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Chaos grips Senate hearing on Trump Supreme Court pick Kavanaugh


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Chaos grips Senate hearing on Trump Supreme Court pick Kavanaugh

By Lawrence Hurley



FILE PHOTO: Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's nominee to be associate justice of the Supreme Court, speaks as he meets with U.S. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 25, 2018. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chaos engulfed the U.S. Senate confirmation hearing for Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick, as Democrats on Tuesday complained bitterly about Republicans withholding documents about the nominee's past White House service and shouting protesters were arrested in droves.


More than seven hours went by during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing before Kavanaugh, the conservative federal appeals court judge Trump selected for a lifetime job on the top U.S. judicial body, got to deliver his opening statement.


Kavanaugh, nominated by a president who has often criticized the federal judiciary, told the senators that "a judge must be independent, not swayed by public pressure. Our independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic."


With Democratic senators repeatedly interrupting the committee's Republican chairman Chuck Grassley at the outset of the hearing, the session quickly became a ruckus. U.S. Capitol police said 61 protesters were removed from the room and charged with disorderly conduct, along with nine more outside the hearing.


Democrats decried the withholding of the documents and sought to have the proceedings adjourned, as Grassley struggled to maintain order.


"This is the first confirmation for a Supreme Court justice I've seen, basically, according to mob rule," Republican Senator John Cornyn said, a characterization Democrats rejected.


"What we've heard is the noise of democracy," Democratic Senator Dick Durbin said.


Protesters, mostly women, took turns yelling as senators spoke, shouting, "This is a travesty of justice," "Our democracy is broken" and "Vote no on Kavanaugh." Demonstrators voiced concern about what they saw as the threat posed by Kavanaugh to abortion rights, healthcare access and gun control.


Democratic Senator Cory Booker appealed to Grassley's "sense of decency and integrity" and said the withholding of the documents by Republicans and the White House left lawmakers unable to properly vet Kavanaugh.


"We cannot possibly move forward. We have not had an opportunity to have a meaningful hearing," Democratic Senator Kamala Harris said.


Grassley deemed the Democrats' request to halt the hearing "out of order" and accused them of obstruction. Republicans hold a slim Senate majority and can confirm Kavanaugh if they stay united. There were no signs of Republican defections.


Trump blasted the Democrats on Twitter, saying the hearing was "truly a display of how mean, angry and despicable the other side is" and accusing them of "looking to inflict pain and embarrassment" on Kavanaugh.


If confirmed, Kavanaugh, 53, is expected to move the court - which already had a conservative majority - further to the right. Senate Democratic leaders have vowed a fierce fight to try to block his confirmation. Democrats signalled they would press Kavanaugh on abortion, gun rights and presidential power when they get to question him starting on Wednesday in a hearing due to run through Friday.


Democrats have demanded in vain to see documents relating Kavanaugh's time as staff secretary to Republican former President George W. Bush from 2003 to 2006. That job involved managing paper flow from advisers to Bush. Republicans also have released some, but not all, documents concerning Kavanaugh's two prior years as a lawyer in Bush's White House Counsel's Office.


Republicans have said Democrats have more than enough documents to assess Kavanaugh's record, including his 12 years of judicial opinions as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.



Kavanaugh sat, fingers intertwined, quietly staring ahead at committee members as protesters in the audience screamed while being dragged out of the room. He occasionally jotted notes on paper.


When he finally got to speak, Kavanaugh called the Supreme Court "the last line of defence for the separation of powers (in the U.S. government), and the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution."


"The Supreme Court must never be viewed as a partisan institution," added Kavanaugh, who also paid tribute to his family and the justice he is nominated to replace, the retiring Anthony Kennedy.


Republican Orrin Hatch accused Democratic senators of political opportunism, noting, "We have folks who want to run for president," though he did not mention any by name. There has been speculation Booker and Harris might consider 2020 presidential runs.


Hatch grew visibly irritated as protesters interrupted him.


"I think we ought to have this loudmouth removed," Hatch said.


As the hearing paused for a lunch break, Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter who was killed in the Parkland, Florida high school mass shooting in February, tried to talk to Kavanaugh but the nominee turned away. Video of the encounter was shared widely on social media.


"I guess he did not want to deal with the reality of gun violence," Guttenberg wrote on Twitter afterward.


White House spokesman Raj Shah said security intervened before Kavanaugh could shake Guttenberg's hand.


The Democratic frustrations that boiled over on Tuesday had been simmering for more than two years. Democrats have accused Senate Republican leaders of stealing a Supreme Court seat by refusing to consider Democratic former President Barack Obama's nominee to the high court Merrick Garland in 2016, allowing Trump to fill a Supreme Court vacancy instead.


Republicans also last year reduced the margin for advancing Supreme Court nominations from 60 votes in the 100-seat Senate to a simple majority in order to force through the confirmation of Trump's first high court nominee Neil Gorsuch.


The Senate is likely to vote on confirmation by the end of September. The court begins its next term in October.


The hearing gave Democrats a platform to make their case against Kavanaugh ahead of November's congressional elections in which they are seeking to seize control of Congress from Republicans.


Liberals are concerned Kavanaugh could provide a decisive fifth vote on the nine-justice court to overturn or weaken the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion nationwide.


Kavanaugh is likely to be questioned about his views on investigating sitting presidents and Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion between Moscow and Trump's campaign.


(Reporting by Lawrence Hurley; Additional reporting by Andrew Chung, Amanda Becker, Lisa Lambert; Editing by Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-05
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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:

When a picture and action shows just exactly what a piece of sh#t type of man Kavanaugh really is...


Parkland victim's father and Kavanaugh: The handshake that wasn't




Come on... security stepped in and senior judges do not make a habit of going around shaking hands with strangers. Easy to snap a photo like that and twist it.

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10 minutes ago, connda said:

For whatever reason, Democrats are simply devolving into the party of the unhinged.  Few seem to be able to wield true statesmanship and instead now simply create chaos when thing don't go their way.  This is behavior I'd expect from spoiled 2 year olds having tantrums, not grown adults with the responsibility of running the country.  It's as disgraceful as it is pathetic.  :dry:


Yeah, let us not forget the Republicans on their own style (ref: Merrick Garland). Talk about a 2 year old tantrum by not even choosing to participate in the first place.


Republicans Who Didn’t Even Hold a Hearing on Merrick Garland Complain Democrats Are Destroying Norms


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Yeah, all about timing. Wait for that Republican President to be in office...


If Clinton Wins, Republicans Suggest Shrinking Size of Supreme Court



For the first time, some Senate Republicans are saying that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the GOP should prevent anyone she nominates from being confirmed to fill the current court vacancy, or any future vacancy.


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4 minutes ago, markaoffy said:

Calling democrats “unhinged” with a racist psycho in the WH and a Republican Party too scared of their mad crazy base to do anything about it, you are in a fantasy !

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Yea, that "unhinged" comment seemed to be missing the quotes from Tucker, Laura, Sean.



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All documentation should have been provided.   The protesters were out of order and should have been removed.  The judge should have at least shook the hand of the man whose daughter was killed.  Some of the Dems were out of order. Yes, Merck Garland should have had a hearing.


There is just so much wrong with the way Government in America works it is mind boggling. The real problem is the electorate will give up and not exercise their vote and if that happens those with the loudest voice get elected. Unfortunately, they most often are the most incompetent.


I do not like Judge Kavanaugh's philosophy and his  statements regarding the Presidency and women's rights. However, let the committee vet him and those opposed can take the matter to the full House and Senate.


On January 1, 2019 a new Congress  comes on board and I am sure the House will be Democratic.  In addition, the Mueller investigation moves forward.  Trump had best  get his retirement speech ready and Pence his speech to assume the Presidency as well as his pen to sign the pardons.


In 2020 there will be a Presidential election and  whether it be Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden as nominee for the Dems- expect a new President .

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3 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

Just what trump wants.

Someone not interested in the rights of women, the low paid, immigrants, the disabled, coloureds.

A rubber stamp for the rich and venal.

Making america great again.

If I may - Making America great greedy again.

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2 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

Obviously something to hide here.

Witness the politicization of the US Supreme Court about to happen.

Obama was not allowed a vote on his choice for 12 months due to Republican obstruction. 

....  and now they hurry up, afraid of the November-election results. Let me repeat it: SOP is now the deserved name for the Reps - Sordid Old Party. Own interests prevail.


The Senate is one part of the Legislature and  therefore should serve the interests of the people, not those of a party or the Executive/ LOTUS (Liar Of The ....) for their own fortune re. future/job.

Edited by puck2
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1.  Documents?  Kavanaugh has 100's of Judicial Opinions and they are public record.  

2.  Instead of this latest version of  Senatorial Kabuki Theater the Dem's should get at least 2 Republicans to vote no.  Right now the Senate is 51-49.  If all Republicans vote along party lines then he is confirmed.  If one Republican defects then VP Pence can break the 50-50 tie.  

3.  The Republicans are 1-1 in terms of blocking Supreme Court Nominations(Kagan got in but Garland did not ).  The Dems are playing the same game but this time they do not have the majority.  I believe Kavanugh gets confirmed but just barely.  

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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Regardless of your politics the Dems were an UTTER disgrace. I watched the 'hearing' and it was obvious they obstructed, moaned and shouted at every opportunity.


I take more notice of all the endorsements from his profession than I do grandstanding Dems who seek self-publicity at every turn (and I am pro choice, pro climate change and pro weed etc.). 


America has become a circus with polarized grand-standers on both sides. Shame on you!


The party of the Rich  Bigots is worth fighting .  If the white men and blonde alabama women on the news  to run everything, so be it,


there was a process and protocol,   don't start the "both sides"  BS  


Pyrrhic victory they want, that's what they'll get .... 

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Calling democrats “unhinged” with a racist psycho in the WH and a Republican Party too scared of their mad crazy base to do anything about it, you are in a fantasy !

Wow, a racist psycho and a mad crazy base !!!  Can you think of any more disgusting descriptions?.......and here I thought we were all just Americans.   The level headed Republicans I know are neither mad or crazy, and the psychos running around Washington this year seem to all be Democrats.  You can call us all the names you want but we are simply not the left leaning pansies you were hoping for.  I would say from the actions displayed during this first day of hearings this isn't the best time for your side to be throwing around derogatory terminology.   Today was an all time low for Democrats and whatever one might want to call the unruly mob you brought with you......shame on each and every one of you.

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1 hour ago, chubby said:


The party of the Rich  Bigots is worth fighting .  If the white men and blonde alabama women on the news  to run everything, so be it,


there was a process and protocol,   don't start the "both sides"  BS  


Pyrrhic victory they want, that's what they'll get .... 

No rich on the Dems side then?  all those celebs must be poor giving all their cash to the unfortunate.  The Dems make me puke even though I support many of their policies. They are smug, self-righteous and hypocrites. 

Edited by BobBKK
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