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Britain's Labour leader sees 'real problem' of anti-Semitism in party


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Not surprising the UK lefty world is infested with anti-semitism , most left-wing  ideaolugues are dullards. How could they not be, whilst continuing to support Socialism, an ideology that has utterly failed everywhere it has been implemented? On the other hand their Lefty leaders,  the Obamas and Corbyns of the world are not dumb they simply exploit these dupes. Promoting "income distribution" while most of them are millionaires?


To the same followers long discredited anti-semitic conspiracy theories continue to thrive, as in the US left.  Also with White supremacist extremists, Farrakhan type black nationalists, and so-called Libertarians.


1 hour ago, Nigel Garvie said:


When we see Palestinian homes being bulldozed down to make way for Jewish settlements anyone with a shred of human decency, has to feel disgusted.

Wont even ask you to provide  a link to support such rubbish as none exists. What there had occurred was  bulldozing of unlawful combatants  families' homes, which I suppose is also illegal under "international law" as collective punishment.


The Israeli nation won't fight survive the otherwise eventual second Holocaust against such barbarism with one hand tied behind their backs! How can they when Terrorists are given Martyrs parades,  and the families survivor pensions?

Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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8 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

After reading all these and other threads regarding Muslims ,i see that most of the Muslim apologists on here do not like the Jews , surprise surprise .

Muslims or Islam  are not even mentioned in the topic, which speaks volumes about the intent of your off topic post.

Edited by dexterm
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Surely it has to be bad when Labours deputy PM criticises his own party.


He also urged the opposition to drop its investigations into Margaret Hodge and Ian Austin, two Labour MPs who lost family members in the Holocaust, which were launched after they furiously attacked the party’s position.

Ms Hodge reportedly described Jeremy Corbyn as a “racist and an anti-Semite” to his face.


Mr Watson’s comments came as it was revealed Mr Corbyn was listed as an advisory panel member of a controversial charity which has openly supported a high profile convicted Holocaust denier.









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35 minutes ago, dexterm said:

There probably are pockets of anti-semitism in the UK Labor Party, as Corbyn acknowledges, but he is not one ...it exists in all political parties and societies. But at least Corbyn is doing something about it, unlike the ruling party, where another wannabe Consevative PM is actually big buddies with the alt .right which is awash with real anti-Semites, and yet strangely no action taken there.


What I find odd is the consistently one sided attack focused on Corbyn himself; the UK papers rehash old angles and invent new ones daily. Even though Corbyn has apologized for any actions by Labor members, suspended and expelled some, set up investigations, read the riot act to anyone who may display anti Semitism, met with Jewish leaders to work out how to confront the issue. I don't know what else the man can do.


Clearly there is another reason for this orchestrated attack on Corbyn. 
"Corbyn, a veteran campaigner for Palestinian rights and a critic of Israel, has been hit by accusations that Labour has tolerated anti-Semitism among some of its members."

A foreign power and its UK supporters are blatantly meddling in UK political affairs and simply do not want him to become PM, because of the honesty and integrity he would finally bring to the position.

.....the honesty and integrity he (Corbyn) would finally bring to the position." :cheesy:

and now we have the concept of Tory "real anti-Semites" vs little, teany-weany pockets, maybe one or two if we look hard enough Labour not very real anti-Semites. Some people are covering their backsides as fast as they can. Except that even this pathetic explanation falls down like a sack of spuds when actual names come up such as Ken Livingstone and then he's our comrade.

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Seems the new norm in politics these days....some parties openly show hate to people of muslim ethnicity,  to immigrants, others to the jews....all part of the game !


No matter where you are from, the colour of your skin or who you are....when one cultivates hate or discrimination towards another, one day it backfires.....



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18 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

.....the honesty and integrity he (Corbyn) would finally bring to the position." :cheesy:

and now we have the concept of Tory "real anti-Semites" vs little, teany-weany pockets, maybe one or two if we look hard enough Labour not very real anti-Semites. Some people are covering their backsides as fast as they can. Except that even this pathetic explanation falls down like a sack of spuds when actual names come up such as Ken Livingstone and then he's our comrade.

So what are you suggesting...disband any UK political party entirely if you can find a single anti Semitic member in its ranks? That's ridiculous. You are deliberately making a mountain out of a molehill.


Wouldn't it be better for a party to pursue its political aims, but expel/suspend any anti Semites among its ranks, which is exactly what Corbyn is doing,  which is more than can be said for other parties

So what's your solution?

Why are you so obsessed with Corbyn himself ? .


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From the OP:


“In an article written for The Guardian newspaper, Corbyn stopped short of agreeing to adopt in full an internationally accepted definition of anti-Semitism, along with a series of examples, as sought by Jewish groups.”


What we are not told, and what I’ve been unable to find is what are the specific reasons/reservations behind Labour not agreeing to adopt the definition of anti-semitism and the examples as sought by Jewish groups?


Does anybody have a link to Labour’s stated reason?


Please don’t give ‘Anti-Semitism’ as a reason since that’s the accusation being leveled, without understanding Labour’s stated reason there can be no meaningful examination of the reason or the accusation.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

Surely it has to be bad when Labours deputy PM criticises his own party.


He also urged the opposition to drop its investigations into Margaret Hodge and Ian Austin, two Labour MPs who lost family members in the Holocaust, which were launched after they furiously attacked the party’s position.

Ms Hodge reportedly described Jeremy Corbyn as a “racist and an anti-Semite” to his face.


Mr Watson’s comments came as it was revealed Mr Corbyn was listed as an advisory panel member of a controversial charity which has openly supported a high profile convicted Holocaust denier.









When Dame Margaret Hodge, a member of Labour Friends of Israel,  stabs her own party leader in the back in possibly an election year by calling him a *!$?! anti Semite, I think she deserves disciplining.


Regarding your 2nd archaic rehashing of a 22 year old pseudo anti Semitism incident on the part of Jeremy Corbyn (see how desperate this dirty tricks vendetta is folks!)..from your own link...
'A spokesman for Labour denied the allegations saying: “Jeremy is not an advisor to the organisation which has misspelt his name, was not aware he was listed on this organisation’s website and has asked to be removed.”'


The "in full' [from the OP] definition of anti semitism which the Labour party have already covered in their own code of conduct excludes 4 examples out of 12 that were not even in the original IHRA defintion, but have since been added by Zionist supporters.


They include saying its anti semitic to describe Israel as a racist state, which it clearly is.


The aim of Corbyn's attackers is: You are not allowed to criticize Israel as racist in its oppression of Palestinians.. because it says so in our fully adopted IHRA definition!


The Zionist lobby's jumping up and down for inclusion of these examples is simply an attempt to stifle all criticism of Israel.


I think Corbyn is quite right in rejecting such subterfuge which tries to conflate legitimate criticism of Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians with anti semitism. The two have nothing to do with each other.

Edited by dexterm
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25 minutes ago, dexterm said:

When Dame Margaret Hodge, a member of Labour Friends of Israel,  stabs her own party leader in the back in possibly an election year by calling him a *!$?! anti Semite, I think she deserves disciplining.


Regarding your 2nd archaic rehashing of a 22 year old pseudo anti Semitism incident on the part of Jeremy Corbyn (see how desperate this vendetta is folks!)..from your own link...
'A spokesman for Labour denied the allegations saying: “Jeremy is not an advisor to the organisation which has misspelt his name, was not aware he was listed on this organisation’s website and has asked to be removed.”'


The "in full' [from the OP] definition of anti semitism which the Labour party have already covered in their own code of conduct excludes 4 examples out of 12 that were not even in the original IHRA defintion, but have since been added by Zionist supporters.


They include saying its anti semitic to describe Israel as a racist state, which it clearly is.


The aim of Corbyn's attackers is: You are not allowed to criticize Israel as racist in its oppression of Palestinians.. because it says so in our definiton!


The Zionist lobby's jumping up and down for inclusion of these examples is simply an attempt to stifle all criticism of Israel.


I think Corbyn is quite right in rejecting such subterfuge which tries to conflate legitimate criticism of Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians with anti semitism. The two have nothing to do with each other.

Now we’re getting somewhere.


Where you stated:


4 examples out of 12 that were not even in the original IHRA defintion”


Can you please provide the 4 examples and a reference to where you say they were added after the original IHRA definition?

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18 minutes ago, dexterm said:

When Dame Margaret Hodge, a member of Labour Friends of Israel,  stabs her own party leader in the back in possibly an election year by calling him a *!$?! anti Semite, I think she deserves disciplining.


Regarding your 2nd archaic rehashing of a 22 year old pseudo anti Semitism incident on the part of Jeremy Corbyn (see how desperate this dirty tricks vendetta is folks!)..from your own link...
'A spokesman for Labour denied the allegations saying: “Jeremy is not an advisor to the organisation which has misspelt his name, was not aware he was listed on this organisation’s website and has asked to be removed.”'


The "in full' [from the OP] definition of anti semitism which the Labour party have already covered in their own code of conduct excludes 4 examples out of 12 that were not even in the original IHRA defintion, but have since been added by Zionist supporters.


They include saying its anti semitic to describe Israel as a racist state, which it clearly is.


The aim of Corbyn's attackers is: You are not allowed to criticize Israel as racist in its oppression of Palestinians.. because it says so in our fully adopted IHRA definition!


The Zionist lobby's jumping up and down for inclusion of these examples is simply an attempt to stifle all criticism of Israel.


I think Corbyn is quite right in rejecting such subterfuge which tries to conflate legitimate criticism of Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians with anti semitism. The two have nothing to do with each other.

This is Tom Watson that is criticising his own party, does that not indicate that there are serious problems. 

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2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

That might depend on Tom Watson’s ambitions.

I think you should stick to what he said rather than start conspiracy theories. I could go on but I would be going off topic.

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5 minutes ago, vogie said:

I think you should stick to what he said rather than start conspiracy theories. I could go on but I would be going off topic.

Yes, let’s engage a childlike naivety in order to accept Tom Watson might not select words that best suit his personal ambitions.


[Edit] Name corrected.


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4 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Not surprising the UK lefty world is infested with anti-semitism , most left-wing  ideaolugues are dullards. How could they not be, whilst continuing to support Socialism, an ideology that has utterly failed everywhere it has been implemented? On the other hand their Lefty leaders,  the Obamas and Corbyns of the world are not dumb they simply exploit these dupes. Promoting "income distribution" while most of them are millionaires?


To the same followers long discredited anti-semitic conspiracy theories continue to thrive, as in the US left.  Also with White supremacist extremists, Farrakhan type black nationalists, and so-called Libertarians.


Wont even ask you to provide  a link to support such rubbish as none exists. What there had occurred was  bulldozing of unlawful combatants  families' homes, which I suppose is also illegal under "international law" as collective punishment.


The Israeli nation won't fight survive the otherwise eventual second Holocaust against such barbarism with one hand tied behind their backs! How can they when Terrorists are given Martyrs parades,  and the families survivor pensions?

Ahem..... It is wider and more complex than the example you give.





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27 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Now we’re getting somewhere.


Where you stated:


4 examples out of 12 that were not even in the original IHRA defintion”


Can you please provide the 4 example and a reference to where you say they were added after the original IHEA definition?

4 rejected examples all concern Israel rather than anti semitism.

1. any comparison of any Israeli policy to those of the Nazis
2. suggesting the creation of the Jewish state was/is a racist endeavour
3. accusing some Jewish people of being more loyal to Israel than their home country
4. holding Israel to higher standards than other countries.



#1 There are some similarities; clearly not all.
#2 I agree 100%
#3 I agree in certain instances
#4 Not sure what that really means.



...follow the links

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19 minutes ago, vogie said:

This is Tom Watson that is criticising his own party, does that not indicate that there are serious problems. 

No..if the right wing Express reporting is correct, it may mean he is in a rush to mindlessly get this anti semitism business out of the way as quickly as possible by caving in to the noise of the Israeli lobbyists to give him the best chance of winning the next election or perhaps becoming PM himself. 

In which case the aim to root out real anti semitism is lost; it could actually be encouraging it.

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8 minutes ago, dexterm said:

No..if the right wing Express reporting is correct, it may mean he is in a rush to mindlessly get this anti semitism business out of the way as quickly as possible by caving in to the noise of the Israeli lobbyists to give him the best chance of winning the next election or perhaps becoming PM himself. 

In which case the aim to root out real anti semitism is lost; it could actually be encouraging it.

Will you accept a watered down version from the left wing Guardian.


"Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, warned that the party would “disappear into a vortex of eternal shame and embarrassment” and render itself unfit for government, unless it called a halt to damaging arguments over antisemitism. He said the party should immediately adopt all of the IHRA definition examples."




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4 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Not surprising the UK lefty world is infested with anti-semitism , most left-wing  ideaolugues are dullards. How could they not be, whilst continuing to support Socialism, an ideology that has utterly failed everywhere it has been implemented? On the other hand their Lefty leaders,  the Obamas and Corbyns of the world are not dumb they simply exploit these dupes. Promoting "income distribution" while most of them are millionaires?


To the same followers long discredited anti-semitic conspiracy theories continue to thrive, as in the US left.  Also with White supremacist extremists, Farrakhan type black nationalists, and so-called Libertarians.


Wont even ask you to provide  a link to support such rubbish as none exists. What there had occurred was  bulldozing of unlawful combatants  families' homes, which I suppose is also illegal under "international law" as collective punishment.


The Israeli nation won't fight survive the otherwise eventual second Holocaust against such barbarism with one hand tied behind their backs! How can they when Terrorists are given Martyrs parades,  and the families survivor pensions?

However I guess that many of those in the "UK lefty world" of your fevered imagination are not such dullards that they cannot spell ideologue. The spread of Jewish settlements on west bank land belonging to the Palestinians is so well documented that it doesn't need any links. There are of course those who believe that the Abrahamic fantasy sky wizard gave them the land in perpetuity, for those there is little hope of returning to sanity.

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There is nothing at all wrong with reasoned criticism of Israel. But there is something wrong when criticism of Israel is infected with Jew hatred. If Labour wants more support from Jews the party needs to address that aggressively. Not just lip service.


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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

4 rejected examples all concern Israel rather than anti semitism.

1. any comparison of any Israeli policy to those of the Nazis
2. suggesting the creation of the Jewish state was/is a racist endeavour
3. accusing some Jewish people of being more loyal to Israel than their home country
4. holding Israel to higher standards than other countries.



#1 There are some similarities; clearly not all.
#2 I agree 100%
#3 I agree in certain instances
#4 Not sure what that really means.


I think that simple statement deserves a gold star.

Which other countries for #$%^'s sake. All other countries? Any other countries. Should we be comparing Israel with Mongolia under Genghis Khan, or just a selection of other Middle Eastern states noted for their bad governance. It is arguably fair to maintain that Northern European countries maintain a higher standard of civilisation than that in many other parts of the world, perhaps Israel would like to be compared with them.


No wonder Corbyn found that meaningless "Holding Israel to higher standards than other countries" line hard to swallow; and I am no fan of his, ( I find his  Europhobic duplicity over Brexit totally dishonest - but that's another topic).



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I think that simple statement deserves a gold star.
Which other countries for #$%^'s sake. All other countries? Any other countries. Should we be comparing Israel with Mongolia under Genghis Khan, or just a selection of other Middle Eastern states noted for their bad governance. It is arguably fair to maintain that Northern European countries maintain a higher standard of civilisation than that in many other parts of the world, perhaps Israel would like to be compared with them.
No wonder Corbyn found that meaningless "Holding Israel to higher standards than other countries" line hard to swallow; and I am no fan of his, ( I find his  Europhobic duplicity over Brexit totally dishonest - but that's another topic).
You may be unaware of this issue or maybe you're being disingenuous. Take a look at the large amount of pronouncements from the U.N. compared to the rest of the world with many nations doing much worse things. I am not arguing that Israel doesn't have serious faults. They do. But the weird extreme imbalance of international negative attention clearly indicates something rotten in the intentions of those dishing out that attention.

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42 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You may be unaware of this issue or maybe you're being disingenuous. Take a look at the large amount of pronouncements from the U.N. compared to the rest of the world with many nations doing much worse things. I am not arguing that Israel doesn't have serious faults. They do. But the weird extreme imbalance of international negative attention clearly indicates something rotten in the intentions of those dishing out that attention.

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It is a relevant observation. Various parameters can influence the level of support a cause can raise: the number of countries which feel concerned by a particular cause, the economic or diplomatic power of supporting countries, the economic or diplomatic power of the oppressing country, the geopolitical impact, etc.... or just because it becomes kind of fashionable.

Clearly, Palestinian get more support than Kurds or Thibetans. because Arabs and Moslems feel concerned for ethnic and religious reasons, oil producing countries are influent, and there are strong geopolitical effects in the ME. On the other hand, nobody cares about Kurds, and even if people feel sympathy for Thibetans or the Chechens, nobody will do anything against China or Russia

However, the "unfairness" should not be used in a reverse way. What is unfair is that the Kurds (or others) don't get the same level of attention and support, not that one particular cause (the Palestinians) gets a lot of support.


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You may be unaware of this issue or maybe you're being disingenuous. Take a look at the large amount of pronouncements from the U.N. compared to the rest of the world with many nations doing much worse things. I am not arguing that Israel doesn't have serious faults. They do. But the weird extreme imbalance of international negative attention clearly indicates something rotten in the intentions of those dishing out that attention.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

But how many of these other states get so much love from the U.S. government? 

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But how many of these other states get so much love from the U.S. government? 

Not many. That still doesn't make over the top, toxic, unbalanced, Jew hate tainted Israel demonization when much worse countries are not similarly demonized OK or right, right?

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