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Jumping into the topic a little late, but thought it might be useful to offer my 2 Bob's worth. 


Had the condition a couple of times. 

Prostatitis,  BPH, benign prostate hyperplasia. 


Usual symptoms. 

Failure in certain areas. 

Pee is either impossible or up at night peeing all the time.

A feeling of fullness in that region between the bum and the other bits.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused. 


It can be a UTI urinary tract infection. 

And I'm not an expert. 

And certainly not taking away from anyone with medical training. 


I'm talking about me.


I know uti.

I know kidney problems and the waterworks issues.


Prostate for me has been treated as follows. 

Blood tests. PSA.

Then depending upon the tests, a digital examination. 

And no it's not a camera they use. 

The trained can relieve the pressure by stripping the prostate. 

The swelling can obviously be felt.

Next, medication. 

Doudart has worked for me well.

Recently in the UK and a flare up of the condition. 

The above process was followed. 

The tablet given was Faramsil.

It started to work within 24 hours. 

Could actually stand and pee.

And a pleasant surprise one morning too.20181110_125003.thumb.jpg.cd188529280adddbe78c3e56cf5c3115.jpg


Not sure why a urologist would think infection/prostate relationship?

Infection is normally UTI, not prostate. 


I'm just the patient. 


Couple of snaps attached. 


4 hours ago, mokwit said:

Reading this thread, I'm really not looking forward to getting old.

As an older friend says, "old age don't come alone"!

  • Like 1
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3 hours ago, dallen52 said:

And no it's not a camera they use

The OP and others were referring to a cystoscopy I believe.


3 hours ago, dallen52 said:

The trained can relieve the pressure by stripping the prostate

Do you mean the TURP operation (transurethral resection of the prostate?).


3 hours ago, dallen52 said:

Doudart has worked for me well.

Yes a good combination drug which can work well.


3 hours ago, dallen52 said:

The tablet given was Faramsil.

It started to work within 24 hours

Tamsulosin, which is often prescribed for BPH before any surgery and again, works for many.


4 hours ago, dallen52 said:

Not sure why a urologist would think infection/prostate relationship?

Infection is normally UTI, not prostate. 

Can be both and the prostate can become infected as in bacterial prostatitis, still difficult to cure though.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, mogandave said:

Kidney stones?

I have one sat sitting there.


Isn't getting bigger. 

I had that session with pancreatitis I shared.

Touch and go as I found out later.

Poisoning the system and producing hypercalcemia. 

Hourly obs, and they had my partner stay in the room three days. 

Five litres of iv goodies flushed through me each day. 

They did the ct scan. 

All showed ok.

Just another rare condition, cause unknown. 



I just want to say, its great that we can talk about this and others openly. 

Without the usual odd snipe that can occur in the forum. 

I know mine is BPH. 

The bladder not empty causes it own issues.

Lord knows I complain about my partner no going to the loo for five days or more.

With me that's one thing that is regular..


I know the medical level of treatment can also vary and access to is different from our on country. 


Don't let it get you down. 

We are always here if anyone wants to talk.


Even if PM or direct contact. 

I'm sure the forum will not mind..


  • Like 2

Thanks everyone for the replies.  Ill reply to each one later today.  For the time being, here is out it went with Dr Catchit at KK Uni Hospital.


He took a look at the CT scan results and said everything was normal.  Another prostate exam (two finger type, non digital) and he said the prostate feels normal size.


He has no clue now and it honestly was exactly as I suspected - a shrug, scratch of the head, and look of bewilderment.  He suggested to my wife that I might be worrying about this so much that I am causing the symptoms in my own head.  There is a term for that isnt there?  Psychosomatic or something?  Either way as soon as he suggested that for a split second I wanted to punch him in the nose - as much as I like this Doctor.  Now the wife has started, asking me in a caring way all weekend if this is all in my head.  My Sister back in England has chimed in, telling me its realy nothing to worry about and I should try not to think about it too much as it is going to my head.  They are all wrong!


I asked him if this could possibly be intersistital cystitus.  That could be one of the chief suspects in a male with bladder pain and no infection but he didnt seem to keen on the idea of it.  The main treatment for this seems to be polysulfate sodium and antihistamines.  He wasnt familiar with that as a medicine and dismissed the idea of it.  From what I have read, it is very common to be diagnosed with prostatitus when actualy the problem is cystitus.  I dont know - Im not a doctor.


The prostate exam - he asked me if it hurt when he massaged the prostate.  Its a tricky one this, because I have never had prostate exams before at any stage in my life.  If I had, i would have something to compare it to.  I can only say it did hurt this time around but maybe its normal to feel a little pain when they go in quite hard, as he did this time.  I could only stand about 10 seconds of it and had to ask him to stop.  I wish I knew if that was a normal reaction, or pain because my prostate is infected.  To my mind, its almost like having a suspected eye infection, and then the Doc punches you in the eye and asks if it hurts.  Well yes, you just punched me in the eye of course it bloody hurts?  I have nothing to compare it to in the past so maybe its normal to feel pain when he attacks it quite hard with both fingers.  I dont know.  Either way, he said it feels normal.


So in short, after 5 doctors in three different regions of Thailand, the diagnosis seems to be along the lines of "get a grip, stop being mental".


I absolutely unreservedly promise everyone here that I am NOT imagining this.  I am not mad!  The symptoms, compared to 3 weeks ago are way better.  I am not going to the loo and struggling to pee every 20 minutes and the bladder pain is no longer a pain and more of a twitch.  I honestly dont know how to describe it realy, it just feels like I need to pee all of the time but not anything close to as bad as before.  Its still there though - that feeling.  Just not as bad.  The next symptom might lead some of you to think I am indeed imagining this: a general feeling of something not quite right between my groin and bladder.  Its not a pain as such, more of a presence.  Again, I am not imagining that feeling its very real, honestly.  Might be driving the car thinking about something like football or what I will have for dinner when i suddenly get slapped with that feeling out of nowhere.  I wish I could articulate it better than I have but thats all I can say, a feeling.


The back ache is something that has got worse however.  I told the doctor about it and he suggested I work on my posture.  I told him the pain is on either side of my back pretty much where the kidneys are.  Nope, he said.  Posture.  I could pretty much read his mind at that point and I can tell you he was thinking 'get a grip son, its not your kidneys its just a back ache'.


Im not much of a drinker these days and I can go weeks without a beer.  When I do have a beer, its just a few pints and nothing more.  Last night I had 3 pints to watch the football and when I got home both kidneys ached way more.  Coincidence?  The wife suggested that I was possibly sitting in a bad position in the pub but I know the difference between a back ache and something iffy in the kidney area.


Anyway, the Doc said there was no need for a cystoscopy as all tests and scans show everything is quite normal.  He also said there was no medicine he could give me as he didnt know what to treat.  He gave me some bladder relaxer pills called Spasuri and asked me to come back in a month.  Just go home, try and forget about it all, and hope it gets better.  If it doesn't, we will cross that bridge when we come to it in a month.


Im going to visit the local hospital today, the one that gave me a CT scan, and insist on a cystoscopy.  Thats my final effort with this and whilst the Doc has said I dont need one, I cant see what harm it will do going against his advice.  Its worth a try.  Im not looking forward to it but im sure I need it.


Aside from that, I have no clue.  Its realy depressing.  Compared to what many of you have been through, this is nothing.  Reading some of your stories I feel realy sympathy for you and count my lucky stars I havent been through what many of you have had to struggle with.  But either way, the fact remains there is something wrong, I still have zero clue what it is and have no idea what my next move should be.


Ah yes, Psychosomatic!


When I started having Prostate problems, which eventually ended up with having a Cystoscopy, the doc suggested it 'might all be in my head' & later said: 'yes, well, we all get pain in our testicles'.


After 5 visits to him, I got referred to a Urologist.


Just be persistent, Batty, & eventually it will get sorted.



32 minutes ago, Batty said:

The prostate exam - he asked me if it hurt when he massaged the prostate.  Its a tricky one this, because I have never had prostate exams before at any stage in my life.  If I had, i would have something to compare it to.  I can only say it did hurt this time around but maybe its normal to feel a little pain when they go in quite hard, as he did this time.

Well, for the record I have never found the DRE to be anything other than painful/extremely uncomfortable and I hate the bloody things. So much so that my last one here after just a few seconds of the prostate being massaged, I had to tell him to stop because I couldn't bear it any longer, so you are not alone in this regard. 


33 minutes ago, Batty said:

Last night I had 3 pints to watch the football and when I got home both kidneys ached way more.  Coincidence?

In this case, the suggestion of it being a psychosomatic pain could be valid because when we are searching for something which is causing us pain, we do tend to focus on a particular area, especially if we think that it is linked to the problem we are currently having. Not saying that this is the case with you, however I have experienced this and it's extremely difficult to separate what you think you feel, to what is actually going on.


34 minutes ago, Batty said:

The main treatment for this seems to be polysulfate sodium and antihistamines.  He wasnt familiar with that as a medicine and dismissed the idea of it. 

Now you are getting into an area which I believe is problematic here in Thailand, and that is the area of expertise and knowledge of some of the doctors I have seen here.


One in particular who was labelled "Dr death" is a disgrace to his profession for reasons I have discussed elsewhere, however in general, unless they have been overseas for some extensive training, most of them are enveloped in their local practice and experience and are not always keen to upgrade their knowledge, so of course this can be a huge problem.


One other poster here mentioned an antibiotic which has better than most capabilities to penetrate the prostate, however when I asked a doctor about being prescribed that, he didn't know what the drug was, even though it's been around for quite some time and is fairly well known. And once I mentioned something that he didn't know about, he immediately dismissed me from his surgery, complete with an ongoing infection!


I will admit that I sympathise with you, having done the rounds (so to speak) both here and in New Zealand to try and sort out what was believed to be prostatitis and although back at home, the doctors were more sympathetic and willing to try various treatments, here that is a rare occurrence in my experience (losing face perhaps).


As faraday has said, you need to be persistent, whilst at the same time not focusing too much on what you think you may have because that can become all too consuming.


Understanding what led to what in a sort of timeline can help clear one's mind because it can become cluttered with things which may have no real bearing on the real problem.


Whether or not a cystoscopy is necessary, is debatable, however I would have one because no one has been able to pinpoint any problems so far and this is a procedure which can.


As I have mentioned before, if your current doctor did not suggest it, then you suggesting that procedure may not sit too happily with him/them, hence their rejection of it.................


Good luck and keep us updated please.

2 hours ago, Batty said:

The back ache is something that has got worse however.  I told the doctor about it and he suggested I work on my posture.  I told him the pain is on either side of my back pretty much where the kidneys are. 

I had this when I had Prostatitis. There are likely other possible causes as it is due to a shared nerve pathway (AKA referred pain) - i.e pressure on the nerve from the prostate registers as pain higher up, but this referred pain is a sympton of Prostatitis.


2 hours ago, Batty said:

The next symptom might lead some of you to think I am indeed imagining this: a general feeling of something not quite right between my groin and bladder.  Its not a pain as such, more of a presence.

That feeling (of a "presence" between my groin and bladder) is familiar to me from bacterial Prostatitis.


I don't recall having these symptons when i had a bladder infection without Prostate involvement.


ADD: Are you still using antibiotics? If so and they have reduced the need to pee but you still have Prostatitis symptons that would suggest to me that the antibiotic is peripherally active (bladder) but not getting to a Prostate infection.


Other symptons - one bout I became completely impotent - as the antibiotics worked I recovered 'angle of elevation' incrementally day by day. Low level fever - Every morning I would wake up feeling fine and that the fever had broken, by afternoon I was lying down in pool of sweat - next day same, fine in am. Peeing every 20 minutes with both only bladder and Prostate infections.


For reasons others have touched on I have been treating myself for 20 years even though I know medicine is one of those fields where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Thailand DOES have highly competent Doctors ( I named one), but locating these is the difficulty.




It id also possible you had prostatitis but urine tests etc are negative because  you were already on antibiotics for some time before this doctor ever saw you. And that the infection is thus much reduced (hence normal size and nto much tenderness) but not totally eradicated. If this is the case, nothing would show on cystoscopy because it does not visualize the prostate, only the bladder.



This is IMO a more likely explanation that interstitial cystitis.


Are you still on the antibiotics?

22 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

It id also possible you had prostatitis but urine tests etc are negative because  you were already on antibiotics for some time before this doctor ever saw you. And that the infection is thus much reduced (hence normal size and nto much tenderness) but not totally eradicated. If this is the case, nothing would show on cystoscopy because it does not visualize the prostate, only the bladder.



This is IMO a more likely explanation that interstitial cystitis.


Are you still on the antibiotics?

Thanks Sheryll.  I was beginning to think something similar myself actually.  This does feel more like a prostate thing, especially given the info other posters have mentioned, who have suffered with prostatitus before.


You did mention way back at the start of the thread that they should perform a culture as well as a urine test before they start you on antibiotics.  I did ask for that way back at the start but that particular urologist said it was 'very difficult' whatever he means by that, to perform a culture.  I know thats not true, just quoting what he said.


I am off the antibiotics now, nothing for just over one week.  


I know it is wrong, probably, but I am seriously wondering about self medicating this, based on the posts within this thread.  Im losing faith in the doctors here to be honest.  As another poster mentioned, they seem to have a check list they run through based on what they have been taught at medical school.  Anything outside the scope of that training and they seem reticent to realy roll up there sleeves and think outside of the box?




3 hours ago, mokwit said:

I had this when I had Prostatitis. There are likely other possible causes as it is due to a shared nerve pathway (AKA referred pain) - i.e pressure on the nerve from the prostate registers as pain higher up, but this referred pain is a sympton of Prostatitis.


That feeling (of a "presence" between my groin and bladder) is familiar to me from bacterial Prostatitis.


I don't recall having these symptons when i had a bladder infection without Prostate involvement.


ADD: Are you still using antibiotics? If so and they have reduced the need to pee but you still have Prostatitis symptons that would suggest to me that the antibiotic is peripherally active (bladder) but not getting to a Prostate infection.


Other symptons - one bout I became completely impotent - as the antibiotics worked I recovered 'angle of elevation' incrementally day by day. Low level fever - Every morning I would wake up feeling fine and that the fever had broken, by afternoon I was lying down in pool of sweat - next day same, fine in am. Peeing every 20 minutes with both only bladder and Prostate infections.


For reasons others have touched on I have been treating myself for 20 years even though I know medicine is one of those fields where a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Thailand DOES have highly competent Doctors ( I named one), but locating these is the difficulty.




Thanks for that.  I finished antibiotics last week.  Actualy the last bunch i was taking - levofroxacin - made me feel a bit crappy.  I wouldnt go as far as to describe it as fever-like, but I did feel dizzy/vertigo all day and night and had no energy at all.  As soon as I finished my course of pills, those symptoms stopped.  

4 hours ago, xylophone said:

Well, for the record I have never found the DRE to be anything other than painful/extremely uncomfortable and I hate the bloody things. So much so that my last one here after just a few seconds of the prostate being massaged, I had to tell him to stop because I couldn't bear it any longer, so you are not alone in this regard. 


In this case, the suggestion of it being a psychosomatic pain could be valid because when we are searching for something which is causing us pain, we do tend to focus on a particular area, especially if we think that it is linked to the problem we are currently having. Not saying that this is the case with you, however I have experienced this and it's extremely difficult to separate what you think you feel, to what is actually going on.


Now you are getting into an area which I believe is problematic here in Thailand, and that is the area of expertise and knowledge of some of the doctors I have seen here.


One in particular who was labelled "Dr death" is a disgrace to his profession for reasons I have discussed elsewhere, however in general, unless they have been overseas for some extensive training, most of them are enveloped in their local practice and experience and are not always keen to upgrade their knowledge, so of course this can be a huge problem.


One other poster here mentioned an antibiotic which has better than most capabilities to penetrate the prostate, however when I asked a doctor about being prescribed that, he didn't know what the drug was, even though it's been around for quite some time and is fairly well known. And once I mentioned something that he didn't know about, he immediately dismissed me from his surgery, complete with an ongoing infection!


I will admit that I sympathise with you, having done the rounds (so to speak) both here and in New Zealand to try and sort out what was believed to be prostatitis and although back at home, the doctors were more sympathetic and willing to try various treatments, here that is a rare occurrence in my experience (losing face perhaps).


As faraday has said, you need to be persistent, whilst at the same time not focusing too much on what you think you may have because that can become all too consuming.


Understanding what led to what in a sort of timeline can help clear one's mind because it can become cluttered with things which may have no real bearing on the real problem.


Whether or not a cystoscopy is necessary, is debatable, however I would have one because no one has been able to pinpoint any problems so far and this is a procedure which can.


As I have mentioned before, if your current doctor did not suggest it, then you suggesting that procedure may not sit too happily with him/them, hence their rejection of it.................


Good luck and keep us updated please.


I am just not sure though if thats a normal reaction to have your prostate massaged?  Would a normal, fit and healthy prostate cause no pain when massaged?  Or only an infected prostate?  Because I can say for sure, if pain only comes with an infected prostate than mine must be infected because it hurt like a swine when he went in on Saturday.


Then again, he did the same the week before - but not as aggressive with his technique - and it didnt realy hurt.  So this just adds to my confusion.


Can I just ask - you mentioned another poster who suggested an antibiotic, you asked for it but the doctor didnt know about it.  Which antibiotic is that please?  



On 11/10/2018 at 1:14 PM, dallen52 said:

Jumping into the topic a little late, but thought it might be useful to offer my 2 Bob's worth. 


Had the condition a couple of times. 

Prostatitis,  BPH, benign prostate hyperplasia. 


Usual symptoms. 

Failure in certain areas. 

Pee is either impossible or up at night peeing all the time.

A feeling of fullness in that region between the bum and the other bits.

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused. 


It can be a UTI urinary tract infection. 

And I'm not an expert. 

And certainly not taking away from anyone with medical training. 


I'm talking about me.


I know uti.

I know kidney problems and the waterworks issues.


Prostate for me has been treated as follows. 

Blood tests. PSA.

Then depending upon the tests, a digital examination. 

And no it's not a camera they use. 

The trained can relieve the pressure by stripping the prostate. 

The swelling can obviously be felt.

Next, medication. 

Doudart has worked for me well.

Recently in the UK and a flare up of the condition. 

The above process was followed. 

The tablet given was Faramsil.

It started to work within 24 hours. 

Could actually stand and pee.

And a pleasant surprise one morning too.20181110_125003.thumb.jpg.cd188529280adddbe78c3e56cf5c3115.jpg


Not sure why a urologist would think infection/prostate relationship?

Infection is normally UTI, not prostate. 


I'm just the patient. 


Couple of snaps attached. 


Thanks for that.  Im seriously thinking about self treating this.  Im not getting much help elsewhere realy and figure it wont do any harm.  So these have been pretty good for you?  I guess the problem is, I dont know if this is a prostate thing or a bladder thing.


Did you have any crappy side affects  with those piils?

  • Like 1
23 hours ago, xylophone said:

Yes indeed, and I have had a few posters contact me via PM to further discuss what they have, the treatment etc, and how I treated my conditions.


Mine too initially, then a botched bladder neck incision stuffed things up even further, making emptying everything out impossible, which in turn led to fairly frequent UTIs and prostatitis...…...many years of tests and taking just about every antibiotic known to man, including doxycycline for months at a time.


Then a TURP to try and improve the flow and 11 years later still having occasional problems so another bladder neck op and self catheters 3 times a day for weeks, and now told that I have a neurogenic bladder, which has improved over time, but still never know that I need to go until the bladder is nearly full, which is not ideal...….but causes no problems as have gotten used to it!


Soldier on, forget about these problems and eat, drink (esp red wine) and be merry and remember what James Reine sang, "Any day above ground is a good day".



Blimey mate you have been through the mill with this havent you.  I love the attitude - just crack on and smile - sounds as though its been a bit tough for you though.

  • Thanks 1
On 11/9/2018 at 8:39 PM, Nomad97 said:

I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in February 2015. The tumour was removed in a 2 hour operation. A few weeks after the operation I started a 6 week course of BCG immunotherapy where the vaccine is put directly into the bladder (as a liquid) through a catheter. For the past 4 years I have had numerous cystoscopies, one every 3 months for the first year, extending to 1 every 6 months this past year. The most recent cystoscopy was yesterday. I can assure anyone contemplating or needing this procedure that it is relatively painless apart from an unpleasant sensation when the camera (or catheter) passes through the urethral sphincter into the bladder. I am also pleased to say that nearly 4 years on I have no evidence of the disease.       

Im pleased for you that it hasnt returned - well done.  Must be a bloody awful thing to have.

  • Like 1

Im booked in for a cystoscopy on Weds, local army place.  10,000 Baht, not bad I guess.  Im not looking forward to it to be honest but its the one last step in this process.  If they see nothing, im going to say to hell with doctors and try to self medicate this, starting with one or two antibiotics for a few weeks, then changing to another combination if that does not help.


I cant think of another road out of this, apart from checking into somewhere like Burungrad for a week or two and refusing to leave untill they fix me lol.  But i cant afford that, so it looks like I am out of options.  The Docs seem to have hit a wall and have no clue where to go from here so im not sure if I have another option after the cystoscopy, which will probably show nothing.

32 minutes ago, Batty said:

cant think of another road out of this, apart from checking into somewhere like Burungrad for a week or two and refusing to leave untill they fix me lol

I have been at this point on a few occasions, I can tell you, but to be honest if I were to go down this road it would be in one on the best/better hospitals overseas, not here. But then again as you have said cost has to be a consideration.


37 minutes ago, Batty said:

Im booked in for a cystoscopy on Weds, local army place.  10,000 Baht, not bad I guess.  Im not looking forward to it to be honest but its the one last step in this process

IMO, then at least you will have explored all the avenues open to you so if nothing is found then the focus has to be on other areas. A culture taken from a prostate massage should show up any bacteria, so bear that in mind now that you are off the antibiotics. 


ALSO be sure to FULLY EXPLAIN what you have been experiencing and what you think it might be AND that you would like to know the state of the prostate and the bladder. THIS IS IMPERATIVE. 


54 minutes ago, Batty said:

Can I just ask - you mentioned another poster who suggested an antibiotic, you asked for it but the doctor didnt know about it.  Which antibiotic is that please?  

Before I give you that name, see how the procedure goes on Wednesday. Also have you been prescribed doxycycline at all for this and if so, dosage and duration.


1 hour ago, Batty said:

I am just not sure though if thats a normal reaction to have your prostate massaged?  Would a normal, fit and healthy prostate cause no pain when massaged?  Or only an infected prostate?

Of the friends I know who have had this done, most don't like it one bit, finding it extremely uncomfortable, some, like me find it painful and one likes it (go figure...….although some massage parlours do give this to willing participants!!).


No one size fits all I'm afraid (sorry about the pun).


All the best for Wednesday.

14 hours ago, Batty said:

Im booked in for a cystoscopy on Weds, local army place.  10,000 Baht, not bad I guess.  Im not looking forward to it to be honest but its the one last step in this process.  If they see nothing, im going to say to hell with doctors and try to self medicate this, starting with one or two antibiotics for a few weeks, then changing to another combination if that does not help.


I cant think of another road out of this, apart from checking into somewhere like Burungrad for a week or two and refusing to leave untill they fix me lol.  But i cant afford that, so it looks like I am out of options.  The Docs seem to have hit a wall and have no clue where to go from here so im not sure if I have another option after the cystoscopy, which will probably show nothing.

Sounds expensive to me. I have used the Government Hospital in Surin for the past 4 years and the going rate is 4,200 baht per cystoscopy. Previously this was carried out in one of the operation rooms but now they have a dedicated room in the Urology department for cystoscopies. The private hospital charges a little more but less than 5,000 baht per treatment. 


11 minutes ago, Nomad97 said:

The private hospital charges a little more but less than 5,000 baht per treatment. 

Perhaps in Surin but here in Bangkok I paid 20k w/biopsy two months ago.  

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, Batty said:

Thanks for that.  Im seriously thinking about self treating this.  Im not getting much help elsewhere realy and figure it wont do any harm.  So these have been pretty good for you?  I guess the problem is, I dont know if this is a prostate thing or a bladder thing.


Did you have any crappy side affects  with those piils?

None what so ever.

I've been taking one daily for 4 weeks. 

UK GP prescription. Free over 60.


Duodart were brilliant too.

They are a deep down medication. (Both)

Only work in that specific area. 

Aussie urologist prescribed. 

Maybe a referral type medication?

Like tramadol I take.


Just for information. 

Tramadol and Amytriptyline can exacerbate the symptoms. 

I stopped my amytriptyline. 


But the new UK tablet actually kicked in about 2 days.

Plus some erectile relief..

Created two smiling faces. ????


No secrets on here.

Not with heath issues. 

  • Like 1
19 hours ago, xylophone said:

I have been at this point on a few occasions, I can tell you, but to be honest if I were to go down this road it would be in one on the best/better hospitals overseas, not here. But then again as you have said cost has to be a consideration.


IMO, then at least you will have explored all the avenues open to you so if nothing is found then the focus has to be on other areas. A culture taken from a prostate massage should show up any bacteria, so bear that in mind now that you are off the antibiotics. 


ALSO be sure to FULLY EXPLAIN what you have been experiencing and what you think it might be AND that you would like to know the state of the prostate and the bladder. THIS IS IMPERATIVE. 


Before I give you that name, see how the procedure goes on Wednesday. Also have you been prescribed doxycycline at all for this and if so, dosage and duration.


Of the friends I know who have had this done, most don't like it one bit, finding it extremely uncomfortable, some, like me find it painful and one likes it (go figure...….although some massage parlours do give this to willing participants!!).


No one size fits all I'm afraid (sorry about the pun).


All the best for Wednesday.

There are places in Jomtien actually do prostate massage. 

The eastern european people swear by it.

What ever turns you on.

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1

If you are talking about Tamsulosin be aware that if you are allergic to Sulfa drugs you may have a similar reaction with this - you will know soon enough if you do and be fine if you don't. With Bactrim I got a rash and over a period of a few days became so ill I was telling the GF what to do if I went to sleep and she couldn't wake me. Again, if you are not allergic you won't have these effects and if you come out in a rash and feel ill just stop taking it.

Adverse effects

  • Immunologic: Higher risk of allergic reaction in those with sulfa allergies.[12]


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