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The week that was in Thailand news: Catching up with the computer age: "How splendidly we progress"


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The story had a misleading headline - a common feature of click-bait news.


tvn_logo.jpg&key=c0462a795211d2ee26e4aec14494dc36e676f591189aadad96b38e269ae09239 -- [emoji767] Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-08-18  


Interesting how my use of the hyphenated word quoted above earned me a short holiday to “ brush up on the forum rules “



But despite that, as usual an enjoyable account of the weeks activities, somewhat early this week, but still a good read to enjoy with a cuppa while the “pitter patter” of a mini deluge outside my window !!

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"Use technology don't let technology use you." I contend it's still true to this day.


A by-line of mine from my own website (of many years ago) where I used to give IT advice and some lessons.


My earliest computer toy was a Sinclair ZX81 (early 1980s I think) and I didn't have a clue how to work it properly. It was just "wow" technology to me.


Enjoyed your posting. ?

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Splendid.  As always.

I come from about 1 mile from Haydock race course, a small village called...Haydock.  Hello Thailand.  The last parting words of my mother "don't be coming back here with some dusky new woman".  So I didn't.  Was that wise advice? Dunno, never tried it.

Enjoy your day.  I'm showered/shaved and ready to go meet some friends and speak my native language for a few hours.  Ignore anything I write after this cut off point for the next 24 hours...it might not be pretty because I'm going to be taking out my relationship feelings on a perfectly innocent Leo.  Guess who's going to pay, and pay manifold... Gep tang Kaap!



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Delightful reading, and sometimes downright hilarious, with nuggets of deep insight relating to our technology-besotted condition nowadays .  .  . are we descending into a state of mass stupor with all the information floating around?  I believe I read a while back that a certain female novelist had resolved to commit herself to daily study of algebra just to keep herself focused and sharp.  I imagine she has by now graduated to quadratic equations.  Her zen-like meditations on the beautiful abstractions of math cannot have hurt her literary work.  The rest of us, thanks to Google, Apple and those guys, are just getting dumber, I suspect. (The banner article of an issue of The Atlantic a few years ago said as much, so it has been officially confirmed!)  But wait . . . maybe those glazed-over looks one sees are merely a consequence of too much weed, the smart phones have nothing to do with it, n'est-ce pas? 


Thanks for the essay.

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Years ago I was in Hua Hin and while eating at a market style restaurant I noticed that

everyone was taking and have a great time.  Last year I noticed that at least a third of

the people were busy texing on their cell phones, and only the geezers like me were

chatting and not busy doing something with their phones.  What a world we live in,

where taking selfies are killing or injuring a lot of people, who some say that it is it is just the Darwin effect.

 that is working.    I am only smart enough on computer to type, and look at different things, and I only trust my relative to be my IT tech, and not the guy from Munbai that claims my computer needs his help and needs me to let him on it so he can clean it out.           Good article again this week Rooster, Thanks.

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