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Trump questions why Obama did not act on claims of Russian election meddling


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On 7/15/2018 at 2:15 PM, Jingthing said:

Yes, he is the legal president.

That does NOT mean we have to support him or respect him.

He does not deserve any support or respect. That needs to be earned.

He was elected by a MINORITY vote and instead of working hard to unite the nation, he worked hard to DIVIDE it more, focusing ONLY on his rabid white nationalist base.

He threatens our American democracy. He does not believe in democracy. He admires the most disgusting DICTATORS and insults our natural democratic traditional ALLIES.

If he isn't literally compromised by enemy Russian dictator Putin, then he certainly  ACTS like he is constantly, earning him the brand PUTIN'S POODLE (shorthand P.P.). 

Yes, the OFFICE of the president should be respected. But, guess what, that gross demagogic CON MAN has dragged that great office deep down into the TOILET. 

The DAMAGE he is doing may indeed be permanent, and the longer that CLOWN stays in office, the more long term damage he does. 

If you don't think that's a problem too bad. Not your country, is it? 


I wonder if those who loath Hilary as much as you do Trump, had reacted in the same way had she won? Would you support their right to protest constantly, to constantly stir the pot over and over hoping for some gem to emerge to try and get the result reversed? Maybe they'd still be pushing that not so secret private runway meeting with Bill and the AG just before the FBI announced, unusually rather than waiting for the prosecutors, that Hilary wasn't going to be prosecuted for her "mistakes".


Trump isn't the first POTUS to be elected on a minority vote. Nor perhaps the last. That's how your system works. And her "majority" was actually tiny.


But as is often the case today, the left can't accept loosing, and will do anything to ensure "democracy" is their version of democracy where by the street rabble will be out to deny any other view but theirs. And of course, they don't like looking power because of what suddenly becomes public knowledge. 


Pity the poor Americans who voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and for the 44% who just didn't bother. Given that choice understandable.

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On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 3:48 PM, Lacessit said:

I can't recall in my lifetime a President who has polarised Americans so completely.

To non-Americans, he appears to be erratic and vindictive. Although he does seem to backtrack on many issues.

You guys voted him in. It remains to be seen whether he will make America great again. Also depends on how one measures greatness.

Most non-Americans consider Obama gave dignity to the office of President. Trump's use of Twitter is far from that.

"Greatness" when it comes to nations is referring to their military might. Rome was "great" when it conquered most of the known world, then it wasn't, and the barbarians took over. Britain was "great" when it had the most powerful navy in the world, now it doesn't and it's only great in name. The US was "great" when it was the most powerful military force after WW2. Since Vietnam it has lost that power, but if Trump's enlarged budgets can make it powerful again it will be "great" "again".

BTW, Bhutan is reportedly the most happy country in the world, but no one is claiming it to be "great".


Please don't try and speak for all "non-Americans". You don't.

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On ‎7‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:19 PM, Jingthing said:

More what about deflection. "trump" is president NOW! What's he doing about it? Clearly he's about to kiss Putin's arse is what.

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Careful Jingthing , you got nearly 42 k posts in , you don't want to get banned before you reach the magic  50k !

I assume there will be a party ?

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55 minutes ago, Jack100 said:

Careful Jingthing , you got nearly 42 k posts in , you don't want to get banned before you reach the magic  50k !

I assume there will be a party ?

I'm usually not nearly as interested such numbers as some members, but that's not my post number which is actually 88,331 right now. 


As far as what "trump" would do in Finland, well I called that big time, didn't I? Of course, that wasn't hard to do. 

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On 7/16/2018 at 10:42 AM, mike324 said:

Investigation was ongoing and Obama even told Trump about it, but Trump ignored it. So the bigger question is why Trump ignored it.

Im not a lawyer but surely Obama should have been in charge of everything until his successor was elected? 


He is the boss until he isn't the boss

Trump was only a candidate back in those days

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On 7/16/2018 at 3:10 PM, Baerboxer said:


I wonder if those who loath Hilary as much as you do Trump, had reacted in the same way had she won? Would you support their right to protest constantly, to constantly stir the pot over and over hoping for some gem to emerge to try and get the result reversed? Maybe they'd still be pushing that not so secret private runway meeting with Bill and the AG just before the FBI announced, unusually rather than waiting for the prosecutors, that Hilary wasn't going to be prosecuted for her "mistakes".


Trump isn't the first POTUS to be elected on a minority vote. Nor perhaps the last. That's how your system works. And her "majority" was actually tiny.


But as is often the case today, the left can't accept loosing, and will do anything to ensure "democracy" is their version of democracy where by the street rabble will be out to deny any other view but theirs. And of course, they don't like looking power because of what suddenly becomes public knowledge. 


Pity the poor Americans who voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils and for the 44% who just didn't bother. Given that choice understandable.

You do recall the 8 years of idiocy the losers subjected 44 to right?

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As I can recall Australia meddled in the US election too. Many news channels and articles promoting one or the other.  Influencing voting and destroying reputations. I wonder how many American voters changed their vote due to this. 


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On 7/15/2018 at 8:42 PM, mike324 said:

Investigation was ongoing and Obama even told Trump about it, but Trump ignored it. So the bigger question is why Trump ignored it.

Not really,The Trump Transition team was being stymied by the past administration with threats of violating the Logan Act.

"Obama’s sanctions weren’t undertaken in a cooperative spirit — in fact, the opposite. As the New York Times reported at the time, it appeared Obama “intended to box in President-elect Trump, who will now have to decide whether to lift the sanctions on Russian intelligence agencies when he takes office next month.”


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2 hours ago, riclag said:

Not really,The Trump Transition team was being stymied by the past administration with threats of violating the Logan Act.

"Obama’s sanctions weren’t undertaken in a cooperative spirit — in fact, the opposite. As the New York Times reported at the time, it appeared Obama “intended to box in President-elect Trump, who will now have to decide whether to lift the sanctions on Russian intelligence agencies when he takes office next month.”


The Logan Act says unauthorized private citizens can't do the government's business with foreign powers. It doesn't keep an incoming administration from consulting with an outgoing one.

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On 7/17/2018 at 5:52 AM, mike324 said:

Well perhaps you are not that up to date with news, so you call everything fake news like Trump? Why not try searching on google if you really want to fact check.  Its not just Obama, US intelligence even briefed Trump about it, but Trump refuse to listen. Really no need to repeat, its just beating a dead horse.

Did that before the comment and still fake. Democrats have a lot to answer for dont you think.

On 7/17/2018 at 6:49 AM, Scott said:

Continue with the fake news comments when it is not fake will earn suspensions.  


Back in the day fake was usually referenced to art or dodgy people, now it has been broadened to the media because they are lying globalists and democrats because the are cultural marxist. Great word, great man for expanding the English language.

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The Logan Act says unauthorized private citizens can't do the government's business with foreign powers. It doesn't keep an incoming administration from consulting with an outgoing one.

Yawn!!! Tell that to the Clinton and Obama and get those blinkers off it will ruin your eyesight.

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1 minute ago, Franko666 said:

Yawn!!! Tell that to the Clinton and Obama and get those blinkers off it will ruin your eyesight.

I'm not surprised that facts bore you. I believe that Clinton and Obama are familiar with the provisions of the Logan Act. Not so sure about you, though.

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On 7/14/2018 at 10:07 PM, simple1 said:

The more relevant question is why Trump unceasingly denied Russian interference, together with Trump's apologist support for Putin's aggression in Europe. However more blatant lies by Trump...



"Obama Cyber Chief Confirms 'Stand Down' Order Against Russian Cyber-Attacks"

The World stage of treasonous politics started here. Unfortunately this wasn't covered by the MSM  much ,if any coverage.

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On 7/14/2018 at 9:31 PM, Boon Mee said:

It's obvious why Obama didn't act - he was under the misconception that Hillary was going to win. 

He didn't do anything because it would of contradicted his speech about PT saying its a rigged system.Remember he said Stop whining to Mr. Trump.He didn't care much about Russia,but more about his HC legacy ticket

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41 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

I'm not surprised that facts bore you. I believe that Clinton and Obama are familiar with the provisions of the Logan Act. Not so sure about you, though.

I dont care, my concern here is about US and Global politics, you can quote your head away and I still wont care because the bigger picture is more important than some point score. If you can live with that we will get along just fine.

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On 7/15/2018 at 7:34 AM, Tug said:

Jingling and spider mike are spot on simply put Obama’s is honest and dident want to appear to be tipping the scales trump is just spinning and spewing lies as usual Hillary lost for one reason she is female if she was male she would have won hands down 

Obama's Hot Mic ,telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have "more flexibility" to negotiate with Putin after the election.

This was considered back than as lack of resolve , Obama walked it back the next day. But yet it appears to be the same scenario ,Playing politics because he had a election coming! All of this Russian Interference ,that he and others never took care of,has been dropped on the PT administration. Politic propaganda by the left and the establishment have entered a new faze  of Trump Derangement Syndrome . Oh,how nasty their coup politics are .The Coup Crew

Edited by riclag
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