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Trump slaps tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods, spares some consumer tech


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6 hours ago, timendres said:

This is getting interesting...

China really does need to play ball here:

A very different story from the US side:

1. Canada $175.5B 18.2%
2. Mexico $154.0B 16.0%
3. China $74.3B 7.7%

All of the talk of harming the US consumer depends on how it plays out. If the manufacturing moves back to the US, then the jobs created will be a benefit to the economy overall. However, if they do not, and the tariffs simply land at the US treasury, I doubt they will be spent wisely enough to make any meaningful difference.

Well, if you calculate that more accurately, there are also opposing effects.

the us retailer companies sell less, the forwarders have to transport less, etc. the companies make less profits (then pay less taxes) and you need less staff.

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The US has "dollar stores" where all items are US$1.  There are several such chains (they're like the Japanese Daiso stores in LOS).  Most of the items are from China.  Unless they backtrack on these tariffs, the prices will have to go up some time next year, so they will become "Dollar twenty-five" stores.  And many other products and stores will be affected as well.  And just in time for the 2020 primary season, which begins next spring.  Let's see how the MAGA patriots feel when the DT effect hits their household budget, justifying it as the cost of making America great again.  "We don't mind paying more because, ummm, why was that again?"  I can see where this will cause more consumer credit debt, which had all the post-2008 protections removed last year.  "Wait, Uncle Harlan with the MAGA hat, tell me again, why is this good?  I want to think about this on my way to the poll."


So much of what this guy does is a re-run.  During the 2015-16 campaign he laid out his "economic plan" and was it Reagan's supply-side economics, chapter and verse.  Even the guy who came up with the idea back then has admitted that in the long-term it was a failure.

Around 1970 a chain of "69 Cent Stores" opened in NYC; as inflation grew they had to raise the prices and continuously change the name of the business. 

Here we go again....



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This so called trade war is the best thing America can have and to have a leader that recognizes it, and willing to fight it. America has been subsidizing the majority of the World by sacrificing its manufacturing for the last 30  or 40 years. Now we are dependent on China for a majority of our consumer goods? Pure idiocy from our previous administrations.


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34 minutes ago, dcutman said:

Now we are dependent on China for a majority of our consumer goods? Pure idiocy from our previous administrations.

President Nixon who opened US trade with China and subsequent US Presidents that gave China Most Favored Nation trade status correctly realized that such dependency ran in both directions - China's economic growth became dependent on revenues from the US consumer. Hard for either country to be the 'evil empire' when 'joined at the hip' of trade. Pure genius!

Trump has released those economic chains. Should Trump's Trade War (as he has termed it-not so called) continue without fair and equitable resolution,  China can and will find alternative economic mitigations and strategies, albeit may suffer a temporary economic slowdown. But the Communist regime and the Chinese people have a strong national pride no less than Trump's America to trade economic discomfort for unity and sovereignty.

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4 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Soon they must call it the $1.25 store. if the budget is unchanged, for example, the us customer can not buy 5 items for his 5 dollars but only 4 items.
The shop has 25% less profit. then pay less tax. The shop then needs less staff. this also leads to lower tax receipts and possible transfer payments from unemployment insurance. if you then add the tariff countermeasures of the trading partners (higher tariffs for soy, us whiskey, peanut butter, etc), it also comes here to tax losses. in the end, "strong" US products are also weakened here.

it's just stupid how aggressive and thoughtless the us government is here acting.


Name me a single item imported from China that the US consumer can not live without.

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7 hours ago, JeffreyO said:

US based manufacturing is already a victim.  The USA simply doesn't have enough resources to "make everything at home" nor the population.  In particular, when you push for less immigration when you require a larger population to produce what you consume, you're kinda' defeating yourself... especially as birth rates decline.

if americans are willing to work for 10 dollars a day in production or reintroduce slavery, trump's tariff madness would come to fruition.

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8 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Name me a single item imported from China that the US consumer can not live without.

There is non.

You can buy clothespins made in china for 1 dollar or for 3 dollars made in usa.
up to you.

The only products where China has a monopoly are the rare earths.

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33 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Name me a single item imported from China that the US consumer can not live without.


Joking aside.
If China draws its rare earth card, it will also hit the US high-tech industry hard.



This is used to make powerful magnets used in loudspeakers and computer hard drives to enable them to be smaller and more efficient. Magnets containing neodymium are also used in green technologies such as the manufacture of wind turbines and hybrid cars.



This element is used in camera and telescope lenses. Compounds containing lanthanum are used extensively in carbon lighting applications, such as studio lighting and cinema projection.



Used in catalytic converters in cars, enabling them to run at high temperatures and playing a crucial role in the chemical reactions in the converter. Lanthanum and cerium are also used in the process of refining crude oil.



Used to create strong metals for use in aircraft engines. Praseodymium is also a component of a special sort of glass, used to make visors to protect welders and glassmakers.



Used in X-ray and MRI scanning systems, and also in television screens. Research is also being done into its possible use in developing more efficient refrigeration systems.


Yttrium, terbium, europium

Important in making televisions and computer screens and other devices that have visual displays as they are used in making materials that give off different colours. Europium is also used in making control rods in nuclear reactors.

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12 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:


Joking aside.
If China draws its rare earth card, it will also hit the US high-tech industry hard.



This is used to make powerful magnets used in loudspeakers and computer hard drives to enable them to be smaller and more efficient. Magnets containing neodymium are also used in green technologies such as the manufacture of wind turbines and hybrid cars.



This element is used in camera and telescope lenses. Compounds containing lanthanum are used extensively in carbon lighting applications, such as studio lighting and cinema projection.



Used in catalytic converters in cars, enabling them to run at high temperatures and playing a crucial role in the chemical reactions in the converter. Lanthanum and cerium are also used in the process of refining crude oil.



Used to create strong metals for use in aircraft engines. Praseodymium is also a component of a special sort of glass, used to make visors to protect welders and glassmakers.



Used in X-ray and MRI scanning systems, and also in television screens. Research is also being done into its possible use in developing more efficient refrigeration systems.


Yttrium, terbium, europium

Important in making televisions and computer screens and other devices that have visual displays as they are used in making materials that give off different colours. Europium is also used in making control rods in nuclear reactors.


Yeah, I would say rare earth minerals are about the only vulnerability. It is probably a good thing that a nation that prosecutes war around the globe and has pledged to secure the defense of dozens of other nations should come to terms with this vulnerability, sooner rather than later.

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13 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

No, but not everything I buy is made in China either. What's your point? There are products made in countries around the world although there is a great majority made in China. This is why tariffs are good because it helps break up this monopoly China has and helps diversifies global supply chains. Is that not a good thing? Or are you saying it's a good thing for the world to be 90% reliant on China for everything under the sun?


But you have the choice to buy what you want irrespective of where it is made. If you do what Trump wants which is to only buy goods made in the USA then your bills will be higher and you will have no choice to buy elsewhere. The Chinese goods you buy now will be 10 to 25% higher thanks to Trump.


Nobody is forced to buy Chinese, US or any other countries products as it is a free market economy. You, the end customer choose what you want to buy but the US under Trump is starting to take away your freedom of choice.


Will your salary also rise by 10 to 25% to cover the cost?

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6 hours ago, billd766 said:

The Chinese goods you buy now will be 10 to 25% higher thanks to Trump.


Not true. In many cases the manufacturer and the company who is importing may choose to share some of the price increase. In many cases it only really is a small percentage that get's passed on to the consumer.

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18 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

Not true. In many cases the manufacturer and the company who is importing may choose to share some of the price increase. In many cases it only really is a small percentage that get's passed on to the consumer.


But the importer will be hit by the full cost of the tariff  and if they drop their selling price then the hit of higher import cost and lower profit margin may well cause them to close down.

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3 minutes ago, billd766 said:


But the importer will be hit by the full cost of the tariff  and if they drop their selling price then the hit of higher import cost and lower profit margin may well cause them to close down.

I think you will find thats the plan, the importer closes down and a local manufacturer steps in. The thing is its never worked for anyone.

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2 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

I think you will find thats the plan, the importer closes down and a local manufacturer steps in. The thing is its never worked for anyone.


So the importer closes down and in a period of time later a new company is formed, probably with less staff to make the widget at a far higher price using US labour, and then goes bust because nobody buys the widget as it is too expensive anyway, plus they have no money as they lost their jobs.


There is a perverted logic in there somewhere I think?

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17 hours ago, billd766 said:

If you do what Trump wants which is to only buy goods made in the USA

How typical of you Trump haters, you sound like some lying left wing talking head on CNN.

Trump has clearly expressed he wants trade with everybody, but he wants fair and equal trade. Witch naturally will bring manufacturing back to the US witch he and the majority of Americans want.

Edited by dcutman
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Something I've not heard mention of either here in TVF or among the professionals on television:  what about the money collected?  DT is always thinking about money.  Money and ego, all he does originates there.

So let's see, 25% of $200b is  $50b , perhaps he needs this money to relieve the budget burden of his tax cuts.


AS the cliche goes, follow the money.



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14 minutes ago, bendejo said:

Something I've not heard mention of either here in TVF or among the professionals on television:  what about the money collected?  DT is always thinking about money.  Money and ego, all he does originates there.

So let's see, 25% of $200b is  $50b , perhaps he needs this money to relieve the budget burden of his tax cuts.


AS the cliche goes, follow the money.



He's eyeing that money to pay for HIS wall. So indirectly, the American people who he said "it wouldn't cost them a cent" (not verbatim), are paying for the wall.

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US based manufacturing is already a victim.  The USA simply doesn't have enough resources to "make everything at home" nor the population.  In particular, when you push for less immigration when you require a larger population to produce what you consume, you're kinda' defeating yourself... especially as birth rates decline.

I believe the Trump administration is attempting to reduce illegal immigration, not less immigration.

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27 minutes ago, Sealbash said:


I believe the Trump administration is attempting to reduce illegal immigration, not less immigration.

Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Well, let's add it up.  Here's a few off the top of my head.

1) He wants to end the diversity visa program (lottery visa).

2) He wants to switch to a point based system which limits options for impoverished or those without education.

3) He wants to stop legal immigration from certain countries.

4) He wants to end migrant visa programs.

5) https://psmag.com/social-justice/how-trump-is-trying-to-reduce-legal-immigration

6) He wants to make it impossible for many who are in the US legally to obtain a green card.

7) He is reducing the amount of asylum seekers able to be approved.


I mean, the list goes on but sorry buddy, you're wrong.

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Well, let's add it up.  Here's a few off the top of my head.
1) He wants to end the diversity visa program (lottery visa).
2) He wants to switch to a point based system which limits options for impoverished or those without education.
3) He wants to stop legal immigration from certain countries.
4) He wants to end migrant visa programs.
5) https://psmag.com/social-justice/how-trump-is-trying-to-reduce-legal-immigration
6) He wants to make it impossible for many who are in the US legally to obtain a green card.
7) He is reducing the amount of asylum seekers able to be approved.
I mean, the list goes on but sorry buddy, you're wrong.

Agreed. He wishes legal immigration from people who will contribute to society.

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On 9/18/2018 at 6:19 PM, Srikcir said:

US-based manufacturing will become a victim too.

  • Harley is moving manufacturing to Thailand and Europe.
  • 1,500 jobs at three Arkansas-based tire cord manufacturing plants will close their plants unless they can get relief from the Trump administration's steel tariffs.
  • Mid Continent Nail Corporation in Poplar Bluff, Missouri will have to lay off 200 workers—about 40 percent of its workforce—before Labor Day due to increased steel prices created by Trump's tariffs.


  • Washington state-based REC Silicon, which produces poly-silicon for solar equipment, laid off 100 employees as a “direct result of the ongoing solar trade dispute between China and the United States.


Turn of the century and after the usa was flourishing with tariffs.  Who in their right mind would want to complete with a country that 1) deflates it's currency 2) artificially subsidizes producers 3) pays subsistence wages with little respect for worker's rights 4) dumps toxic chemicals into the environment 5) steals patents and intellectual property?



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Everything I have read about this reciently says it is about stopping China from getting it's hands on the latest technology. Whoever has the next generation Technology will come out way ahead. China want's it and America is handing it over by the buckets for free. 

I bet this was coming for a long time and Trump just jump started it.  

A lot of people talking about it say there will be no talks with China what so ever that amounts to much. America does not want to talk they want the high tech companies to stop doing business with China period. America will keep raising the tariff's until it not profile to do business in China.

No doubt many companies will suffer in America. But, it should do a world of good for America in the long run.


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