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Jailed British anti-Muslim activist Robinson released on bail


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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

 Fortunately here in the UK we are still governed by the rule of law, not the rule of the mob.


BTW, based on the number of signatures the various petitions to release him received, and assuming all those signatures are genuine, then Yaxley-Lennon has the support of around 0.5% of the UK population.

See my post above re scum and the use of a spatula to remove same

Edited by Grouse
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49 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

We don't care, when are you going to get that into your brain, we don't care, and for your info iv'e just sent Tommy a few bob for his holiday ! 

And how he must rejoice for gullible people like you.  Probably can't believe how easy it is...



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2 hours ago, TonyClifton said:

More lies and fake news in this vendetta to get a man who protests against his government.  Whoever is pulling these strings against him, deserves far worse than prison.

Humour me; which of this twit's policies do you support and would like adopted by the U.K. Government?

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9 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:


So really your reasoning and language is actually more extreme than Robinson's public pronouncements.


Except you think you're a liberal. 

I'm certainly a liberal and I'm certainly not scum. What part of this rabble rousing scofflaw's pronouncements do you agree with? Do I need to wield the spatula?

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

I'm certainly a liberal and I'm certainly not scum. What part of this rabble rousing scofflaw's pronouncements do you agree with? Do I need to wield the spatula?

You are demonstrating admirably the hypocrisy that has driven so many working class people to the right. 

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3 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

You are demonstrating admirably the hypocrisy that has driven so many working class people to the right. 

Not at all. I am an anti Muslim bigot but pro social justice. You?

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2 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

@Grouse. The point I'm making is very simple. Your language about Robinson's supporters sounds like something Robinson might say about muslims.


The pseudo liberals on this forum would be up in arms if Robinson was quoted here as referrring to muslims in the way that you have referred to his followers, but it's ok for the pseudo liberals to talk like that. Hypocrisy.

Glad there is a real liberal like you to put the rest in place.

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7 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

@Grouse. The point I'm making is very simple. Your language about Robinson's supporters sounds like something Robinson might say about muslims.


The pseudo liberals on this forum would be up in arms if Robinson was quoted here as referrring to muslims in the way that you have referred to his followers, but it's ok for the pseudo liberals to talk like that. Hypocrisy.

TR's beef is with islamists rather that muslims per se.

Edited by evadgib
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Just now, markaoffy said:

There you have it “ arrogance personified “ Belief that the Poorly educated is reason when you don’t get the result you want ! Highlights the weakness of your whole argument !

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Thats where pri cks like him fall down as they underestimate the so called Poorly Educated !

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Hillary Clinton made the same mistake when she called Trump's supporters a "basket of deplorables" (much more polite than Grouse's comments). The arrogance of the pseudo liberals is astonishing, and they never seem to learn.


And look where we are now - Robinson is publicly supported by Bannon, one step way from Trump.


Strange times. Probably going to get stranger.



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8 minutes ago, the guest said:

UK is a lost cause, and it's common knowledge that demographics will dictate the tone. The Muslim population is growing exponentially, and Sharia law is now being recognized by the courts. Who do think will be running the country in say 50 years from now?  I'll give you a clue, it won't be infidels !

Can you please explain the consequences of the recognition of the Sharia marriage?

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UK is a lost cause, and it's common knowledge that demographics will dictate the tone. The Muslim population is growing exponentially, and Sharia law is now being recognized by the courts. Who do think will be running the country in say 50 years from now?  I'll give you a clue, it won't be infidels !
I hope to God the Tories are not still running the country in 50 years. That said, it certainly won't be a bunch of neo-Nazi racists like the EDL!

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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4 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

So right wing racist Tommy gets "interviewed" by right wing Fox news and is allowed to repeat his lies unchallenged.  How is that POWERFUL (in caps)?


He was not kept in solitary confinement for two months, that is an utter lie.  I sincerely doubt his other claims but have no proof.  However, comparing it to Guantanamo Bay is just sickening, repulsive and utterly ridiculous.  The man is not a victim, although he likes to portray himself as one to encourage donations and further his own notoriety.


Nothing changes the fact he is a racist, violent, lying, wife beating, fraudulent criminal.  All proven facts.  Even if I held similarly racist views (I don't) I would be ashamed to be represented by him.  

And here's a question; everyone is entitled to their opinion and their views.  Why is it that the far right don't have an eloquent well educated person to represent them?  Why do they need to be represented by a violent, tattooed, former football hooligan wife beater?  A lot of his followers fit the same profile.   Surely if you put your case forward more reasonably and made sensible and proper proposals then more people might listen or take you seriously.  


But instead you put all your faith in a proven thug, wife beater and liar.  I really don't understand....



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