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How much do you pay for your electric?

clarky cat

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Currently paying 8 baht a unit, though agreed to pay this before moving in despite knowing the law change


But seem to be paying twice what I’ve paid at previous apartments (at the same 8 baht rate) and just using air con 6 hours a day compared to 12-24


What do you lot usually pay monthly? The meter readings are all correct but feel it’s down to a poor quality or faulty air conditioner 




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Living room with 2 AC's - at least 1 of them on from 9am to 1am (when we are in)

Sons Bedroom - 1 AC on from 8pm to 7am. 

Master Bedroom - 1 AC on from midnight to 8am.

Wife bakes a lot (every day)

Washer & Drier used every other day. 


Electricity bill is approximately 8-9,000 baht per month

(Unit rate is 7 baht charged by the landlord - more than the G'ment rate but off-set by a very competitive monthly rent for the size / location / age of the Condo in central Bangkok). 

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Did a 1 day test yesterday - 6 hours of aircon (28c) used 9 units of electricity


So 9 x 30 (days) x 8 (unit price) = 2160 baht a month


Seems excessive for such low usage. Only other electric used is laptop, hot shower and 1 light


Think i'll buy a fan.

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Was paying High 3,000s to 4,000 range out in the countryside, a couple of times hit 5,000.  Ran 1 big a/c for 10-12 hours/day, then a couple of refrigerators and other typical items and usage for 4 people.  Power seemed dirty out there, lots of quick outages, often in series. 


Moved into a smaller house in a moo baan closer to the city, just the 2 of us, run bedroom a/c same as before + 1 at night in my "man cave" room.  Bills run in the 3,000 range, think we hit 4,000 once or twice in the past 1  1/2 years.

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19 hours ago, wgdanson said:

One 9BTU air con takes 1200 watts (1.2 units) per hour. If "most of the time" were 12 hours, that's 1.2 x 12 x 30 x 4.08 = 1762. No fridge, telly, other a/c.

those were the [not so] good old days. a modern aircon 9,000btu/h draws only 800-850 watts.

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using ceiling fans, big fridge/freezer, water pump 
and loads of small electric stuff (no electric water heaters) :
700 B tops.

but... switching on a couple of AC units, obviously the bill goes up: significantly.

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I run 2 fridges (1 small, 1 large double door), lights, external lights for entire perimeter nightly (dawn to dusk), wifi 24/d, about 3-4 fans floor fans, 1 ceiling fan 14h/day, a coffee water heater 24/7, and air-con nightly (8-10 hours) 

monthly bill is about 1500 - 1800 baht

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If you're paying more than you think you should, it may not only be due to an inefficient A/C.  It could also be a faulty electric meter.  My wife has a 20-room apartment, each room has its own meter.  Over 10 years, she has had 3 meters that required changing due to improper readings.  One thing to check is if the meter completely stops when you are using no electricity.  If the wheel in the meter is still moving when all of the electricity is off, you have a faulty meter and will pay more than you should.

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  There does't seem to be any rhyme or reason to electric bills--at least not in my experience living in a number of different condos and projects.  Most of our electric bills have run around 1200 baht to 2000 baht, living in 1 bedrooms and small 2 bedroom condos.  Now, however, we are living in our biggest condo by far--124 sqm, 3 br/3 ba--and the electric bill has only been around 900 baht a month.  Mind you, not complaining!

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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Was paying High 3,000s to 4,000 range out in the countryside, a couple of times hit 5,000.  Ran 1 big a/c for 10-12 hours/day, then a couple of refrigerators and other typical items and usage for 4 people.  Power seemed dirty out there, lots of quick outages, often in series. 


Moved into a smaller house in a moo baan closer to the city, just the 2 of us, run bedroom a/c same as before + 1 at night in my "man cave" room.  Bills run in the 3,000 range, think we hit 4,000 once or twice in the past 1  1/2 years.

That sound right to me.

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