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Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, freezing trade with Canada


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1 hour ago, JCauto said:

Being viciously attacked by Trump only shows that you've bested him somehow or he dislikes you because you make him feel inadequate. Ivanka swooning over him, his out-manoeuvre on the handshake and his being far more popular worldwide just drives the Donald cray-cray. Besides, nobody takes him seriously any more, he's coming unhinged.

I don't believe the man had any hinges to start with.

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6 hours ago, sirineou said:

HERESY !!  It is not Thor it is Zeus 

I always hoped Dionysus would turn out to be the one true god. 

Seems like the Saudis are still in the 9/11 business



Edited by pegman
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On 8/6/2018 at 10:28 AM, My Thai Life said:

I don't know the full background to this story, but sanctions by the west against Saudi Arabia are long overdue. I've spent 5 years on and off in Saudi, and worked there with Arabs from every Arabic country, so I know the environment pretty well.


The spread of Saudi's Wahabbist version of Islam worldwide is in my view the single greatest cause of the rise of muslim terrorism. This spread is organised and very well financed.


We should all be following Canada's example.






Well said. It needs to be done the right way though. Even if you Nuked the place it would only set it back 20 or 30 years in real terms.


Saudi's are the most arrogant and rudest people on earth. Money. Money. Money. No class or manners at all.



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18 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

Saudi Arabia's state media on Monday tweeted a graphic appearing to show an Air Canada airliner heading toward the Toronto skyline in a way that recalled the September 11, 2001, terrorist hijackings of airliners that struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

The graphic warned of "Sticking one's nose where it doesn't belong!" and included the text: "As the Arabic saying goes: 'He who interferes with what doesn't concern him finds what doesn't please him.'"



And you want to do business with these morons?

I think he just gets off denigrating Canada.  Him and another clown on here are always at it.

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so womens rights caused the diplomatic row thus islam does not allow for such rights or fights for it.

as we know islam suppresses female rights like the muslim men guardianship for women is a stoneage relict but present in muslim society.




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3 hours ago, lanista said:

If  it weren't for the Brits finding oil in Saudi Arabia  in the 1920's the Arabs would still be sitting around in the desert picking their noses  and chopping off  their daughters heads for smiling at a boy.

Dick merchants.

Atleast they still have the Americans as allies.


..............its always good to be home among friends"

George  W Bush senior,

after a MIddle East visit some years back.


The USA needs friends like Saudi Arabia?


Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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On 8/6/2018 at 2:51 PM, nobodysfriend said:

You are right except for one thing : -------" The Saudi nation is the true enemy of the planet"------ The planet is not political , it is a ( once ) balanced ecosystem and mankind is it's enemy ...

It is the mankind that is at treath, not the planet! The planet will survive with us or without us, and eco system will always struggle to be in balance, no matter what. Timewise whe have only been her short time!

Edited by Hummin
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2 minutes ago, lust said:

As a Canadian. The best thing I’ve ever done was move away from that ISIS supporting government, run by a cuck-traitor art teacher. 

Well, you did the right thing. When your views are so contrary to pretty much everyone around you, you should leave. And as a Canadian, may I note how happy I am that your ilk are leaving? Perhaps you'd find a lot more like-minded folk down south. Just look for the poorer and dumber states, and you're heading home!

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2 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Well, you did the right thing. When your views are so contrary to pretty much everyone around you, you should leave. And as a Canadian, may I note how happy I am that your ilk are leaving? Perhaps you'd find a lot more like-minded folk down south. Just look for the poorer and dumber states, and you're heading home!

I need someone to translate this into English for me.

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2 minutes ago, lust said:

I need someone to translate this into English for me.

Ah, you were an immigrant to Canada? No problem, sorry for writing at too high a level of English. Just goes to show you how many directions life can lead.

Most immigrants to Canada enthusiastically take to the place and, sooner or later, start acting pretty much Canadian. Others of course cling to their old ways. Perhaps you came from a more authoritarian state prior to Canada and miss having Big Daddy tell you what to do? If only you'd lived in Ontario, you could be somewhat placated by having Rob Ford's brother Doug be your authority figure. 

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from today's Guardian...


"A Saudi Arabian organisation has apologised for tweeting a digitally altered image that showed a plane flying towards Toronto’s CN Tower – in an apparent reference to a 9/11-style attack – amid an escalating row over Canada’s call for the release of detained human rights activists in the kingdom."


This is from the state that spawned 15 of the 19 9-11 attackers, and gave the world Wahabbist terrorism.

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1 hour ago, lust said:

As a Canadian. The best thing I’ve ever done was move away from that ISIS supporting government, run by a cuck-traitor art teacher. 

"As a Canadian. The best thing I’ve ever done was move away from that ISIS supporting government,"

Agree with you, stay away from SA.

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2 hours ago, Canuckabroad said:

What a load of BS.  Every point you made is a stretch.


- 16K students leaving Canadian colleges and universities will not "decimate" anything.  Do you think those schools have trouble filling seats?  What this means is 16K wait-listed students are going to get last-minute acceptances.  The vast majority of students will be glad to see them gone from their campuses.


- Trade with Saudi Arabia is about 0.25% of Canada's total exports.  This will not hurt Canada's economy.  On the contrary, Saudi Arabia has half the GDP and their tantrum is scaring off potential investors around the world.  Who the heck would bank on a business relationship with an irrational dictator who has a hair-trigger temper?


- 1000+ oil workers will go to neighbouring gulf states, or other countries, and right now they're likely getting bombarded with voicemail and email recruitment offers.  It's not like oil workers have trouble finding work.  They pick their jobs based on bonuses and perks.


- I think Canada's health care system can survive without a dozen or so Saudi residents and nurses.  My bet is any medical residents simply won't leave - certainly not the women.


- Saudi Arabia cancelling flights to Toronto does not cause "desperation".  Pearson airport is overcrowded, and it's not run like a private enterprise that makes money off the number of flights it gets - it's owned by Transport Canada.


- Canada is asking UK and UAE for assistance calming down Saudi Arabia because your mad prince is acting irrational and inciting nationalism and possibly terrorism.  (Veiled threats to back off or a 9/11 attack on Toronto?  We know Saudis are capable of that stuff since they comprised 80% of the 9/11 hijackers.)  This isn't Canada being afraid - this is a situation comparable to a coworker suddenly going crazy because you asked them to clean up the smell coming from their cubicle.  You might not be afraid of that coworker but maybe you'll ask his friends to calm him down so you can get back to work.


Your crown prince might be wily(he did manage to outfox or murder his rivals) but he sure doesn't act educated.  He's irrational, bad tempered, bullies his subjects, treats half his population like slaves, and quite frankly can go drill himself.


As a Canadian I find this all rather amusing.  What's your stake in this?


I don't know how familiar you are with academic administration, but replacing 16K paying students is no easy feat. If you have any notions this wouldn't mess related finances, or wouldn't cost anything, you're much mistaken. Also, doubt you've got a handle on what the "vast majority" of students views are regarding this specific case.



As for your assertions regarding this badly effecting Saudi Arabia's trade - again, doubtful. Someone else will pick up the deals, and continue the policy of not commenting on the country's civil right issues.


Oil workers not having trouble finding work? Really? Reading the relevant sections of this forum seems to go against this notion.


There was no veiled threat - related events were presented on previous posts, SA already acted and apologized on that instance. Keep harping on that one, though, it might just stick. Not that it's too clear how "inciting nationalism" is a concern here. As for the offered bogus analogy, it seems to suggest that Canada's aim is to get back doing business with SA - not quite the principled stance, then?

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On 8/6/2018 at 9:50 PM, Sydebolle said:

Maybe it is high time to hang Saudi Arabia outside to dry. If nobody buys their oil for, say, three to six months, the whole circus will collapse. The fidels need the West more than vice versa and it is time to show, who is who on the banana boat. 

Pissing onto Canada while creating havoc in Yemen - what do these idiots at the helm think, if at all? 


Other than this not going to happen, and not all countries sharing the same civil/human-rights notions - is the "circus collapsing" really a good thing? Another ME country going down the drain - complete with religious nutters and a wider effect on oil prices doesn't sound all that attractive.

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