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Begpackers in Chiang Mai Night Bazaar


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3 hours ago, Dante99 said:

For you apparently but not for me and not for many others.

It is for me. I would like to see these low lives cleared off the streets, but as I said; doubt there is much that can be done about it, it`s up to the police. Certainly not good for the image of westerners in Thailand.


My guess is that these beggars are aiming at other tourists, not Thais and why they are situated in tourist areas. Anyone that gives them money, more fool them, I wouldn`t give them the time of day.

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8 hours ago, SammyT said:



My point is it's an embarrassment to see someone who has the money to travel sitting in an area heavily populated by street vendors best described as poor asking for money so he can get home. But I suspect you knew that point already but you just looked for a reason to get outraged. 


I'd say you're more outraged than I am, but live and let live as you say

How is it you know that it is the "poor" who he is asking money from? I've visited many, many CM night markets and my observation is that it is attended by Thais well above the poverty line but more so by foreign tourists who look like they could afford a little donation if so inclined. That said, I don't agree with his fund raising campaign. But chances are, it's his little scam anyway. Probably doesn't have anything to do with a ticket home.

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7 hours ago, SammyT said:


Is it actually though? You don't think a tuktuk driver or a somtum seller who sits there making not much more than minimum wage per night doesn't look at someone like that and feeling pretty pissed off? Because I know most people in western countries would be annoyed if Asian tourists came over and then sat in the middle of a main town with a cup and a sign. They'd probably be beaten up by the homeless/desperate in NZ. 

I'd personally prefer that people were accountable for their actions as most of us are and relied on insurance/family/embassies for assistance. But that's just me 

You're sounding very bored Sammy T. Sooo many posts over something that is really none of anybody else's business.

I think the "somtum seller" really wouldn't much care. They would probably have a chuckle. But I don't think they would condemn all other races for the acts of one (probable) scammer. I sure won't be embarrassed to enjoy my next stroll through the markets (minding my own business).

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10 hours ago, SammyT said:



Immigration expect all foreigners to have enough money to support himself.


There is an infamous guy who beg all around SEA to support his travels but he was banned from entering Thailand again.


If a foreigner begs frequently (everytime in Thailand), then he's a freeloader and not a victim of circumstances.


Begging is akin to earning money without work permit which is illegal.


Yes, if somebody reported him, he will be arrested and sent home and banned from entering Thailand.


Edited by EricTh
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8 hours ago, KiChakayan said:



Read the link below, some of these beggars used the money to party with bar girls.




I wonder why they don't implement the new rule 



Edited by EricTh
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8 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Sorry OP, but you really should enjoy your life rather then feeling outraged for some guy who is obviously down on his luck.

Would you like to be in his shoes ? No ? Count your blessings then.

Money is no cure for loneliness.

No evidence that he's down on his luck. I did my first tour of S.E. Asia as a backpacker. Along the way, I met a number of other backpackers. tend to be middle class, gap year from uni or just finished uni and wanting to see the world before joining the rat race. All funded by Mummy and Daddy.


Most likely the guy had a return ticket but decided to stay on. Daddy probably told him to go home as he had a nice job in the city waiting for him. Decided to self fund by sitting outside BK pretending that he hadn't got the money for his return flight. If you'd given him money he'd have dashed into BK for a Whopper.


Would I like to be in his shoes? All his life in front of him, nice cushy, well paid job in the City waiting for him, bank of Mum and Dad financing him...…..hell yea!

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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

No evidence that he's down on his luck. I did my first tour of S.E. Asia as a backpacker. Along the way, I met a number of other backpackers. tend to be middle class, gap year from uni or just finished uni and wanting to see the world before joining the rat race. All funded by Mummy and Daddy.


Most likely the guy had a return ticket but decided to stay on. Daddy probably told him to go home as he had a nice job in the city waiting for him. Decided to self fund by sitting outside BK pretending that he hadn't got the money for his return flight. If you'd given him money he'd have dashed into BK for a Whopper.


Would I like to be in his shoes? All his life in front of him, nice cushy, well paid job in the City waiting for him, bank of Mum and Dad financing him...…..hell yea!

Yes, sure, begging in the night bazar must be the dream of every rich young man :coffee1:

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15 minutes ago, lemonjelly said:

Had you put as much effort to chat with him to ascertain the circumstances that brought him to his present predicament as you have in posting and responding to various replies, then your original post might have been considerably more interesting to read. Maybe he’s had his passport stolen, there’s so many different possibilities that are often beyond one’s control.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Do you really think that he'd have told you the truth? If you speak to him , he'll immediately have you down as a mark and the BS will flow. If he'd lost his passport or had no return ticket he'd have gone straight to his embassy for help.

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12 minutes ago, Spidey said:
17 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

Yes, sure, begging in the night bazar must be the dream of every rich young man :coffee1:


Actually, it is. All part of the "experience", something to BS the grandchildren with. 

Maybe possible but unlikely.

btw, i don't like see foreigners begging in Thailand as a way of life, but , suppose he's been robbed of everything and needs some money to travel to his embassy.. What should he do ?

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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Maybe possible but unlikely.

btw, i don't like see foreigners begging in Thailand as a way of life, but , suppose he's been robbed of everything and needs some money to travel to his embassy.. What should he do ?

What's the cost of a minivan to Bangkok from Chiang Mai? 300 baht? Enough money for 2 or 3 decent meals at a stall? 200 baht? Total 500 baht to get him to his embassy in Bangkok. Quite possible that his country has a consulate in Chiang Mai.


Personally, I would have thought about all that before I ran out of money. Down to my last 1k baht? Next bus to Bangkok.

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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:

What's the cost of a minivan to Bangkok from Chiang Mai? 300 baht? Enough money for 2 or 3 decent meals at a stall? 200 baht? Total 500 baht to get him to his embassy in Bangkok. Quite possible that his country has a consulate in Chiang Mai.


Personally, I would have thought about all that before I ran out of money. Down to my last 1k baht? Next bus to Bangkok.

Maybe he is not as clever as you, you know, young people do silly things.

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2 minutes ago, Spidey said:


Particularly when Mummy and Daddy have wiped their backsides for them all their lives. No sympathy from me.

Ok, you can start a 'beggar extermination campaign' then, i'm done on this subject :biggrin:

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Just now, mauGR1 said:

Ok, you can start a 'beggar extermination campaign' then, i'm done on this subject :biggrin:


Not a "beggar extermination campaign". No need, if he'd tried this in Pattaya, a group of nearby MTB guys would have done the job for me.


Seriously though, I would have talked to him, given him the advice I outlined, Googled the nearest point of contact for his Embassy and sent him on his way.

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9 hours ago, SammyT said:


Is it actually though? You don't think a tuktuk driver or a somtum seller who sits there making not much more than minimum wage per night doesn't look at someone like that and feeling pretty pissed off? Because I know most people in western countries would be annoyed if Asian tourists came over and then sat in the middle of a main town with a cup and a sign. They'd probably be beaten up by the homeless/desperate in NZ. 

I'd personally prefer that people were accountable for their actions as most of us are and relied on insurance/family/embassies for assistance. But that's just me 

I think the Tuk Tuk drivers,Somtum sellers ,will not be pissed off in the least,

just mind their own business ,unlike you,best not to criticize anyone you don't

know,and the circumstances they are living under, BUT if it makes you feel


regards worgeordie

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9 hours ago, SammyT said:


I would have thought BK was a pretty well renowned initials for Burger King. The one right in the middle. I wouldn't make a special trip if I were you. He was definitely there - I'm not in the business of making up stories to get attention on here. Was merely highlighting my annoyance at people like that. Clearly others don't share the same views, and that's cool. I guess some people are more compassionate than me. 

Or more gullible.  Hope they weren't Kiwis!

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1 hour ago, EricTh said:


Read the link below, some of these beggars used the money to party with bar girls.




I wonder why they don't implement the new rule 




In my opinion the 20,000 fall short by miles. I reckon it should be 5000 per day of stay for a single, and 2500 for any partner/family member thereafter. The problem is that it could be difficult to enforce, as well as cumbersome for the travellers. Alternatively, if no cash could be shown, a visa issue on the ground of current employment and income could be required. Nothing really new, since Thai tourists are being scrutinised in this fashion when they enter our countries...

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The funniest one I saw was a Ukraenian couple with a real live baby. The "Husband" was pimping the hot blond mom at Spicy and yellow bars. Another eastern Euro woman was sent to walk around with the cute baby during the daytime to beg for milk money for "my baby" I saw her hassling tourists in front of Suriwonse hotel. Totally human trafficking.


 One American trash girl came to me at 7-11 in front of Kad Suan Kaew and asked for 180 baht for a "dorm room". One look at her I could tell she had met the local yabba dealer already. I said I would give her 300 baht to clean my condo. She said something rude and walked away. These Foreigners who approach on the street asking for money are all liars.


Edited by ChiangMaiLightning2143
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I am a proud backpacker traveler, everything I travel with for 6 months at a time fits neatly in my Osprey which is of carry-on size for flying. My freinds marvel at how little material goods I get by with. Oh, once I land somewhere for awhile I buy more clothes which result in my also carrying a hand duffle, but then I purge before flying to another country.


I watch with amusement those with big pieces of luggage, hands full, waiting at the baggage carousels, paying a lot more than me, waiting a lot longer than i... Just to jump in a taxi and take all the little boxes to a hotel and store them. Seems like a pretty limited way to travel imho.


 So much easier to store just one item, fitting in small lockers and such, so much cheaper to fly with, and never having to deal with that airport carousel luggage experience, so much easier to use mass transit with a backpack, so much easier just to keep track of just one thing. And not much to lose if it disappears.


I like my hands free when walking down the street too, ready for anything and so much easier. Luggage and the lifestyle that accompanies it is not for me. Those who make fun of the backpacker lifestyle have limited imaginations.


I also travel with plenty of funds. And there's no end to the savings that a backpacker enjoys. I'd rather spend my money on food and travel than luggage and the handling of it.


To respond to the original post though, yes the concept of going to another country to beg is sad. No, it's not legal either, and I just read about some falang getting arrested for doing it in southern Thailand.


But to equate backpacking with begging is silly.

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Thats very funny. People who WILL NOT work for a living and survive by grifting are trash.

If they put enough effort into finding a job as they do to cheating people they would be very successful.

You need to look back to your Yoga and Veggie teachings and realize saying nasty things to fellow netizens

on the internet is not helpful for other living beings  and karmically negative.

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2 minutes ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

Thats very funny. People who WILL NOT work for a living and survive by grifting are trash.

If they put enough effort into finding a job as they do to cheating people they would be very successful.

You need to look back to your Yoga and Veggie teachings and realize saying nasty things to fellow netizens

on the internet is not helpful for other living beings  and karmically negative.

Now, now, stop beating around the bush, and let us know what you really think about young hippie begpackers :biggrin:

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7 hours ago, Kadilo said:

because their culture is a mile apart from your attitude towards the possibly needy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Last time I checked, the "needy" weren't backpacking around a foreign country. They were in their own country struggling to make ends meet. 

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