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Murdered beauty shot dead in Nakorn Pathom was playing the field in Pattaya


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5 minutes ago, transam said:

So murder is OK....?......Not that Mr. Money was daft....?

If you have ever had an ex-wife, it might have crossed your mind at one time or the other.? Everyone probably has had or should of had at least one chick he was gaga overboard on and that one is the hard one to control your emotions with.


She played the vicious game and lost. But no, murder is not ok, unless it is for our foods which most of all people can't do anyway. 

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1 hour ago, mizou198 said:

They are not bad but it is wrong to don't make things clear from the beginning for these guys. Telling them straight that they have multiple boyfriends would prevent any future love disappointments (and similar situations as we see today). 


I assume they don't say it in order to milk as much money as possible from every one of them

Oh, for a perfect world where every thing and everyone was just so fantastic and all above board.

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9 minutes ago, giddyup said:

According to your comments there should be open season on all the bar girls in Pattaya, or anywhere else in the world where gold diggers are using their looks and sex to get men to part with their money. Any guy, Thai or falang, who thinks they are going to get that choice piece to "love" them for free is bordering on retarded.

Man-Wins-the-Lottery-and-Finds-the-Love-of-his-life-the-next-day. (2017_03_24 02_12_25 UTC).jpg

No, open season is not good, but the chick better be smart enough to know what guy is just stupid and what guy is just cuckoo. I once had a girl friend who was like stalker. Behind my back would put other chicks up against the wall saying that's my guy. I tossed her out not so much time after I found out. 


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1 minute ago, Artisi said:

Oh, for a perfect world where every thing and everyone was just so fantastic and all above board.

Yeah, perhaps Bernie Madoff should have warned investors before ripping off their life savings.

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Just now, holy cow cm said:

No, open season is not good, but the chick better be smart enough to know what guy is just stupid and what guy is just cuckoo. I once had a girl friend who was like stalker. Behind my back would put other chicks up against the wall saying that's my guy. I tossed her out not so much time after I found out. 


If people were that good at forecasting who was likely to kill them or not, no one would get murdered.

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

If people were that good at forecasting who was likely to kill them or not, no one would get murdered.

She had a clue according to Thai news but she couldn't shake him, but all after the fact of taking his money in the multi millions of baht. Ouch!. So as stupidity is, she decided to get another side dish, perhaps more than we know of and he was still in the rafters hanging around, so his blood and jealousy was at deep fried. Also it is good fortune he didn't kill the foreigner too. 

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2 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

She played with their hearts, and paid for it. Should have avoided the Thai dude....

Yeah, it's not like falangs ever kill each other over money or jealousy.

Edited by giddyup
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5 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Yeah, it's not like falangs ever kill each other over money or jealousy.

Yes, but this was not about falangs killing each other. It's about a jealous Thai male and his gf. She, as a Thai, should have known she was treading on thin ice.

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:



She was the victim of a scum bag who thought he owned her. 

Cause and effect


Cause: She was a user of people. Effect: It doesn't always end well for users of people as they tend to attract people who may not want to be used as much as they think they do.

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

And is continued in your post. 


She destroyed no ones life. 


She was just living hers. 


You don't like someone seeing more than one person, then move on. 


But those suffering from fragile male ego syndrome can’t do that. 


For them it’s all about possession. 



agree. looking at the thai man its not as if pretty gals will be attracted to his good looks. typically and commonly he/they throw money around to get girls. u cant blame the girls that are playing the field if they spend time with males they are physically attracted too. i forget precisely bu a common thai saying is  "the dog that buys it owns the fish" and is meant to mean a guy that funs a girl owns her


a while back aq thai gal was making headlines on social media by teaching women how to get funded by multiple guy at the same time. she protected her identity and flat out said she'd be killed if the guys funding her found out what she was doing

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2 minutes ago, Vacuum said:

Yes, but this was not about falangs killing each other. It's about a jealous Thai male and his gf. She, as a Thai, should have known she was treading on thin ice.

Do you even remember what you wrote? "And she did it to a Thai. She should have known what could happen". This is somehow suggesting that doing it to a Thai is likely to have a worse outcome.

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3 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Whether she had an affair OR 'played the field' is ABSOLUTELY no excuse to kill her.  Hang the scum at the earliest opportunity but of course they won't.


The liberal 'do gooders' will come out and blame her, he has money and he will ask 'society' to 'understand him'.


I understand him very well - he's a jealous, murdering scum.

Several years ago a guy knocked on a hotel room door, when it was answered by his girlfriend he shot the man that was with her. My wife, who wouldn't harm anyone, said " why didn't he shoot the woman?" I said that there was no need to shoot anyone, that the woman obviously was no good, why not just walk away. There doesn't seem to be much of the old forgive and forget in Thailand.

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

And is continued in your post. 


She destroyed no ones life. 


She was just living hers. 


You don't like someone seeing more than one person, then move on. 


But those suffering from fragile male ego syndrome can’t do that. 


For them it’s all about possession. 

Now, just to score a point, you think a Thai woman scorned will not show her fragile female ego syndrome.

And not only Thai women.

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1 minute ago, mizou198 said:

Of course she was destroying people life. How do you call it when somebody lie about feelings in order to get as much money as possible ?


Would you be so leniant if it was a nigerian involved in love scam and not a "pretty" young and good looking ? 

Never saw a picture of the Dutchman, but looking at the Thai guy there is no way he would have had someone that attractive unless he was paying her a lot of money. All she did was accept. He was the fool.

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6 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Now, just to score a point, you think a Thai woman scorned will not show her fragile female ego syndrome.

And not only Thai women.

Jealousy doesn't favour one sex over another, but men are far more likely to act violently if they are rejected and have their egos bruised.

Edited by giddyup
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6 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Never saw a picture of the Dutchman, but looking at the Thai guy there is no way he would have had someone that attractive unless he was paying her a lot of money. All she did was accept. He was the fool.



he was afool if he believed he is the only hansum man she has

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3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

And is continued in your post. 


She destroyed no ones life. 


She was just living hers. 


You don't like someone seeing more than one person, then move on. 


But those suffering from fragile male ego syndrome can’t do that. 


For them it’s all about possession. 

You don't know that,,, and I don't either... So I'm not gonna say much,,,,, but it's possible she was LYING while TAKING TONS OF MONEY from these guys,, that IMHO can be life ruining to the victims.... but ofcourse she didn't deserve to get killed for it. Maybe slapped. 

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1 minute ago, giddyup said:

 Never saw a picture of the Dutchman, but looking at the Thai guy there is no way he would have had someone that attractive unless he was paying her a lot of money. All she did was accept. He was the fool.

Does it make any difference that he doesn t look good ? 


What i see here is a girl who earned a living scamming people by tricking them thraw a love affair. 


It's far to be a respectable job..


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29 minutes ago, giddyup said:

Yeah, perhaps Bernie Madoff should have warned investors before ripping off their life savings.

I do believe women that deceive men in such ways for the purposes of obtaining large sums of money by deception, should be charged with fraud, similar to the criminal act of being a confidence trickster, because in-fact that`s exactly what they are, confidence tricksters and fraudsters. Could even be described as romance scammers.


Within my time living in Thailand I`ve had several Thai women try to place me on their Gik list, for average 20000 to 30000 baht per month that seems to be the going rate. But I`m not interested and have enough common sense not to become involved with those types of women, therefore avoiding any problems with others that maybe in their circle of romance scams.

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4 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

They play with fire.


Mia nois,giks,short timers hoping to rake the cash in-and often do-until jealousy raises its ugly head and then there is hell to pay.Mayhem and murder.

Absolutely, however most of the young do not comprehend the rage that can be attached to the things they do until it is too late.  They think it is a game so they don't understand how the other party would not also think it is just a game.


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