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U.S. Democrats, activists rally against Trump's family separation policy


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What Trump and many people here seem to forget or simply ignore is that over 90% of ALL  Americans are the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of immigrants.


I wasn't too long ago that the USA was importing immigrants (but they were called slaves).

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1 hour ago, Rigby40 said:

Simplest way to avoid all that garbage is not to come to begin with knowing the consequences. No sympathy for evil parents.

And yes MAGA!

Let me correct that for you:




PS, Wonder when one of you Swamp King fanboys grow a pair and admit to it.

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:

What Trump and many people here seem to forget or simply ignore is that over 90% of ALL  Americans are the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of immigrants.


I wasn't too long ago that the USA was importing immigrants (but they were called slaves).



my grandparents came to america as legal immigrants. they applied, waited, endured thereby following the law in place at that time. they did not come in in a caravan demanding or with sense of entitlement. or entering illegally. yes the country is a melting pot but it is not a limitless and infinite melting pot. and dont know that the hard working taxpayers are in agreement to give anyone and everyone a carte blanche at their expense. 


on this forum i see applaud when foreigners that entered thailand illegally are deported. maybe thailand should let everybody in and give them welfare, food stamps, etc etc.?

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23 minutes ago, atyclb said:



my grandparents came to america as legal immigrants. they applied, waited, endured thereby following the law in place at that time. they did not come in in a caravan demanding or with sense of entitlement. or entering illegally. yes the country is a melting pot but it is not a limitless and infinite melting pot. and dont know that the hard working taxpayers are in agreement to give anyone and everyone a carte blanche at their expense. 


on this forum i see applaud when foreigners that entered thailand illegally are deported. maybe thailand should let everybody in and give them welfare, food stamps, etc etc.?

You realise this has nothing to do with illegal immigration?


If so, why the post, if not, please reread and come back when you know what this is about.

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Just consider the position for a moment of these people trying to claim asylum with their kids.


Has anybody here ever been out shopping with the kids at the supermarket and you turn your back for a second and when you turn round the kids have disappeared. Reflect for a moment on the anxiety caused in the one or two minutes of looking around before you find the little blighter in the clothing aisle covered by tee-shirts. There is a heart stopping moment when 100 different 'bad' situations race through your head at once as you look everywhere and the anxiety begins to build and build. Have you had it where the child is the one running round looking for you and starts to panic/cry as they have wandered off and can't see you and the anxiety builds to breaking point. Now imagine these mothers and children separated and neither know where the other is. Imagine the toddlers who are crying and are not permitted the most basic of human requirements at that age - a hug. Toddlers who are not having diapers changed because 'carers' are forbidden from touching them.


The entire thing is cruel and it is torture. It IS child abuse.


A word from the men of God, whom Jeff Sessions used as an excuse for following the 'policy'! They see this policy for what it is...sin! Take note all you 'christian' Trump supporters.



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"trump" thinks the public will buy his BIG LIE that it's the democrats to blame for this cage the children policy enforcement. Some will. Only his rabid MAWA base. This is politics for him. It's about the midterms. He knows the opposition against his utter HORRIBLENESS is very motivated to check him and his "trump" party in the midterms. He wants energize his own white nationalist base in response. It's looking now that this may backfire for him. Hopefully. He'll always have his rabid base, but this will motivate more civilized Americans, including independents and traditional republicans even more to check the power of the wanna be dictator. 

Edited by Jingthing
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3 hours ago, stevenl said:
3 hours ago, atyclb said:



my grandparents came to america as legal immigrants. they applied, waited, endured thereby following the law in place at that time. they did not come in in a caravan demanding or with sense of entitlement. or entering illegally. yes the country is a melting pot but it is not a limitless and infinite melting pot. and dont know that the hard working taxpayers are in agreement to give anyone and everyone a carte blanche at their expense. 


on this forum i see applaud when foreigners that entered thailand illegally are deported. maybe thailand should let everybody in and give them welfare, food stamps, etc etc.?

You realise this has nothing to do with illegal immigration?


If so, why the post, if not, please reread and come back when you know what this is about.



i responded to;


 " 7 hours ago, billd766 said:

What Trump and many people here seem to forget or simply ignore is that over 90% of ALL  Americans are the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of immigrants."


since i am grandchildren of immigrants i perceived relevance.   much of the debate over illegal immigration is about why those entering illegally simply dont do it legally?  or are illegal immigrants more privileged than those legal?



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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Colbert again.


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 his line about weeping toddlers with an adult not being a family unit reminds me of organized begging in thailand where women bring whatever toddler is available not checked out yet on any given night. of course i now this can not pertain to all of them.

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14 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Politifact just posted an analysis of the claim that was claimed in here as well that this is no different than what Obama did. The rating is False.





https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/punditfact-lies-again .        politifact related ??


this could go on and on with more articles kina like a tennis match back and forth. I've had more than enough today, time to learn a new sek loso song.

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19 minutes ago, atyclb said:

this could go on and on with more articles kina like a tennis match back and forth.


No, we can stop now because you just dropped the ball by bringing back a butt-hurt opinion article from 2014.  Politifact was mean to me! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

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Whether or not past administrations did or did not separate families at the border is missing the point. If the current administration continues to whine about that they are not able to change the policy it just goes to show how fake they really are. The Republicans control the House, Senate and White House but yet they can't agree on a more compassionate policy? It is because they don't want a more compassionate policy. They are happy pleasing their xenophobic base with plans to make the current laws even more draconian. The reality TV con artist controls the Republican party plain and simple. It won't change anytime soon either. Get used to these types of fascist policies. There will be more coming.


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58 minutes ago, bristolboy said:
2 hours ago, atyclb said:



https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/punditfact-lies-again .        politifact related ??


this could go on and on with more articles kina like a tennis match back and forth. I've had more than enough today, time to learn a new sek loso song.

This link has what to do with anything?


ask poster in #81 since he seems to  know.

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16 minutes ago, bristolboy said:
27 minutes ago, atyclb said:


ask poster in #81 since he seems to  know.

OK. I see now. It has nothing to do with this topic.



well, as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water

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15 hours ago, dcutman said:

These adults are being prosecuted for entering the country illegally. They chose to ignore the advise of ICE,  for those seeking asylum, and not enter the country through a port of entry to avoid separation and prosecution. Exactly how many American citizens get special treatment and not have there children taken from them while being prosecuted for committing a crime? Furthermore where is the liberal outrage for the millions of homeless and neglected American children that dont have any of the luxuries afforded to illegal immigrant children?

The luxuries afforded to illegal immigrant children? They are being thrown in cages. If we imprisoned kids for their parents getting in trouble then you'd have a point. In many cases these kids do not have other people here, they only have their parents, who are split from them. If a kids parents go to jail in America they would go into the custody of a family member or guardian, and if all that fails an orphanage or foster care. This is a completely false equivalency. There's no excuse for it. None. 

There are also numerous reports of asylum seekers who didn't even cross the border illegally also being split from their children. Not to mention legal immigrants who have lived in the country for 20+ years (one guy 50 years recently), who paid taxes, who owned homes, being deported for misdemeanors like jay walking that they had 30 years ago. Or Dreamers who have done nothing wrong, been productive members of society, and have this cloud hanging over them. 

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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

Presumably, Congress could fix this issue. Why isn't anyone railing at Congress? Gonna re-elect your Congressperson are you?



Sure, they could outlaw separating children from their parents. Considering how craven the Republicans behave towards Trump, exactly how likely is that?

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