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Back to jail : Pattaya "sex" teachers ordered held as they continue fight


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51 minutes ago, ttrd said:

The FBI agents contacted Thailand's Immigration bureau last week to try to organize the meeting, the highly placed source in the department said. The request was refused by Thai officials because only legal representatives and family members of the detainees are permitted access to the detainees, added the source, who is not authorized to speak to media.

So someone detained in the Thai 'justice' system has no say over who they actually want to speak to?

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31 minutes ago, nahkit said:

So someone detained in the Thai 'justice' system has no say over who they actually want to speak to?

Maybe because request to speak with Russians came from FBI not from the Russians wanting to speak to FBI

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3 hours ago, ttrd said:
5 hours ago, observer90210 said:

why open sex lesson schools and attend such classes in the first place ? ...with all those fine institutions in Pattaya or Bangkok,  employing highly talented, attractive and young, teachers, eager to give theoritical and practical crash courses on the topic !!...

By attending such classes you dont get robbed, no sexually transmitted diseases, no fuss about that sick buffalo need medicine -  what you get is a diploma and a job title out of the ordinary....:whistling:

You said not getting robbed hmm 20000 baht for a diploma 

that I call robbed ??

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5 hours ago, nahkit said:

So someone detained in the Thai 'justice' system has no say over who they actually want to speak to?

RE - The FBI agents contacted Thailand's Immigration bureau last week to try to organize the meeting, the highly placed source in the department said. The request was refused by Thai officials because only legal representatives and family members of the detainees are permitted access to the detainees, added the source, who is not authorized to speak to media.


I have never said that....


It may be a little more convinient if you address your question to the actual sender "idannyb" ...:smile:


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19 hours ago, Canuckabroad said:


Is it common for foreigners to be held in custody when facing charges of working without a permit?  What does it take to get bail - just money or also a Thai to act as surety?


I can understand there is a policy to hold overstays and illegal entries until deportation, but to hold someone for working without a permit seems excessive. Especially when it’s something like running a seminar.

Working without a work permit is ILLEGAL. The company I worked for in Map Ta Phut had to pay a lot of money and we both had to go through a lot of paperwork to get my work permit. I believe in Thailand for Thais first and if you are doing something illegal you belong in jail or deported.

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why and what kind of male would need a russian to each him about sex? had to be a european, I learned about sex and where my pecker was supposed to go at 15! and if you want to know about sex positions there are no better teacher that the thai hookers! the energentic ones!


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8 hours ago, ttrd said:

RE - The FBI agents contacted Thailand's Immigration bureau last week to try to organize the meeting, the highly placed source in the department said. The request was refused by Thai officials because only legal representatives and family members of the detainees are permitted access to the detainees, added the source, who is not authorized to speak to media.


I have never said that....


It may be a little more convinient if you address your question to the actual sender "idannyb" ...:smile:


The FBI sent agents to Bangkok to interview Rybka circa March 13, 2018... No reports since about her interactions (either proposed or successfully completed) with with the FBI or members from Bob Mueller's team. Given the obsession and manic pursuit of Trump from members of the "Deep State" (if you believe such exists) and "Team Mueller," I would be surprised if there was no follow-up effort to contact Rybka. I very much doubt that she has the "goods" that would implicate Trump. Moreover, the FBI, Ex CIA Chief Brennan, et. al. have been badly burned by promoting the dubious Steele Dossier (a DNC/FBI "paid for" Christopher Steele product sub-authored by Russians with assistance from Cody Shearer, Sid B., Fusion GPS and other political actors). Hence, I think the FBI and Mueller will be VERY careful about accepting anything Rybka might have to offer, unless it's rock solid proof of criminality involving Mueller's targets (Trump and/or his campaign associates). 

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On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 9:27 AM, Canuckabroad said:

I’ve heard that foreigners are always found guilty once they’ve been arrested.  So what’s the point in disputing the charges?  Why not just plead guilty and get it over with.

You heard wrong.

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On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 11:38 AM, Canuckabroad said:


Is it common for foreigners to be held in custody when facing charges of working without a permit?  What does it take to get bail - just money or also a Thai to act as surety?


I can understand there is a policy to hold overstays and illegal entries until deportation, but to hold someone for working without a permit seems excessive. Especially when it’s something like running a seminar.

It's normal.  Working without a WP contravenes the conditions of any visa so they are then in the country illegally, with no visa.


Seminar, my arse.

Edited by Just Weird
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6 hours ago, taipan1949 said:

Working without a work permit is ILLEGAL. The company I worked for in Map Ta Phut had to pay a lot of money and we both had to go through a lot of paperwork to get my work permit. I believe in Thailand for Thais first and if you are doing something illegal you belong in jail or deported.

Now here is the funny part.  Under the new work permit law, they are not required to have a work permit for the "work" (as they described it) they were performing.  A work permit is not required under the new  work permit law when a foreigner gives advice, talks at a lecture or a seminar, or provides training or a demonstration.    

Edited by Horace
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23 hours ago, Zack61 said:

In the meantime the piece of <deleted> who burnt his ex-girlfriend and threatened to do the same to another is out on bail as easy as pie. 

Less of a flight risk with a local over foreigners with alleged connections, don't you think?

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On 7/23/2018 at 8:47 AM, BobBKK said:

What, exactly, did they do wrong?  why don't the hypocrites go arrest all the girls in soi 6?  (they are probably better sex teachers anyway).  Pathetic, let them go.

Teaching without a work permit............perhaps ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nastya Rybka (Anastasia Vashukevich) is back in the news. She's evidently had some contact with Oleg Deripaska's emissaries and they've apparently made some 'promised' deal procuring her silence and perhaps her "evidence" too (16+ hours of audio, video, and photographic evidence). Very interesting since the FBI was supposedly rebuffed after flying to Bangkok to meet and discuss her purported 'evidence' involving Deripaska and other Americans that might relate to "election meddling." 


Rybka is not too bright (Exhibit A: her activities here in Thailand), but she's savvy enough to know that teasing rabid Trump haters (Left leaning media [90%] and Dem politicians) and Mueller's Team with possible evidence that might (might) somehow implicate Trump, would be a huge bargaining chip. Nastya has unsuccessfully asked for US political asylum in exchange for her "evidence."  Rybka had a fall out w Deripaska and hence did (does) NOT want to get deported back to Russia. It's never a good idea to make an enemy of a powerful Russian billionaire. And happily for her, she has now apparently (???) made some amends with Deripaska via her quid-pro-quo... something for something deal.


Sidebar: Deripraska had his US visa revoked by the State Department in 2006 because of charges he was connected to the Russian mob. "Deripaska doesn’t deny he has, at times, had to collaborate with suspected mafia figures. In 2012, he settled a $1 billion court case with a man he said had acted as his mafia cover in the 1990s. Deripaska said he had no choice but to work with the man. Such were the times, he said." 


In a show of good will, in 2009, Deripaska was asked (and agreed to) help Bob Mueller's FBI in an effort to secure the release of Robert Levinson, a CIA agent who was captured in Iran. Deripaska spent his own money ($25 million) in the operation -- “We knew he was paying for his (Deripaska's) team helping us, and that probably ran into the millions,” a U.S. official involved in the operation confirmed. The op ultimately failed and no thanks to the Clinton State Department... “We tried to turn over every stone we could to rescue Bob, but every time we started to get close, the State Department seemed to always get in the way,” said Robyn Gritz... “We were told at one point that the terms of Levinson’s release had been agreed to by Iran and the U.S. and included a statement by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pointing a finger away from Iran. At the last minute, Secretary Clinton decided not to make the agreed-on statement.”  The deal then collapsed. No doubt Derispaka felt betrayed and adding financial injury to insult, he was not repaid for his efforts.


Back to Little Miss Rybka.... No doubt Nastya has a a credibility problem, yet if what she says is even partially true, it raises interesting questions. Was Rybka used as Desipaska's Red Sparrow? There were many powerful politicians who met with Deripaska aboard his yacht, where conversations and "activities" were (allegedly) surreptitiously recorded by Rybka. Perhaps she (Oleg & Russia) does have kompromat on politicians who went yachting with Oleg? While some may think there are tangential connections to Trump (POTUS 45 never met Deripaska) I suspect there are politicians and biz men of all political stripe who may need to worry -- Rybka said that she “witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three un-named Americans.” As far as the oft discussed "Deripaska + Manafort" dealings??? ... There were many, but they all preceded Manafort's association with Trump. And Deripaska had a falling out with Manafort (and sued him), well before Manafort went to work for Trump’s campaign. "Derispaska has echoed Trump’s claim that the Russia investigation is baseless. In a March 8 op-ed in the Daily Caller, he contended that the probe was a “Wag the Dog” manipulation by the American 'Deep State.'"


Who else met with Deripaska? Never-Trumper John McCain was aboard Oleg's yacht to celebrate his (McCain's) 70th birthday... but that was 10+ years ago (Rybka was just 18 at that time and was not yet Deripaska's playmate). American lobbyist Adan Waldman was also close to Deripaska and more recently Dem Senator Mark Warner (HISC) has been texting with Waldman; "the senator asked Waldman for information from Deripaska about Manafort."


I'll end this post by saying, it's not smart to secretly tape record powerful people ... Omarosa got away with it, but she is living in a country where the rule of law still has some meaning. Nastya remains jailed here in Thailand, and if she's lucky she won't be sent back to Mother Russia, where you get disappeared for challenging those in power. She may think she's back on good terms with Deripaska, but she's playing a very dangerous game.





Screen Shot 2018-08-21 at 9.52.54 PM.png

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13 hours ago, idannyb said:

Nastya Rybka (Anastasia Vashukevich) is back in the news. She's evidently had some contact with Oleg Deripaska's emissaries and they've apparently made some 'promised' deal procuring her silence and perhaps her "evidence" too (16+ hours of audio, video, and photographic evidence). Very interesting since the FBI was supposedly rebuffed after flying to Bangkok to meet and discuss her purported 'evidence' involving Deripaska and other Americans that might relate to "election meddling." 


Rybka is not too bright (Exhibit A: her activities here in Thailand), but she's savvy enough to know that teasing rabid Trump haters (Left leaning media [90%] and Dem politicians) and Mueller's Team with possible evidence that might (might) somehow implicate Trump, would be a huge bargaining chip. Nastya has unsuccessfully asked for US political asylum in exchange for her "evidence."  Rybka had a fall out w Deripaska and hence did (does) NOT want to get deported back to Russia. It's never a good idea to make an enemy of a powerful Russian billionaire. And happily for her, she has now apparently (???) made some amends with Deripaska via her quid-pro-quo... something for something deal.


Sidebar: Deripraska had his US visa revoked by the State Department in 2006 because of charges he was connected to the Russian mob. "Deripaska doesn’t deny he has, at times, had to collaborate with suspected mafia figures. In 2012, he settled a $1 billion court case with a man he said had acted as his mafia cover in the 1990s. Deripaska said he had no choice but to work with the man. Such were the times, he said." 


In a show of good will, in 2009, Deripaska was asked (and agreed to) help Bob Mueller's FBI in an effort to secure the release of Robert Levinson, a CIA agent who was captured in Iran. Deripaska spent his own money ($25 million) in the operation -- “We knew he was paying for his (Deripaska's) team helping us, and that probably ran into the millions,” a U.S. official involved in the operation confirmed. The op ultimately failed and no thanks to the Clinton State Department... “We tried to turn over every stone we could to rescue Bob, but every time we started to get close, the State Department seemed to always get in the way,” said Robyn Gritz... “We were told at one point that the terms of Levinson’s release had been agreed to by Iran and the U.S. and included a statement by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pointing a finger away from Iran. At the last minute, Secretary Clinton decided not to make the agreed-on statement.”  The deal then collapsed. No doubt Derispaka felt betrayed and adding financial injury to insult, he was not repaid for his efforts.


Back to Little Miss Rybka.... No doubt Nastya has a a credibility problem, yet if what she says is even partially true, it raises interesting questions. Was Rybka used as Desipaska's Red Sparrow? There were many powerful politicians who met with Deripaska aboard his yacht, where conversations and "activities" were (allegedly) surreptitiously recorded by Rybka. Perhaps she (Oleg & Russia) does have kompromat on politicians who went yachting with Oleg? While some may think there are tangential connections to Trump (POTUS 45 never met Deripaska) I suspect there are politicians and biz men of all political stripe who may need to worry -- Rybka said that she “witnessed several meetings in 2016 and 2017 between Deripaska and at least three un-named Americans.” As far as the oft discussed "Deripaska + Manafort" dealings??? ... There were many, but they all preceded Manafort's association with Trump. And Deripaska had a falling out with Manafort (and sued him), well before Manafort went to work for Trump’s campaign. "Derispaska has echoed Trump’s claim that the Russia investigation is baseless. In a March 8 op-ed in the Daily Caller, he contended that the probe was a “Wag the Dog” manipulation by the American 'Deep State.'"


Who else met with Deripaska? Never-Trumper John McCain was aboard Oleg's yacht to celebrate his (McCain's) 70th birthday... but that was 10+ years ago (Rybka was just 18 at that time and was not yet Deripaska's playmate). American lobbyist Adan Waldman was also close to Deripaska and more recently Dem Senator Mark Warner (HISC) has been texting with Waldman; "the senator asked Waldman for information from Deripaska about Manafort."


I'll end this post by saying, it's not smart to secretly tape record powerful people ... Omarosa got away with it, but she is living in a country where the rule of law still has some meaning. Nastya remains jailed here in Thailand, and if she's lucky she won't be sent back to Mother Russia, where you get disappeared for challenging those in power. She may think she's back on good terms with Deripaska, but she's playing a very dangerous game.





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A rat looking for some safe place on the sinking ship! :thumbsup:

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  • 4 months later...

Seems that the case has been concluded. Deportation with a Bt100k fine and suspended sentence. Possibly deported later today. Question is, what happens next? Will she be heard from again after naming some really serious Russian players........


I'm more upset that Pattaya has been labelled as 'sleazy'. The cheek......!!



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On 8/22/2018 at 6:39 AM, lvr181 said:

A rat looking for some safe place on the sinking ship! :thumbsup:

At least we can expect that Deripaska will not have to pay for her services for a while or so....:whistling:

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