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Former FM Surapong given two-year jail sentence in Thaksin passports case


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1 hour ago, robblok said:

You understand wrongly... he is convicted so it was not legal. Also not replying to the ombudsman is not a good thing. Can you tell me why a convicted criminal should get a diplomatic passport and witch normal democratic countries would do the same. Diplomatic passports are for diplomats.. not for convicted criminals. 

'You understand wrongly... he is convicted so it was not legal'


Oh puhlease. This is Thailand for God's sake. WAKE UP!

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4 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Democracy - real democracy, has a solution to politicians that do not do their job well. Vote them out. Don't let some corrupt soldier put them in a prison that should have some space left for corrupt soldiers just because some under-developed people want revenge on them for something quite different..


Whilst ignoring the fact that he should never have been appointed because he had no qualifications nor knowledge nor experience for the job, which he publicly admitted.


Seems to me that indicates dereliction of duty and serious lack of ethics and morals, and serious lack of the respect which the Thai populace have every right to expect, on the part of the pm the puppet master. 




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9 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Whilst ignoring the fact that he should never have been appointed because he had no qualifications nor knowledge nor experience for the job, which he publicly admitted.


Seems to me that indicates dereliction of duty and serious lack of ethics and morals, and serious lack of the respect which the Thai populace have every right to expect, on the part of the m the puppet master. 



This is Thailand, normal rules of integrity and principle do not apply. It did not start with Surapong, it did not end with Surapong. Get angry about the field, not the blade of grass. Direct your anger towards the system that prevailed behind Surapong, he did nothing wrong except take the opportunity he was offered, which might be what you would do, given different circumstances..


The problem is, you never know how far up the system was created. I do know, and I would be very loth to attribute blame if I were you.

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43 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


This is Thailand, normal rules of integrity and principle do not apply. It did not start with Surapong, it did not end with Surapong. Get angry about the field, not the blade of grass. Direct your anger towards the system that prevailed behind Surapong, he did nothing wrong except take the opportunity he was offered, which might be what you would do, given different circumstances..


The problem is, you never know how far up the system was created. I do know, and I would be very loth to attribute blame if I were you.

What rubbish.


I know just as well as anybody that immoral unethical, illegal things along with nepotism and position buying have been going on for a very long time, I've watched all of this for well over 30 years, and it's happened under every government during that time.


It disappoints me all of those governments did nothing to change it.


Yes every transgressor should be punished and rightly or wrongly some 'put their head up' and action happens. That's life, that's the way it works.


On the other hand it seems to me your suggesting that because there are many transgressors surapong should be spared.


Do you really want to see it work like that? If you do then just close all the courts.


By the way are you trying to threaten me? 




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24 minutes ago, scorecard said:

What rubbish.


I know just as well as anybody that immoral unethical, illegal things along with nepotism and position buying have been going on for a very long time, I've watched all of this for well over 30 years, and it's happened under every government during that time.


It disappoints me all of those governments did nothing to change it.


Yes every transgressor should be punished and rightly or wrongly some 'put their head up' and action happens. That's life, that's the way it works.


On the other hand it seems to me your suggesting that because there are many transgressors surapong should be spared.


Do you really want to see it work like that? If you do then just close all the courts.


By the way are you trying to threaten me? 




What rubbish.


Which part is rubbish? Can you tell us all why it's rubbish? What would not be rubbish? Perhaps you could communicate in other than sweeping generalisations?


I know just as well as anybody that immoral unethical, illegal things along with nepotism and position buying have been going on for a very long time, I've watched all of this for well over 30 years, and it's happened under every government during that time.


Then I'm surprised you select the low-hanging fruit before you give voice to those concerns. Or where you just climbing on some undefined bandwagon? It does seem so for someone who is so concerned about widespread corruption and misbehaviour.


It disappoints me all of those governments did nothing to change it.


But you haven't said so...? OK. I understand


Yes every transgressor should be punished and rightly or wrongly some 'put their head up' and action happens. That's life, that's the way it works.


But you haven't said so previously...? OK. I understand


On the other hand it seems to me your suggesting that because there are many transgressors surapong should be spared.


I'm saying the system in Thailand is corrupt and Surapong has been selected for special attention for another, unstated reason, not any misdemeanour he might have been connected with.


Do you really want to see it work like that? If you do then just close all the courts.


If I had a choice the courts would be cleared and the judges sacked without pension and their assets confiscated.


By the way are you trying to threaten me? 


Where on earth did that come from? Creative interpretation? A crystal ball? Why on earth would you believe you are important enough to me or anyone else for threats against you to be made? I merely suggest that you should be careful to abide by forum rules before responding to that particular point.


Or are you just hoping a Mod will see what you wrote? Yes, I suspect that's it.


It's a bit transparent (and childish) of you.





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