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Comic video: Thai police tell the public: Don't try to be funny!


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14 hours ago, edwinchester said:

 I await the imminent announcement of a crackdown on all Thai TV slapstick.

Unlikely, Thais can't read English to the level needed to understand our plight, so we're irrelevant. Try writing in Thai on facebook and you might get shafted.

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

The Pol Col said this was not appropriate behavior. Even if it was not deemed illegal it should be avoided lest it spawn copy cats of a more serious nature especially among children and the youth of Thailand. 

Or better known as Thailand's Judge Dread.  He has time to comment on this, but no time for serious police work.  He feels he has the authority to judge people.  Wonder how judges feel about that.  The future seems to belong to the wet blankets of Thailand.  At least there is good news from Malaysia 

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Pol Col Krissana Patanacharoen did not think it was funny at all. 

I agree. 


Dull and stupid, on the other hand...


90 seconds of mind numbing tedium. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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2 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Mmmmmmmm................ I understand that among their ranks there is this guy 'Big Joke'? ?  


Perhaps he has a sense of humour lacking in some others?

Well, let us see if he redeems himself after his interview with the rape complainant.  I imaging quite \a few of his TVF fan club will have evaporated after his original response to the woman over her allegations.

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Wow....... Thailand is so convincingly becoming a police state where you cannot feel free to even 'crack a joke'.......... LOL .........

Does Thailand and Thai people want to live in 'fear' as this........ For the next 'how many years'????????? I don't think so........

This army dictatorship is showing it's true color and what it has in store for the Thais for their future....

Communism as in Russia's past....... I'm afraid A lot of people will die at the hands of this regime for just trying to have 'simple rights' like joking in public...........

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19 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

I do have a sense of humor but I'm with the RTP for the 1st time in my life ! 

There are too many real cases of people going at it with guns, swords, machettes etc.. The culture of crazy violence here needs wiping out.. Have a punch up if you need to but deadly weapons need removing from the streets 

Get a grip man. Have you seen the Thai soaps. Only someone (Thai policeman and you) with a severe sense of humour failure would object or be influenced by this couple larking about.

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2 minutes ago, aussie11950 said:

So you cannot have role play in private, but on soaps and comedy sketches on TV is ok?

Every time they mention some inconsequential old law that is being broken they remind me of Kryten in Red Dwarf quoting some obscure rule in Space Command manual  or the hologram Rimmer trying to do it and getting it wrong.

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If the Authorities including the Police stop using their positions and perceived authority in  feathering their own nests at the Publics expense, then and only then can they even start to lecture us mere mortals how to act and what to do. people might adhere to reason , and follow them then instead of ignoring them. 

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19 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

It was a joke.... you think someone watching this will suddenly decide to use a deadly weapon on 'the streets'? Get a grip.

Yes. I do think someone who is unstable could look at this and believe it represents the way human interactions are settled.  


Many years ago my Thai Brother in Law Age 21 was involved in a road rage incident- My BIL had no weapons but the driver in the other car came out with a sword like the one in the video and hacked my BIL to death. This happened in Bangkok on Viphavadi Road. The murderer is in jail for 20 years.


To the majority of people- this video is a joke- but to those who are emotionally unstable it may represent something else. There is way too much violence- in society- and we see it portrayed constantly in Thai Lakorns and we often see Thais react violently to things.


I don't want the police censoring things but in this case- the Officer was reminding the public of dangers involving use of weapons.  It isn't funny when you or you family are victims of violence.

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17 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Yes. I do think someone who is unstable could look at this and believe it represents the way human interactions are settled.  


Many years ago my Thai Brother in Law Age 21 was involved in a road rage incident- My BIL had no weapons but the driver in the other car came out with a sword like the one in the video and hacked my BIL to death. This happened in Bangkok on Viphavadi Road. The murderer is in jail for 20 years.


To the majority of people- this video is a joke- but to those who are emotionally unstable it may represent something else. There is way too much violence- in society- and we see it portrayed constantly in Thai Lakorns and we often see Thais react violently to things.


I don't want the police censoring things but in this case- the Officer was reminding the public of dangers involving use of weapons.  It isn't funny when you or you family are victims of violence.

sorry to hear that 

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So what about all the violence in the soapies, (TV series type of soapies that is). The only ones that do not show problems and arguments settled with a gun are those set in the good old days of Siam when swords and knives had to do.

 Or maybe this couple were just better actors than all those tv stars ?

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One of the huge problems in society  not only in Thailand but Worldwide is the lack of any moral compass.  It used to be that Mom and Dad taught the kids that stealing is wrong; you don't lie; you don't steal; you control your elf etc.  This was backed up by teachers in school and your religious  representatives if one attended Church/Temple .


Today parents are most often working all the time and not in the home; the teachers don't talk about  morality and ethics and many people have no religion or simply don't bother to go to a church/temple if they do.


Television has become the medium of choice and people grow up with the Tube.  Now, we have social media which can be used for good and bad.  Our Government leaders are often amoral and the clergy have lost their moral authority. We used to have a lot of people in the  movies; in government and in academia we could look up to and be role models.


It is apparent to me that  society has crumbled; many people lack any direction and have  emotional problems .  There is way too much acting out and a lack of any discipline. In Thailand this is reinforced by nonsensical television programs that show life as nothing but a desire for riches and settling disagreements with either violence or deceit or lies.


Most people like a good laugh-  there some great Thai comedians who poke fun at  Thai society. The same is true in the Western World.  However, there is   certain decorum that must be used in media and frankly speaking- Thailand is quite lacking in this area.

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