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Junta never tires of tough-guy games


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That "the junta has the authority to arrest and detain people for up to seven days"  is far more worrying than a woman purchasing a few T shirts from a site in Laos from a movement that nobody has yet heard about. The creation of enemies and their supposed causes has been a tool used for 4 years but the NCPO's actions have brought far more international condemnation than any of these minor players. The article well described it with "we’ve had sustained instability as a means to perpetuate the military’s grip on power."   It really is time to say 'enough'.

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There is no threat to security because your a ilegal government that refuses to allow the country to vote you out. Put you back in barracks and tear up your 20 year robbery. Include high treason to the constitution and start from scratch with you dodgy election system. Westerniz the country bring it into the 21st century. Oh we dont need Jacky Ma for that. Thai people free and happy can do on there own.

You are the virus eating away at humanity. 

Edited by Media1
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

People can also be interrogated without access to a lawyer under the same decree, which represents a mockery of democratic principles.

Go figure, but the Ultimate Democracy of the Most Indispensable Nation - the United States - has the exact same degree called the National Defense Authorization Act.  Given that the US and her allies in the so-called "Free World" of "Democracies" have laws on the books allowing for the indefinite detention of their citizens ----- well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that third-world and developing nations will take their lead and use any excuse to suppress any form of expression that threatens the leadership's grip on hegemonic control of the levers of power. 
And it's not just Thailand.  True Freedom and Liberty are ideals that simply don't work for those who need to rule with an iron fist and with authoritarian control.  True Freedom and Liberty exist almost nowhere on this planet except in the mealy-mouthed, pablum that is regurgitated up by world leaders who speak in lofty tones but who repress their populations of citizens when Freedom and Liberty threatens to upset the ruling class' governing vision of a properly, ordered society, i.e.,m consuming clones who don't question authority. 

So the US has laws on the books allowing the detention without a lawyer or a trial of those labeled as 'belligerents.'
So Thailand simple takes the 'Indispensable Nation's' lead and does the same. 
Who in the "Free World" of "Democracies" legitimately can complain?  :dry:

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

she had in her possession T-shirts bearing an insignia that it claims to belong to some obscure insurrectionist group.

Not to just any insurrectionist group but to a Muslim insurgency.

Would this arrest had happened if it was a Buddhist Thai-ethnic citizen?


On a positive note (if there can ever be such from a rogue state), the arrest may damage a new southern party The Prachachart Party led by a Muslim politician that said it is open to supporting the return of junta leader Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha after elections slated for next year. Najmudi , a former Pheu Thai MP for Narathiwat province, said that if Prayut’s returns as PM by respecting the rules of the junta-designed constitution, the party may support his candidacy.


May become a harder sell by The Prachachart Party to southern Muslims.




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4 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Deputy PM Prawit presently seems to being going through some aging mental crisis. This example of gross paranoia follows on the heals of his claim that Koh Tao is an island of peace, safety and and tranquility and that there is no mafia violence and t]he local police are as pure as the driven snow. 

As further evidence of his fragile condition he has just announced he has returned his borrowed watches to a dead person.

Perhaps a period of convalescence and rest in an appropriate sanitarium would be a good thing for this unfortunate man.


um,  returned them to a person who he couldn't remember the name of ???

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42 minutes ago, connda said:

Go figure, but the Ultimate Democracy of the Most Indispensable Nation - the United States - has the exact same degree called the National Defense Authorization Act.  Given that the US and her allies in the so-called "Free World" of "Democracies" have laws on the books allowing for the indefinite detention of their citizens ----- well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that third-world and developing nations will take their lead and use any excuse to suppress any form of expression that threatens the leadership's grip on hegemonic control of the levers of power. 
And it's not just Thailand.  True Freedom and Liberty are ideals that simply don't work for those who need to rule with an iron fist and with authoritarian control.  True Freedom and Liberty exist almost nowhere on this planet except in the mealy-mouthed, pablum that is regurgitated up by world leaders who speak in lofty tones but who repress their populations of citizens when Freedom and Liberty threatens to upset the ruling class' governing vision of a properly, ordered society, i.e.,m consuming clones who don't question authority. 

So the US has laws on the books allowing the detention without a lawyer or a trial of those labeled as 'belligerents.'
So Thailand simple takes the 'Indispensable Nation's' lead and does the same. 
Who in the "Free World" of "Democracies" legitimately can complain?  :dry:

And don't forget Malaysia 's ISA . .Internal Security Act..placed there by the British during their colonial rule..and never removed.

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3 hours ago, Hayduke said:


People often have governments they may not want…


People often have governments they may not like…


But unfortunately, people almost always have the governments they deserve.


Thailand is no exception.


I see where you are coming from, but what can the ordinary Thai person do about a government which elected itself?

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Perhaps the silver lining to this cloud of repression is that the more the Junta uses its heavy handed tactics, the more people start to hate them. 


I know there have been bad governments in the past, but I never felt the loathing towards them that I feel towards this bunch (and I have been here since Prem Tinsulananda was Prime Minister). I want to see the power hungry generals brought down and removed. They are taking this country backwards.  

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10 minutes ago, GarryP said:

Perhaps the silver lining to this cloud of repression is that the more the Junta uses its heavy handed tactics, the more people start to hate them. 


I know there have been bad governments in the past, but I never felt the loathing towards them that I feel towards this bunch (and I have been here since Prem Tinsulananda was Prime Minister). I want to see the power hungry generals brought down and removed. They are taking this country backwards.  

This action is really over the top, I agree 100%. The junta should be removed but i doubt we will see the next government even if PTP change any laws to give the public more freedom. I have yet to see a government in Thailand give up power they can use against their political enemies.

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2 hours ago, cookieqw said:

um,  returned them to a person who he couldn't remember the name of ???

Well the bloke had been dead for quite a while - so not a surprise that he forgot his name...


Anyway, being unable to even plausibly explain incredible wealth is nothing compared to selling treasonous tee shirts...

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