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Boris Johnson slammed over Islamophobic comments


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8 minutes ago, Naam said:

exposing face YES, shaking hands NO. one of my closest friends since a few decades is a hassidic Jew living in Belgium. he jokes with my wife, makes fun of her accent when they converse in French, even telling her 'piquante' jokes but he would never touch her or shake her hand. we consider that as normal and pull his leg making jokes about his appearance (which he doesn't mind).

I lost my best friend when it turned out I was the only one to make concessions if I wanted to keep the relation going on when she became rigorist     

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9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Often people attribute the actions or words of a minority to the majority.


Dear Chomper:  your comments are not noted for their intellectual brilliance, but really you ought not to allow "thoughts" like this to see the light of day.

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2 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Exactly, just as women from all over the world have to wear some form of head covering in public in Saudi Arabia.

Actually I'd like to update this. When I was in Saudi (on and off for six years) non-Saudi women always wore a full body robe in public too, always black (as did all of the Saudi women of course). 


Of course there wasn't much chance of seeing women any way: women did/do not have the right to work in Saudi Arabia (except in some fields like cutting the princesses' hair). Naturally there were no women at all in the offices of the multinationals that I worked for.

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7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

People’s religion is part of their ‘identity’, get over it.

that's precisely  why I did not say " part of" - It makes all the difference - some pretend their religion to be supranational


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36 minutes ago, cmsally said:

So you believe that there is no such thing as British culture ?

However you argue it, mass immigration on a large scale of different ethnic cultures to the UK, is a very recent thing. Is it such a bad thing to expect recent arrivals to adhere to basic British etiquette?

Like when and where did I say there is ‘no such thing as British culture’?


I did not.


There certainly is such a thing as ‘British culure’, and it’s constantly evolving. 


Away with you and putting words in my mouth.

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25 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

Actually I'd like to update this. When I was in Saudi (on and off for six years) non-Saudi women always wore a full body robe in public too, always black (as did all of the Saudi women of course). 


Of course there wasn't much chance of seeing women any way: women did/do not have the right to work in Saudi Arabia (except in some fields like cutting the princesses' hair). Naturally there were no women at all in the offices of the multinationals that I worked for.

I worked for a multinational in Saudi Arabia or ‘in country’ Project Manager was a British woman, our ‘in country’ IT manager was an Italian woman.


Both wore the same style work uniform as male employees, neither covered their hair, heads or faces.

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10 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Like when and where did I say there is ‘no such thing as British culture’?


I did not.


There certainly is such a thing as ‘British culure’, and it’s constantly evolving. 


Away at with you and putting words in my mouth.

"Constantly evolving " is not the same as undefinable.



Your argument falls apart when people are born, raised and educated in the UK but choose to adopt customs or forms of dress you believe to be ‘foreign’.


It is not a case of me believing them to be foreign. Green curry is still Thai food wherever I eat it, a sari is still Indian dress wherever worn.

People can become British by nationality but it does not change their ethnicity. Just because people are British by nationality does not make them culturally or ethnically British.

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5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Are you denying that people ‘of faith’ regard their religion to be part of their identity?


Surely not!

I am not denying anything, I am saying that the majority of British people want the burqa banned, does your ideologies not allow you to see this.

Have you ever been to the UK and see how things operate there, maybe the US has a more liberal approach to life.

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6 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

> Yes I read the article, I posted it! Cameron is talking about 22% of muslim women who cannot speak English. The census figures also show 22%. You're saying this is a different 22%? Up to you, but it doesn't change the point. 

 You would not be the first person to have posted an article without fully reading it, or cherry picking from it.


Read my post, which you quoted, again, if you still don't get my point I'll try explaining it to you in words of one syllable.


6 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Yes the "muslim council" method was unbelievably flawed. So flawed it's hard to believe they'd release such nonsense. But that's ok with you because it fits your agenda, and obviously it fits theirs too.

The article you quoted explained why the MCB couldn't use the actual census figures.


I said that they were comparing apples with oranges.


You claim to have read the article in full, you quoted my post in full; so I can only assume you are cherry picking, again, to suit your agenda.


6 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Re your point about PR in Thailand. I agree with you completely. The Thai approach to residence and citizenship control is far superior to the UK's. I have already made this point earlier on this or a related thread.

As I also said, several times,  immigrants to the UK from non Anglophone countries have to pass increasingly difficult English tests if they want to stay, so the problem, and I have always said it is a problem, of immigrant communities who cannot speak English is gradually disappearing.


Unlike Thailand, the UK does not have an option for immigrants to remain without passing at least two of these English tests. 


If you want a more detailed account of the route to family settlement in the UK, see the pinned topic in the Visas and migration to other countries forum.


6 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

I haven't lambasted anyone for not revealing their nationality. I have suggested that certain topics do require some relevant experience to make informed comment. I would say that this topic requires experience of the UK, particularly those areas most adversely affected by muslim immigration (Woking is not one now is it old bean), and of living in the muslim world. I have pretty substantial experience of both.


You have repeatedly said that his comments are irrelevant, or similar, as he wont reveal his nationality and so is not, you assume, British.


You say that some topics , and I assume from your previous comments you include this one, require 'some relevant experience to make informed comment.' Yet you refuse to provide any evidence of your relevant experience by saying where in the UK you live!


You bang on and on about your claimed experiences in Saudi, but we are talking about the UK here, not Saudi. You experiences in Saudi are irrelevant to life in the UK; two different countries, two different sets of laws and, most importantly, the UK is a free parliamentary democracy, Saudi isn't.


You are correct, my previous post that Woking has a 6% Muslim population, dragged from my memory, was incorrect; it's actually 7.38% (source, WBC). Not the highest in the UK, for sure, but above the average. That figure is also for the whole borough, most Muslims in Woking live in the town itself, as do I.


6 hours ago, My Thai Life said:

Do you really live in Woking? If so you must be keeping really strange hours given the timing of your visits to  this forum.

 Yes, I do really live in Woking, and am posting from there now; 7:44 am BST, before going to work.


Where do you live? You still refuse to say; why?



I see that you posted 6 hours earlier than I; 1:44 BST!


Strange hours for someone who claims to live in the UK!





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8 minutes ago, vogie said:

I am not denying anything, I am saying that the majority of British people want the burqa banned, does your ideologies not allow you to see this.

Have you ever been to the UK and see how things operate there, maybe the US has a more liberal approach to life.

What are my ‘idiologies’?

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16 minutes ago, cmsally said:

It is not a case of me believing them to be foreign. Green curry is still Thai food wherever I eat it, a sari is still Indian dress wherever worn.

People can become British by nationality but it does not change their ethnicity. Just because people are British by nationality does not make them culturally or ethnically British.

 So what is British culture? What is British ethnicity?


It varies so much throughout these islands. Is a Highland Scot the same culturally and ethnically as someone from the Welsh valleys? A Glasgow Catholic has very little in common with a Glasgow Protestant; even more so in Belfast! Yet they are all British.


How many generations do people have to live hear before their culture becomes part of British culture?


Are the Anglo Saxons British yet? The Danes, the Huguenots, the various others who have migrated to these islands over the last two millennia?


Or is it just the remaining Celts who are truly British? But then, there is substantial archaeological evidence that the Celts were not the first to inhabit these islands!

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18 minutes ago, vogie said:

I am not denying anything, I am saying that the majority of British people want the burqa banned, does your ideologies not allow you to see this.

Have you ever been to the UK and see how things operate there, maybe the US has a more liberal approach to life.

 The majority of those asked in opinion polls; not the majority of British people. The various polls, especially the YouGov one quoted earlier, asked less than 2000 people; hardly representative.


YouGov is also self selective; to take part you have to join and then select the polls you want to respond to. Obviously this means those with strong opinions on a subject are more likely to respond than others.


The results of the EU referendum and the last general election prove how unreliable opinion polls are.


Where in the UK do you live, vogie?


Or like My Thai Life, will you refuse to say?

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1 hour ago, cmsally said:

However you argue it, mass immigration on a large scale of different ethnic cultures to the UK, is a very recent thing.

And this is a really key point. Or rather two key points:


> the scale of the immigration

> the extent to which some of these immigrant "communities" are hostile to British values.


The UK has proven itself to be one of the most welcoming countries in Europe for immigrants over the last few hundred years.


But we are not a nation of immigrants as the USA is.


And the indigenous British are becoming a little unhappy with the situation. This ranges from the working class right through to leading liberal intellectuals.

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10 hours ago, vogie said:

Keighley, near Bradford, is that to my credit or will you hold it againgst me. 

Why would I hold it against you? I've nothing against Yorkshire nor Tykes. 


10 hours ago, vogie said:

Why should I be bothered if someone knows my home town

 Indeed, I also am not bothered, and have it on my profile, together with the location of my Thai home; which, regrettably, my wife and I visit far less often than we would like.


BTW, home town, or where you live now?


If still living there, how many burka or niqab wearing women do you regularly see the street? Given the high Muslim population in Keighley, then if Muslim women are as supressed by, and living in fear of, their misogynistic male family members as some here say, it must be a lot!


But as at most only 1% of British Muslim women actually wear either, it's probably not many, if any at all.


10 hours ago, vogie said:

unlike a couple of your friends who will not divulge, but incidentally spell the american way.

Just one, isn't it, not a couple?


Your mate @My Thai Life still refuses to say where he lives. I'd have thought someone so concerned with other people's nationality and residency details, he disputed my residency, remember, would be more than willing to divulge his/her own.


I refuse to join the spelling police, but have over the years had to enter a number of words into my computer's spell check as prior to so doing it automatically changed British spelling to American spelling!

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22 hours ago, notmyself said:

This is where the media should step up but no way will they point it out, also because of fear. Point out that people can fear an ideology and in come the nutters shouting that it must mean they also must hate the people who believe it.


Boris Johnson BLAMED for Terror ATTACK in London!!!


The usual suspects within the mainstream media and other political commentators have taken to social media to exclaim that Boris Johnson and his comments about the Burqa are the cause of today’s attempted murders.

Sean O’Grady is the editor of the I, formerly known as the Independent, which only publishes online. He wrote an opinion piece: ‘If the Westminster car crash turns out to be a terrorist attack, this is what we should bear in mind’.


Doing nothing is not passive and results in characters such these and Tommy Robinson gaining popularity.... not only in the UK but throughout Europe. 








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On 8/14/2018 at 2:23 PM, 7by7 said:

As already explained to you; people who cannot speak and write English to B1 of the CEFR for speaking and listening and good enough to study for and pass the written LitUK test, cannot naturalise as British.

In that case the 22% figure of muslim women who cannot speak English at all, or at a very low level (A1 tops), is a gross underestimate of the number of muslim women who do not qualify for Britsh citizenship isn't it?


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3 minutes ago, My Thai Life said:

In that case the 22% figure of muslim women who cannot speak English at all, or at a very low level (A1 tops), is a gross underestimate of the number of muslim women who do not qualify for Britsh citizenship isn't it?


Start  by proving your claim of 22%.

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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Start  by proving your claim of 22%

It's not my claim, they are the official figures, and have been quoted by David Cameron, the former British Prime Minister.


And as I have pointed out, this 22% (CEFR A1) is actually a gross underestimate of the number of muslim women whose English is not good enough to qualify for British citizenship (set at CEFR B1).


I have posted several links to these figures in previous posts. You are welcome to read them.

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1 minute ago, My Thai Life said:

It's not my claim, they are the official figures, and have been quoted by David Cameron, the former British Prime Minister.


And as I have pointed out, this 22% (CEFR A1) is actually a gross underestimate of the number of muslim women whose English is not good enough to qualify for British citizenship (set at CEFR B1).


I have posted several links to these figures in previous posts. You are welcome to read them.

If you make a statement in a post, that statement is your claim.


So tell us, what official figures?

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