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Netanyahu, in U.N. speech, claims secret Iranian nuclear site


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Netanyahu, in U.N. speech, claims secret Iranian nuclear site

By John Irish and Arshad Mohammed



Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters in New York, U.S., September 27, 2018. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri


UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday described what he said was a secret atomic warehouse in Tehran and accused Europe of appeasing Iran as he sought to rally support for U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic.


Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Netanyahu showed an aerial photograph of the Iranian capital marked with a red arrow and pointed to what he said was a previously secret warehouse holding nuclear-related material. He argued this showed Iran still sought to obtain nuclear weapons, despite its 2015 agreement with world powers to curb its program in exchange for loosening of sanctions.


Netanyahu spoke 4-1/2 months after U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the accord, arguing it did too little to rein in Tehran's nuclear ambitions and triggering the resumption of U.S. economic sanctions on Iran.


Netanyahu said the site contained some 15 kg (33 pounds) of radioactive material that has since been moved, and called on the U.N. atomic agency to inspect the location immediately with Geiger counters.


"I am disclosing for the first time that Iran has another secret facility in Tehran, a secret atomic warehouse for storing massive amounts of equipment and materiel from Iran's secret nuclear program," Netanyahu said.


The world will laugh at Netanyahu's claims, Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said, according to Fars News.


"The world will only laugh loudly at this type of false, meaningless and unnecessary speech and false shows," Qassemi said.


Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that there should be more scrutiny on Israel's nuclear program.


"No arts & craft show will ever obfuscate that Israel is only regime in our region with a *secret* and *undeclared* nuclear weapons program - including an *actual atomic arsenal*. Time for Israel to fess up and open its illegal nuclear weapons program to international inspectors," Zarif tweeted.


Israel has pushed the United States toward isolation, Zarif said, according to the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).


"In recent days we've seen how much the policies that Netanyahu has imposed on America has isolated them in the General Assembly and Security Council," Zarif said, according to IRNA. "Now see when they can pull America to this level of isolation how isolated they are themselves."


Netanyahu did not identify the material nor specifically suggest that Iran had actively violated the nuclear deal.


An outspoken opponent of the deal, Netanyahu has previously made allegations about Iran's nuclear activities that are difficult or impossible to verify, including presenting a cartoon bomb to the General Assembly in 2012 warning of how close Tehran was to producing a nuclear device.


In April, Netanyahu presented what he said was evidence of a large secret archive of documents related to Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons program at a different site in Tehran.


He said Israeli agents removed vast amounts of documents from that site. At the time, Iran said the documents were fake.


In a speech in which he said relatively little about efforts to achieve peace with the Palestinians, Netanyahu said Iran had since begun moving items out of the second site.


"Since we raided the atomic archive, they've been busy cleaning out the atomic warehouse. Just last month they removed 15 kilograms of radioactive material. You know what they did with it?" he said. "They took it out and they spread it around Tehran in an effort to hide the evidence."


He said Iranian officials still had a lot of work to do because there were some 15 shipping containers full of nuclear-related equipment and materials stored at the second site.


"This site contained as much as 300 tonnes - 300 tonnes - of nuclear-related equipment and materiel," he said.


Under the nuclear deal struck by Iran and six major powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States - Tehran agreed to limit its nuclear program in return for relief from U.S. and other economic sanctions.


The International Atomic Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly said Tehran was abiding by its commitments to the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), including in a document reviewed by Reuters on Aug. 30.


France, Britain, Germany, China and Russia have stayed in the pact, vowing to save it despite the restoration of U.S. sanctions and this week discussing a barter mechanism they hope may allow Iran to circumvent the U.S. measures.


Netanyahu criticized Europe for doing so in unusually harsh language that evoked European nations' initial failure to confront Nazi Germany in the 1930s.


"While the United States is confronting Iran with new sanctions, Europe and others are appeasing Iran by trying to help it bypass those new sanctions," Netanyahu said.


A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the United States is aware of the facility Netanyahu announced and described it as a "warehouse" used to store "records and archives" from Iran’s nuclear program.


A second U.S. intelligence official called Netanyahu’s comments "somewhat misleading. First, we have known about this facility for some time, and it’s full of file cabinets and paper, not aluminium tubes for centrifuges, and second, so far as anyone knows, there is nothing in it that would allow Iran to break out of the JCPOA any faster than it otherwise could."


The Israeli leader also lambasted Iran's ballistic missile activity, identifying three locations near Beirut airport where he said Lebanon's Hezbollah was converting missiles.


"In Lebanon, Iran is directing Hezbollah to build secret sites to convert inaccurate projectiles into precision-guided missiles, missiles that can target deep inside Israel within an accuracy of 10 metres (yards)," he said.


The IAEA and Hezbollah were not immediately available for comment.


The Israeli military released a video clip and photos of what it said were Hezbollah Shi'ite militia rocket building sites in Lebanon, shortly after Netanyahu's address.


(Reporting by John Irish, Arshad Mohammed, Yara Bayoumy and Michelle Nichols at the United Nations, Jonathan Landay and John Walcott in Washington, Laila Bassam in Beirut, Francois Murphy in Vienna; Babak Dehghanpisheh in Geneva; Editing by James Dalgleish, Cynthia Osterman and Jonathan Oatis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-28
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39 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Unfortunately, the world hate jews and Israel, been going on for thousand of years with many  numbskulls who says that Israel hate muslims and others with yet the regurgitating the same diatribe of hatred diarrhea over and over,  

The speech by the prime minister at the General Assembly was directed not only against the Iranians, but against their collaborators in Europe and the UN who prefer to be naive. The series of lies presented by Abu Mazen only intensified the impression left by Netanyahu's well-meaning words with determined American backing. For the first time, •

On the platform of the United Nations General Assembly, an organization whose democratic states are a minority and the truth is pushed aside too many times, Prime Minister Netanyahu stood up yesterday and presented truth, not his "truth," but rather the truth.

While European leaders are behaving like the three famous monkeys who do not see, hear or speak, Netanyahu reminds us that Israel sees everything, hears everything and acts and acts everywhere. Now the Israeli government has to go out with the American administration on a journey in European capitals and demand that Merkel, MaCron and May confront the intelligence findings and explain why they continue to go hand in hand with the Iranians, as if nothing has happened. 

Netanyahu's speech began shortly after the annual speech of lies and incitement by Abu Abbas. There was nothing new in the speech of the head of the Palestinian Authority, who this year was careful not to march toward mediation and understanding, but instead focused on radicalizing positions. 

While Netanyahu presented the truth, Abu Abbas presented lies, distortions and half-truths and tried to inflame and incite the entire Palestinian and Muslim public in relation to the capital of Israel, the prayer times at the Al-Aqsa mosque, the assassin Yigal Amir and the situation on the ground. 

Abu Abbas broke new records this year by harming his people and continued to escape direct and effective negotiations, while Israel and the United States set facts on the ground based on reality, namely that Israel is an existing fact with Jerusalem as its capital.


A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page

Netanyahu's speech this year was carried out in a new era, when Israel no longer stands alone in the United Nations and tells the truth about this body: In the past, the United States defended Israel, but the Trump government increases and challenges the incitement and unilateral decisions against Israel, Of the UN. 

In the past two years, the United States has begun to remove the masks from the international community and organizations such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and UNESCO. When the world's greatest superpower is at the side of logic, common sense, and truth, for the first time one can be optimistic that the threat from Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah can be solved by political means and not only by military means...



This rather obviously (see "A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page") sourced (if edited) rather than an original contribution. Link?

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

Unfortunately, the world hate jews and Israel, been going on for thousand of years with many  numbskulls who says that Israel hate muslims and others with yet the regurgitating the same diatribe of hatred diarrhea over and over,  

The speech by the prime minister at the General Assembly was directed not only against the Iranians, but against their collaborators in Europe and the UN who prefer to be naive. The series of lies presented by Abu Mazen only intensified the impression left by Netanyahu's well-meaning words with determined American backing. For the first time, •

On the platform of the United Nations General Assembly, an organization whose democratic states are a minority and the truth is pushed aside too many times, Prime Minister Netanyahu stood up yesterday and presented truth, not his "truth," but rather the truth.

While European leaders are behaving like the three famous monkeys who do not see, hear or speak, Netanyahu reminds us that Israel sees everything, hears everything and acts and acts everywhere. Now the Israeli government has to go out with the American administration on a journey in European capitals and demand that Merkel, MaCron and May confront the intelligence findings and explain why they continue to go hand in hand with the Iranians, as if nothing has happened. 

Netanyahu's speech began shortly after the annual speech of lies and incitement by Abu Abbas. There was nothing new in the speech of the head of the Palestinian Authority, who this year was careful not to march toward mediation and understanding, but instead focused on radicalizing positions. 

While Netanyahu presented the truth, Abu Abbas presented lies, distortions and half-truths and tried to inflame and incite the entire Palestinian and Muslim public in relation to the capital of Israel, the prayer times at the Al-Aqsa mosque, the assassin Yigal Amir and the situation on the ground. 

Abu Abbas broke new records this year by harming his people and continued to escape direct and effective negotiations, while Israel and the United States set facts on the ground based on reality, namely that Israel is an existing fact with Jerusalem as its capital.


A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page

Netanyahu's speech this year was carried out in a new era, when Israel no longer stands alone in the United Nations and tells the truth about this body: In the past, the United States defended Israel, but the Trump government increases and challenges the incitement and unilateral decisions against Israel, Of the UN. 

In the past two years, the United States has begun to remove the masks from the international community and organizations such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and UNESCO. When the world's greatest superpower is at the side of logic, common sense, and truth, for the first time one can be optimistic that the threat from Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah can be solved by political means and not only by military means...


'These are my principles , and if you don't like them, well, I have others.... Groucho Marx' I should look for the others. if I were Netanyahu.

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8 hours ago, keith101 said:

Israel is just a Muslim hating nation and will do and say anything to produce more hate towards them when the extremists are less than 1% of the peoples of Islamic nations , i think the Israelis are more violent than anyone else and believe that they are the master race just like Hitler thought the blue eyed blonde Germans were . 

Agree with you and admire your guts to bring it on (here).

But allow me to warn for the 1%. The wealthy 1% get their way (world domination) and I hope that doesn't go for the extremists.

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

Unfortunately, the world hate jews and Israel, been going on for thousand of years with many  numbskulls who says that Israel hate muslims and others with yet the regurgitating the same diatribe of hatred diarrhea over and over,  

The speech by the prime minister at the General Assembly was directed not only against the Iranians, but against their collaborators in Europe and the UN who prefer to be naive. The series of lies presented by Abu Mazen only intensified the impression left by Netanyahu's well-meaning words with determined American backing. For the first time, •

On the platform of the United Nations General Assembly, an organization whose democratic states are a minority and the truth is pushed aside too many times, Prime Minister Netanyahu stood up yesterday and presented truth, not his "truth," but rather the truth.

While European leaders are behaving like the three famous monkeys who do not see, hear or speak, Netanyahu reminds us that Israel sees everything, hears everything and acts and acts everywhere. Now the Israeli government has to go out with the American administration on a journey in European capitals and demand that Merkel, MaCron and May confront the intelligence findings and explain why they continue to go hand in hand with the Iranians, as if nothing has happened. 

Netanyahu's speech began shortly after the annual speech of lies and incitement by Abu Abbas. There was nothing new in the speech of the head of the Palestinian Authority, who this year was careful not to march toward mediation and understanding, but instead focused on radicalizing positions. 

While Netanyahu presented the truth, Abu Abbas presented lies, distortions and half-truths and tried to inflame and incite the entire Palestinian and Muslim public in relation to the capital of Israel, the prayer times at the Al-Aqsa mosque, the assassin Yigal Amir and the situation on the ground. 

Abu Abbas broke new records this year by harming his people and continued to escape direct and effective negotiations, while Israel and the United States set facts on the ground based on reality, namely that Israel is an existing fact with Jerusalem as its capital.


A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page

Netanyahu's speech this year was carried out in a new era, when Israel no longer stands alone in the United Nations and tells the truth about this body: In the past, the United States defended Israel, but the Trump government increases and challenges the incitement and unilateral decisions against Israel, Of the UN. 

In the past two years, the United States has begun to remove the masks from the international community and organizations such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and UNESCO. When the world's greatest superpower is at the side of logic, common sense, and truth, for the first time one can be optimistic that the threat from Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah can be solved by political means and not only by military means...


The world hates Zionists and therefore Israel. The red card for anti semitism is easily drawn.

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6 hours ago, Morch said:


This rather obviously (see "A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page") sourced (if edited) rather than an original contribution. Link?

The Irak MO? Here we go again.

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9 hours ago, dexterm said:

This is like deja vu all over again.
Netanyahu is hypocritically softening the allies up for another hunt for non existent WMD.

When of course the only country in the Middle East that does possess nuclear weapons is Israel, which the USA conveniently turns a blind eye to.

Exactly and they should be sanctioned for it, same as N korea

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On the topic, I have no idea if such a site exists or not. However, it's very obvious that after the Bush Iraq WMD fiasco, the world is justifiably very skeptical of such claims. The trouble with that is that someday such claims are going to be true but because of skepticism people won't believe it. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why would Israel not exist without nukes?

Most countries in this world exist without nukes, why not Israel?

And if Israel needs them to defend themselves why should Iran and other countries not be allowed to have similar weapons to defend themselves?

I am sure if Iran would own working nuclear weapons to defend themselves that would make it a lot less likely that Israel or the USA would bomb them (or just little parts of their country).


What is so special about Israel that they should be treated like the good guys who would never ever hurt anybody else?

Israel has a right to exist and to defend themselves. Like Palestine and Iran and other people have that right.

Don't be so naïve or disingenuous, whatever applies.

Israel is surrounded by enemies with much greater numbers. Has been from day one. 

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

You need to read the Bible. They are the true God's chosen people but how He has put up with them for all of the times they have betrayed Him, only He knows why.

And the Bible says they originated from east of the Euphrates so they are the same as arabs.

Yes, right, the original semites, not the Kazar 'Jews' from the West.

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19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Don't be so naïve or disingenuous, whatever applies.

Israel is surrounded by enemies with much greater numbers. Has been from day one. 

And  apart  from people who Israel  forced out of occupation and wish to  return which "enemy" country has  ever tried  to  take Israel out? Reaction  to  expansionism does 

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Did Netanyahu also mention all the fully functioning nuclear weapons which are ready to launch in Israel?

They are obviously no secret to anyone but Israel and others still pretend they don't exist.


I like the idea about a world without nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu can show that he is serious and publish where exactly which nuclear weapons are in Israel. And a plan when they will be destroyed. I am sure that would impress Iran and other countries in that area.

But Israel complaining about other countries unfinished nuclear weapons while hording functioning nuclear weapons themselves won't impress anybody.


It's time that the world treats Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons like they would treat any other country with such weapons. Harsh sanctions are a good start.


You can pretend to be "sure" of whatever. Doesn't make your opinion even remotely credible or supported by much.


I don't see any sanctions coming up on India, for example. But feel free to invent some.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Why would Israel not exist without nukes?

Most countries in this world exist without nukes, why not Israel?

And if Israel needs them to defend themselves why should Iran and other countries not be allowed to have similar weapons to defend themselves?

I am sure if Iran would own working nuclear weapons to defend themselves that would make it a lot less likely that Israel or the USA would bomb them (or just little parts of their country).


What is so special about Israel that they should be treated like the good guys who would never ever hurt anybody else?

Israel has a right to exist and to defend themselves. Like Palestine and Iran and other people have that right.


Most countries are not involved in long-standing conflicts with neighbors who outnumber them.


Most countries that own nukes are not into giving them up.


The idea at the core of non-proliferation is to limit further spread of such weapons. Your nonsense approach runs counter to that. From a partisan point of view, your position is understandable - from a wider perspective, unacceptable. If you feel that increasing the number of nuclear arms is the way forward, then guess its just another instance of partisanship trumping everything else, including reason.


Israel's ownership of nuclear weapons could be objected to, for good reasons. It doesn't follow, however, that accepting other countries having them as well is a good idea.

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56 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

And  apart  from people who Israel  forced out of occupation and wish to  return which "enemy" country has  ever tried  to  take Israel out? Reaction  to  expansionism does 


At various times - Syria, Jordan, Egypt, aided by others. You may want to refresh your knowledge before justifying your handle. In this context, Iran is in the habit of issuing belligerent statements and threats in Israel's direction on a pretty routine basis.

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

Why can the US, France and the UK have nukes only????


And...The Netherlands have nukes too. Storage facility only?


Yeah, because Russia, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea don't have them. Troll on.

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1 hour ago, hugocnx said:

Yes, right, the original semites, not the Kazar 'Jews' from the West.

That theory about the Jews was created by the soviets and remains unproven. It came about because the leader of the Khazars was asked to choose between the Muslim nations to the south and Russian to the north. So he opted for Judaism. But there's very little archaeological or cultural evidence to show that a significant percentage of the population ever converted to Judaism. 

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11 hours ago, ezzra said:

Unfortunately, the world hate jews and Israel, been going on for thousand of years with many  numbskulls who says that Israel hate muslims and others with yet the regurgitating the same diatribe of hatred diarrhea over and over,  

The speech by the prime minister at the General Assembly was directed not only against the Iranians, but against their collaborators in Europe and the UN who prefer to be naive. The series of lies presented by Abu Mazen only intensified the impression left by Netanyahu's well-meaning words with determined American backing. For the first time, •

On the platform of the United Nations General Assembly, an organization whose democratic states are a minority and the truth is pushed aside too many times, Prime Minister Netanyahu stood up yesterday and presented truth, not his "truth," but rather the truth.

While European leaders are behaving like the three famous monkeys who do not see, hear or speak, Netanyahu reminds us that Israel sees everything, hears everything and acts and acts everywhere. Now the Israeli government has to go out with the American administration on a journey in European capitals and demand that Merkel, MaCron and May confront the intelligence findings and explain why they continue to go hand in hand with the Iranians, as if nothing has happened. 

Netanyahu's speech began shortly after the annual speech of lies and incitement by Abu Abbas. There was nothing new in the speech of the head of the Palestinian Authority, who this year was careful not to march toward mediation and understanding, but instead focused on radicalizing positions. 

While Netanyahu presented the truth, Abu Abbas presented lies, distortions and half-truths and tried to inflame and incite the entire Palestinian and Muslim public in relation to the capital of Israel, the prayer times at the Al-Aqsa mosque, the assassin Yigal Amir and the situation on the ground. 

Abu Abbas broke new records this year by harming his people and continued to escape direct and effective negotiations, while Israel and the United States set facts on the ground based on reality, namely that Israel is an existing fact with Jerusalem as its capital.


A satellite image of the Iranian nuclear arsenal Photo: Benjamin Netanyahu's Twitter page

Netanyahu's speech this year was carried out in a new era, when Israel no longer stands alone in the United Nations and tells the truth about this body: In the past, the United States defended Israel, but the Trump government increases and challenges the incitement and unilateral decisions against Israel, Of the UN. 

In the past two years, the United States has begun to remove the masks from the international community and organizations such as the Human Rights Council, UNRWA and UNESCO. When the world's greatest superpower is at the side of logic, common sense, and truth, for the first time one can be optimistic that the threat from Iran and its satellites like Hezbollah can be solved by political means and not only by military means...


Yes. But from the sattelite image i can only see 3.4kg and not 15 as they said....

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