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Video: Elon Musk is INSIDE Tham Luang cave testing rescue sub


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18 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

Elon has certainly got a lot of people talking about Elon.... well who would of thunk it.... duh i am sure he did not..........

You can also think it in the way that Elon got lots of people thinking how to solve this specific problem, which eventually leads to new solutions, which might lead available solutions, when the next similar situation happens.


Today we think about this cave rescue. Tomorrow we might be thinking of people who need to be rescued from a sunk boat. The next day, who knows what the situation might be? 


The engineering, combined with science rarely goes to waste. Sometimes the ideas need time to be useful again, in some entirely different situation.




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6 minutes ago, sandrabbit said:

No he has South African, Canadian & American citizenship. Resident in US though.


No That's true.  He has South African, Canadian & American citizenship. Resident in US though.


Fixed it for you.  That's what the melting pot is all about.  About 10% of Americans were born in another country.  They're still Americans.  And by choice.  Which makes me chuckle when I read people bashing the USA.   As if there's any other country that more people WANT to move to.


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He turns up with something that is utterly useless and starts tweeting.



"The US tech billionaire behind SpaceX and Tesla has mounted an impressive PR campaign: developing, testing, and transporting a mini-submarine to the cave system, from where he updated his social media accounts with news of his arrival."



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36 minutes ago, steve73 said:

Comments on another ongoing thread suggest all the boys were sedated anyway, using the final chamber to revive them.

Sorry, but I'm unsure how to post cross-thread quotes.

So they took them out without any of them using their arms or legs, I recall someone saying they could just have been bound. Same thing really?

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35 minutes ago, lamyai3 said:

The kids are no doubt collectively wondering what was that strange capsule like object they passed on the way out...

No chance - the water has zero visibility. If the capsule is not moored properly it will be lost and end up as the only thing missing from the rescue operation...:coffee1:

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6 minutes ago, JAZZDOG said:

You totally missed the point, this guy engineered and knocked this thing out in a couple days and had it on site. This guy doesn't dick around he gets things done and has connections everywhere. It is very likely if he was onboard just for logistic purposes pumps would have arrived in a couple days that fit the purpose instead of the ineptitude we witnessed where they are still awaiting for the pumps that would have dewatered that hole a week ago to be delivered. Musk would have the correct pumps there by the third day, the kids likely would have walked out a day or two after they were found, the seal might still be alive and all this drama would have been unnecessary The guy runs a huge business and understands when time is of the essence. Comparing the efficiency of the Thai bureaucracy to that of Musk is a joke. Thank God the divers were there to pick up the ball. Give the government credit for figuring they were in way over their heads. Just a shame they couldn't have outsourced the logistics along with the cave diving. No government is a match for private enterprise when you need something done quickly, never!

Anyway he had planned a trip to Asia since he today is in China so why shouldnt he use this opportunity to drop by. Who actually cares if it was based on mixed intentions as long as the capsule actually could have been partly used in a emergency situation - partly beacuse it was not suitable for the whole route...

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1 hour ago, impulse said:


No That's true.  He has South African, Canadian & American citizenship. Resident in US though.


Fixed it for you.  That's what the melting pot is all about.  About 10% of Americans were born in another country.  They're still Americans.  And by choice.  Which makes me chuckle when I read people bashing the USA.   As if there's any other country that more people WANT to move to.


I  visited.  I  left.

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6 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

I  visited.  I  left.

During the years the US have actually had more visitors than Citizens - With other Words the majority have left…. When it comes to this thread "Elon Musk is INSIDE Tham Luang cave testing rescue sub" should be closed as Elon has not only left the Cave, he has as well left Thailand and is now in China...:whistling:

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8 hours ago, smutcakes said:

Did he really try and believe that his solution was workable at this late stage? Or is it all a bit of good PR. In showing his willingness to stand behind his tech i suggest that Elon volunteer to test the protoype before the kids in the cave go in it.


If its not ready, what is the point in him being here and delivering it?

There is no connection whatsoever to those Billies you mentioned.What role did you think they should have played?  Most important it is all over now happily?

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4 hours ago, CGW said:
6 hours ago, connda said:

 Doubt if we'll see this fiasco at Tham Luang again.

I would have to agree with that, somehow I don't think cave diving is going to gain popularity among the masses after this is operation is over - completed successfully! ? 



road and marine fatalities will increase and more than make up for cave entrapment.

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4 hours ago, impulse said:


If TESLA hadn't raised the bar, the other manufacturers would be years behind where they are now.  They have been shamed at their own game by an upstart.  I imagine a lot of senior executives were called on the carpet by their boards and investors to answer some tough questions about how they were spanked by a noob.   As far as the shorts, they're going to be real disappointed when TESLA gets their line dialed in and starts meeting their production targets.  Musk will make that happen if only to stick it to the shorts who have been trying to sabotage TESLA's success so their options are in the money.  Even if they don't reach the levels Musk has bragged on, the stock will grow as they get the rest of the infrastructure in place that's needed to support millions of electric cars needing to be topped up.  Then, Jaguar, Nissan, et al. will be coming to TESLA begging to team up. 


Because only a dinosaur believes that electric cars are just about the cars.  It's an entire ecosystem.  And there's nobody better positioned than TESLA.


If your so confident in it then go stick a few bucks on it and go against the market.these people shorting on tesla will be more in the know of you or I.

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3 hours ago, lionsincity said:

He turns up with something that is utterly useless and starts tweeting.



"The US tech billionaire behind SpaceX and Tesla has mounted an impressive PR campaign: developing, testing, and transporting a mini-submarine to the cave system, from where he updated his social media accounts with news of his arrival."



The lead British diver didn't think it was useless; but perhaps he was less informed than you...



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So I've been smacked for criticising Musk even though I believe in him as a brilliant innovator and entrepreneur, perhaps using the word gratuitous was a mistake.


These guys get promotion by default when ever they make statements or appear in public.

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55 minutes ago, happy chappie said:

If your so confident in it then go stick a few bucks on it and go against the market.these people shorting on tesla will be more in the know of you or I.

The people shorting Tesla are as crazy as those buying the shares long. Right now 29.45% of the floating shares are sold short, that's a hugely crowded short, just asking to be squeezed. The saying is "The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent." How can people gamble on when a mania will fade? I agree with them on the direction, but don't think it's wise to bet money on the timing, and you have to be right on both timing and direction to make money shorting stocks. As far as Tesla goes, it's gamblers vs maniacs. I'm staying the heck away from the whole mud fight.


I bought some shares long in another auto maker last month that I think is the one best positioned to weather a long trade war.



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7 hours ago, colinneil said:
7 hours ago, Bangkok Ape said:

Bullsh*t, he's a showman, a marketeer, a used car salesman.


Tony Stark lolz, grow up. Have you read how he treats unions and workers? 


Most of his achievements are vaporware. 


Showing up here is simply VILE and totally inappropriate.


This Tweet sums it up best:


"Elon Musk is making a big show of reaching for his wallet after the bill has been paid."

The man is at least trying to help, what has been your contribution towards getting the boys out?


I found his contribution Colin



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