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Banking coming next month to every 7-eleven


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OMG - yesterday I tried to pay for a THAI Smile air ticket in my local 7-11. The young assistants had no idea what to do even though I presented the printed booking reference given to me. So, they want to handle banking transactions..........oh dear! I eventually found an out of town 7-11 which efficiently completed the booking. 

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OMG - yesterday I tried to pay for a THAI Smile air ticket in my local 7-11. The young assistants had no idea what to do even though I presented the printed booking reference given to me. So, they want to handle banking transactions..........oh dear! I eventually found an out of town 7-11 which efficiently completed the booking. 
Yes, all very well offering these services but staff training is almost non existent in my experience

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26 minutes ago, fondue zoo said:

Is it true that one family has all the franchise contracts for 7/11 stores in Thailand?

yes.  ( From Wicki;  CP All PLC was established in 1988 by the Charoen Pokphand Group. The company is the sole operator of 7-Eleven convenience stores in Thailand, which has been granted exclusive rights from 7-Eleven, Inc. to conduct business under an area license agreement.  Further; CP is owned by the Chearvanont family, Asia's 4th wealthiest family )



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yes.  ( From Wicki;  CP All PLC was established in 1988 by the Charoen Pokphand Group. The company is the sole operator of 7-Eleven convenience stores in Thailand, which has been granted exclusive rights from 7-Eleven, Inc. to conduct business under an area license agreement.  Further; CP is owned by the Chearvanont family, Asia's 4th wealthiest family )


Bagsy the fit daughter

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6 hours ago, Thian said:

At the end of the month in BKK there are queue's at EVERY atm for about 30-40 people...it's terrible...

Hysteria. I've never seen 30-40 people lined up at an ATM anytime, anyplace. I've never even seen that total amount of people in front of a row of ATMs in front of a bank in one of the malls on a Friday night at the end of the month.

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Paying bills is pretty much the only business 7-11 get from me (although I delegate so not entirely sure).  If I want something from a shop I'll take the local family shop every time, both out of principle and because rarely long queues.  Top Up I do on internet.  Never figured out if I could direct debit the bills on there.  Seems a bit odd that, in this day and age.

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8 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

yes.  ( From Wicki;  CP All PLC was established in 1988 by the Charoen Pokphand Group. The company is the sole operator of 7-Eleven convenience stores in Thailand, which has been granted exclusive rights from 7-Eleven, Inc. to conduct business under an area license agreement.  Further; CP is owned by the Chearvanont family, Asia's 4th wealthiest family )



Interesting, so that is why many of the in-store products are from CP and their associated companies - almost a monopoly. CP is also a major shareholder in TRUE which makes it another associated company and that is why AIS (a rival company) was ditched by 7-11.

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Just now, Burma Bill said:

Interesting, so that is why many of the in-store products are from CP and their associated companies - almost a monopoly. CP is also a major shareholder in TRUE which makes it another associated company and that is why AIS (a rival company) was ditched by 7-11.

Well now you are beginning to get the picture.

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This is simply an excuse by the monopoly of the CP Group to take any possible profit no matter how small in this country. As this country has a weird trend of the poor are scared of the rich therefore when a giant speaks, who dares not to listen!

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I chose a bank that reimburses atm fees. An internet search may answer your question and not promote my own bank.
Appreciate you don't want to name, but are we talking apples for apples here? Reimbursent of foreign atm charge 220baht or just other thai banks charging your Thai bank and getting that reimbursed?

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31 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

The company is the sole operator of 7-Eleven convenience stores in Thailand, which has been granted exclusive rights from 7-Eleven, Inc. to conduct business under an area license agreement.

I wonder how many of this type of contract have been granted elsewhere by 7/11 Inc.   Or is it a Thailand Special.

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What is everybody so busy about that they can't wait a couple of extra minutes in line at 7-11? They are not convenience stores in the American sense. 7-11 started out as an ice house in Dallas, the Southland Company. They have always charged prices in the US sometimes 50 percent higher than in supermarkets. It's the cost of convenience. Price markups in Thailand are not anywhere near what they are in the US. Almost no 7-11s I grew up with were walk-in stores as in Thailand. The stores serve a different cultural function here. I'm happy to be able to buy airplane tickets and pay utility fees in one of the three stores within 200 meters of my house. Just sorry that when I switched to AIS for internet that I can't use 7-11 like I did with True.

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1 minute ago, zydeco said:

What is everybody so busy about that they can't wait a couple of extra minutes in line at 7-11? They are not convenience stores .......


They should be....... and they would be quicker if they staffed the tills correctly and stopped arsing about giving out pointless savings stamps and plastic straws with every drink sold.

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What????? 7/11 don't even take my Bangkok Bank debit card to buy goods? Now they are doing banking?????????

They have to know what banking is to do it. Maybe we will have an exchange? 7/11 girls and boys working at the bank and the bank workers working at 7/11 as it is the same thing.

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:


They should be....... and they would be quicker if they staffed the tills correctly and stopped arsing about giving out pointless savings stamps and plastic straws with every drink sold.

I have never been in any store in Thailand where I have had to wait for more than three or four minutes. Usually, there is nobody else there. And if there is, they will call a clerk from stacking the shelves to the front cash register. How impatient are people if they can't wait three or four minutes at the most? Don't like it? Go somewhere else. There are Mini-Big Cs, Family Mart and a few others. But they are fewer and farther between. And 7-11 stocks more. And they're open 24 hours. I just don't get why so many people want to import impatient, angry, do-it-my-way or else attitudes to Thailand.  

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15 hours ago, seajae said:

what they really need to do is have one line for all the services other than buying things from the shop itself, that way they only have to open it when someone wants to pay an account, do banking etc so that customers are not being held up when they just want to pay for store purchases

That is way to sensible for Thailand.......lol.


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11 hours ago, balo said:

Terrible news, just waiting in the ATM queue when in the beginning of the month the locals try to transfer money 10 times to their friends they owe money too .   


So if you just want to buy a bottle of water it could take forever.




I guess you could visit the ATM on another day to avoid the 'locals'.

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7 hours ago, rodney earl said:

I never use an atm here and do most of my shopping at big c. No problem. But banking at a 711 where most of the staff there seem to have trouble with more than a few items. If the bill is 212 and you give them a 500thb and a 20thb they have trouble working that one out.

I am a retired shop owner.  From time I get all optimistic and try something like that and have yet to find any retail sale assistant in the land who can do that.  They invariably hand the 20 baht note back with a pained and sympathetic look, ("What an idiot this Farang is") and then hand me a fist full of small notes & coins.  In shops that do not have a computer register we see them get calculators and pencils & paper out to calculate the total of sales like 99 baht and 29 baht.  I might offer 140 baht and say "Loy Ye Sip baht:  Sip Song baht change" and they don't even give me a funny look and say "yeah" (or whatever) like (most) shop assistants back home do. They have to do the whole thing on a calculator.  Sometimes a second calculation is necessary to work out the change.   140 - 128 = 12 baht.   I hate to think what my old Dutch bookkeeping teacher Mr Fris would do.  Probably try to put them on detention or demand to see the manager. 

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1 hour ago, Shiver said:


I'd check those numbers.

One thing that made me laugh a while back was ordering some stuff from a shop and she said (correctly) that the total was 98 baht and she'd worked it out in her head.  I gave her 100 baht.....then the calculator came out.

Yeah, yeah!  So, congratulations.  You found my deliberate mistake!  555. I am always getting baht and bat confused. Or is that baht and Baht?   So should it have been baht baht , bat baht?  I typed it right at first and then deleted one "repeat"  

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