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Men-only Police Academy will ‘hamper’ probes into sex crime


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Men-only Police Academy will ‘hamper’ probes into sex crime





RIGHTS advocates yesterday raised concerns over the Royal Thai Police’s new policy of banning female applicants from the police cadet academy, saying the move undermines women’s rights and affects the prosecution of sex crimes.

The women’s rights supporters said the national police office order of August 28 was backward and discriminatory. It didn’t only undermine women’s rights and violate the Gender Equality Act, but would affect victims of sex crimes since it is female police who mostly worked as interrogators in such cases, they said. 


In rape cases, the law requires female officers to conduct the interview to minimise the victims’ discomfort. 


Pol Col Chatkaew Wanchawee, a female interrogator who rose to the rank of superintendent, usually the highest a female can attain at a police station, says women investigators play a key role in questioning victims of sexual crimes. 


She said the law was that male policemen can deal with such cases only with the consent of the victims. 


With the new order to bar women from the school, the number of female policemen for such jobs would decrease, she predicted. 




Meanwhile women’s rights advocate groups said the order discriminated against female officers and would make rape and sexual assault victims suffer. 


“The victims are likely to be harassed by insensitive questions by male investigators, said Usa Lerdsrisuntad, director of the Foundation for Women and a member of the committee fighting against gender discrimination. 


“Questions about the violation – like ‘did it involve penetration?’ – are very sensitive and could induce embarrassment. 


“And just having a female investigator helps the victims, especially kids, feel more easily able to talk about it,” she said. 


The Cadet Academy, which dates back to 1901, has only been admitting female students for the last 10 years, some of whom are still there. 


Of 8,000 investigators in the national police office, only 400 are female. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30353561

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-09-03
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

RIGHTS advocates yesterday raised concerns over the Royal Thai Police’s new policy of banging female applicants from the police cadet academy, saying the move undermines women’s rights and affects the prosecution of sex crimes.

I'm afraid I misread the opening sentence on first reading...and wasn't at all surprised.

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3 minutes ago, mikebell said:

Just when you think Thailand could sink no lower in the World's estimation, it contrives to shoot itself in the foot again whilst having it planted firmly in the mouth.  The males responsible for this ludicrous decision, fear the honesty & integrity of women might give the RTP a good name.

Now that is an interesting thought. I wonder if female police officers are less susceptible to the widespread fiscal irregularity some have suggested is a feature of the force. I have heard tell that the proceeds of the various " informal income streams" rumoured to be associated with policing are shared out by a sophisticated system based on rank and position, rather like prize money in Nelson's Navy. Could it be that female police officers are not (or are not to be) included?


Without having membership of a "Cadet Academy Class", with all that goes with it in terms of connections, networking and influence, they will be relegated to the place of mere auxiliaries.


It's an idea isn't it?

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Today's Thai officialdom never fails to disappoint in its embracing of sheer stupidity.   One of my co-workers in Hong Kong became a police officer.  She was fantastic, and that was in 1989.    Women are probably less likely to sit around and drink in uniform.

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6 minutes ago, Classic Ray said:

Having worked during my police career with many female officers (funny to see them called female policemen in the story!) they rose in status in the last fifty years from being merely to be called on to deal with women or children, advancing to be trained and take on command positions and serve in every operational department, including as authorised firearms officers and pursuit drivers.


Some were good, some not so good, just like the men.They do have an advantage in command and operational situations in being able to detach from the "macho" attitude which can affect men who think they are expected to be tough. Some of them were far better than the majority of men, and they are absolutely essential in dealing with the softer side of police work, which in the UK is certainly the majority of the task. 


By excluding them, Thailand is denying itself the opportunity to advance towards the situation where a woman could command the RTP as one does the UK Metropolitan Police. The days of women being confined to home raising families are long gone and their essential role in the workplace needs to be recognised not just in the police but in business as well, The glass ceiling is still firmly in place for those not able to count on the support of Daddy or a sugar daddy to push them up the ladder. 

The RTP want to protect corruption not unveil it lol. Under the current regime they will remain loan star cowboys.

A civilian government should see a complete strip down..Hopefully some audits and hefty jail terms. Send a clear message to this so called top brass.

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As I’m shanking my head and asking why.........is it female officers are 

too honest? By the book?  Looking for justice not filling pockets? Lack of funds for female uniforms? They always want to drive and the male doesn’t like it.........


just thinking out loud....

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