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Trump court pick tearfully denies woman's sexual assault allegation


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13 minutes ago, Spidey said:


It's clear that the agenda for both sides is political in the extreme. The President for nominating his stooge in the first place and the Democrats for trumping up (no pun intended) reasons for turning the nomination down.


However, if the nomination is eventually refused, it can only be good for the American Justice System, which should NEVER be politicised.


Yes I agree and have never stated otherwise. Take this process OUT of politics but we are where we are NOW.

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17 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

So how come Neil Gorsuch's confirmation didn't need any of this dripping, white-male entitlement to succeed? He's from exactly the same time-frame, era, no?


White male?  how did that get in here?  there is nothing to do with race in this or gender.  BTW I was just as vehement when the GOP derailed Obama's pick who, I thought, was a good choice. 

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3 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


Then you have not looked very hard. I replied to another posters who claimed the same very recently. I am a member of the British Labour Party holding office earlier in my life. I am pro-choice, pro-marijuana, anti-corporates, pro-equal rights for all and pro- getting rid of the electoral college.  Most of all I am pro-fairness and anti politics in judicial processes.

Pro choice, and pro-equal rights ARE big D Democratic policies.


Pro-marijuana, anti-corporate, and eliminating the electoral college are not.


So "many" has now become "two".


Your past doesn't interest me in the least and is about the same quality of evidence as Kavanaugh's calendar.


Also wouldn't a staunch "equal-rights" supporter want a full FBI investigation to prevent the possibility of putting a tainted judge on the Supreme Court?

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1 hour ago, helpisgood said:




Maybe the Republicans are wary of what may be revealed about Kavanaugh's school life.


I've had various FBI backround checks for one security clearance or another. Doesn't seem too great a burden to impose on a would be Supreme Court justice.

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12 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Pro choice, and pro-equal rights ARE big D Democratic policies.


Pro-marijuana, anti-corporate, and eliminating the electoral college are not.


So "many" has now become "two".


Your past doesn't interest me in the least and is about the same quality of evidence as Kavanaugh's calendar.


Also wouldn't a staunch "equal-rights" supporter want a full FBI investigation to prevent the possibility of putting a tainted judge on the Supreme Court?


You are so wrong there buddy. But no point flogging a dead horse with a closed mind. Have a nice day we agree to disagree.

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5 minutes ago, NaamGin said:

After an emotional day of testimony on Capitol Hill, a late Thursday report from Townhall citing a Senate insider reveals that Brett Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and will be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court


It appears the 11th hour character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh failed. The Dims tried it with Clarance Thomas and Robert Bork, so they thought they would dust off the old playbook since after all, we are in the #MeToo generation where facts, evidence and proof mean nothing. Especially when you get the opportunity to destroy a man's career and family with false, unverifiable accusations that would never make it into court because of lack of evidence. All because he has a different political ideology than yours. 


Congrats though to the Dims for a spirited fight, you have raised conservatives interest in the mid-terms by about 12 points. You want to stack the courts, then go win some elections, if you can. 


Welcome to the SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh.

From their own blurb: "Townhall is the top source for conservative news..."


Hahhaha... one conservative news outlet is reporting it... must be done deal.

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7 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I've had various FBI backround checks for one security clearance or another. Doesn't seem too great a burden to impose on a would be Supreme Court justice.


That is true and would be a great idea if they had not hidden this to play their political games. 45 days or so ago "FBI report" sound right and Im sure most would have supported it. Now?  just a delaying tactic.

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1 minute ago, BobBKK said:


That is true and would be a great idea if they had not hidden this to play their political games. 45 days or so ago "FBI report" sound right and Im sure most would have supported it. Now?  just a delaying tactic.


Given the partisan divide, I somehow doubt anything would garner a "most would have supported" reaction, regardless of what you're sure of. Trump supporters seem to have no issues discrediting and doubting reports by security agencies - so long as it serves to protect the Don.

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21 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I've had various FBI backround checks for one security clearance or another. Doesn't seem too great a burden to impose on a would be Supreme Court justice.


12 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


That is true and would be a great idea if they had not hidden this to play their political games. 45 days or so ago "FBI report" sound right and Im sure most would have supported it. Now?  just a delaying tactic.

Soooo... quashing "political games" is more important than making the right decision in the long run? What an odd opinion.

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13 minutes ago, NaamGin said:


Kavanaugh has been though 5 or 6 complete FBI background checks over the years he has been in public service. Not one found any inclination of the claims being made against him. One more would do the trick I guess, especially when you consider that everyone named as a witness to these events has made statements to the contrary. 

Except that it seems clear that he lied (or at the very least "misled") in two of those previous appointment hearings in 2004 and 2006 to protect himself.

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46 minutes ago, NaamGin said:

After an emotional day of testimony on Capitol Hill, a late Thursday report from Townhall citing a Senate insider reveals that Brett Kavanaugh has the votes to make it out of committee and will be confirmed on the floor for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court


It appears the 11th hour character assassination of Judge Kavanaugh failed. The Dims tried it with Clarance Thomas and Robert Bork, so they thought they would dust off the old playbook since after all, we are in the #MeToo generation where facts, evidence and proof mean nothing. Especially when you get the opportunity to destroy a man's career and family with false, unverifiable accusations that would never make it into court because of lack of evidence. All because he has a different political ideology than yours. 


Congrats though to the Dims for a spirited fight, you have raised conservatives interest in the mid-terms by about 12 points. You want to stack the courts, then go win some elections, if you can. 


Welcome to the SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh.


The origin of your claim appears to be a Bulgarian stockbroker, are you sure you are this confident in what this foreigner says someone told him?

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5 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:


I don't follow, which do you think we are seeing here, the shortage of quality people resulting in a sex pest being nominated, or a brave person being attacked with an unfounded allegation?  Of course the reason there is a shortage of quality people is nothing to do with who is actually available, it is due to Trump sacking his transition team on Jareds request and choosing to run the appointments themselves, something they are clearly incapable of doing, hence why they keep selecting people with embarrassing or criminal histories.

Birds of a feather?

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1 minute ago, digger70 said:

Hang on now ,,Fair suck of the sav,,, Why wait 36 yrs to accuse maybe the Wrong Person. Should've Reported the Allegation and maybe supplied some DNA and /or some evidence and the Witness she said that was There. Can't Proof Anything Now.

Come on dude!! Even multiple Fox News hosts have declared her a credible witness. Your lack of insight into sexual assault psychology doesn't prove anything... but an investigation could... Why not?

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The unfortunate fact is she is a Democrat and never hid that fact.


But unfortunately America is divided with republican believing: it never happened,  boys will be boys, she is just laying s**t on Republicans.


He is damaged goods, while he has a high profile he will be a target for further allegations.


By supporting him the Republicans will be shooting themselves in the foot, they will not have a leg to stand on as Trump has already shoot the other foot off...

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5 hours ago, utalkin2me said:

Ford does not have a pattern of unusual or reckless behavior. She is just going to come out of the woodwork now, and turn her life upsidedown with nothing to gain? That explination makes no sense.  Then you have the coorborative stories that bolster her claim. 


This guy is a scumbag. The country is filled with successful, power hungry, narsicistic scumbags, this isn't surprising at all. 


This guy is done. Stick a fork in him. Forget the supreme court buddy, you should feel lucky if you are not in a jail cellmafter this. 

Really? Funny how all the woman claiming to be sexually assaulted are Democrats. ????

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