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Trump tries to calm political storm over Putin summit, says he misspoke


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OK, so first it was one former CIA director dissing Trump. Now it's a second one.


From the Washington Post:


Originally, it was "former CIA Director John Brennan [under Obama who] forcefully criticized Trump's actions in Finland. Brennan tweeted on Monday that Trump's rhetoric was "nothing short of treasonous" and urged members of his administration to resign.


And now it's former CIA Director Michael Hayden (under Bush and Obama) responding to Trump's claim Tuesday about mis-speaking:


"Washington Post columnist Max Boot tweeted that the world is laughing at Trump for what he called the "silliest spin ever."  "I'm not laughing," Hayden sarcastically said while quoting Boot's tweet. "Oh, hell. YES I AM."

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“It is very bizarre, you can’t bash your own country like that – especially when you’re the president,” one host noted, according to a transcript provided by Russian media analyst Julia Davis. When Trump says our relations are bad because of American foolishness and stupidity, he really smells like an agent of the Kremlin.”



The two men referred to one another as President Trump or President Putin numerous times, while Trump three times deferred to Putin as “the president” when asked about the possible extradition of 12 Russian nationals indicted in the special counsel probe."



Edited by Opl
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Trump talks badly about his own security institutions. There is now the first time criticism from the Trump's own ranks, since they themselves are affected by his stupid mouth. 


Perhaps the Trump supporters can now understand how Europeans, Canadians, Mexicans, Nato, G7, climate scientists, etc. feel like if he insulted them in his impudent,  lying way.


Unfortunately, there was no criticism then. There is probably a lot of fear that with criticism, one gets fired by the megalomaniac, dementia sick,

orange clown.

Edited by tomacht8
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25 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Trump talks badly about his own security institutions. There is now the first time criticism from the Trump's own ranks, since they themselves are affected by his stupid mouth. 



There's a report in the U.S. news media, originating with the magazine Vanity Fair, that Trump's own Chief of Staff Kelly, who got blindsided by Trump's Putin folly, was in the wake of it privately encouraging Republicans in Congress to criticize Trump over the speech. The same report said Kelly, even before the speech, was already heading toward leaving sometime later this year.


Other than reportedly being furious at Trump, the report didn't explain exactly what Kelly's purpose was in giving Republicans the green light to go after Trump. But the whole thing reportedly was part of the reason for Trump's unusually quick retreat/excuse from his summit remarks.



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Trump contradicts his own intel again — claims Russia not targeting United States any more

"In response to a shouted question from a reporter as to whether Russia was still targeting the U.S., Trump shook his head and said “no.” He quickly followed with a brief monologue arguing that his administration has been tougher on Russia than any of its predecessors and that “President Putin knows that better than anybody, certainly better than the media.”



Trump Goes Back Into Putin’s Pocket After Claiming That He Supports Intel Agencies

"This behavior is familiar. When Trump is forced to do something that he really doesn’t want to do, like condemn the racist violence in Charlotteville, he can’t go more than a day without showing his true colors. Donald Trump can’t tell the truth on what happened during the 2016 election. Trump has already shown that Putin owns him, and he will betray his country at every turn."



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It would be nice to understand what Trump and Putin spoke about for two hours.



There are some stories today that Putin asked to question former Ambassador McFaul, Bill Browder, some guy who drafted the Magnitsky Act. In return, Putin would allow Muller's team to "observe" the questioning of those recently indicted.






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On 7/18/2018 at 6:26 AM, ezzra said:

The man crealy is a buffoon, he can't even read a cue card and simple notation correctly,  if in the past i had a modicum of respect for this man seeing his  wishy washy and feeble handling of such important affairs, he might be good in running mega companies but he's fumbling and dropping the ball in the face of real tests negotiating with high caliber leaders as Putin...


The notion that he is a good businessman is false 

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8 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Trump talks badly about his own security institutions. There is now the first time criticism from the Trump's own ranks, since they themselves are affected by his stupid mouth. 


Perhaps the Trump supporters can now understand how Europeans, Canadians, Mexicans, Nato, G7, climate scientists, etc. feel like if he insulted them in his impudent,  lying way.


Unfortunately, there was no criticism then. There is probably a lot of fear that with criticism, one gets fired by the megalomaniac, dementia sick,

orange clown.

Trump supporters understand nothing related to the truth, so lower your expectations 

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Actually feel for Americans that they have elected such an irresponsible and blatant liar for their president..

His immediate staff (and most of his party members) must have never ending sleepless nights, terrified of the next morning' press meeting and how they can actually try and give credit to this person.


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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

There are some stories today that Putin asked to question former Ambassador McFaul, Bill Browder, some guy who drafted the Magnitsky Act. In return, Putin would allow Muller's team to "observe" the questioning of those recently indicted.


Traitor Trump is considering giving up a US Ambassador to a foreign government. This must make other US Ambassadors very nervous that the administration no longer has their back. Once again, Traitor Trump is putting other nations ahead of US citizens!


'Absurd, crazy': Trump discussed allowing Putin to interrogate US ambassador


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21 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

I don't feel for them one bit, or at least 50% of them.


 Everybody decries the Thai education as not being fit for purpose whist upholding the American system as a near model of excellence.   That being the case how is it that their wonderful system can produce almost 50 % of the nation as total retards who voted for Trump in the 1st place  when it has always been known he is a character of low morals and business ethics ? 

That's a good question.  And as a proud American, I can honestly say I have no idea. 

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There is proof that Traitor Trump knew as far back as January 2017 that Russia had been involved the cyber attacks on the 2016 US election including the fact that Putin has personally ordered the attack. What is Traitor Trump trying to cover up and why? Yet another example of Traitor Trump putting himself ahead of country and has been doing it for his entire presidential term!


Trump had irrefutable texts and raw evidence Putin ordered Russian hacks as early as January 2017




According to the New York Times, two weeks prior to the Presidential Inauguration in Jan. 2017, Donald Trump was shown raw evidence including data and text messages about the Russian hack and that Vladimir Putin knew about it. He has since been trying to cloud the evidence for reasons still not yet know.


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44 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

Everybody decries the Thai education as not being fit for purpose whist upholding the American system as a near model of excellence.   That being the case how is it that their wonderful system can produce almost 50 % of the nation as total retards who voted for Trump in the 1st place  when it has always been known he is a character of low morals and business ethics ? 


I don't think anyone believes the public education system in the U.S. is a near model of excellence or is wonderful. Nor is it responsible for the votes cast in 2016 Presidential election, Some people just fall for salesmanship, others see right through it.



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50 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Oh...he misspoke!

Not the usual excuse: it was a joke?!


When Trump uses an affirmation, he forgets the negation, and when he does not forget it and says no, he answers another question than the one he was asked. Translaters for the one-on-one meeting with Putin must get it.
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56 minutes ago, Opl said:
When Trump uses an affirmation, he forgets the negation, and when he does not forget it and says no, he answers another question than the one he was asked. Translaters for the one-on-one meeting with Putin must get it.

...and by "it", you surely mean "a nervous breakdown"?!

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Bizarre. Now he is saying there was collusion and Putin is to blame. He is insisting he has said this many times before, when in reality he has been in denial for 30 months. This was a major part of his campaign, and has been a major talking point within his presidency. Within 24 hours his story has completely changed. Previously he has said it was all fake media and bad intelligence that cannot be believed. This is a historic flip. The biggest of his presidency so far. What are his devotees to make of this complete and utter uturn?


Obviously someone finally got him into a room, and managed to get him to focus his little, restless mind for five minutes. They told him the remaining credibility he had was badly being eroded and he would have to capitulate, or risk losing some of his base, and all of his credibility. 

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I can't help but think that the reason no one was in the meeting was because Putin has something really embarrassing on Trump.   


All Putin has to do is hit the upload button and we'll all see what really went down.   


I'd be a little nervous too.

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I can't help but think that the reason no one was in the meeting was because Putin has something really embarrassing on Trump.     

All Putin has to do is hit the upload button and we'll all see what really went down.   


I'd be a little nervous too.


It seems so but it has more power not leaked than leaked unlike the infamous pee pee gals. 



The reviews are in from Russia - -


"The stench from Trump’s execrable performance grows ever more putrid



Even Russian state television admits that Trump “really smells like an agent of the Kremlin.” The only question is whether he is a witting or unwitting agent. But if Trump is, at best, a “useful idiot” for the Kremlin, what does that make Trump’s useful idiots?... "




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11 hours ago, Esso49 said:

I don't feel for them one bit, or at least 50% of them.


19% of them.


There are about 236 million eligible voters, of which about 63 million voted for Trump.  That's 26% of the voting population, or about 19% of the total population.

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On 7/18/2018 at 6:03 AM, Carib said:

Backpedaling again, as usual.   ? True statesman. 

Next time vote for Kim kardashian, it will not make any difference. 

Sure, not only Kim has more flair, she can also twerk.


This is old news by now, but it's worth repeating these priceless gems: "My people came to me, Dan Coates came to me, they said they think it's Russia... I have, uh - president Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I would say this I don't see any reason why it would be." This is not even acceptable speech for a 7th-grade student  - one senator used the term "word salads" to describe it, I agree, Trump brains is but a big empty salad bowl - let alone something a nation leader would utter on the world stage.  


The gist of the matter lies in the fact that the whole world, not the least nor last the US, try to deal with dotard in compliance with the general set of laws that run a country, a government, a NATO, an EU, you name it. Such said laws the con-man/child/idiot/fool himself has no concept of and no regards for. Why hang on to this guy's every word? Whether "would" or "wouldn't" what difference does it make? The point is he never means what he says. Untruths are his lifeblood. Why are we still trying to make sense of his nonsense, why let he "sow more confusion?" Question is who are still being confused by Trump, please raise your hand?


This sad case of a POTUS reminds me of a period in my life when I shared housing with a pair of mother/son. The old lady was straight out wacko, but son would not believe it. Now and then he would pull me aside and confide..."you know what, I think my mom is little bit crazy!" It's called denial. This is what - me, as an American, saying - is what our country is doing to ourselves. "If you boil a frog slowly..."

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