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Reform of drug laws begins as bill passes first reading


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7 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

It is rare that I have anything good to say about the Junta or the NLA, but this is the exception.


Decriminalization of weed for medical purposes is an all around good thing. However, it is merely a first step in a better process of complete legalization.


What are the benefits of legalization? Increased tax money. Increased tourism. Fewer people in jail. Lower assault rates. Lower domestic violence and thus better protection for women. Less drunk-driving. Etc Etc Etc.


Thailand; this is a good first step, but it would be better if you simply went ahead and implemented full legalization. Someone in SE Asia will do it and the first country to do so will reap most of the benefits.


You always say you want to be a "Hub"; now is your chance.


Dare to do the right thing...



I could agree with you, but I actually still do not believe that they will really change the law.







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6 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

....driving stoned is not any better.. how do they enforce that? 


Just like they do in EU, test people on the roadside.


And actually you are talking about what you do not know.. When younger, I have been driving VERY SAFELY 10 years even smoking weed everyday. Never had an accident.


When people smoke, they are more careful.







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7 minutes ago, grkt said:


Just like they do in EU, test people on the roadside.


And actually you are talking about what you do not know.. When younger, I have been driving VERY SAFELY 10 years even smoking weed everyday. Never had an accident.


When people smoke, they are more careful.







Yes they drive at 5 kilometres an hour


7 minutes ago, grkt said:


Just like they do in EU, test people on the roadside.


And actually you are talking about what you do not know.. When younger, I have been driving VERY SAFELY 10 years even smoking weed everyday. Never had an accident.


When people smoke, they are more careful.







Yes they drive at 5 kilometers an hour

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6 hours ago, NetJunkie said:


Where do you get your data for these assertions?

From that new fangled invention old fuddy duddies still refer to as  "The Net".   You can see all sorts of outrageous things there, it's so clazee!  ?



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7 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

....driving stoned is not any better.. how do they enforce that? 

Interesting, current read below from LA Times.  Other articles I saw indicate California now has "open bag" laws, similar to open container, so no more joy riding Cheech and Chong style.    I still chuckle when I think about two stoners having a fender bender in a parking lot.  After laughing their asses off, they apologize, give each other a hug, and then exchange insurance information and bags of Doritos. 



The man San Diego Police Officer John Perdue pulled over in the Hillcrest neighborhood late last year did not hesitate to admit the smell wafting from his car was marijuana.

After the driver said he not only smoked pot recently but did it on a regular basis, Perdue ran him through several field sobriety tests. The man passed them all without a stumble.


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3 hours ago, lubfishin said:

Wives , girlfriends, children???????? What do you assume all or even most abusers are men? Have you never met the wrath of a Thai woman? A Thai woman who looses her temper can be quite violent and abusive.Im not just talking about bargirls..... Highly educated professional working Thai women too. They all seem to have this Gene.

Nice attempt Newbie to stir the pot. I was referring to yaba users, not men in particular. If the cap for  men fits, so be it.

I hope you haven't suffered personal physical or sexual violence or even rape at the hands of a Thai female yaba user. The thought of that frightens me to death.

I haven't had such a nasty experience. I select any female friends carefully and have never been disappointed.

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8 hours ago, NetJunkie said:


Where do you get your data for these assertions?

I think a lot of people are still believing the scenes from anti-weed short movies from the USA showing wild eyes crazies causing domestic chaos after smoking one joint. That generation believed it and that was passed down to kids and grandchildren. From memory there was also a bit of 'skin colour' that came into it.

I can remember seeing a couple of them on a documentary a few years ago and they were completely OTT and laughable seeing them years after they were made.

Some might be findable? on youtube, if they are they're good for a laugh.


I should read through the thread before posting.

Someone beat me with


Worth googling a couple more though.??

Edited by overherebc
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10 hours ago, Get Real said:

I am not disagreeing with your stance that it would probably be okey to implement full legalization. Sure, it can work. As well as it can not work. In this country we have to take into consideration that we are dealing with a totally different mentallity. The biggest amount of drug users are still going to be Thais in this country, and then we can´t in any way predict that result or the consequences of this.

However, I will never agree with your "Less drunk-driving" stance. Here you have to be able to think broader.
A person affected by any kind of substance that alters the reaction and concentration capabilities, is never a choice to prefer- Therefore your information about less drunk-drining is only going to be replaced by another form of negative substance before a person is sitting behind a wheel or driving a motorbike. The  overload regarding drunk-driving in this country is to be measured on the same level as to continue driving when you are to tired. In other word a deep lack of personal judgement. That of all drunk-driving is not the substance itself, it´s the lack of judgement when using it.

When that has been said, we are going back to the point of no return. We are dealing with a country where the lack of judgement in all areas is so big and visible, so it´s very hard for me at this point to be able to predict how a full legalization of these drugs will affect the country and it´s population in both positive and negative ways.


Therefore all the other, in your mind, positive effects. Yeah, it can quickly turn into a nightmare instead.

 Well written

You have hit the nail on the head

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3 hours ago, fvw53 said:

Everybody interested in this topic should go to Yoube and see the documentaries made on CNN by neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta under the title "Weed"

If 25 years ago the baby of my Thai wife's sister would have had access to medical cannabis she would be now a normal adult woman...The baby had several attacks of epilepsy per day and despite the expensive medication she became brain damaged and is now severely mentally retared.

I never used any drugs but I hope medical use of cannabis will be possible to use in Thailand if there will be day I start to suffer from metastatic cancer.


UK news today concerning the woman,whose son was having many fits a day, has just had her son's cannibis oil, that was taken from her at Heathrow airport, returned on the direct order of the Home Secretary.

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5 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

I can't wait for Cannabis oil to be legalized, here and in the UK, apparently it does wonders for Arthritis, joint pain and a whole host of other conditions. Bring it on :thumbsup: 

Lets hope the great Thai humanitarian Prayut Chan-ocha has the same feelings and will give his approval. 

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

Im suspecting big FOOD is behind this step, if they fully legalize weed profits will soar. 


There will have to be a bigger police presence to process all the assaults on mars bars and pizza's.  But if more alcohol users would do weed then the police work on other forms of violence would drop of course. So its probably a good thing.



I'd say you're right. If you gave a bunch of European football thugs weed instead if alcohol before a match, not only would they not fight at the match, they probably wouldn't even make it the match, and opt instead to watch it on TV with a delivery pizza. 

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I think Thailand would need to make some adjustments to account for accidents that are caused by cannabis or legalized drug use while operating a vehicle. The problem with cannabis is how will they verify that the person was actually stoned at the time of the accident. Popping positive on a piss test does not mean that the person was stoned during the accident.


In many countries they use both DWI and DUI but sometimes flip the meanings of the acronym.

DUI - Driving Under the Influence covers driving while under the influence of narcotics or alcohol (but under the limit) but some places use this for alcohol only.

DWI - Driving While Intoxicated covers operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) that is over the legal limit.

Now to add some confusion, some places also refer to DWI as: Driving While Impaired which covers narcotics and alcohol. 



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16 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

Sounds like progress, but as for prison overcrowding Thaksin had the "ultimate solution" kill them all, surprising that he stopped at 2800 people really. A side benefit was that there was no overcrowding of the courts, no trials, no problem.


     Judge , jury and executioner . 

   Problem with that is some one might have a grudge against you or owe you money , covet your wife or just not like foreigners  and decide you need to be judged and executed . No courts , no trial , no problem .Justified by - He was using Ya bah ... 


   Slippery slope that one . 

Edited by Hi kwai fun
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21 hours ago, Laza 45 said:

....driving stoned is not any better.. how do they enforce that? 

How do they enforce that is a fair question. Driving stoned is not any better, is an assertion not born out by any evidence to date to my knowledge. It works like this, alcohol - like heroin, yes alcoholics are essentially junkies - is a sedative that effects both body and mind. The body has dulled senses, and is less capable of controlled movement, whereas the brain thinks everything is going great, and is impressed by it's own imagined abilities. Weed (A mild hallucinogen)  tends - in comparable quantities -to make people more cautious. There is nothing more annoying than driving behind a stoned driver's car that is going at 20mph! Locking these people up is unjustifiable, and an absurd waste of resources, both personal and national.

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On 6/17/2018 at 6:10 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

It is rare that I have anything good to say about the Junta or the NLA, but this is the exception.


Decriminalization of weed for medical purposes is an all around good thing. However, it is merely a first step in a better process of complete legalization.


What are the benefits of legalization? Increased tax money. Increased tourism. Fewer people in jail. Lower assault rates. Lower domestic violence and thus better protection for women. Less drunk-driving. Etc Etc Etc.


Thailand; this is a good first step, but it would be better if you simply went ahead and implemented full legalization. Someone in SE Asia will do it and the first country to do so will reap most of the benefits.


You always say you want to be a "Hub"; now is your chance.


Dare to do the right thing...


When drugs are legalized watch the hiway death toll go up.

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