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Legal tourists and expats will feel the benefit under "Big Joke" - he's the real deal


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Great Im back in November will I get  a  business card with his direct number on at  immigration ( or  is that Chinese  only) so i can threaten any taxi driver who doesnt use the meter etc etc?

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90 day reports are not a problem if one mails them in.

easy to do.....takes little time....maybe 10 minutes to fill out the form, take it to the post office, enclose the paperwork and return envelope and stamp.......bingo......the last one I didn’t even bother getting the return sent back registered post.....just a regular stamp.

cost was from memory 23 baht all up.....so easy to do and yet for some reason people still queue up at 6.00 in the morning,

they should be given the gold award for cheap Charlie’s.

or maybe they are just too stupid to fill out the forms and use the post office.....it’s really weird.....

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5 minutes ago, peterb17 said:


Those of us who are totally and absolutely legal and make sure we stick to the rules - why should we worry if he rounds up the drug dealers , overstayers , scammers etc. 



if the immigration officers keep on piling on requirements not written in regulations, they can and has refused extension

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Benefits? What BENEFITS?

In 25 years I have not got any benefits from the Thai Government. For visas you have to apply and work permits been easier in the past (the legal ones) then now. I been working for more then 15 years in Thailand legally in the hospitality industries and things have not become easier now. The reason I stopped working here since 2013 and staying now most of the time abroad, hence the Accidental Tourist.

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5 minutes ago, namatjira said:

90 day reports are not a problem if one mails them in.

easy to do.....takes little time....maybe 10 minutes to fill out the form, take it to the post office, enclose the paperwork and return envelope and stamp.......bingo......the last one I didn’t even bother getting the return sent back registered post.....just a regular stamp.

cost was from memory 23 baht all up.....so easy to do and yet for some reason people still queue up at 6.00 in the morning,

they should be given the gold award for cheap Charlie’s.

or maybe they are just too stupid to fill out the forms and use the post office.....it’s really weird.....

or unbelievably stupid to not do them thru their website....but you'd  know that

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

His handling of the alleged rape on Koh Tao shows all I need to see. Setting out to kill a potential victim's credibility to paint an untrue picture of KT's credibility while pushing for arresting Thais who shared a news story is pretty abhorrent.

He is a lackey of Prawit, says it all really

Yeah, with that MO, maybe Trump could use him in the FBI

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

His handling of the alleged rape on Koh Tao shows all I need to see. Setting out to kill a potential victim's credibility to paint an untrue picture of KT's credibility while pushing for arresting Thais who shared a news story is pretty abhorrent.

He is a lackey of Prawit, says it all really

The alleged victim you refer to destroyed her own credibility right from the start by setting out to paint an untrue picture of Koh Tao, there was no need for him to contribute!

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33 minutes ago, wombat said:

 ''those who are legally here feel the pressure of the raids''

im here 
legally and i dont understand what you are saying.
what pressure from what raids?


Have patience. You cannot expect the implementation to take place overnight.


Once the raids have reached you also, you will finally feel safer.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

Ultimately bona fide tourists and expats will reap the benefit through greater security and improved service from immigration

I'm waiting with baited breath.  We can expect the debacle that is the Chiang Mai Immigration queue line to be resolved in three, two, one........................................

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2 hours ago, z42 said:

His handling of the alleged rape on Koh Tao shows all I need to see. Setting out to kill a potential victim's credibility to paint an untrue picture of KT's credibility while pushing for arresting Thais who shared a news story is pretty abhorrent.

He is a lackey of Prawit, says it all really

Yes, and on top of that the vagaries on whether a rep from the RTP went to the UK or not, his seven days to provide a statement of their findings is up.

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Personally I believe in giving the guy a fair-go. Which is after all what everyone on this site wants for themselves.


We should judge him on the RESULTS in, say, two years time. Given the size of the endemic problems of this country, any time scale shorter than that is not a fair-go.

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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Time will tell, though to expect one man to single handedly clean up Thailand is asking a bit much.

I will take him seriously when he starts getting people like the Red Bull "Boss" back to face justice.

What does Immigration Police have to do with Red Bull?

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yeah, yeah, heard it all before when they launched the 'good guys in bad guys out' campaign, 2 years on and i can't think of a single thing that has made my yearly extension any easier.


sorry Thailand i feel its 'all stick no carrot' time again i'm afraid.


just for once it would be nice if they helped the legals out BEFORE the crackdowns.. i won't hold my breath though

(and that goes for all facets of life here not just immigration)




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"His "One World One Team" vision emphasized teamwork and cooperation not just within Thailand but internationally, said Thai Rath."


I remember one team member who may have had a little too much of the spotlight an attractive female assistant, is she still around? Certainly not appearing in the photo ops. 



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1 hour ago, happy chappie said:

He's a Thai internet super star.the best qualification for rising through the ranks.he wants to watch what he's doing as he's stepping on too many of his fellow mens toes and taking away a monopoly of corruption in immigratio that has supported there families for generations.i say be very careful because big joke can turn into a big flop.

Don't worry the fact he is celebrated says he is looking after the right people. He would not get to where he is without them.

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I think people are expecting that BIg Joke is a silver bullet to all of Thailand's problems.

Obviously not, his role is being overplayed by the media, as usual.


However, given the appalling track record of the RTP in enforcing regulations,

and actually 'cleaning up' Thailand, he is leaps and bounds above the rest.


If he can successfully get rid of the taxi mafia, clean up the lower Suk and shut down some prominent scams for good,

he has my vote.


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I understand that this article is kind of a puff piece but still don’t prejudge the man yet he’s just getting started.  I don’t think he hates foreigners he basically said that as long as we’re here legally then basically we have nothing to fear unless you’re a criminal which I actually think is a darn good thing.  In fact these crackdowns on foreign criminals always seem to occur the most whenever a new immigration chief is appointed, they always gotta start off strong just like any military leader does.  As long as those of us living here and tourists are here legally we shouldn’t have anything to worry about except for maybe a bit more government red tape and scrutiny if that.  I’m still a little bit worried about our British friends I hope that gets sorted out at their embassy ASAP.  Just try to stay positive if you’re not doing anything wrong you shouldn’t have anything to worry about there are always gonna be stresses in life that we all have to deal with no matter what color your passport is.  Try not to worry to much British citizens and keep the faith I have anxiety issues myself so I understand.  I’ll always remember that quote they taught us in SERE school “keep the faith”.  


And seriously stop calling him “the big joke”. Quit insulting the man and treat him with mutual respect, PLEASE.

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2 hours ago, jvs said:

That is not his [Big Joke's] job?He is head of immigration but i get your point.

Since when did Big Joke ever perform his official Tourist Police duties?  Geez, I don't think he's ever worked within the scope of his assigned job description, so why can't he now go after the fugitive Red Bull heir?  T.I.T.

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