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VIDEO: Incredible moment rescue workers find boys trapped in cave

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11 hours ago, yasbkk said:

Thank God they did  find them alive, and special thoughts to all the people who participated  in the rescue in persons or prayers. These kids deserved the pain to find them, so they will make something good of their lives. 


Only one thing is sad, it is that nobody will learn anything and that after few weeks everything will be forgotten until the next stupid does the same mistake.

Everybody has friends or family members who died on the road, but do you see any improvement ? Thai will never learn and they are happy this way.



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45 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Not to mention the one who was demanding the search be called off!  ?

...........and it was just a case of retrieving the bodies etc 

Some truly disgusting comments at a time when everyone was looking for positivity. Fortunately the Thai boys and families kept the faith and belief in the professionals and not just a few negative nobodies. 


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3 hours ago, Millcx said:

Fantastic TEAM effort (Minus Thai Airways Photo shots) … Not sure how quick the Thai government waited to ask for Global help but hopefully in future they will react and ask quicker …. SOOO happy the kids and coach are OK … Being bias but I knew we would get organized as soon as the elite Brit team came in 

I'm supposing your comment about the Elite Brit Team was tongue in cheek? If not perhaps their next assignment is to extricate Theresa May from the Brexit Caves?

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1 minute ago, Nip said:

I'm supposing your comment about the Elite Brit Team was tongue in cheek? If not perhaps their next assignment is to extricate Theresa May from the Brexit Caves?

It was not... Those 3 guys have been saving lives for a long time and are the global elite for what was needed... As for Brexit... We were not allowed to vote so stuff British politics and the scum that sit in parliament (ALL) especially that clampit Corbin 

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4 minutes ago, Nip said:

I'm supposing your comment about the Elite Brit Team was tongue in cheek? If not perhaps their next assignment is to extricate Theresa May from the Brexit Caves?

.......or place her somewhere inside these caves after bringing the boys home safely. 

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Well done everyone concerned, wonderful news Hollywood will be rubbing its hands. They will need to teach Harrison Ford and Stallone to speak English if they can find which old folks home they’re residing at.

Edited by Sprigger
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2 hours ago, BernieOnTour said:

... not only the right professionals waiting outside the cave ...

One of the Thai Navy Seals is a doctor and that was exactly his warning.


However, it will be difficult to make that clear to the 13 boys, for that they are waiting since more than a week ... In the video, I heard yesterday night, you can clearly hear one of the boys saying "eat, eat, eat !"

Saw a report they have received power gel. 

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2 hours ago, Huayrat said:

Really?? All i'm hearing is seals this seals that.. chiang rai governor saying seals found them..Not hearing English cave rescue did from him as they where the first in they found them not the seals.. so your wrong..

The governor has made a official statement giving credit to the British men. 




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13 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

Also, to the people who said they would be dead but if they were miraculously found alive the Thais would immediately take all the credit as farangs are worthless here and any farang effort would be discounted, or worse the farangs would be blamed if it all went wrong  - and we all know who you are -  please note this video of two English guys discovering them was posted on the official Thai Navy Seals FB page.   So actually nobody gives a damn - it was a massive, global, team effort, and it is acknowledged as that.  Some people are actually quite grown up about these things.



It was a joint effort by everyone and a brilliant outcome.  The nationality of the rescuers that actually found them is irrelevant because there were hundreds of people involved.

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It was a joint effort by everyone and a brilliant outcome.  The nationality of the rescuers that actually found them is irrelevant because there were hundreds of people involved.

Not irrelevant ! The 3 British diver cavers are the best in their profession, as the credit given to them by the CR governor !

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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Not to take anything at all away from the Thai seals it seemed a bit strange that in the video all the talking was in English. It was a wonderful result from the huge number of professionals and volunteers no matter who got there first..

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14 hours ago, yasbkk said:

Thank God they did  find them alive, and special thoughts to all the people who participated  in the rescue in persons or prayers. These kids deserved the pain to find them, so they will make something good of their lives. 

How bout thanking all the people who planned and worked tirelessly around the clock and leave your invisible nobody that did nothing out of it. Do everybody a favor by just keeping your "special thoughts" for your invisible nobody that never does anything to yourself and thank only those that deserve it. Praise be to the almighty human mind, strength & determination!  


Perhaps consider the thousands of people that die from malnutrition every single day...many/most of them children. Does your invisible nobody that never does anything not care about them? Wake up! 

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"Perhaps consider the thousands of people that die from malnutrition every single day...many/most of them children. Does your invisible nobody that never does anything not care about them? Wake up!"


'I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.'


At least we did something here and now.


Celebrate each small success. Over time maybe it will add up to something.


I don't need perfection.  I need progress.

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16 minutes ago, Jumper said:

"Perhaps consider the thousands of people that die from malnutrition every single day...many/most of them children. Does your invisible nobody that never does anything not care about them? Wake up!"


'I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.'


At least we did something here and now.


Celebrate each small success. Over time maybe it will add up to something.


I don't need perfection.  I need progress.

Am overjoyed with the outcome thus far and every other human success story. Agreed, "We" as you put it (human beings) did something here. People perform fantastic feats of heroism, kindness etc, all the time. But...


Thanking nonexistent deities, instead of those whom actually deserve the thanks is just flat out WRONG :post-4641-1156693976:as well as infuriating. You apparently missed my point, so will spell it out:


G-O-D (s) had NOTHING to do with it.


"We" as you put it...real live people...aka human beings did it and deserve ALL the credit. If you truly desire progress, then waking up the masses into shedding the silly superstitions would be an excellent start. 


I know Mods  :offtopic: :sorry:  but this demanded a response. 

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4 hours ago, Jumper said:

I don't normally respond to Thai Visa posts.  In my opinion the posters here are , for the most part,  farong who have their own natural cultural biases which can be understood, but not agreed with.


In this case, let's just celebrate that the boys have been found alive.


I'm sure that the world is happy with the result so far, but the job is not yet done. We still need to get the boys safely out and into the arms of their loving families.


With regard to the potential negligence of their coach in leading them into this situation:


This guy is 24 years old. At my age (as a US veteran) at 24 I was a seasoned US Army Artillery officer.


But my life experiences were not the same as his. Due to circumstances, I was forced to mature much more rapidly than one might normally expect of a young man.


This young man made a mistake, but should be forgiven based on his youth and inexperience,


Forgiving is what Thai have always done, and you see the results !


All these kids live near the cave and do not know that it must be avoided when raining !


Who is ridiculous here ?! He made a mistake because he is an idiot. Nothing else to add.








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14 hours ago, Cereal said:

Here's the story (fable) my wife told me.


About 300 years ago there was a beautiful daughter of a king who wanted to marry a poor man. The king forbade her but she married him anyway. The king sent his soldiers to kill the husband, which they did. The daughter, in distress, killed herself and bestowed her body to the mountain and her blood the water. The powerful monk leader who came 3 days ago and said the boys are still alive and you'll find them in 3 days is the reincarnation of the princess' husband.

This is exactly the type of thinking that holds Thailand back, or more precisely a certain section of Thai society back.

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Thanks god ! The number 13 has been a lucky number at least! A real suspense like a hollywood movie! Its not over yet! How to get them out! Is hardest part rescuers and the dozen plus one will have to face

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19 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

Am overjoyed with the outcome thus far and every other human success story. Agreed, "We" as you put it (human beings) did something here. People perform fantastic feats of heroism, kindness etc, all the time. But...


Thanking nonexistent deities, instead of those whom actually deserve the thanks is just flat out WRONG :post-4641-1156693976:as well as infuriating. You apparently missed my point, so will spell it out:


G-O-D (s) had NOTHING to do with it.


"We" as you put it...real live people...aka human beings did it and deserve ALL the credit. If you truly desire progress, then waking up the masses into shedding the silly superstitions would be an excellent start. 


I know Mods  :offtopic: :sorry:  but this demanded a response. 

You are spot on! It bugs me too when supernatural claims go through with a free pass and but when challenged, the skeptic is suddenly the dingo in the manger. As correctly stated by many posters in this place, congrats to all the PEOPLE from skilled dive teams through to the humblest truck drivers and catering staff and all their positive supporters here on TV.  ?

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13 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

This is exactly the type of thinking that holds Thailand back, or more precisely a certain section of Thai society back.

Ooh boy, the things people believe! Here's hoping that the 'prophetic monk' buys himself (or better yet me) a couple of lottery tickets!  When I win I will donate half to the fave children's charity as nominated by ThaiVisa members!  ?  

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20 hours ago, Jumper said:

"Perhaps consider the thousands of people that die from malnutrition every single day...many/most of them children. Does your invisible nobody that never does anything not care about them? Wake up!"


'I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do.'


At least we did something here and now.


Celebrate each small success. Over time maybe it will add up to something.


I don't need perfection.  I need progress.

Fair call Jumper. From the UNICEF- on average 25,000 children (aged under 5 years) die of 'preventable' causes each day.  Well done to all on the mountain to ensure these 13 kids were not part of the tragic toll.   ?

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14 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

This is exactly the type of thinking that holds Thailand back, or more precisely a certain section of Thai society back.

While this is true, it's also the type of thinking that gives Thailand and Laos their certain special je ne sais quoi that endears both countries to my heart to the point I will never leave and haven't missed Canada for one single second in 13 years.

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