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In Thai tourist spots, a hidden world of male sex slavery


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1 hour ago, trianglechoke said:

WOW, I live in Chiang Mai. Although I don't live near that area everyone I know goes for a drink inn that general area now and again and I have never seen or heard anything. I don't even recall seeing pairs of young guys either.

I am shocked that it is portrayed as so open..... BUT not at all shocked that it happens in Thailand

I guess it's kind of like "you buy a red car, you end up seeing them everywhere after you buy it" if you aren't looking you often don't see it. I'm much the same plus I'm not out that late most of the time anyway and I assume this is something that starts late...possibly.

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1 hour ago, fullcave said:

Sending your 14 year old child to work in Pattaya (boy or girl) is hard to fathom. I'm sure they had no idea...

You'd be surprised at what desperate farmers with little money to spend on education for their kids (who has very limited opportunities as a result) are capable of.

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3 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


I fail to see how anyone would want to traffic ladyboys.

I fail to see how anyone would want to traffic any human being for any reason, but this is the very ugly side the wold we live in, criminal activity perpetrated by those without empathy, to provide a commodity to a market for the privileged and affluent.


Sadly, you can guarantee some of the beautiful resorts and other lovely attractions in Thailand and other SEA countries are paid for by investors such as members of the Police, Army and the Judiciary who have made a significant income from this abhorrent criminal behaviour.


Edited by Oziex1
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The boys are not the problem, it is man's demon lust who also was molested when they were young children.  So, it is a cycle the world has to be very careful with.   This sick business should be stopped and sick people who are involved warned not to be involved in the future because this is devastating to humanity.   But what can you do to white perverts who uploads his favorite sexual videos to porn sites!?

Edited by Different
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2 hours ago, fullcave said:

I wonder do the parents notice their children are missing? 

Often they are sold. A good friend of mine told me he knew a family in Cambodia, who sold their daughter for a new scooter. Sold her! Never to be seen again. What can one even say? I would hope this represents a small minority of these cases. Sounds like alot get roped in by convincing swindlers. I do not think Thailand is doing much to fight this. 

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36 minutes ago, kamahele said:

While it may not be your thing, these women are popular to a section of society.

And that's what they want to be seen as - women. Not my cup of tea, but to each his own. Research has shown that an extremely high percentage of expats here has had it away with transgender Thais. On a side note, there is also a large number of gay men identifying themselves as male in Thailand. They're just not as visible.


Haters gonna hate, that's not going to change until we can invent time travel and ship these ignoramuses back to the 1800's, where they belong.


To get back on track, studies has proven that most pedophile molesters has a preference for boys, so it's a good thing to put focus on and try to tackle this issue. Important article.

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Just now, dontoearth said:

      You are correct it is well known that many tourist males make a 'friend' and help out with baht and gifts and maybe something for the family and have no idea they are dating a prostitute.  In the west prostitution is fast and dirty.  In your car or at your hotel for up to an hour and that is it.  No small talk!  So these men are totally taken off guard by charm and offers to go sight seeing and dinner and all.  They believe they are on dates and truthfully they probably are as many relationships do start this way.

        So who is the victim?  As long as safe sex is practiced and the kids are not underage the victim might be the poor saps that donate to these NGO's! 

        I don't think I believed 90% of the story at all.  

Well said.

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21 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

I guess it's kind of like "you buy a red car, you end up seeing them everywhere after you buy it" if you aren't looking you often don't see it. I'm much the same plus I'm not out that late most of the time anyway and I assume this is something that starts late...possibly.

There is nothing late in CM. The uniforms shut everything down around 10 30. This story is a lie or exaggeration by money grabbing do gooders.

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2 hours ago, The manic said:

Another NGO spouting nonesense and redefining the word trafficking to suit their purposes which is hoovering up money. For real abuse of children visit the UK.


But such situations are not covered by the hypocrite zealots and NGOs because of political correctness. Thailand is a soft target but they would never dare report on the activities of the Asian grooming gangs in the UK because they are cowards.  The above linked story is about real abuse and rape and sex slavery not to be confused with voluntary sex workers of which there are thousands in Europe,  America, New Zealand and Australia. These sanctimonious NGOs, oozing self righteousness and propaganda have a hidden agenda. The promotion of right wing Christianity and the garnering of funds to spread their lies and propaganda. 

I agreed with your post 100% till  the last two sentences - its left wing liberal islam lovers NOT right wing christians that are leaving children in the west open to abuse - Liberals love societys that protect criminals and persecute and ignore victims!!

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Just now, AsiaCheese said:

Interesting - the same "article" (actually: NGO/foundation PR) was featured in the Bangkok Post as well, yesterday. Same "facts", same proven shocker keywords (human trafficking, sexual exploitation, underage, the usual), same unbelievably high figures from reliable-sounding sources. And most importantly: the same underlying indignation and non-sequitur tone that instantly and automatically turns any commenter who doesn't track/agree with the article 100% into a pedophile, supporter of the flesh trade, human trafficker, what-have-you and worse. It's a bit surprising to see "Thomson Reuters Foundation" as the source here, which one would normally tend to associate with factual journalism. But then, tons of sources with impressive names and lilly-white objectives are strewn as "facts" throughout the article, presumably with a good helping of evangelistic do-gooders on a money collection mission involved as well.


Let's face it: the horizontal trade has always existed, and will always exists. Exploitation is part and parcel of our society in general; why should "sexual" be the great exclusion...? If lawmakers were a bit more down-to-earth and less pressured by do-gooder groups and religious zealots, there could be laws that acknowledge/recognize prostitution and protect its actors, instead of pushing everything underground and creating the breeding ground for (there you go): human traffickers, exploiters etc. etc. etc.

Well said.

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Just now, bizboi said:

I agreed with your post 100% till  the last two sentences - its left wing liberal islam lovers NOT right wing christians that are leaving children in the west open to abuse - Liberals love societys that protect criminals and persecute and ignore victims!!

The NGO groups operating in Asia are often Christian evangelical groups but you are correct in identifying so called liberals and feminist types who have ignored the situation in the west for fear of causing offence and losing votes.

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Just now, geriatrickid said:

Many of the petty and ignorant comments made on this thread are a sorry indictment of the  depravity  of some foreigners.  They illustrate why so many people have a negative image of the foreigners who visit and live in Thailand. Thankfully, a  large number of people are not like this.

Pimps will exploit anyone to make some money. If there were no customers, there would be no ladyboy prostitutes. Whatever, their state of mind, they are still human beings worthy of a better life.


When the child comes from a dysfunctional or impoverished  family there is no parent to notice. Please note that  drug and alcohol abuse destroy families and as we all know from multiple threads, Thailand has a yaba crisis. More importantly, 7 million people live below the subsistence poverty line, and approx.  6 million are living just above that poverty line. For the sake of discussion, that's 10 million  poor people. When you have  limited options or are starving, you do what you  need to do to survive.


Seriously? You have to push your woman hating agenda here? How many failed marriages and relationships did you have with women to cause you to be so angry and resentful? It must sorely disappoint you to know that the reason why women are involved is because of their effectiveness at delivering results. They are also less likely to  physically exploit the kids.

If you think that women  live for the opportunity to deal with boys with ripped rectums or boys forced to fellate  multiple men in a night over a year and who have serious herpes and HPV infections in their throats and mouths, you are mistaken. My old girlfriend gave up 2 years of her life to work with kids who were infected with STIs. I used to tag along because I was supposedly a public health specialist. To be blunt, I was so disgusted by the first child I saw with giant warts devouring his anus that I shut down. In those days, there were no lasers, just very painful liquid nitrogen or hot cauterization, none of which provided  long term relief to the kids with damaged immune systems. I came across my first adolescent with HIV in the early 90's and it scared me.  The people who take care of these kids are emotionally strong, and it inflicts an emotional toll. 


It's there. I offer that some do not see it because they are not sexpats or sextourists and do not go in the areas where the sex trade thrives. Others are 

oblivious to it,  while others  don't see it, because they don't want to  acknowledge it. And then there are those , especially the visitors twho are willing participants and who exploit the vulnerable.


Just a job? Do you really think that a 15 year old boy wakes up and says oh joy, today I am going to fellate the shrivelled stinky penis of some 70 year old sex tourist, who will then go home and call child sex workers fags and ridicule  gay people in stable relationships? You are obviously clueless as to the two drivers behind the entry of children into the sex trade; Poverty and the  impact of drugs. It is not hyperbole to state that families in debt have been forced to push/trade/barter their children into the sex trade. They get into debt  because of gambling, drugs or the dire state of their subsistence  rural lives.  Successive governments have highlighted this issue. Unfortunately, they never came right out and  described it as such, but they identified it Thai style.


Try and reason with a woman strung out on yaba, or a woman who owes money to a gambling ring.


The child prostitutes are there. Perhaps you did not see  them  because of one of the reasons I provided above.  My friend and I saw them within minutes of walking around Chiang Mai's night market area. We certainly saw one with an older European trying to get into Le Meridien. Fortunately ,Accor has an anti child sex  protocol  and visitor id cards are checked so it was stopped. Had it not been, I can assure you that  several of the guests in the lobby would have intervened because the look of disgust on their faces indicated that they would.


For reference sake; typically, the prostitutes not associated with the  gay bars were the kids who were;

- dabbling for some quick money (to feed a gambling or drug habit) or;

- obviously too young or;

- noticeably infected with HIV or;

-  who were ostracized because of drug problems or ;

- who had fought with or stolen from co-workers or customers.


Some heave duty sh*t goes on and it seems that many foreigners are intentionally oblivious to it.


You had no idea of their ages and are just peddling myths. And it is just a job preferable to slaving in factory stitching shoes or working in a rice paddy.  The majority of abuse suffered by children in Asia is wage slavery not sex slavery.  The worst sexual abuses of children are more likely in The west where grooming and child rape has become a way of life in many cities in some communities


Edited by The manic
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Just now, Bluespunk said:

Amazing how an article like this brings out those who would appear to be claiming that the sexual exploitation of young men is a “rabid feminist” issue. 


Obviously this woman must be an evil manipulator of the truth, as she is saying things some would appear not  want to hear..


(Sarcasm alert) 

She's lieing and exaggerating to make money...a form of media prostitution.

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What a post. Interesting, hard-hitting and comprehensive.


One bit really caught my eye.


4 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Pimps will exploit anyone to make some money.

Pimps are horrible people. 



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1 hour ago, simoh1490 said:

Many of the boys/young men who are trafficked are undocumented, hill tribe kids in particular. Trying to prove the age of some of them is extremely difficult and many times westerners are considered guilty until proven innocent in these situations. I knew a Brit more than twelve years ago in CM who got four years for underage sex with a hillside lad who we all believed to be over eighteen but it couldn't be proved and the authorities weren't interested in trying to find out, even he said he was over 18 - a couple of us tried to help and even went to his school in Central Thailand to try and get his records but we they wouldn't release them to us. Ultimately it was an NGO that was responsible for his arrest and imprisonment.

The NGOs ooze sanctimony and self rightesnous, create chaos then move on. They disgust me.

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Just now, AsiaCheese said:

Interesting - the same "article" (actually: NGO/foundation PR) was featured in the Bangkok Post as well, yesterday. Same "facts", same proven shocker keywords (human trafficking, sexual exploitation, underage, the usual), same unbelievably high figures from reliable-sounding sources. And most importantly: the same underlying indignation and non-sequitur tone that instantly and automatically turns any commenter who doesn't track/agree with the article 100% into a pedophile, supporter of the flesh trade, human trafficker, what-have-you and worse. It's a bit surprising to see "Thomson Reuters Foundation" as the source here, which one would normally tend to associate with factual journalism. But then, tons of sources with impressive names and lilly-white objectives are strewn as "facts" throughout the article, presumably with a good helping of evangelistic do-gooders on a money collection mission involved as well.


Let's face it: the horizontal trade has always existed, and will always exists. Exploitation is part and parcel of our society in general; why should "sexual" be the great exclusion...? If lawmakers were a bit more down-to-earth and less pressured by do-gooder groups and religious zealots, there could be laws that acknowledge/recognize prostitution and protect its actors, instead of pushing everything underground and creating the breeding ground for (there you go): human traffickers, exploiters etc. etc. etc.

Well said

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26 minutes ago, The manic said:

There is nothing late in CM. The uniforms shut everything down around 10 30. This story is a lie or exaggeration by money grabbing do gooders.

Gee. Someone needs to tell the bars in the entertainment zone on Loi Kroh about that.  And someone better  tell the bars around the meridien that they must close at 10:30 because when we were there having a few beers it was after midnight. 

 Ooopsie, I know, right?

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