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Child bride sent back to Thailand


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Child bride sent back to Thailand

by loh foon fong


KUALA LUMPUR: The 11-year-old Thai girl who married a 41-year-old Malaysian man has been sent back to Thailand and she is now in Narathiwat, according to a Thai source.


The source, who is a social activist, said the Kelantan state government sent her back on Wednesday and the Thai authorities received her and she is now under the care of the Social Development and Human Security Ministry.


“The ministry is supposed to protect the girl and rehabilitate her. It’s right for the Thai government to take the girl back but they have to have a long-term plan. The girl’s family is poor and no one would care for them,” he said.

Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2018/08/10/child-bride-sent-back-to-thailand/ 


-- The Star 2018-2018-08-10

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3 hours ago, connda said:

Guess they need to send the child back in order to 'ripen' her before sending her back to her pedophile husband.  Perhaps it's time to outlaw 'religions' or any other organizations which actively promotes pedophilia as a 'religious' or a supposedly a cultural norm.  This religion does not promote pedophilia but certain sects of the religion do.  Those sects need to be reined-in or shut down.

Can figure out the difference between right and wrong?  Then you need to be sanctioned until you figure it out.  This anachronistic behavior is not only wrong, but it's morally reprehensible in this day and age. 

I guess it depends on what the morals of the people concerned are. 

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On 8/10/2018 at 9:20 PM, rodney earl said:

The world would be a far better place without any religion. To belong to a religion that the founder married a 6year old girl and consumated it at 9years of age says everything that needs to be said about that religion. The roman catholics are not much better when it comes to paedophile priests.!!!

The world would be a much more violent and cruel place without certain religions.

I remind you that the Quakers were vocal pacifists who resisted  violence and led by example. They were the first to oppose slavery in the UK colonies and they were joined by the Clapham group, evangelical  Christians of the Church of England. The fight against slavery was organized and funded by devout Christians and free thinkers..

Ghandi was a devout Hindu and his religious views were why he was non violent and a pacifist.

Christian charities and  outreach groups often care for those that no one else will touch. For example, the Salvation Army  cares for the dregs of humanity with dignity and compassion.

The North American campaign to protect the persecuted Black African Christians was initiated by Jewish  groups, who viewed it as a genocide.They were quickly joined by American Christian groups who made it a global concern.

The civil rights movement in the USA was largely supported and organized by religious Christians and Jews. There was a fellow named Rev. Martin Luther King...........

And so on and so forth.  Generalizations are not a good thing.



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On 8/10/2018 at 2:34 PM, Hogs said:


Mohammed married Aiesha at 6 years then consumated the marriage at 9 years old.

All True and laid out clearly in the Quaran and the Islamic book The Life of Mohammed.

This is why Muslims think they can marry Children 

That's generalizing far too much.

Both the Quran and the Bible are full of vile and violent things.

The majority of both religions are moderates and ignore those parts of the holy books which are offensive.

The vast majority of Muslims are not for marrying children.

Fundamentalism is the problem.


A Muslim fundamentalist will use the Quran to justify his pedophilia like a fundamentalist Mormon does the same. 

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On 8/11/2018 at 8:20 AM, rodney earl said:

 To belong to a religion that the founder married a 6year old girl and consumated it at 9years of age says everything that needs to be said about that religion. 

Pretty much the norm in 600 CE.

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Why was child bride sent back to Thailand, asks lawyers group

FMT Reporters


Lawyers for Liberty says Malaysia has jurisdiction over the case and cannot just 'push the problem' to Thailand.


PETALING JAYA: A lawyers group today criticised the move to send 11-year-old child bride Masaryu Mat Rashid back to Thailand, calling it a “transparent attempt to ‘close the case’ and get rid of the problem”.


Lawyers for Liberty (LFL) said the “crime” against Masaryu had taken place on Malaysian soil, therefore any investigation and prosecution must go through the country’s criminal justice system.


“We have jurisdiction, and cannot just push the problem to Thailand,” said LFL executive director Latheefa Koya.


Full story: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2018/08/13/why-was-child-bride-sent-back-to-thailand-asks-lawyers-group/


-- FMT news 2018-2018-08-13

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