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Put your cards on the table, EU makes last Brexit call to Britain


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2 hours ago, JAG said:

Fortunately holding contrary views to you, daring to express them and horror of horrors being prepared to vote for those views in a nationwide referendum are a very long way from any definition of treason, apart interestingly from some of the bellowing of the more frothy mouthed Ulster Unionist politicians of the 1970s and 1980s - widely regarded as some of the most inventive bigots of the recent UK political scene!


So wanting Brexit is not treason. Wanting the democratically expressed wish of the British electorate, as stated through a referendum (and let's not forget a subsequent election) overturned could however, at a stretch, be described as something approaching treason.


It's interesting to note that imprisoning (and worse) for treason was a policy of certain states in Europe in the first half of the 20th Century, states from which sprung the concept of "ever closer union".


We can also muse on the presence, amongst the judges of this "ever closer union's" court, which claims supremacy over our own courts, those whose glittering judicial careers began within regimes (of the former Soviet Bloc) which enthusiastically prosecuted political opponents in the way you suggest.


Any way, back to your suggestion about prosecuting "Brexiteers" for treason - sounds like something out of "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

 Was going to say 2 years, but in truth it's got to bebe over, 10 and I havent, seen, heard or read a single intelligent comment b a Brexiteers...... QED the above.

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1 minute ago, nauseus said:

Easy, the negotiations are controlled by remainers. Doh!

Well there's an easy answer for that isn't there.


Brexiteers mount a leadership challenge. Tory party rules allow them to do this one every 12 months, so they've got one chance between mow and March 2019 - i.e. they have one chance!


So let's see what the Brexiteers are made of.


And if they don't mount a challenge the question has to be, why not?


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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well there's an easy answer for that isn't there.


Brexiteers mount a leadership challenge. Tory party rules allow them to do this one every 12 months, so they've got one chance between mow and March 2019 - i.e. they have one chance!


So let's see what the Brexiteers are made of.


And if they don't mount a challenge the question has to be, why not?


No easy answer to anything now.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Well at least we don't sit in the same camp as racist and xenophobes. 


Like it or not - Brexit Leave attracted the racist and xenophobe vote. 

Yes I have noticed you are the only one that 'likes' his flame posts. ???

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12 minutes ago, vogie said:

I feel sorry for the remainers, it must be so embarrassing having him as an ally.??

With no embarrassment at all attaching to poster who claims he couldn't find any evidence that Brexiteers claimed 350 million pounds per week saving that would go to NHS. You've got a whole conitingent of troglodytes on your side.k

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7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

With no embarrassment at all attaching to poster who claims he couldn't find any evidence that Brexiteers claimed 350 million pounds per week saving that would go to NHS. You've got a whole conitingent of troglodytes on your side.k

I feel so insulted, I have never been described as a "conitingent of troglodytes" before.

Edited by vogie
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1 hour ago, JAG said:

What are you trying to say?

The above is completely incoherent and makes absolutely no sense. I will hazard a guess that you think "Brexiteers" (all 17 million or so of us!) should be jailed for treason?


In the "role of honour" for "intelligent comments, your last two offerings are probably rather near if not at the bottom.


"QED" translates as "that which has been proved". In what way have my comments on your suggestion that people be prosecuted for treason proved anything, other perhaps that it is possible to ridicule the ridiculous? You squat in a camp which claims to be better educated, more informed and not fascist, xenophobic or bigoted ( all charges that are regularly levelled at those of us who think that the UK should leave the EU,) yet you spout this incoherent drivel. Frankly, were I a "remainer" I would be embarrassed to share a platform with you.

You aren't and consequently are of no significance to me....I can no more respect anything, you say than a flatearther..

As you don't command any respect, I don't consider it worth correcting predictive text typos...As has been shown you can neither identify them nor understand the corrected form

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2 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Why people keep throwing this 500 million number around I don't know. A large percentage of those 500m civilians don't have a pot to p155 in, so that number is a bit misleading.


Plus, only around 6% of British businesses trade across the EU, and yet 100% of British business have to abide by EU rules. That's hardly fair.

Is that 6 percent by revenue or just by separate incorporation? I think the answer to that is pretty clear. Most business registered in the UK are very small and local. So of course they don't do business abroad. But in terms of revenue it seems highly likely that the numbers are quite different.. And it's really no different from the situation in the USA where most businesses are small and unlikely to engage interstate trade. Still, they have to abide by Federal law. Otherwise regulation would be a nightmare.


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4 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Why people keep throwing this 500 million number around I don't know. A large percentage of those 500m civilians don't have a pot to p155 in, so that number is a bit misleading.


Plus, only around 6% of British businesses trade across the EU, and yet 100% of British business have to abide by EU rules. That's hardly fair.

That very much a straw man argument - numerically a good deal of British businesses  are small local traders who don't even trade outside their own town. But you wouldn't expect them not to have to obey the laws of the UK because of that.


You need to know that a pork pie you buy from a bakery in Bolton is made to same safety standards as one from London or one in Prague.


Rules are there for a purpose - what EU rules do you want to get rid of ?   


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17 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Why people keep throwing this 500 million number around I don't know. A large percentage of those 500m civilians don't have a pot to p155 in, so that number is a bit misleading.



That's no longer true - lowest avg monthly wage in EU is Bulgaria at $1,350 (PPP) just over half the UK at $2,500. Highest is Luxembourg at $3,850 - 10 of the 28 EU countries now have higher average wages than the UK.


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5 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

As far as I'm aware a large majority of Tory MPs are Remainers. So if there were to be a leadership challenge, the Remain candidate would always win. Therefore as I see it, it's impossible for a Brexiteer Tory to become PM.


I'd love to be wrong though!


Kind of blows a hole in the Brexiteer argument that MPs that don’t support Brexit will lose their seats.

Edited by Chomper Higgot
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