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Murdered beauty shot dead in Nakorn Pathom was playing the field in Pattaya


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2 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

It maybe some ladies human nature- especially if one is working in an atmosphere such as Pattaya where deceit and juggling 2 or more customers is the norm.   I have seen many women 'on the game' keep a diary or a computer program so they can handle their customers several a a time.  Does anyone really believe Khun Lady will be telling her customers about all the others and of course she will also have a Thai 'friend' because none of the others can speak Thai and she needs to express herself sometimes in her own language.


She certainly did not deserve the death sentence, but when you play with fire-sometimes you get burned. Am I blaming the victim- maybe a little- because when you put yourself in a dangerous situation- expect blow back /

Sorry probably my fault but my comment concerned the Murderer

Have a nice day

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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

e was just another scum bag who couldn't handle a woman making her own choices.


The woman was not to blame for this pathetic males actions

He had no right of possession nor was he married to the deceased so there was no legal contract.

As I mentioned-  her murder was unjustified.


However, I 'm not going to give her a complete pass and make her  someone who is without blame.  She basically was  a 'service girl'-  taking money from men and giving them either sex and/or fake love.   Her job was one of deceit.  As a Thai- she had to know she was playing a dangerous game.  Had she not been playing the game- the circumstances that led to here demise would not have happened.  When you play with fire-sometimes you get burned.


Does she deserve death for her actions- No!!  Does she deserve sainthood.  Hardly!

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6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

He had no rights.


He was just another scum bag who couldn't handle a woman making her own choices.


The woman was not to blame for this pathetic males actions.

He decided he did even if it was via a financial arrangement

Prostitution comes with inherent dangers as this thread has highlighted 

The young lady has paid the ultimate price

Human nature leads to many people reacting in a violent fashion this man was one of them

No change in sight

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

He had no right of possession nor was he married to the deceased so there was no legal contract.

As I mentioned-  her murder was unjustified.


However, I 'm not going to give her a complete pass and make her  someone who is without blame.  She basically was  a 'service girl'-  taking money from men and giving them either sex and/or fake love.   Her job was one of deceit.  As a Thai- she had to know she was playing a dangerous game.  Had she not been playing the game- the circumstances that led to here demise would not have happened.  When you play with fire-sometimes you get burned.


Does she deserve death for her actions- No!!  Does she deserve sainthood.  Hardly!

I give her a complete pass.


That's where we differ.

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6 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Whether she had an affair OR 'played the field' is ABSOLUTELY no excuse to kill her.  Hang the scum at the earliest opportunity but of course they won't.


The liberal 'do gooders' will come out and blame her, he has money and he will ask 'society' to 'understand him'.


I understand him very well - he's a jealous, murdering scum.

He should have killed the guy too, while he was there....

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2 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:



Of course she had every right to make her own choices, as do we all, but none of us have rights to take people`s money under false pretences, which is fraud and deception. And tragically for that she received a death penalty, because she was playing a merry fiddle with the devil or in this case with a deranged scumbag. Some may get away with it, others may not, the risks were high and that was the choice she made.


Although nothing can justify her murder, but also doubt that many will lose sleep over it.


"Of course she had every right to make her own choices, as do we all, but none of us have rights to take people`s money under false pretences, which is fraud and deception."



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6 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

He decided he did even if it was via a financial arrangement

Prostitution comes with inherent dangers as this thread has highlighted 

The young lady has paid the ultimate price

Human nature leads to many people reacting in a violent fashion this man was one of them

No change in sight

The scum bag who murdered this woman should have walked away if he couldn't cope with this woman's choices.


He alone is to blame.

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37 minutes ago, impulse said:

Sometimes, there needs to be some kind of punitive compensation for someone breaking an agreement. 

I've discovered that no agreement with a female is binding on her (but it probably is binding on you).

Most men would be better off living by that nugget of experience.


The guy that killed this poor woman, should have known better.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I give her a complete pass.


That's where we differ.

I hear your argument and to me it would make more sense if the deceased was a girlfriend who was working at 7-11 and met another man whom she was dating.  In other words, she would be dating 2 men.  No money involved- no exchange of any type of funds.


However, this is not the life the girl lived- she was a 'service girl' who was trying to play both men as fools, undoubtedly taking their money- having a sexual relationship- and certainly not telling  one about the other.  It was her choice to do this and I call it what it is- deceit and lacking any type of moral compass.  Unfortunately- one of her customers also has no moral compass and when  he found out- she got  the death penalty.   Yes- he is a scum bag who deserves a long time in jail to think about his actions


Had she not put herself in the situation I described and had her goal not been deceit and conducting fraud- the outcome would have been different.

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6 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


I don't know if you are married or have a long time girlfriend, but if you have, I wonder how you would feel if you found out she was shagging a few others as well.


Nothing to do with fragile ego syndrome, it's about getting attached to someone and giving them your love, then find out that you were cheated upon all that time

Actually I been there done that, got divorced, moved on, met the ex years later with her bf at a golf course. Played a round of golf with them, been to their house for dinner and for Father’s Day with our kids. So what’s your point.. not all men have fragile egos...

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

The scum bag who murdered this woman should have walked away if he couldn't cope with this woman's choices.


He alone is to blame.

Yes he alone murdered her, I quite agree 

The thing you are having difficulty with is why did he do it

The answer is because of something she did to him

He choose not to walk away

Human nature in the raw

A scumbag no shortage of those

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Just now, Cuba said:

How is it unrelated to the scum killing her? It's precisely the reason she was killed. If she'd been a good little girl and stayed at home with just the 1 boyfriend she'd still be alive now.


Bet you think all girls should be "good little girls" then?   ok you're right she deserved to die... silly girl... should stick to "one BF" like all the guys stick with one girl right?


I smell misogyny in the air.  

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6 hours ago, mercman24 said:

i could write a book about idiots sending girls money, i bet us that live here could as well, my friend from the UK sent 25,000 - 30,000 baht a month for 4 years, such a big head know it all, i let him get on with it, until the truth came out, lol all girls play the field, yes i agree trying to blame the victim. and if the guy from France is a member on here and just got married, best of luck matey he he ,  oh and the latest, a guy who lives with his mum wants to buy my friend a 13 million baht house in the UK only met her twice,

i know Mercman.  i agree.  and these people walk among us!

you know what they say.......a fool is easy parted from his money

and i have come across loads of the idiots.

i met a couple of ladies in the gym one time, and both of them had 4 foreigners sending them money each month, and they had it planned perfectly so that each man visits at a different time.

both of them dripping in gold.

cracks me up, i love it that people are so stupid and cannot be told.


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15 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:



Of course she had every right to make her own choices, as do we all, but none of us have rights to take people`s money under false pretences, which is fraud and deception. And tragically for that she received a death penalty, because she was playing a merry fiddle with the devil or in this case with a deranged scumbag. Some may get away with it, others may not, the risks were high and that was the choice she made.


Although nothing can justify her murder, but also doubt that many will lose sleep over it.


her mum and dad will... her kids will...   terrible thing to say when she was just trying to feed her kids like 100,000s other girls in Thailand

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37 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I've read some of your posts on this thread.


You are in no position to judge others, given your repulsive comments.

Whose judging who?  What kind of Alice in Wonderland barstool are you on?  What would the comments be if it were a couple of Indians fighting over a Ladyboy?  


Merely an interpretation of the story served up:  Hooker killed by Thai bloke that was not happy with her extra curricular activities.  Do you think she was some kind of innocent 'pretty little Daddy's girl' that couldn't choose whether to run off with her Dutch Beau or stay with the Thai gansta, or any one of the other ignorant contributors to her Somtam & Buffalo (or maybe BMW?)  fund.

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20 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I hear your argument and to me it would make more sense if the deceased was a girlfriend who was working at 7-11 and met another man whom she was dating.  In other words, she would be dating 2 men.  No money involved- no exchange of any type of funds.


However, this is not the life the girl lived- she was a 'service girl' who was trying to play both men as fools, undoubtedly taking their money- having a sexual relationship- and certainly not telling  one about the other.  It was her choice to do this and I call it what it is- deceit and lacking any type of moral compass.  Unfortunately- one of her customers also has no moral compass and when  he found out- she got  the death penalty.   Yes- he is a scum bag who deserves a long time in jail to think about his actions


Had she not put herself in the situation I described and had her goal not been deceit and conducting fraud- the outcome would have been different.

It doesn't matter to me what she was doing.


If I got involved with someone who's choices I didn't like I'd walk away.


That is the only acceptable action.

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16 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Yes he alone murdered her, I quite agree 

The thing you are having difficulty with is why did he do it

The answer is because of something she did to him

He choose not to walk away

Human nature in the raw

A scumbag no shortage of those

She did nothing to him.


She was living her life.


He didn't like the way she did it...tough.


Walk away.


He didn't own her.

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2 minutes ago, Naamblar2014 said:

Agree with some other posters that this woman was obtaining money by deception of at least 2 people.  Who knows how many more ?  IMHO she is committing fraud and this should be treated as any type of fraud,  criminal charges laid. Not an option in  this case but  absolutely necessary in thefuture  to stop this  type of  behavior. This type of deception to obtain money needs to stop.  How many foreigners having lost their lifes savings as a result of these scammers,  proceed to end their own lives.  Why are these bar girls with multiple people sending them money not charged with fraud? How is that in any way different to the Nigerian romance scams,  which are investigated, with prosecution of the scammers. How is it that one poster here thought it OK to assist these bar girls in drafting love letters in order to obtain funds from someone by lying to them? They may very well be gullible but  don't deserve  to be scammed. Not every person has a reason to distrust others.  In fact isn't it the dishonest that think others are dishonest.  As for the killer,  he has been identified as a Thai.  Right or wrong in his mind,  his actions are likely the result of the frustration of having a corrupt system of law enforcement,  where he would have no recourse,  so unfortunately snapped because of a loss of face and took this unfortunate course of action. References to his looks etc should be left out.  Not all relationships are based on the way someone looks believe it or not.

I don't believe we can justmove on  or just walkaway as you  might  in  a broken  relationship as this was straight out deception to obtain money. If you were scammed out of your home would you just walk away? It is not simply the right of the women to have as many relationships as she wishes,  unless she was totally upfront with all concerned.

dream on if you think the thais are going to prosecute bar girls for stinging falangs,its time the falangs wised up,do they not have the internet,30 years ago you could probably excuse them,but not now

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