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Trump threatens to send military, shut border as migrants head for Mexico


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If it weren’t for the humanitarian aspect, this would be so very funny.


trump is threatening to tear up the greatest trade deal on earth... the fabulous unbelievably good for America USMCA deal, with its ink barely dried.


how on earth can anyone trust this man?



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8 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

This is about a group of people coming North with the intent to cross into the US illegally.


It's about people moving around the world to better hunting grounds, greener pastures, more fertile land or where they think they can earn a half decent living.


Forget about "legality" or what anyone "should" or "shouldn't" do.


It's been going on for tens of thousands of years.


It's not going to stop for America (it's where "America" came from), Trump, you or anyones "law".


Unless mankind becomes extinct it never will.



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53 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

This is about a group of people coming North with the intent to cross into the US illegally.

So it is.... and trump is threatening Mexico (for allowing this caravan to pass thru Mexico) with tearing up the USMCA


trust trump... maga!

Edited by farcanell
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28 minutes ago, Enoon said:

It's about people moving around the world to better hunting grounds, greener pastures, more fertile land or where they think they can earn a half decent living.


Forget about "legality" or what anyone "should" or "shouldn't" do.


It's been going on for tens of thousands of years.


It's not going to stop for America (it's where "America" came from), Trump, you or anyones "law".


Unless mankind becomes extinct it never will.

I can't disagree with your comment but I don't think we can just forget about legalities and un-invent the world as we know it, and as it is.


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34 minutes ago, farcanell said:

So it is.... and trump is threatening Mexico (for allowing this caravan to pass thru Mexico) with tearing up the USMCA


trust trump... maga!

It is not in the interest of Mexico to let the caravan enter its territory, knowing that it will be stopped at the next border up North, and that Mexico, and not the US, will end up having to deal with these thousands of migrants.


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14 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

It is not in the interest of Mexico to let the caravan enter its territory, knowing that it will be stopped at the next border up North, and that Mexico, and not the US, will end up having to deal with these thousands of migrants.


I imagine your right.... especially given that trump may tear up the brand new trade deal that’s the best deal ever.... 

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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:

We are not in the bronze age anymore...greener pastures, fertile lands are already occupied, there is no free space to conquer...


What most migrants want is not to farm fertile lands but first and foremost to enjoy the social benefits from richer countries.


There is plenty of space available in Argentina, for example...why are the Central Americans not trying to get there? because they can expect nothing upon arrival!

What social benefits are illegal immigrants entitled to?

They just want to work.

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10 hours ago, ReMarKable said:

Why do presidents. prime ministers and officials from other countries sound so much smarter than US executive office holders?

Sounding smart and dressing smart doesn't cut it anymore.  An action man is needed. 

Go Trump!

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18 minutes ago, Sir Dude said:

Meanwhile, it seems perfectly OK for a dodgy rapper to impersonate the President of the US with some silly model lookalike of the first lady naked dancing on the oval office table. Where are the feminists and #metoo lot now when the the situation is reversed...very quiet actually, which shows their double standards and it is only OK when it is good for them...duplicitousness at it's best. No first lady has ever had this treatment and those intent on destroying everything are nuts.


So, is it OK to attack and destroy anyone who is in power not matter what because some section has a hissy-fit? So, next time the Dems candidate gets elected, it's OK to go this far? Or will everyone who disagrees with the lefties be labeled as fascists as opposed to center ground or whatever? 


Also, so to the trendy scumbags on their high horse...busted, as I guess it's only your views that matter for a certain section that agree with you, not all. LOL. Morons


It's screwed up atm. Both sides need to show some latitude instead of the vitriol...but that seems very far off, sadly.



No sir dude... it’s not right at all....  (Mind you, the court might uphold this as an expression of art, or some such, which might be protected under A1, like trumps disgusting tweets)


post me the link.... I will most definitely put sanctions on this arse-tist.... hopefully his royalties will nose dive


Meanwhile maybe you could visit #metoomvmt.org and give them a slice and dice as well.


dont forget the link. ????

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2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I can't disagree with your comment but I don't think we can just forget about legalities and un-invent the world as we know it, and as it is.


There are lots of illegal things going on. The question is how much of a priority to put on stopping them. Illegal immigration is not a crime against persons or property. Why assign the military to start enforcing it? That the kind of force you reserve for an emergency.

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6 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Actually, most economic analyses shows that undocumented immigrants are a net benefit to the country.

"A 2007 review of the academic literature by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that "over the past two decades, most efforts to estimate the fiscal impact of immigration in the United States have concluded that, in aggregate and over the long term, tax revenues of all types generated by immigrants—both legal and unauthorized—exceed the cost of the services they use." While the overall fiscal impact on the US is beneficial, unauthorized immigrants have an adverse impact on the budgets of state and local governments."


I seriously question all these studies. These new immigrants with little language skills work in the lowest paying jobs, in many cases on a cash basis so no taxes are paid. Please note the review mentioned both legal and unauthorized immigrants so it's difficult to discern between the net benefits of legals vs. illegals. We in turn educate the children, we provide medical care for most, social welfare benefits, in addition to putting up with all the other social ills that take place. I'll say it again but if I wanted to live in a third world country I would move there. One only has to look at Los Angeles as an example of the change over the years in the demographics and the need for all the social services that came with that change. Sorry but I will always question the revenue generated vs. the costs of services for poorly educated illegal immigrants. It's one thing to admit immigrants legally and another to have a flood of immigrants enter illegally by breaking the laws of the country. 

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12 hours ago, thaiguzzi said:
12 hours ago, Brunolem said:

Not anymore!

They want their opioid tainted painkillers, and they can get them from the pharmacy...no need of the South American cartels for that, the big pharma cartel can "deal" with this...


The majority of the opioid junkies are white trailer trash. Not all, but most. Bigger hit & cheaper than imported coke.


interesting. any link to the data/demographic of Rx opioid addiction?

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8 hours ago, Trouble said:

I seriously question all these studies. These new immigrants with little language skills work in the lowest paying jobs, in many cases on a cash basis so no taxes are paid. Please note the review mentioned both legal and unauthorized immigrants so it's difficult to discern between the net benefits of legals vs. illegals. We in turn educate the children, we provide medical care for most, social welfare benefits, in addition to putting up with all the other social ills that take place. I'll say it again but if I wanted to live in a third world country I would move there. One only has to look at Los Angeles as an example of the change over the years in the demographics and the need for all the social services that came with that change. Sorry but I will always question the revenue generated vs. the costs of services for poorly educated illegal immigrants. It's one thing to admit immigrants legally and another to have a flood of immigrants enter illegally by breaking the laws of the country. 

Yes, that is a trusted strategy. Don't like facts, just ignore and or don't believe them.

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5 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

I would venture to say that many of these Countries have descended into hell holes because of Western Exploitation. Political assassinations and continued manipulation of South and Central American Nations by US based multinational firms, CIA and Drug Cartels have all contributed to the steady flow of Refugees to the USA. You cannot crow you are the greatest Country on Earth and not expect those with nothing not to want a slice of the pie.


Were "many of these countries" in a much better way prior to said "Western Exploitation"? Could you confidentially assert that had it been otherwise they'd be better off? IMO, many of these countries would just be in a different pile of manure, or "exploited" by other powers.

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6 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

I would venture to say that many of these Countries have descended into hell holes because of Western Exploitation. Political assassinations and continued manipulation of South and Central American Nations by US based multinational firms, CIA and Drug Cartels have all contributed to the steady flow of Refugees to the USA. You cannot crow you are the greatest Country on Earth and not expect those with nothing not to want a slice of the pie.

I think you are pointing the finger at the wrong group for exploitation. It is exploitation by their own leaders in their own country. Outside influences do not decide on what happens inside a country. They make their own bed and should sleep in it.Blaming others is so immature and irresponsible

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46 minutes ago, Morch said:


Were "many of these countries" in a much better way prior to said "Western Exploitation"? Could you confidentially assert that had it been otherwise they'd be better off? IMO, many of these countries would just be in a different pile of manure, or "exploited" by other powers.


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