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Mum’s plea after ‘big-hearted’ son, 29, who rescues Thai dogs, struck with brain tumour and needs £15,000 to fly home


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14 minutes ago, Pepper9187 said:


I think he was probably talking about the standard europe assistance insurance that you can purchase for cheap, it's limited to 3 months - 3 days or something like this , but yes, you also have real travel insurances which can cover you much longer.



My complimentary platinum master is 6 months , gold is 3 months. And that’s the free ones. ????

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   That is travel insurance though , that doesnt cover living in another country


Define living, if you return home and take out s new policy every 6 or 12 months, each new policy is valid as you travelling.

 And I used mine for major shoulder surgery, all covered.


now I could not use it as I Am no longer a resident of my home country, been away for too long, but first about 5 years was ok as I was often traveling back home

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   That is travel insurance though , that doesnt cover living in another country


Define living, if you return home and take out s new policy every 6 or 12 months, each new policy is valid as you travelling.

 And I used mine for major shoulder surgery, all covered.


now I could not use it as I Am no longer a resident of my home country, been away for too long, but first about 5 years was ok as I was often traveling back home

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British man facing £100,000 bill after falling ill in Thailand without insurance

By Lucy Middleton



George Gannon, pictured with girlfriend Natalie Hobbs, woke up on September 25 unable to speak or move his legs (Picture: Caters News Agency)


A British man who fell ill in Thailand is now at risk of being stranded on an island after his hospital costs went into the thousands.


George Gannon, 29, awoke on September 25 to find that he had lost the ability to speak and move his legs.


The social media consultant and DJ, who has lived in Thailand since 2014, was then diagnosed with a malignant brain tumour and rushed to hospital in Koh Samui by ambulance boat.


Now George, originally from Basingstoke, is facing mounting medical bills, including at least £600 a day for his treatment and £3,500 for an operation, as he doesn’t have health insurance.


Full Story: https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/01/british-man-facing-100000-bill-after-falling-ill-in-thailand-without-insurance-7993797/

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10 minutes ago, car720 said:

someone please enlighten me as to what insurance everyone is talking about?  Not Travel Insurance, that's for sure.  Does anyone seriously believe that a Thai insurance company would pay up?

Yes they do. My dad lives there and has had quite a few claims on his insurance policy.


i lives there and we made a claim through AIA I believe for my sons treatment.

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When I had my first health insurrance made in Bangkok, the company asked me just to say no to all previous illness.

I asked why they wanted me to lie and they told me that the insurrance companies do not share information so they can not find out.....

Later after 1 year they forgot to renew the insurrance but they did charge my credit card.....

Now I only stick to my Thai social sequirty at a private hospital in BKK. Great free service and free medicine.... 432 Baht/Month

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So working in Thailand he now expects free UK NHS treatment. I think there is a criteria for entitlement if you have been out of the UK for some time?high expectations of being British and the "rights" demanded.  Certainly the costs do sound high for daily treatment.... And other hospitals would be less but I suspect moving now maybe difficult. I do feel sorry for this young man and hope he recovers. Pleased to see how Thailand has managed to save his life .... With previous medical conditions there is always a risk .. The dice rolled wrong this time .

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1 hour ago, car720 said:

and a friend of mine, aged 32, dropped dead of a heart attack in my lounge room in Kalasin.  When it hits it hits and that's it.

I hate people who have smart arse quips when it is not happening to them.

spot on i cannot get insurance but have money in the bank to cover me just in case.sorry to hear about you friend my condolences to you and his family 

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1 hour ago, car720 said:

someone please enlighten me as to what insurance everyone is talking about?  Not Travel Insurance, that's for sure.  Does anyone seriously believe that a Thai insurance company would pay up?

Yes - they would. BUPA and several others. I have heard one case that according to the insured they did not pay. but also many cases where they do. 

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1 hour ago, car720 said:

someone please enlighten me as to what insurance everyone is talking about?  Not Travel Insurance, that's for sure.  Does anyone seriously believe that a Thai insurance company would pay up?

Quite interested in examples of Health Insurance companies in Thailand in not honouring their policies. 

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1 hour ago, malcoml said:

Yes they do. My dad lives there and has had quite a few claims on his insurance policy.


i lives there and we made a claim through AIA I believe for my sons treatment.

Yes, they pay up and then refuse to renew the contract. At least that is what happened to me.

I am actually signing a new contract with AIA today. I hope I never have to use it though.


I think it is essential to have medical insurance as you never know when something will happen to you. Only yesterday, was my sister-in-law diagnosed with a brain tumour.

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1 hour ago, Ron19 said:

A mate of mine had exactly the same thing happen to him. Preparing to represent his state in a national sporting competition, one day fine the next unable to walk  and subsequently diagnosed with Gullian Barrie syndrome and spent 6 months in intensive care and now 40 years later, still unable to walk.

You may recall Alistair Clarkson, a very fit former AFL footballer, and legendary coach, also had an attack of Gullian Barrie syndrome a few years back. He seems to have made a complete recovery.

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