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FBI agent Strzok, who criticized Trump in text messages, is fired


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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

Are you so old, or so biased, that you do not realize how you even know of the abuses of power our government has endured? Our justice system has due process, our government has checks and balances; without them you would never have known about the abuses of the power in government. That is precisely why we need to continue with the Russian investigation; we deserve to know the  truth. And, if Hillary, Comey or Daffy Duck have committed crimes against us, investigate them; we owe it to the American people.


I'd have to agree with most of that but what you failed to account for is the so called "fourth estate" which has, in the past, been most instrumental in informing the populace of the failures of government. You'd be hard presed today to find a media outlet that didn't have a self serving POV with respect to the government that serves their interests best..

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

As I understand it Sessions recused himself from a Russia investigation because of his Russia ties, nothing to do with bias for or against Trump, or lying.


Whatever you or I think, Mueller thought it so bad he removed Strzok from his team because of the overt bias revealed in the texts.


My personal opinion is that it just some guy with a super smug persona and a tiny dick looking to get laid, while cheating on his wife. They'll say anything. Kind of a dick IMO. Doubleing down on the arrogance hoping to bluff his way through a Congressional investigation .I'd discount anything he had to say based only on how he treated his wife. People who will cheat and lie will also steal in my experience. Better check the office supplies.

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30 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Here's your problem. You can't seem to separate the fact that while Trump may be a POS. others, even those in oppsition to Trump, may also be P's O S. Strzok is one such example.

No doubt others would be unsuitable for government office, just that currently  Trump and some members of his idiocracy stand out from the crowd.


The example/s of Strzok proven stand out actions in his professional life that qualify him for your vilification are?

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1 minute ago, candide said:

Is it me stupid? I thought the FBI cost Clinton the election?

What's that got to do with, fbi-agent-strzok-who-criticized-trump-in-text-messages-is-fired/?

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3 minutes ago, candide said:

Is it me stupid? I thought the FBI cost Clinton the election?

Comey's actions were objectively very, very damaging.

The reports I'm hearing is that typical FBI staff were overwhelmingly anti-Clinton. 

But such workers all allowed to have their political opinions.

They shouldn't be fired for them.

As happened in this instance. 

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12 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Comey's actions were objectively very, very damaging.

The reports I'm hearing is that typical FBI staff were overwhelmingly anti-Clinton. 

But such workers all allowed to have their political opinions.

They shouldn't be fired for them.

As happened in this instance. 

One person thinking they can stop another person from being president is a bizarre statement and it's still debatable if it's a fireable offence.


Firing someone because you can find someone better in the political /gov sector,  I totally like. It's the basic freedom and right that Americans enjoy. We want a better president.  We'll vote you out.

That's the democratic way.  But much like Thailand it looks like a large proportion can't handle democracy any more.  Or a small proportion. Not sure. 

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9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

l dup erased.

Message to website maintainers.


Have you checked for an update php script for this forum code? 


Seems to be minor issues with posting duplicates and other small things.  


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"The FBI responded: “Mr. Strzok was subject to the standard FBI review and disciplinary process after conduct highlighted in the IG report was referred to the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR). OPR reviewed the investigative materials, as well as the written and oral responses of Mr. Strzok and his counsel, and issued OPR's decision. The Deputy Director, as the senior career FBI official, has the delegated authority to review and modify any disciplinary findings and/or penalty as deemed necessary in the best interest of the FBI.”



"The inspector general did not find evidence supporting assertions made by the president and his allies that political bias inside the FBI had rigged the case to clear Clinton, but the report cited numerous instances of unprofessionalism, bias and misjudgment that hurt the bureau’s credibility. In particular, the report singled out lead agent Peter Strzok as showing anti-Trump bias that could have affected his thinking on the case during the immediate run-up to the 2016 election.


Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, riclag said:

What's that got to do with, fbi-agent-strzok-who-criticized-trump-in-text-messages-is-fired/?

What I mean is that this case is used by some Trump's supporters to argue that the FBI was/is biased against Trump, an argument which Comey's behaviour during the election campaign surely does not support.

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Just now, candide said:

What I mean is that this case is used by some Trump's supporters to argue that the FBI was/is biased against Trump, an argument which Comey's behaviour during the election campaign surely does not support.

They were and he's been fired.

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6 hours ago, Get Real said:

I guess he realizes he should have been following Omarosa´s lead. Bow to the higher power, and shut you mouth.

Eh? Last time I looked, Omarosa was drip-feeding tapes of her conversations in the White House into the media.

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


I'd have to agree with most of that but what you failed to account for is the so called "fourth estate" which has, in the past, been most instrumental in informing the populace of the failures of government. You'd be hard presed today to find a media outlet that didn't have a self serving POV with respect to the government that serves their interests best..

Yes, and you forgot to mention the evil forces of Dr. Iniquitous. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone or anything not somewhat biased; and it has always been so. However, to discredit all media  naysayers as fake news and the enemy of the people is autocracy in the making.

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4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Due process seldom applies, and if it does only after the fact, in employment situations.

Well, since there was a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Oversight & Government Reform as well as significant FBI investigation, it certainly seems this wasn't a normal employment situation. And, certainly, it was after the fact.  Strzok wasn't just habitually late to work or failed to do his job. He was fired primarily because he was not a fan of Trump because there was nothing proven that any bias he had affected his work.

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1 hour ago, Get Real said:

Oooh, you must mean current BS, right? Or did you forgot that we were talking about Trump?

Something from the past then:


“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”  Theodore Roosevelt.


Americans have come such a long way from 100 years ago, haven't they?



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17 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Something from the past then:


“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”  Theodore Roosevelt.


Americans have come such a long way from 100 years ago, haven't they?



Sorry, can not reply on that, and by the way, very happy to not be american.

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The guy was fired because he dident remain neutral in his communication with his peers he was neutral in his investigation he gave the fbi a black eye as far as the investigation let’s wait and see what muller has to say when he is done he isn’t a big mouth like trump when trump was dating disco girls and ripping off contractors muller was dodging bullets in Vietnam Donald was dodging the draft I’m going to wait to see what mr muller has to say

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6 hours ago, riclag said:

What's that got to do with, fbi-agent-strzok-who-criticized-trump-in-text-messages-is-fired/?

Welll, for one thing, Strzok could have inflicted damage on the Trump campaign by leaking that there was an investigation in process. And yet he didn't.

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The fbi doesent leak they are professionals like our cia nsa etc etc you know the ones that have risked all to try to keep us save not like the one that occupies the White House you know the one Who blames others lies stabs allies insults pows locks up helpless kids yea that one I know who I trust

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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

Yes, and you forgot to mention the evil forces of Dr. Iniquitous. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone or anything not somewhat biased; and it has always been so. However, to discredit all media  naysayers as fake news and the enemy of the people is autocracy in the making.

That's why I didn't say that.

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