe or would like to believe. You imbue trivial things with meaning, or suggest such meanings actually exist, whereas they are but opinion.


It is an opinion that the signed agreement is not just words.

It is an opinion that Kim is somehow of a radically different quality that his dad.

It is an opinion that Kim is true to his word, and in the habit of keeping it.

And you constantly ignore or reject information posted, or alternative views.


You're not so much discussing things, as broadcasting the same bullet points over and over again.

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"trump" jealous of Kim's total power over his own people? Makes total sense to me. That's why I truly feel "trump" is a very serious threat within to everything decent about real American values. It was a kind of national suicide to elect him.





NEW YORK TIMESTrump’s Envy of Kim Jong-un

Biggest enemy! A monstrous regime still armed with nukes gets a pass because Trump dreams of building condos on its deserted beaches and seeing a Trump Boulevard in Pyongyang, but not CNN or The New York Times if they refuse to kowtow. A Russian attempt to subvert the last election also goes ignored.


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The Israeli foreign ministry is doubtful as well.




Secret Israeli Memo Cast Doubt That Trump’s Korea Summit Accomplished Anything

A classified report from Israel’s foreign ministry questioned whether the summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was anything more than a photo opportunity, Axios reported Thursday.




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Trump, Pompeo Offer Conflicting Versions of North Korea Talks

President Donald Trump’s assertion Friday that he has “solved” the North Korean nuclear weapons threat again diverged from how Secretary of State Mike Pompeo depicted the outcome of this week’s summit between Mr. Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.


Mr. Pompeo, in meetings in South Korea and China after the summit, said that much work remains before North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons, and told Chinese officials on Thursday that “there are still risks we won’t achieve that.”

Mr. Trump’s claim on Friday, in remarks to reporters at the White House, echoed Twitter messages he sent earlier in the week after his summit with Mr. Kim in Singapore, when he said: “There is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea.”



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Let's check-in with President Moon of South Korea, he's upbeat and positive.

He acknowledges the challenges ahead, but at the same time says there is

no going back to the past.  Courageous leader.


From Twitter: @moonriver365

I offer my heartfelt congratulations and welcome the success of the historic North Korea-United States summit.
This is just a beginning and there may be many difficulties ahead, but we will never go back to the past
again and never give up on this bold journey.

Full Statement:
I offer my heartfelt congratulations and welcome the success of the historic North Korea-United States summit.

When I met with Chairman Kim Jong Un at House of Unification (Tongilgak) in Panmunjeom on May 26, and when I
spoke over the phone with President Trump yesterday, I could cautiously predict the success of the summit.
Seventy years of division and hostility, however, have cast a dark shadow that makes it difficult to believe
what is actually taking place before our very eyes.

I pay my high compliments for the courage and determination of the two leaders, President Trump and Chairman
Kim, not to settle for that outdated and familiar reality but to take a daring step towards change.

The June 12 Sentosa Agreement will be recorded as a historic event that has helped break down the last remaining
Cold War legacy on earth.

It is a great victory achieved by both the United States and the two Koreas, and a huge step forward for people
across the world who long for peace.

Once again, I would like to pay my respect to President Trump who achieved a feat that no one else has ever delivered.

Chairman Kim Jong Un will also be remembered as a leader who made a historic moment by taking the first bold step toward the world.

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and many other
world leaders for the great efforts they have made in order to make the summit a success.

Building upon the agreement reached today, we will take a new path going forward. Leaving dark days of war and
conflict behind, we will write a new chapter of peace and cooperation. We will be there together with North Korea along the way.

This is just a beginning and there may be many difficulties ahead, but we will never go back to the past again
and never give up on this bold journey. History is a record of people who take action and rise to a challenge.

My Administration will spare no effort in cooperating with the United States, North Korea and the international
community to ensure that the agreement can be implemented in its entirety.

I, as President of the Republic of Korea, promise to make all-out efforts to help establish permanent peace on the
Korean Peninsula and usher in a new era of co-existence and prosperity.

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3 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

Let's check-in with President Moon of South Korea, he's upbeat and positive.

He acknowledges the challenges ahead, but at the same time says there is

no going back to the past.  Courageous leader.


From Twitter: @moonriver365

I offer my heartfelt congratulations and welcome the success of the historic North Korea-United States summit.
This is just a beginning and there may be many difficulties ahead, but we will never go back to the past
again and never give up on this bold journey.

Full Statement:
I offer my heartfelt congratulations and welcome the success of the historic North Korea-United States summit.

When I met with Chairman Kim Jong Un at House of Unification (Tongilgak) in Panmunjeom on May 26, and when I
spoke over the phone with President Trump yesterday, I could cautiously predict the success of the summit.
Seventy years of division and hostility, however, have cast a dark shadow that makes it difficult to believe
what is actually taking place before our very eyes.

I pay my high compliments for the courage and determination of the two leaders, President Trump and Chairman
Kim, not to settle for that outdated and familiar reality but to take a daring step towards change.

The June 12 Sentosa Agreement will be recorded as a historic event that has helped break down the last remaining
Cold War legacy on earth.

It is a great victory achieved by both the United States and the two Koreas, and a huge step forward for people
across the world who long for peace.

Once again, I would like to pay my respect to President Trump who achieved a feat that no one else has ever delivered.

Chairman Kim Jong Un will also be remembered as a leader who made a historic moment by taking the first bold step toward the world.

I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore and many other
world leaders for the great efforts they have made in order to make the summit a success.

Building upon the agreement reached today, we will take a new path going forward. Leaving dark days of war and
conflict behind, we will write a new chapter of peace and cooperation. We will be there together with North Korea along the way.

This is just a beginning and there may be many difficulties ahead, but we will never go back to the past again
and never give up on this bold journey. History is a record of people who take action and rise to a challenge.

My Administration will spare no effort in cooperating with the United States, North Korea and the international
community to ensure that the agreement can be implemented in its entirety.

I, as President of the Republic of Korea, promise to make all-out efforts to help establish permanent peace on the
Korean Peninsula and usher in a new era of co-existence and prosperity.

Well, if I were President Moon, and I had seen the President of the United States threatening to make war on North Korea, with all the ensuing horrors that would be inflicted on the South, I would say anything necessary to flatter and placate him in order to keep him away from playing with war. We have seen how voracious is Trump's appetite for flattery.

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On 6/14/2018 at 7:47 PM, bristolboy said:

If he did, he would have had the self-restraint to keep it to himself. 

Really? You mean like:

"But the real subject of his farewell address—a presidential tradition since George Washington himself—was our nation's "democracy," ignoring the fact the United States is a constitutional republic. But then again, he did say the Constitution is "just a piece of parchment."



Or maybe you mean like:

"Obama Told Aides He’s ‘Really Good At Killing People,’ New Book ‘Double Down’ Claims"



Or maybe you just mean like:

of course, none of this would have been funny coming From President Trump.


President Trump went into and came out of his meeting with eyes wide open. He also had to good sense to completely ignore all the Failed BS spewing from the exact same people that spewed it before with the Clinton deal.

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27 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Really? You mean like:

"But the real subject of his farewell address—a presidential tradition since George Washington himself—was our nation's "democracy," ignoring the fact the United States is a constitutional republic. But then again, he did say the Constitution is "just a piece of parchment."



Or maybe you mean like:

"Obama Told Aides He’s ‘Really Good At Killing People,’ New Book ‘Double Down’ Claims"



Or maybe you just mean like:

of course, none of this would have been funny coming From President Trump.


President Trump went into and came out of his meeting with eyes wide open. He also had to good sense to completely ignore all the Failed BS spewing from the exact same people that spewed it before with the Clinton deal.

So you really don't see the difference, incredible.

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On 6/16/2018 at 10:49 AM, bristolboy said:

Well, if I were President Moon, and I had seen the President of the United States threatening to make war on North Korea, with all the ensuing horrors that would be inflicted on the South, I would say anything necessary to flatter and placate him in order to keep him away from playing with war. We have seen how voracious is Trump's appetite for flattery.

Mind reading is not a thing.

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On 6/16/2018 at 10:49 AM, bristolboy said:

Well, if I were President Moon, and I had seen the President of the United States threatening to make war on North Korea, with all the ensuing horrors that would be inflicted on the South, I would say anything necessary to flatter and placate him in order to keep him away from playing with war. We have seen how voracious is Trump's appetite for flattery.


4 hours ago, expat_4_life said:

Mind reading is not a thing.


3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

I guess for you , taking politicians at their word is.

You're mind reading again.

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  • 6 months later...
On 6/15/2018 at 1:24 AM, sanemax said:

He DID state that he wants to denuke his Country , what is so difficult to understand about "denuking the Korean peninsular" ?

   The Korean peninsular IS North and South Korea .

Kim will get rid of his nukes and the agreement means that SK cannot have nukes on their soil either ( as they previously did)

   That is fair enough , NO NUKES ON THE KOREAN PENINSULAR , NK & SK

The destruction of that nuclear faculty was to show his dedication  to the cause , it wasnt meant to be a comprehensive destruction of all aspects of his nuke arsenal , that is scheduled to happen in the future .

It's a pity that there are still Trump-haters out there who disagree with you. Like this guy, for instance:

 'Vice President Mike Pence told American ambassadors on Wednesday that North Korea has failed to take any substantive steps to give up its nuclear weapons, even as President Trump is moving toward a second meeting with Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader.

“While the president has started a promising dialogue with Chairman Kim,” Mr. Pence told the gathering at the State Department, “we still await concrete steps by North Korea to dismantle the nuclear weapons that threaten our people and our allies in the region.”

With the unequivocal statement, Mr. Pence seemed to directly contradict the president’s claim on Twitter, after his first summit meeting in June, that “there is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.” '

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/16/world/asia/pence-north-korea-nuclear.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage


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