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Flies and Fly Sprays


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There seems to be a lot of flies around everywhere this summer, not sure why.  Anyway, that was not the point of this post.  Either these are super flies of some kind, or the generic  fly sprays you can buy in all 7/11. Tesco and Big C  stores just don't work too well. or even at all.   Any comments or suggestions from others suffering this problem? 

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We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.

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6 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.

hahaha ladyboy flies... hmmm. I never seem to have any problems with flies... mosquito's countless even in the bedroom that is sealed all day and is sprayed often. I wonder if they migrate all the way from downstairs to upstairs. 

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25 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.

The same for me (can get it in the 20Bt. "plastic" shops too) In the old days back home it was called  "flypaper". The small canister was attached to the ceiling and the stickey selotape type paper was unrolled from it to dangle down  for about 2 feet. It worked a treat..the average house had a role hanging from the ceiling with thousands of dead bodies attached....but I guess the OP is looking for something that works....not duds.

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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.

I take it you mean swatter


1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.


1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

We used fly catching glue which is like a jar of green glue and a bunch of sticks you can buy at your supermarket. The flies should be attracted to the glue due to hormones or whatever.


Guess all the flies were ladyboys cause we caught none in over a week.


Next plan will be the old-fashioned squatter of 10 baht.

I take it you mean swatter

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I tried every YouTube remedy the is. Traps, fly paper, etc. Nothing works. I leterally never caught one fly using all different baits. The second I step outside they are all over my ankles. I can't <deleted> stand them. On my body I tried new soap, menthol soap, essential oils, tree oils etc etc etc. Nothing works. I'm thinking about velcroing toads to my shoes. It is far and away my number one complaint about this country. 

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1 hour ago, rhodie said:

We are using the sticky fly paper sheets. Work really well. 

Tried this for weeks never caught one fly and the fruit flies land on it and take right off again. 

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5 minutes ago, csabo said:

Tried this for weeks never caught one fly and the fruit flies land on it and take right off again. 

Just wish I had taken a pic. The sheets are about 8 inches square. Put a bit of honey in the middle. Sheet was almost full of flies after 36 hours. We do have less flies now. Works for us.

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12 minutes ago, csabo said:

I tried every YouTube remedy the is. Traps, fly paper, etc. Nothing works. I leterally never caught one fly using all different baits. The second I step outside they are all over my ankles. I can't <deleted> stand them. On my body I tried new soap, menthol soap, essential oils, tree oils etc etc etc. Nothing works. I'm thinking about velcroing toads to my shoes. It is far and away my number one complaint about this country. 

It's not the whole country. We have very few house flies where we live. Mosquitos are another story,  we have a lot of standing swamp water around. 


Good control takes multiple simultaneous methods. Start outside and eliminate breeding sites as best possible. Flys will be prevalent if there are manures, garbage, unmanaged compost, local meat and vegetable marketplace, and that sort of habitat. If you live in a village or farm area you may not be able to do anything about it. We can't control the swamps and our tambon doesn't have a program, so I have to concentrate on exterior least toxic spray program, keeping mossies out of the house with yellow bug light at the front door, screens and closed doors, and light traps for those that inevitably get inside. Yellow bug light in the stairwell to the bedrooms. I don't like to use use insecticide sprays in the house more than necessary, or the electric pyrethroid volitilizers, although they work well combined with exclusion method. But once a month I do exterior and interior perimeter and baseboard barrier spray with Chaindrite Stedfast 30 (a.i. bifenthrin). Low toxicity, long residual effectiveness for ants, cockroaches, centipedes, and repels mosquitos and flies to some extent. 

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1 hour ago, drtreelove said:

It's not the whole country. We have very few house flies where we live. Mosquitos are another story,  we have a lot of standing swamp water around. 


Good control takes multiple simultaneous methods. Start outside and eliminate breeding sites as best possible. Flys will be prevalent if there are manures, garbage, unmanaged compost, local meat and vegetable marketplace, and that sort of habitat. If you live in a village or farm area you may not be able to do anything about it. We can't control the swamps and our tambon doesn't have a program, so I have to concentrate on exterior least toxic spray program, keeping mossies out of the house with yellow bug light at the front door, screens and closed doors, and light traps for those that inevitably get inside. Yellow bug light in the stairwell to the bedrooms. I don't like to use use insecticide sprays in the house more than necessary, or the electric pyrethroid volitilizers, although they work well combined with exclusion method. But once a month I do exterior and interior perimeter and baseboard barrier spray with Chaindrite Stedfast 30 (a.i. bifenthrin). Low toxicity, long residual effectiveness for ants, cockroaches, centipedes, and repels mosquitos and flies to some extent. 

Funny how I used all the things you say attracts flys as trap bait and never caught one fly. 

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2 hours ago, rhodie said:

Just wish I had taken a pic. The sheets are about 8 inches square. Put a bit of honey in the middle. Sheet was almost full of flies after 36 hours. We do have less flies now. Works for us.

I have seen the fly paper books I bought in markets absolutely covered in flies to the point not one more could land on it. Placed them all around the house. Never caught one fly. 

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4 hours ago, rhodie said:

We are using the sticky fly paper sheets. Work really well. 

Woman in our local shop uses them. One day I spotted about 50 flies on one.

I asked her how long it had taken to catch that many ?


About ten minutes was the answer and she pointed to four other ones in the bin all with about the same number on.


" That's this mornings catch so far " she said.


Last year was a bad year for flies apparently.

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4 hours ago, dotpoom said:

The same for me (can get it in the 20Bt. "plastic" shops too) In the old days back home it was called  "flypaper". The small canister was attached to the ceiling and the stickey selotape type paper was unrolled from it to dangle down  for about 2 feet. It worked a treat..the average house had a role hanging from the ceiling with thousands of dead bodies attached....but I guess the OP is looking for something that works....not duds.

We use the small canister pull down, I bring them from the UK, now do not have bothersome flies joining us at the table for mealtimes, also have a good amount of gecko roaming to assist. 

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20 hours ago, csabo said:

I tried every YouTube remedy the is. Traps, fly paper, etc. Nothing works. I leterally never caught one fly using all different baits. The second I step outside they are all over my ankles. I can't <deleted> stand them. On my body I tried new soap, menthol soap, essential oils, tree oils etc etc etc. Nothing works. I'm thinking about velcroing toads to my shoes. It is far and away my number one complaint about this country. 

Don't go to Australia ????


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