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Hundreds Of Foreigners Arrested In Record Raids


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7 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

Now if our home countries can start rounding up and sending back all the Thai illegals to replace the foreign illegals they are deporting their Thai heaven will be complete!

I am glad these things are happening in Asian countries because when foreigners come here and see how strict and unwanted they are in Asian countries it contributes as a result to more people becoming nationalist when they return to their own countries. We need more nationalists back home!

The ones in power in your home country can’t be bothered by the slights you experienced in other countries... they are all after quality tourists... Money talks everywhere. 

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9 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

Now if our home countries can start rounding up and sending back all the Thai illegals to replace the foreign illegals they are deporting their Thai heaven will be complete!

I am glad these things are happening in Asian countries because when foreigners come here and see how strict and unwanted they are in Asian countries it contributes as a result to more people becoming nationalist when they return to their own countries. We need more nationalists back home!

Erm...so you're under the impression that there are a lot of Thai illegals working somewhere? Where is that?

According to the statistics, there are 3 countries who provide by far the most remittances to Thailand: #1 Saudi Arabia, #2 India, #3 Mexico and #4 Spain. Now, #1 makes sense, there's lots of labourers in Saudi from Isarn and the South. Are they illegal? Do you have an interest in Saudi nationalism? India? Sounds a lot like locals who have immigrated from India and managed to acquire Thai citizenship. Mexico? Sounds like money-laundering unless there's some large Thai presence there that I'm completely unaware of. Spain? Sounds like seasonal work in the ag sector and highly unlikely to be illegals.

So not sure about your point, which ultimately seems to be "I'm a nationalist and I think everyone else should be one too!"


Edited by JCauto
Added link to data source re; remittances
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2 hours ago, JCauto said:

Erm...so you're under the impression that there are a lot of Thai illegals working somewhere? Where is that?

According to the statistics, there are 3 countries who provide by far the most remittances to Thailand: #1 Saudi Arabia, #2 India, #3 Mexico and #4 Spain. Now, #1 makes sense, there's lots of labourers in Saudi from Isarn and the South. Are they illegal? Do you have an interest in Saudi nationalism? India? Sounds a lot like locals who have immigrated from India and managed to acquire Thai citizenship. Mexico? Sounds like money-laundering unless there's some large Thai presence there that I'm completely unaware of. Spain? Sounds like seasonal work in the ag sector and highly unlikely to be illegals.

So not sure about your point, which ultimately seems to be "I'm a nationalist and I think everyone else should be one too!"


I met my Thai wife in London back in the mid 1980s. Today, I doubt there are many, if any, Thais working illegally in Britain, but I can tell you that back in the 1980s, thousands of Thais entered Britain on education visas and then marriages of convenience where arranged for them. This means that there are thousands of Thais living in Britain today that should not be there. But the British government back then as is today, consider illegal immigrants as very low priority. This is why I believe in the immigration policies of the Thai government that are trying to nip this problem in the bud now before it becomes uncontrolled as what`s happened in Britain. 



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3 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

I met my Thai wife in London back in the mid 1980s. Today, I doubt there are many, if any, Thais working illegally in Britain, but I can tell you that back in the 1980s, thousands of Thais entered Britain on education visas and then marriages of convenience where arranged for them. This means that there are thousands of Thais living in Britain today that should not be there. But the British government back then as is today, consider illegal immigrants as very low priority. This is why I believe in the immigration policies of the Thai government that are trying to nip this problem in the bud now before it becomes uncontrolled as what`s happened in Britain. 



I don't think that there's any correlation between the two situations at all. No Thai government has ever invited or wanted a lot of foreign people working in Thailand without visas, but government employees no doubt have often found it profitable to look the other way. When you see the "law" being applied in Thailand, that only means one thing - the ones applying it are doing so in order to punish people who are paying someone other than them off. When you discuss illegal immigration in the UK, I presume your concern is primarily those in blue collar jobs. In Thailand, the concern is the lack of blue collar workers willing to work for less money than minimum wage, and hence there's a strong demand for workers from neighbouring countries to fill that need. They're not at all concerned about this. 

I also find it hard to believe that there was a need for "arranged" marriages for Thai women who were in the UK. 

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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

The big purge is upon us people and whoever is illegally staying in Thailand using all kind of shortcuts and dubious visas are on the radar now, for how long? no one knows, the people in the know are saying that not for long that's for sure, so hide if you can until the noise subsides and thing will go back to normal...

Actually it's not just "illegal" foreigners. Big Joke was quoted on a TV article this week, that he was coming after ALL foreigners, not just the illegals or criminals.

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3 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Actually it's not just "illegal" foreigners. Big Joke was quoted on a TV article this week, that he was coming after ALL foreigners, not just the illegals or criminals.

The crux is that this rounding up activity is just passing fancy. 

Kinship to such trendy policies and enforcement that we witness every couple months, in one regard or another.


Every now and again, the authorities make a splash and go through the motions. 

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36 minutes ago, The manic said:

Depends on the law and the rules. Anyway; In a country where a lawless elite plunder and hoard the wealth of the nation and deny the population democratic representation the rule of law becomes weakened because the rulers are not accountable to the law. Selective justice is not justice. 

Not many would disagree.

Yet, these blatant hypocritical contradictions have been a way of life for Thailand and it's usual ruling classes. 

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19 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

I left the USA because I was paranoid about black helicopters:shock1: and look what is happening now.:cheesy:


I thought it was white helicopters and men in black suits with dark shades or biege trousers and black polo shirts with a 3 letter acronym. lol.


These huge raids will have an effect because the third worlders wont come here if theyre going to be busted and thrown in the IDC by a highly motivated crimebuster who appears to frown on bribes.

Wait and see how long the raids last.If they fizzle out the mumbo jumbos will be back asap.


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Indians are Thai citizens  not foreigners. If you watch the ceremonies on TV you will see Indians donating millions of baht to the royal family as do alot of rich Chinese Thais.

The Africans are mostly a menace although there are some good English and maths teachers here.

The majority spoil it for the minority which is the reverse in the west.


I remember back in Australia in the 80's and 90's Aust immigration officials and Feds rounding up hookers in random raids on Sydney and Melbourne brothels and agencies. Most were Thais and Filipinos and all got a free ticket home courtesy of the taxpayer.Hookers would find it more risky going there now as bogus students or wives.

Probably Russians or CIS  hookers dominate in OZ nowdays.


Goodluck to Big Joke but he's going to be making alot of enemies with his own ilk.


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23 hours ago, humbug said:

funny for some, not so funny for other foreigners being guillotened by the racist middle-class, but heicopters, now you've just reminded me  of these dinosaur generals; ordering thousands of people to been thrown out of helicopters in burning oil drums,during the 1970's. dont know about black color but maybe a shade of green

Where were people thrown out of helicopters in burning oil drums?


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On 10/5/2018 at 8:43 AM, JCauto said:

Erm...so you're under the impression that there are a lot of Thai illegals working somewhere? Where is that?

According to the statistics, there are 3 countries who provide by far the most remittances to Thailand: #1 Saudi Arabia, #2 India, #3 Mexico and #4 Spain. Now, #1 makes sense, there's lots of labourers in Saudi from Isarn and the South. Are they illegal? Do you have an interest in Saudi nationalism? India? Sounds a lot like locals who have immigrated from India and managed to acquire Thai citizenship. Mexico? Sounds like money-laundering unless there's some large Thai presence there that I'm completely unaware of. Spain? Sounds like seasonal work in the ag sector and highly unlikely to be illegals.

So not sure about your point, which ultimately seems to be "I'm a nationalist and I think everyone else should be one too!"


How about the USA. There's more Thais living in the city of Los Angeles than ANYWHERE else outside of Asia. I thought everybody knew about Thai Town there. I find it strange that you would not mention the U.S. or think of that before Saudi Arabia lol. Remittance is not relevant at all to the point he was making. That's any form of money going back and forth. You even sort of acknowledged this when you stated the ones sending that money are less likely to be illegals. You could have 10 very wealthy Thai people involved in oil companies in Saudi Arabia sending more money between the two countries than 1,000 Thai restaurants in the U.S.  That money coming out of Saudi Arabia does not mean that the hundreds of thousands of Thai people living in the USA don't exist. It's not relevant.


"More than 100,000 undocumented Thais are believed to be living in the US."



Also, I think he was arguing against nationalism, not for it. He was being sarcastic.

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On 10/5/2018 at 7:54 AM, vinegarbase said:

Now if our home countries can start rounding up and sending back all the Thai illegals to replace the foreign illegals they are deporting their Thai heaven will be complete!

I am glad these things are happening in Asian countries because when foreigners come here and see how strict and unwanted they are in Asian countries it contributes as a result to more people becoming nationalist when they return to their own countries. We need more nationalists back home!

I remember that chap back in the 1930ies, with a strange square shaped moustache below his nose, I think some place in Germany ...who seemed to have the same speech as you !!?...or am I mistaken ? ????

Edited by observer90210
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At the time of writing it is 10 pm and there is someone outside knocking on the door. I will post until dragged away screaming. The privacy of my home has been trampled and I fear false arrest !









Panic over. Just the brother in law knocking to see if I have any Lao Khao left.


Was very mildly worried for a few seconds there..

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15 hours ago, vinegarbase said:

No, I was not being sarcastic. I am a proud nationalist. I have no problem putting my country, my culture, and my family above the interests of foreigners. Please don't take this to mean I don't like foreigners either, it's about priority. Seeing that link, I sure hope that Trump can start cracking down hard on all the Thai illegals to give them a taste of their own medicine. Need more people to start reporting them to ICE.

I assumed sarcasm because otherwise you'd have to be very confused to actually be a foreigner in another country and a nationalist. LOL What The F...

"So being out in the world taking money from foreign countries isn't nationalist?"

This is what I call Uncle Tom Nationalism. I just coined that term. Don't try to take credit for that phrase, but that's what I'm calling this. This thing of yours.


Also, I hope Trump and Ice don't catch any of them. As an American I welcome all Thai people in my country, illegal or not. I love them all. Americans, and American whites like myself, I could do without. Reason I left.

Edited by LOSFarang
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