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Angelina Jolie keen for quickie divorce amid claims Brad Pitt has not paid ‘meaningful child support’


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Angelina Jolie keen for quickie divorce amid claims Brad Pitt has not paid ‘meaningful child support’

By Narjas Zatat



Angelina and Brad separated almost two years ago (Picture: Backgrid)


Angelina Jolie reportedly wants to divorce Brad Pitt as soon as humanely possible – even though the pair have been fighting for custody of their children for almost two years.


The 43-year-old actress’s attorney filed legal documents requesting that the judge issue a final divorce decree this year.


According to TMZ, the documents state that Pitt has not paid ‘meaningful child support’ since they first separated almost two years ago.


The ‘informal arrangement’ agreed between the two, Jolie’s lawyer states, has not been followed by Pitt however a source familiar with the situation tells Metro.co.uk that ‘Brad fulfills his commitments’.


Full Story: https://metro.co.uk/2018/08/07/angelina-jolie-keen-for-quickie-divorce-amid-claims-brad-pitt-has-not-paid-meaningful-child-support-7811777/

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The bizarre aspect of this, is that Jolie has a net worth of $160,000,000 yet the courts still demand that Pitt pay child support.

Just pure nastiness playing itself out on a public stage? 


I didn't think they were his kids, just another rich madwoman buying different coloured babies from around the world.

I doubt he had any say in her purchases.

But suspect you're right about the 'nastiness', that's how most women like to end relationships, by destroying any good memories or feelings you ever had about them.

Edited by BritManToo
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On ‎8‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 1:33 PM, helpisgood said:

I wonder to what degree, if any, Brad regrets breaking up with Jennifer Aniston.  I have read very little on this, but my intuition tells me that Aniston may have, shall we say, less emotional baggage than Jolie.  It may also be a good example of that old expression about a bird in the hand (unintended pun).


Oh, well.  I am surely not going to lose any sleep over it.  Besides, I am guessing that the quarreling couple are still doing much better than the rest of us.  

I think that like me, Brad picks the wrong women. I don't think either are worth losing sleep over.

If Jolie can't afford to look after the children, she can always hand them over to Pitt. Women like her give women a bad name- got megabucks, but still wants to squeeze the man for all she can get.

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A couple of troll posts removed.   If you're not interested, don't read it or comment on it.


I had read that part of what brought this about is Jolie's desire to get her name in the headlines to promote some upcoming film.   No idea if that's true. 


According to Brad's spokesperson, he's contributed over $9 million to the care of the kids.


I doubt any of them are having to go without shoes.

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