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Trump says his son sought information on Clinton from Russians in 2016


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19 minutes ago, Becker said:

The good thing about this demographic is that time is not on their side and their numbers are dwindling fast. Sadly permanent damage has already been done by the Swamp King.

Let's hope the draft dodging traitor in the WH soon gets relegated to a particularly smelly part of history's scrap heap and the difficult work of rebuilding can begin.


Proud are we? Just brimming with pride over your hatred, and the permission your Master has given you, to be devisive, and to demonize the dems. I would love to see how these guys would hold up living in Russia. Their slogans are about as sincere as the ones alot of dems said, before the election. If Trump gets elected I am moving to Canada. My guess is that less than five of those people ended up moving. 


I would wager alot of money that these two have never been out of the country, have never had a friendship with a person of color, and could not find Poland or Estonia on a world map. Yet, I would venture to guess they would have no issues whatsoever, hiring illegal immigrants to wash dishes in their restaurants, or to work in their slaughter houses, or to do their landscaping, if it saved them money. Sincere? Patriots? Phooey. Just ignorant.



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12 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

There is NO war with Russia,



The last time Congress declared war was in 1942 I think, even though it seems like we've been at war forever.



Article 3

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.


The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.



18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.





Clearly "giving them Aid and Comfort" is not applicable to Russian hookers.





Edited by mtls2005
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Trump was really scared when meeting Putin.  He didn't say anything negative about him. Like meeting your boss. Seriously. My guess is that at the end of the day Trump will be impeached because he has received money from the Russians.

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Just now, Spidey said:

There is no war with Russia but clearly Russia is an enemy of the US ergo it's blatant interfering with the 2016 election. The Russians fight their wars in cyberspace and are assaulting the US on a daily basis.

"or adhering to or giving aid and comfort to its enemies by one who owes it allegiance"

let's just bomb them eh?  we see the world very differently but that's why there is so much conflict.  I like Russia, love Russians and enjoy visiting there.  Have a nice day.

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Just now, BobBKK said:

let's just bomb them eh?  we see the world very differently but that's why there is so much conflict.  I like Russia, love Russians and enjoy visiting there.  Have a nice day.

Can't disagree with you but I don't like dictators like Putin. How many oligarchs do you know?


If they didn't have serious kompromat on Trump, I'm sure that he would have already threatened to bomb them.

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The GOP will turn on Trump after the mid-term elections. Trump got the wealthy $1.5 trillion, he disemboweled everything Obama did, they don't want the wall, they want their gardeners back, and Pence needs some in-house experience to run in 2020.

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1 hour ago, BobBKK said:

If someone said they had info most politicians would go and find out what it was. No big deal.

Nice attempt at an excuse but you're out of sequence.

Trump originally denied there was such a purpose for the Trump Tower meeting with the Russian.


Flying home from Germany on July 8 aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said that he and the Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children


There was no mention of getting dirt on Hillary. No mention of US sanctions against Russia.

It was only after Jr's email sent prior to the meeting was revealed by the news media as to the true purpose of the meeting that Jr. defended his attendance as a "nothing burger" because no dirt was revealed in that meeting by the Russians. JR even later emphasized the alleged wasteful nature of the meeting by mentioning that attendee Trump Campaign Chairman Manafort was so turned off by the meeting that he spent most of his time in the meeting on his mobile phone.


Now we know that Manafort was not using his phone for calls but rather using it to take notes of the meeting - so much for a nothing burger. 


See also



To defend the Trump family with regard to their 2016 connections with Moscow operatives requires a time stamp. That's because the Trump et al story (aka "alternate facts") continues to shift in content as time passes with each public disclosure. Each shift becomes a "new truth."

Edited by Srikcir
word misplacement
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It seem that all these dumb ass lawyers and opponents of Trump are a waste of space. They seem to be fighting a loosing battle. I thought by now they would have had Trump walking the gang plank never to be seen again.

Why can't they finish him off???

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Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias)

8/5/18, 9:09 PM

The Trump Tower meeting was so innocent that they lied about it repeatedly during the campaign and again during the transition and then when they were caught lied about it then lied about who dictated the lie. 

All just a big nothingburger.

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1 hour ago, Spidey said:

Can't disagree with you but I don't like dictators like Putin. How many oligarchs do you know?


If they didn't have serious kompromat on Trump, I'm sure that he would have already threatened to bomb them.

You know I'm not going to agree that Putin is a 'dictator' but we will go off-topic. Personally I think it was silly to go to the meeting but that it's a red herring (forgive the pun).

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Just now, spidermike007 said:

All this, from a man who used his status to dodge the draft five times. Had he ended up on the battle front, no doubt he would have wet his pants at the sound of a bullet nearby. He is perhaps the greatest coward, and the least patriotic leader the US has ever had. 

Nixon might argue with you there.  Anyway why not just tell us how you really feel?   ?

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This reference might help better understand what constitutes treason. BobBKK isn't far off the mark (see italics).


It addresses five myths:

  1. Disloyalty or policies that harm the United States are treason.
  2. Aiding Russia is treason against the United States.
  3. Leaking classified material or handling it sloppily is treason.
  4. Only U.S. citizens can commit treason against the U.S.
  5. Very few Americans have committed treason.


While both Congress, the FBI Director and head of the 16 intelligence agencies have declared Russia as a hostile nation that has "attacked" the US, there is no formal declaration of war against Russia which must be declared by Congress. That doesn't mean that the US can't respond (as Trump would say) ten times more against Russia. It just means that Russian covert tangible and/or intangible actions against the US require like-kind (aka "measured") responses. 


Maybe as an example (imaginative for certain), Russia steals and manipulates US social media to cause voter chaos and misdirection that favors Russian strategy with the US. In response the US shuts down all Russian foreign broadcasts.


While treason has a very high bar, there are other criminal acts that require much less evidence for conviction. The latter is part of Mueller's investigation and some charges have been filed.

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2 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Sit back and enjoy. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Muller being a wily old fox, I wouldn't be surprised if you smelt the napalm a couple of weeks before the mid terms.

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52 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

While treason has a very high bar, there are other criminal acts that require much less evidence for conviction. The latter is part of Mueller's investigation and some charges have been filed.

Treason just has that ring to it when it appears in the same sentence as "Trump".

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