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11 hours ago, rumak said:

well, i certainly wouldn't call them giant catfish  ?      If it makes you feel better, i guess you will be understood calling them geckos ( by farangs).   So you got me there.

But we are in Thailand and certainly a Thai would not understand....as they are called Jinjoks here.

Guess its who you are talking to,  though if you are talking to me i also would not understand if you call them geckos.  Our objectives differ, i guess......call them what you want.

in Thailand "jing-jok" (Thai: จิ้งจก[4])

I, the original poster now stands corrected, jing-jok they are them, the big ones I don't mind, its the little farkers that annoy the crap out of me, still looking for a method to get them away from that area, i.e. about 4 metres above my car, the lights at the driveway to the entrance are about 7 metres away, but they stay above my car where I park it under the carport.

  • Thanks 1
On 8/5/2018 at 1:34 PM, spidermike007 said:

Are you willing to eat beef or pork? Or chicken? Why would killing a gecko be any crueler than being responsible for the death of a cow, or a pig? They seem to be nothing but a nuisance, between the noise they make, and the mess they make. I have no issues about killing as many as I can find! 

Fortunately the Thais don't have a similar mindset for the pesky farang population. 

On 8/6/2018 at 4:25 PM, africasiaeuro said:

Another case of TIT. The person is as usual ignorant about Geckos.

I am sometimes shocked about the level of ignorance.

No wonder why Thais call Farungs the way they do. 

They consider them as Farungs pale skin money givers.

Anyway. Ask somebody who knows more about the Gecko s importance in Thai culture. Gin yoong mood laeow. it's part of a Thai important part, and not only for the latter.

Don't put your house in disarray because of it.

Honestly, if I was the Immigration boss, I would ask every Farung to study culture and language before handing out resident permits. Chaff separates from wheat.

You Farungs ought to learn about your host country more than just the female body parts.



I'm on an Ed visa to learn about female body parts. I reckon I must be close to top of the class,  but I've always been an overachiever. 

  • Haha 2
20 hours ago, impulse said:

... Gecko is a perfectly appropriate name for them.   ...

Indeed, as they belong in the Gekkonidae family, as does the tokay.  (Scientific name for tokay is Gekko gecko.)

On 8/5/2018 at 12:49 PM, Maradona 10 said:

Would it be cruel to kill a gecko? Genuine question.

Of course. It is cruel to kill any sentient creature, which they are.


But I too find their excrement very annoying and would be interested in hearing of any deterrents...in my case, for inside the house. They (so far, knock on wood) leave my car alone.

15 hours ago, rumak said:

well, i certainly wouldn't call them giant catfish  ?      If it makes you feel better, i guess you will be understood calling them geckos ( by farangs).   So you got me there.

But we are in Thailand and certainly a Thai would not understand....as they are called Jinjoks here.

Guess its who you are talking to,  though if you are talking to me i also would not understand if you call them geckos.  Our objectives differ, i guess......call them what you want.

in Thailand "jing-jok" (Thai: จิ้งจก[4])

Gecko is the large one and called too-kay.


Jin joks are the little, salamander-like ones.


It's the tookays whose poop can be a serious annoyance, poop of the jing-joks is miniscule.


I have no problem coexisting with jing-joks but would very much like to find a way to deter the geckos. They like to hide behind things (painting, towels on a rack etc so minimizing potential hiding places helps, and periodically I have someone catch and relocate ones I find in my house (a chaotic undertaking not always successful). But I have long been looking for an alternative to deter them from coming in.



9 hours ago, akirasan said:

I had the same problem so I bought a couple of small mirrors from the market and put them up outside where the birds could perch and admire themselves as much as they wanted. They leave my car mirrors alone now.

That's.. I will definitely go and buy some mirrors and try that tomorrow.  Sick of washing all the bikes and car!!




Depending on your car port construction, fixing a large acrylic / plastic sheet on the rafters over where the car is parked will reduce or even possibly eliminate the problem.


The geckos don't like the slippy feel of the acrylic and anyway there is nothing on the underside of the sheet to attract them. The top side is a different matter all the crap that has been landing on your car will now collect on the top side and may eventually make the thing collapse :shock1:


But you can worry about that on another day  :whistling:


You can get 8x4 ft. sheets of semi-rigid acrylic from places like Thai Watsado. 


We recently bought a hobby farm near Korat and the farm house was infested with them. So we asked around and got a free kitten from a local. Within 3 weeks they were all gone. The kitten likes eating them which keeps him entertained and keeps the jinjok out. 


Personally I can't stand the excrement on the walls, the fact they attract bigger predators such as Tokae/snakes, plus they irritate me when I am taking a dump and one runs out from nowhere in the middle of the night. I have mossie nets to keep out the bugs (and the kitten kills the couple that get in as well).


My Thai gf hates them more than me, so not sure it's a "farang thing" to want them out. 



  • Confused 1
On 8/5/2018 at 1:32 PM, spidermike007 said:

The only thing I have found that not only kills geckos, but really turns them off, and gets them to move on is insect spray. I have had huge geckos in my home before. They are hard to catch. I sprayed them directly on the face with an ample amount of insect spray, and it seemed to really dull them and slow them down. I was then able to clobber them, and exterminate them. It also helps to lead them either out of the house, or in a direction where they can be captured. The spray will kill smaller geckos if you use enough of it. It also seems to be a bit of a deterrent, as they seem to really hate the smell of the stuff. 

They will. It is basically a very dilute non persistent nerve agent (chemical weapon). In the army we used it to test detector paper and "sniffer devices" which gave warning of a chemical attack. 


As someone else said, they keep the mossies down, so on balance basically a good thing. 


Cleaning up Geko shit is offensive. Keeping it out of your of three small children's hands and mouths is too much trouble!! We are constantly sweeping the floors, wiping the tables and couches, purifying every surface the kids may touch just so we don't turn around one day and see one of the twins munching on some Geko turds. I say, "Kill 'em, kill'em all!!!"

  • Sad 1

So, it is OK to have as many geckos in farang house but when that farang sees a non white person of his race he degrees them as less human.

16 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Gecko is the large one and called too-kay.


Jin joks are the little, salamander-like ones.


My first post pointed that out ......... since everyone was calling the little one (see pic) a gecko.

You must have a rustic home.... or very liberal entrance policy ...to have too-kays IN your house proper.

Usually they hide in an attic or storage area and come out to feed at night ( near outside lights is a favorite)  .  I know of no way to deter them, but do know of some ways to get rid of them (but not without

hurting them)  

The question, or survey i would like to see is this:    1. Is it ok to eat meat or fish (killed by someone else)

2.  do you kill mosquitos......flys....spiders..... wasps..........snakes.....?

3.  or do you just draw the line when it comes to jinjoks/lizards ? 

Note :  I am not an advocate of killing..... but most of it seems to be humans killing humans from

       what i read.   Wouldn't it be nice to stop that !


Who ever kills these beautiful creatures are a piece of S#it.They help with the mosquitos etc.i love seeing them around my home.i love watching them when I’m bored,they relax me.

  • Thanks 1

These are not geko's..... not sure what the actual name is for them but Thai's call them jingjoks! There is a spray you can buy from supermarkets that does seem to work. Go into your local Big c and ask for it.

On 8/5/2018 at 1:02 PM, Maradona 10 said:

Yes. I have 2 that have been living inside my air con unit for years, fed up with seeing them really.

Wait until they die in there, and fall into the water condenser drip tray,  and rot, oh joy....


The outside the box method we thought we had aced was to remove their food source, insects. 

We tried UV light insect zappers, but the Jingjok merely reacted like Chinese tourists at a seafood buffet.  It was game on for all the family! 

They're too smart to get themselves zapped.

You can however,  use the UV traps or even just an external nightlight,  to attract insects away from the eaves.  Also put down a long lasting pesticide on the surfaces where they (the geckos)  currently feed.

We have insect screens but the gekos get into the tinest space,  we have a night/security light outside on the kitchen wall (our geko pain point) we have UV kill traps few yards from that (so we can eat alfresco in relative peace from being eaten ourselves).  And even used one inside the screened kitchen.  That seemed the best solution as the pickings for the reptiles were slim after all our other defences thereabout. Any open area is going to be near impossible to fix.  

On 8/5/2018 at 1:42 PM, CGW said:

They can be expensive! one just fried the inverter on a AC unit ~4,500 baht to replace ? 

A few years ago, a gheko shorted the air con unit in my kitchen, which caught fire and, by the time we had managed to extinguish the fire, the air-con was a melted plastic mess and the kitchen ceiling and walls were completely blackened.  It took hours of work to clean up before I could even start repainting the whole kitchen . That incident cost me about 30000 bahts, but I still cannot bring myself to kill them and I have even rescued one or two from the cat.

  • Like 1

Good evening,

When I was little, my parents told me that to catch a TARENTE, you had to put salt on the tail.
I grew up and still have not caught TARENTE.
I let them live and then, it brings good luck.
The TARENTES are, for the most part, albino. That's why, for some, they seem to be transparent.


Some of you people make me sick.You are in a foreign country.These are foreign country creatures.If they are just messing the roof of your car surely its a 1 min job to throw a bit of plastic sheet over your precious car—— keep the 12 bore for something more reasonable !!!!!!!!!??? OH YEA I never thought of that

  • Haha 1
On 8/5/2018 at 1:45 PM, Don Chance said:

This thread is offensive.

so dont read then and stick your head in the sand...

  • Thanks 1
On 8/7/2018 at 8:35 AM, spidermike007 said:

Do you eat meat? Somehow that is not murder, but killing a nuisance insect or reptile is? Displaced sympathies, perhaps?

This planet is full of people with displaced sympathies. People who abuse other people, often members of their own family, and treat their dogs like royalty. Those are the worst. Geckos are little lizards. If I want to kill one, I kill it. Big deal. Just a lizard, who is filling my house with excrement and noise. It is up to me whether or not I want to live with those creatures. It is also up to you. Live with as many of those geckos as you like. It means nothing to me. But, when people start lecturing me on how cruel I am for killing a gecko, I have to laugh. They eat beef, pork, and chicken, and do not give a second thought to the constant slaughter of those animals. They say it is justified since they eat them. Well, I have news for them. It is the same thing. Whether you eat the creature or not, it is still dead. Because of you. Think about that for a moment. If you are considering the evolutionary scale, a gecko is pretty far down on that list. 


The reason I do not eat beef, pork, venison, buffalo, or lamb, is that I simply would not be willing to kill any of those creatures. While I am not particularly fond of pigs, the other creatures on that list are lovely creatures, and I do not want to be responsible for their deaths. A gecko? Means nothing to me. I put them in nearly the same category as an insect. Certainly a pest by my standards. 

  • Like 2
29 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The reason I do not eat beef, pork, venison, buffalo, or lamb, is that I simply would not be willing to kill any of those creatures. While I am not particularly fond of pigs, the other creatures on that list are lovely creatures, and I do not want to be responsible for their deaths. A gecko? Means nothing to me. I put them in nearly the same category as an insect. Certainly a pest by my standards. 

Have you considered eating the geckos?  I think they would be quite nice shallow fried with garlic.  At least their lives would not be wasted then.   Maybe they taste similar to the crispy fried garlic frogs?


If you put them in the same category as an insect this is not correct.  They are reptiles, not Arthropods (which insects are).  


Anyway, I do like to eat the insects at least once a week. The small crickets fried with lime leaves and herbs are really delicious.  


No to offend you, but if you or other posters are so upset and worried about some tiny harmless lizard in your house, you have got your life values and worries  'misplaced' and should take a step back and look at real problems in the wold and with people.... a few geckos in the house is not cause for serious upset, effort or debate in my book.





On 8/5/2018 at 1:42 PM, CGW said:

They can be expensive! one just fried the inverter on a AC unit ~4,500 baht to replace ? 

I had mosquitos, cockcroaches, jingjocks, coming into our bedroom aircon. Those big black cockcroaches would fall out onto our bed when we opened the aircon, jj’s would poke their heads out.  So I went around every joint and opening outside with silicone, and now it’s free of monsters. We dont even have mozzies in the bedroom anymore, which is a bonus. Aircons seem to be the main way in for those kind of nasty critters.

On 8/5/2018 at 8:34 AM, spidermike007 said:

Are you willing to eat beef or pork? Or chicken? Why would killing a gecko be any crueler than being responsible for the death of a cow, or a pig? They seem to be nothing but a nuisance, between the noise they make, and the mess they make. I have no issues about killing as many as I can find! 

Toxic and cruel treatment of very useful creatures which kill ants, mites and mosquitos

On 8/5/2018 at 8:32 AM, spidermike007 said:

The only thing I have found that not only kills geckos, but really turns them off, and gets them to move on is insect spray. I have had huge geckos in my home before. They are hard to catch. I sprayed them directly on the face with an ample amount of insect spray, and it seemed to really dull them and slow them down. I was then able to clobber them, and exterminate them. It also helps to lead them either out of the house, or in a direction where they can be captured. The spray will kill smaller geckos if you use enough of it. It also seems to be a bit of a deterrent, as they seem to really hate the smell of the stuff. 

spray it in your own face

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